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tv   Action News 600 PM  ABC  October 23, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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hospital that is designated as a facility for isolation, identification and treatment of the ebola virus, results of tests should come within the next 12 hours, the doctor recently returned from guinea and voluntarily quarantined himself in his apartment on 47th street in manhattan, he developed fever and symptoms and notified authorities, of course world news tonight with david muir will have more on this case next on channel 6. on the day before the annual rivalry game with central bucks east, central bucks west suspended the football season and suspended the coaching staff after a hazing incident. dann cuellar is live now. >> reporter: yes its a bombshell, shock and extreme disappointment among students
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and parents that one of the top alcohol programs shut down for the rest of the year in the wake of this hazing scandal but the superintendant tells us that swift and firm action was absolutely necessary. it's central bucks school district announced that the remainder of the varsity and junior varsity season is over. this before the big game against their rival, central bucks east. further that all members of the varsity and junior varsity coaching staff is suspended affective immediately after it was concluded that some members of the freshman team were forced to perform humiliating act. one was forced to grab a player's private parts while fully clothed. >> he said i recognize that this news is disappointing and upsetting to many, this firm and swift action is absolutely
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necessary. >> it's sad because of the rest of the season is canceled. i'm part of the marching band, my last two games were taken. >> this stinks that it occurred to our school because of our rivalry, it's so big and so famous. we were on the news last year. >> i'm frustrated as a parent, my son is a senior player, he played the o line and d line, and he had no issues with hazing conduct the last three years. and this is my school. >> the superintendant apologized to any member of the football program that were subjected to the behavior. and chastised the coaching staff for allowing the activities to spin out of control and become hazing. we are live here now at central
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bucks, dann cuellar, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. state police have identified the teenager killed in a crash at 12:30 in white marsh township. 18-year-old michael graham of norristown was a passenger in the car that struck a guardrail and struck a tractor trailer, and graham had to be freed where he died a short time later, they were taken to abington moment real hospital. now judge thomasina tynes allegedly accepted a $2,000 bracelet from a businessman turned informant. david henry is live at police headquarters, david what is the details here? >> it's sad, she is 71 years old and could have eased in retirement after serving as judge of traffic court instead tynes spent the day in a holding
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cell here at police headquarterers all for a $2,000 tiffany bracelet. >> this is an example of tangible evidence of the quid pro quo. >> the d.a. says that judge tynes accepted the bracelet as a gift for a lucrative contract but that businessman was an informant wearing a wire. >> he said we are not going to the park right? we are trying to go to the bank and the judge responded, dealing witness greens. >> the color of money according to investigators, the d.a. says that after the informant gave tynes the bracelet, at a lunch meeting they raised their glasses and toasted to making money. this investigation was initiated by the district attorneys office and then dropped by kathleen
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kane when she became attorney general and then seth williams picked it up after seeing convincing audio and video surveillance. and there are four state representatives that haven't been charged but remain under investigation. there is another elected official that was almost insulted that he when one first, i am very close with judge tynes, i can get you that -- >> williams behinded that the investigation could reach further than tynes. he urged anyone with dealings with the informant to come forward before it is too late. >> a short time ago judge tynes left without having to post bail. she faces sentencing in december on a perjury conviction in federal court after the federal investigation of philadelphia traffic court.
