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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  May 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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in the sold out crowd? >> it will be good. i don't think it is any different from college. >> clark for three. >> reporter: preseason games drew huge crowds. >> let's go. >> reporter: since she joined the indiana fever, ticket prices have skyrocketed. her number 22 jersey is one of the top selling jerseys in any sport. >> what a slick pass. >> reporter: it comes as the wnba announced the addition of a new team. the golden state valkaryies. clark's record breaking time in the ncaa has fans sticking around to see what the 22-year- old can do in the prose. hoping for a few more of those logo threes. >> what's a logo three? well, this is the logo. in the middle of the court. she shoots from here. all the way to there. and makes it all the time. >> reporter: clark went first in the draft. just last month. >> the indiana fever select
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caitlin clark. >> reporter: tonight, her pro career officially begins bringing in new fans and transforming the league. stephanie gosk, connecticut. >> clark and her teammates will be in new york city this weekend taking on the liberty. if you want to goings you better get your tickets soon. and on that note, i wish you a very good night. ari melber is up next and you do not want to miss tomorrow night's show. senatormitt romney will join me for an exclusive interview. he is reflects on his final year in congress and offering his view on how conservatives should approach the 2024 election and beyond. thanks for staying up late with me. good to be back. i'll see you at the end of tomorrow. the final witness for the prosecution. >> i have lied but i am not a
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liar. >> reporter: back on the stand. >> he went through all his legal troubles. >> reporter: under cross- examination from the defense. >> he is obsessed with revenge against donald trump. that's what they are saying. >> reporter: as donald trump rolls in with a full entourage including the speaker of the house. >> president trump is a friend and i want ed to be here to support him. >> reporter: chris hayes and alex wagner break down what happened inside and outside the courtroom. with rachel maddow, lawrence o'donnell, ari melber, katie phang, and msnbc legal and political experts when trump on trial begins right now. >> good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes along with alex wagner. thank you for joining us for our special coverage of day 17 of donald trump's criminal trial. we will be join bid rachel maddow and lawrence o'donnell
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to break down what we heard. my experience was firsthand watching him testify in the courthouse. how did he do? he finished direct testimony with the prosecution before an intense cross-examination with the defense in the afternoon. he told the jury the story that is by now a familiar one. michael cohen's transformation from a loyal conniving energetic hustler to a fierce trump critic. who has now spent years cooperating with various investigations into him. the transformation from trump
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acolyte to trump critic. he sat ten feet away from the man responsible for that. much like his former boss, michael cohen is a guy whose got a long record of not telling the truth. from where i was siting in the courthouse. when it came to core allegations. cohen did seem sincere. when he was on the level. the mayor central question, one that might decide the case is what the jury makes of the man that they saw on the stand today. >> i have a lot of questions for you. >> great. >> i do want to say i was struck the course of the last few days and it came to a head today. that a certain essential part
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of the defensive strategy is predicated on the assumption that people are no bigger than the jobs they do. stormy daniels the porn star would reveal herself on the stand to be a sleazy bottom feeder. and that under withering cross- examination, she would just fall like a house of cards. the same assumption seemed to be made for michael cohen. as it turns out, stormy daniels was an incredibly strong really resilient witness that seemed incredibly credible and humiliated the defense and michael cohen they tried to prod into being a rage machine showing he was a bottom feeding grifter. they would give these statements and he would say sounds like something i said. he was completely unapologetic. you can tell he took pride in the work he did. and i don't know, chris, he seemed really credible. at least on paper.