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david henry, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. from our delaware newsroom tonight an 8-year-old girl is in the hospital after an early morning fire in mill town, firefighters were called to the scene on the 2400 block of heritage court just before 7:00. investigators say that the girl was cooking when a grease fire erupted and that set off the fire alarm and neighbors sprang into action to put out the flames. >> i ran and got my fire extinguisher and now the table is burning and a neighbor from downstairs came up with their extinguisher and put the fire out and it's billowing with smoke and the girl is back in the apartment. >> the girl suffers burns to her hands and neck and chest. police are investigating why the girl was home by herself when the fire broke out. in philadelphia, members of central high school field hockey team are crying unfair, they are
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disqualified from the playoffs because of the presence of a certain member of their team, a low. live now is sara bloomquist. >> reporter: that is right the central high school field hockey team thought they would be on this field in this game but in the last minute, they were replaced by girls high and it was all because of a boy. >> four teams faced off in the field hockey playoffs. the central high team was not eligible. >> because that boy played on their team. >> it's unfair we had such a short notice. >> their coach, said nobody mentioned that no boys were allowed in the post season, i was not notified about the rule change, boys could play in the
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past. it made no difference whatsoever. >> the association that governors all high school sports in the state enacted the rule in june and principals can make exceptions and allow a boy to play during the regular season and then that team is considered mixed gender and not allowed to play in the playoffs. >> the ruling should be either boys can play or not play. not they can be on the team and then disqualified in the playoff. >> parents of girls that play on other teams don't think they should play any time during the season. >> we played them and he plays goal keeper and it made a difference in the game. >> don't think boys should be playing against a girl's field hockey team. >> a piaa spokesperson says they
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met with every field director and principal in the spring to go over the rules, they are not sure why there was a break down in the philadelphia district, a spokesperson did not return our request for comment. i'm sara bloomquist, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you sara. coming up on "action news" tonight, the womens soccer team from trinidad and tobago is in town. thanks to the help of very generous donors and the eagles hope to keep soaring against the cardinals on sunday and improvement on offense they say is key. most of the rain is moved out and it's cool and windy and i am tracking the return of warmer sunshine in time for your weekend. i'll have details notice accuweather forecast.
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the philadelphia police and fraternal order of police are asking for a life line, they are collecting old cell phones for women against abuse and they will be given to victims of demessedic abuse. with 12 days until election day, candidates are in the final push, for the eight congressal -- mike fitzpatrick and democrat kevin straws, the candidates face off one more
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time tomorrow morning. the bucks chamber of commerce. the team from rebuilding together philadelphia took over the 1900 block of north marshall street, students corporate volunteers and neighbors gave makeovers to seven homes, the group spruced up homes for low income homeowners since it was founded in 1988, this weekend the women as world cup soccer qualifying games are being held at the union home stadium, ppl park. the women from trinidad and tobago, will be the first team to ever qualify. despite they didn't have money to buy lunch when they got here. >> the princesses as they are
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called, couldn't come up with enough money to process their visa applications, last minute support from trinidad brought them to the u.s. but without equipment and money to eat. >> their coach ranee walldrum best known for bringing notre dame to two titles put a plea on twitter for help. and the donations poured in. >> the first game was against the u.s. in kansas city. and they won 1-0 and then beat guatemala in d.c., 2-1. they have an unbelievable run here and we are all extremely proud of them. >> what is it about this team that brought them this far. >> i think the overall spirits of this squad we believe in the
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group and that has led us to this point. >> the team's technical director says the confidence is at an all-time high. that is a good thing. on friday they face costa rica and the u.s. goes up against mexico, seen here departing it's bus. >> what is your chance against costa rica. >> we have a game plan and if we stick to it, we'll have a good chance. >> i know the u.s. is voting for the u.s. team but we may be their second favorite team. lisa tho
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what's the truth on taxes? says it's tom corbett who's being dishonest. they say tom wolf has a plan to reduce income taxes for the middle class and cut local property taxes. and tom corbett? it's corbett who slashed education by a billion dollars... ...and now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. and it's corbett who's increasing gas taxes by 28 cents a gallon. tom corbett. desperate and dishonest. eagles coming back from their by week and they are on the road. >> a cross country trip against a team that is underrated.
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a cardinals team, this game will not be easy but the birds are focused on themselves and cleaning up things in their own house. jeff skversky explains. >> he has a touch down! >> the eagles are 5-1 and one of the best teams in the nfl and averaging 35 points per game the most in the nfc that doesn't mean that they are a team without flaws, nobody is worse on the 20 yard line this year. >> we need to convert. >> everybody has that feeling, the important thing is how do you move on for that. there is nothing we can do about that. the most important thing is records not stats. >> chip kelly took the by week to study film, one piece comes in handy, last week's arizona game tape, when nick foles threw two touch zones, we are not waxing nostalgic, just cut and
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dry and hard and fast, what are we getting with three and 6. i know their scheme and then raekts react, you try to react when the play is going on. once the ball is snapped, you analyze it in that split second and a split second in the red zone may help decide whether they leave arizona 6-1 or 5-2. >> start your sunday with us, eagles game day kickoff comes live from arizona, mike smart has an interview with herremans. we'll recap the came from arizona. the sixers wrap up their free season schedule in detroit. nerlins noel is a game time
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decision. and after going winless in their first four games, the flyers are enjoying their second victory in the past three games. they finished with three goals in the third period. they play again at home on sunday against detroit. the world series is shaping up to be a good one, it's 1-1 and they play tomorrow night in san francisco, they avoided an 0-2 hole last night. the royals scored five runs in the sixth and the royals won 7-2 and once again game three is tomorrow night. grady size mar is sticking around the phillies signed him to a one year deal worth $2 million, he made an immediate impact when he was signed back in june. he fizzled later, just four hits in the month of september. >> that is fizzling. the new center is about to
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take shape in the king of prussia, on the $14 million facility on valley forge road, it offer a fitness center and a walking and running track and meeting spaces and it's the new home of the upper merion parks and rec reaction department and the senior center. the project is this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose
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backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. this has not been your most pleasant day courtesy of accuweather. >> but it's getting better and own one stray shower out there.