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what was it like in the courtroom? >> in the courtroom i will say. throughout the day, there is sort of we started with the direct. and then went to the cross after the launch break. and just generally it is my first time in that courtroom. it is probably a seven or eight out of ten. it is like, this is like a seven or a eight. judge merchan as tremendous. it feels like the epitome of judicial temperament. everything that is happening is sort of orderly. and moving along. i agree with you that again, we got the best version of michael cohen yesterday. was there going to be some blow
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up moment? where he slams the podium and says yes. i'm lying. you're right that he kept composure the entire time. and maintained that more quiet chaste inversion of himself. there were a few glimmers of the other michael cohen. >> did you call him, you know, a cheeto faced dictator? i'm mashing up all the words together. but he had relinquished his rage in a lot of ways for the most part. and that seems really powerful to me. >> i will say, and we'll talk about this more as we go throughout the evening. i will say on cross, there were moments where he seemed nervous. shifty. a little cotton mouth. going for water. there were very few long pauses. when you ask someone a
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question. they go. that pause doesn't make you think well like now i'm going to get the truth. there was a little bit of that. all of that is a little atmospheric. we whether talk about it the next few hours. none of that drilled down to the sort of core questions at issue for guilt or innocence of the defendant. who sat there i will say with the failings of friends, family members. >> his buffer zone. >> the person that puts together the word doc that has all the nice articles about him. >> you had an eagle eyes view. this is a good example i think that epitomizes a little bit of the cross. we sort of know the conversion story. i don't know how much the
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jurors know. you also said again i said in 2015, that in your view, president trump speaks from the heart. i said that. all he wants to do is make this country great again. you said that. sounds right. at that time, you weren't lying right? cohen, at that time, i was knee deep into the cult of donald trump. yes. that was the story that got told today. we watched under direct the trajectory of michael cohen in the fold and outside the fold. and then that theme continued in the cross of is there something the jury should suspect about michael cohen because he went from in the fold to outside the fold? we are joined now by rachel maddow and lawrence o'donnell who was also at the courthouse today. >> yeah. and, look. the simple score card reporting is not a single point. relevant point was scored
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against michael cohen on cross- examination. to everyone's surprise, the demeanor held up. that was the suspense of last night. the suspense was wow, that is the most remarkable version of michael cohen we have ever seen. but can he do it on cross? he is such a defensive and combative guy in every other environment. but he was contained as most people are by the pressures on the confines of the courtroom. especially the witness stand. you got to remember when lives end up in a criminal courtroom and you are the key witness for a criminal prosecution, yours is a broken life. because you are here as the eyewitness who your friends murder and you are part of a tragedy yourself. so michael cohen's life was
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broken by all of this. and what you saw on the witness stand was this broken man. and i love what we saw from the courtroom art. the capturing of michael cohen's mournful face which is what this was. mourning for his own mistakes. mourning for the terrible mistakes and describing a family intervention to get him to turn away from what was literally his life of crime with donald trump. and save what could be left of his life by the simple course of telling the truth to prosecutors. doing time in prison turns out will be a consequence of this. and chris, one thing i say about michael cohen's pauses on answering questions, i took those to be smart moments. the jury won't be thinking the way i am about it. but seeing the witnesses, especially lawyer witnesses. what he is doing is listening
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to every word you just said and deciding how to answer it, whether he should answer it, whether he should ask for clarification and it never felt to me like it was something weird about the pause. but it could to a jury who doesn't know that is what i see going through his mind. >> and there was a little bit of this thing happening, having been through depositions. there is a little bit of this, a question is asked. and you sort of quibble the characterization. so blanche comes back. at one point, there was a big standoff. blanche. was that a lie? it wasn't truthful. well it wasn't a lie. i'm asking if you call it a lie. there are a few of those standoffs. but again, yes, i think that was intentional on cohen's part. right? he is a lawyer. that last point, the weight of all this which again, when we were talking yesterday, everyone was talking, it was like is this going to last?
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it was clear today that spectral presence he had. this gaunt broken guy. that remained throughout. rachel, obviously, you were following raptly today i'm sure. what was your take away? >> my big take away was is this all there is? for the defense. yeah. i mean, i think that you know, the defense is under no obligation to put any witnesses forward at all. lawrence has been very articulate and persuasive in saying that there is zero percent chance that they will put the defendant that they will put their own client donald trump on the stand in his own defense. but we don't know if they will put anybody. and so, if they don't, this is their defense. the cross-examination of michael cohen is the defense's case. and to get what blanche was able to get out him today, there was nothing. which makes me feel like they
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must be incredibly confident in their ability to try to get a mistrial ruling here. or something surprising is going to happen on thursday or they didn't bring it because there was really nothing. especially when you consider that when the prosecution laid out their case at the out set, they basically said this is a documents case. we will butt michael cohen on the stand. you will hear about why. and everything we need to prove to you in order for you to come back with a guilty verdict will be bolstered by corroborating evidence. by multiple witnesses and adopts and they spent a last couple of weeks doing that. giving all the corroborating witness testimony. they get to their culminating witness. and he performs perfectly. as a witness for them. he doesn't lose his cool. he doesn't go into weird side bars. they hand him over to the
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defense today after lunch. i have to tell you, i thought this was it. they will keep donald trump out of prison. it was just nothing. so maybe thursday is going to be something. but otherwise, it looks like they are just not mounting a defense at all. >> i was struck by the same thing. not only where's the beef. but also the spaghetti against the walls. they try to point cohen as a bunch of different things. unreliable narrater or grifter. or spurned lover. >> i might have found any one
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of them effective had the prosecution not laid all of them out in context. i didn't know that michael cohen had called the defense lawyer todd blanche a crying little swear word. the prosecution did a good job at illicitting the witnesses. michael cohen, he only fixes things he broke. we get everything you could want about michael cohen we have. and they put it all in context. here is what he was when he served donald trump. here is when he stopped serving donald trump. here are the sins he has
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committed. for todd blanche to be up there as donald trump's defense lawyer, oh, but michael cohen, didn't you lie to congress? yeah, we heard the explanation for that already and know why it is. why are you bringing it up again? >> the thing that struck me today on the cross is again, i do think there are plausible stories to tell here. for instance, when they are spending a lot of time on his podcast. the different merchandise you sell on your website. at that point, at least was legible to me. there were large parts of the cross today that i could not follow. and i think i'm pretty good.