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stormtracker 6 live double scan showing most of the region is rain free but there is one area of light showers right on the border of lancaster and chester county near quarriville and west of honey brook 322 route 30 and this is generally shrinking in size and should move out in the next few minutes. we are coming off a rainy and cool period, how much rain you received depends on where you lived. in allentown less than an inch, philadelphia a half inch and brick township, northeastern ocean county close to 4 inches of rain over the last to days. not everybody got the same am but we all got the chill. 64 degrees today in philadelphia and 7 degrees below the average high for this year and tomorrow the temperatures will be slightly warmer than normal. it will be improving.
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philadelphia now 56 degrees and millville 55 and allentown 53 and wilmington 56 and the poconos a chilly 44, satellite 6 along with action radar showing the center of the slow moving low pressure is now near nantucket, and they are still getting heavy rain in northeastern new england and we are just dealing with clouds and as the low pressure moves away the clouds will clear up. tomorrow will be nicer, a mixture of sun and clouds and still breezy and high pressure is moving in from the west and winds gusts up to 20 to 25 miles per hour. on saturday, looking nice, 67 degrees and loads of sunshine and the high prsh is dominating and the cold front moves through on saturday night and limited moisture to deal with. and it bring a few clouds and it's quite breezy on sunday and it's a dry weekend and temperatures are slightly above
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normal, so looking nice, clouds slowly break late tonight and breezy and it will be seasonably chilly and 44 in the suburbs and 48 for center city, and 48 at 7:00 and cool start to the day by 10:00, 56 and 1:00, bright sunshine and 63 and by 4:0060 degrees. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast breezy and warmer tomorrow and some clouds in the morning and loads of sunshine in the afternoon, 66 degrees and on saturday get out and enjoy the day. mostly sunny with a high of 67 degrees, behind the cold front on sunday the temperature drops 1 degree but winds gusts up to 25 miles per hour, so we'll be win whipped and 66 degrees and monday nice and 65 and mostly sunny and if you like things warm you'll like tuesday and wednesday, tuesday mostly sunny
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and 73 and wednesday warmer at 76 degrees, increasing clouds before a cold front moves through and that front will bring us a round of showers wednesday night and temperatures will be dropping on thursday, with a high of 66 degrees, and an advanced word from halloween we are on the cool side. you like to bundle up, you don't like it warm on halloween because if you have a fleece costume you are sweating. >> it's not going to be warm. >> abc's world news with david muir is next on channel 6. "action news" continues at 10:00 on phl 17 with brian taff, shirleen allicot, ducis rogers and adam joseph. and please join us for "action news" at 11:00 on choice. for the entire "action news" team i'm jim gardner, we hope you'll join us at 11:00.
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welcome to "world news tonight." and breaking now. all yils on new york city. is it a new case of ebola? how many people did this american patient come in contact with? why health authorities are so concerned about this one. the stunning new images tonight. watch this. that's the alleged gunman, the terror right across the border. armed, racing beside parliament. and tonight, how many times did the suspect come here to the u.s.? the storm zone. the nor'easter slamming into the coast. we're right in the middle of it. while in the west tonight, the pictures coming in right now. the possible tornado. the breaking news. the deadly mid-air collision between a helicopter and a plane. what we're learning right now. and the new findings tonight. a glass of wine or beer, later in life. how much actually helps you. a toast to that.