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it was a small color thing. in the direct, all of the evidence is being put up for all of us to see. which is extremely helpful. here is the pay stub. during the cross, when they would present a document to michael cohen to refresh his memory, it was not admitted into evidence broadly. which meant he is looking at a screen. you don't see what the document is. again, this is intentional. it is really hard to pull up the whole thing. there were long lines of questioning where i'm just lost here. i was like what are we doing with the phones? why are we on the phones thing. >> michael cohen is looking at a document we cannot see and he says you are misrepresenting what is on this document so it is not working on any level. but hey, welcome to the representation of a guilty
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client. this is what it looks like when a criminal defense lawyer has a client who did exactly what stormy daniels said he did. this is what it looks like when you are representing a client who did indeed conspire to create false business records. you may have heard it in the first ten minutes. is they are going to try to create reasonable doubt. but presidential level reasonable doubt. they will bring you a higher level of reasonable doubt. you can't possibly convict him on the word of that man. >> rachel, lawrence, stay with us. it was a combative scene in the courtroom. but the scene outside was somehow just as wild. we are talking about the transparent attempt to appease trump and the work around the gag order via the speaker of the house basically next. e bas
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they are speaking very beautifully. they came from all the way from washington and they are highly respected. >> donald trump loves ranting about the prosecution against him and the witnesses and the judges and the judge's daughter and the jurors. but how to do it without running afoul of his gag order? well, have thirsty republican
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proxies do it for him. last week it was florida united states senator rick scott. yesterday it was ohio united states senator jd vance. outside the courthouse today, trump's entourage of political sycophants and wannabes included the governor of north dakota. vivek ramaswamy. that guy. that guy has a podcast i'm sure. and the speaker of the house. >> all of us are here as friends of donald trump supporting him. in our personal capacity. >> president trump is innocent of these charges. >> the american people have already acquitted donald trump. >> the judicial system in our country has been weaponnized against president trump. >> this trial is a joke. this thing is a farce. >> it is one of the most depressing places i have been in my life. >> where's the crime? >> the real bookkeeping we need accounting of is judge merchan's own family member collecting millions of dollars as a democratic operative. >> it is so corrupt and
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everybody knows it. >> he couldn't say those things himself. so they said them for us. still with us, rachel maddow and lawrence o'donnell. i want to say one thing about this because i was sitting in the morning behind that row of folks so it was eric and laura trump. the staffer who puts together the papers laura trump holds. >> it is a job in trump world. >> the portfolio of that. and it was congressman bergham. and what was so striking to me, here is michael cohen up on the stand. let me tell you how it goes. where you give up your own sense of core self of who you are and devote yourself to
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serving this man. here is what it looks like. and they are there in the front row doing the thing. all auditioning to be the next version of michael cohen or specifically, the next version of michael pence and mike cohen never had a mob running through the capitol trying to literally murder him. it was so striking these people have decided this is what, doug burgham is worth $400 million. what are you doing there, dude? and listen to the guy on the stand. this is not the only person who has this story. i got news for you. >> i have to say that i just as a television is a visual medium. it is not my area of expertise, but i feel like i could do a little bit of analysis. one thing that has changeed in the republican party is that they are being in the tank for donald trump. over the last five years has become so tanked they are now
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dressed like him, too? wearing the same outfit like they were the rockettes. they are dressed up like him to praise him. they all use the same language. they all describe him as their friend. i don't know if donald trump has friends. i don't think that vivek ramaswamy is one of them. if he does have friends. and, this is a display of sycophants and a job interview as you say, chris. but it is also, it is also a serious thing. what they are doing is showing up and attacking the judicial system. there is more to say about that. the initial just seeing them. seeing them all showed up
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together calling him their dear friend when he doesn't know any of their last names. it is sad. it an interesting snapshot of the republican party. >> let me squeeze in a fact check on that lie you heard about the judge's daughter making millions of dollars. the judge's daughter has never made one million dollars. so this is all part of the propaganda lie going on down there. but here is the most important thing that happened politically in america today. the republican party has risen up boldly and bravely in defense of what they call adultery with porn stars, paying off the porn star secretly, altering your business records to cover up paying off the porn star secretly so that you might more successfully run for president. that is the position they took today. it will be fascinating to see what their position is at their churches on sunday about why they were at the porn star
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trial in another state where they don't live. but for them to be now the party 100% in favor of sex of any kind with important stars in any state of marriage you might be in. but totally opposed to any possible abortion option that might result from the republican candidate having sex with a porn star. they have come down solidly against that whole end of the story. but, they will defend every other thing that donald trump did in that room with stormy daniels and everything he has done about it since. >> never forget that donald trump had the miss universe pageant. the reason they were in a matching out fit, it is the swim suit competition for the veep stakes. and they are wearing the same matching suits and they all have their turn at the mic. it's the interview portion where they are auditioning. i think you are absolutely
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right to point out the shameless hypocrisy. he tells the country that the judicial system is a sham. seems like a problem for this country. right? but i go back to chris' point. they have the cautionary tale. michael cohen sitting on the stand telling them what it is like to cash out in the moral bankruptcy court. and it makes no difference. >> there is also, there is something comedic about it and pathetic. it almost breaks my ability to mentally model what they are doing. i really feel like if someone asked me to do this kind of thing, there is nothing you could offer me that would make me desire to humiliate myself in that way. that is pure vanity. not ethical objection. >> it is kind of ethical. >> it is ethical, but it is so pathetic but it also has
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something really menacing about it. they are trying to shoot the moon. they are making a high leverage bet. that's the higher leverage bet michael cohen made. i could be adjacent to power and have people do what i want them to do. they are making a very high leverage bet. they could be adjacent to power and to particularly unconstrained kinds of power. that is worth what is on display. in the swim suit competition. >> yes. and, i would also say the rule of law is a concept. it is also really a specific thing. to have the speaker of the house there saying don't listen to this witness. and this prosecution is a sham and a politically motivating proceeding. and this court proceeding is a joke and shouldn't be paid attention to. the rule of law is a specific
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thing. it is a concrete process where there are people who work in the court system. and they have families and there are people who have to serve as witnesses and jurors in this system. to have every leading light in the republican party lining up and saying our judicial system doesn't count. and it is stacked against you and me. this is important in the rule of law. this is the republican party of the united states lining up in unison saying our court system effectively ought to be dismantled. and this is a crucial moment as a democracy. but we are going to look back on this time. as a much more serious moment when kevin mccarthy went to mar-
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a-lago and kissed the ring. we will look at the republican politicians showing up at the courthouse and denouncing the judicial branch of government as a crucial moment in the fall of american democracy if this proceeds to another trump presidency. this will be a landmark thing as stupid as it feels in the moment. >> one of the great losses of not being able to televise this trial in a new york state court is that america cannot see how completely fair it is. donald trump's lawyers get half of their objections sustained. if they could see what you described, chris, as his fairness and how full that fullness is constantly, you could say to these people, tell me which one you disagreed with. which objection do you think he should not have sustained? there is no capacity to do that because we are not televising this and america is not seeing
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how purely fair this trial actually is. >> rachel maddow and lawrence o'donnell, thank you very much for being with us. we will see you in a little bit, lawrence. we will dive into the legal strategy behind what we heard and how it might play out, that's next. ht play out, that's next. we're trying to save the planet with nuggets. because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. we're solving the meat problem with more meat. shop etsy until june 16th and get up to 30% off father's day gifts that go beyond the classic go-to. save on personalized gear, and other things dads dig. when you want a one-of-a-kind gift to show him he's #1. etsy has it. ( ♪♪ ) my name is jaxon, and i have spastic cerebral palsy. it's a mouthful. one of the harder things is the little things that i need help with:
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during the first day of michael cohen's cross- examination, the defense aimed to make one thing very clear.
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michael cohen has been allegedly obsessed with donald trump even before he became president. here is defense attorney todd blanche. you were actually obsessed with trump weren't you? cohen, i don't know if i would characterize it as obsessed. i admired him tremendously. >> you described yourself as obsessed. correct. >> you admired him even before you started working for him, correct? >> cohen. that's correct. joins us now are lisa rubin, msnbc legal cormac upon dent and charles coleman, former new york prosecutor, now a criminal defense and civil rights attorney. very good to have some legal minds weigh in on this. the idea that michael cohen was effectively a single white female like character in trump line. is the point of that from a defense point of view to suggest that cohen might have acted on his own to make the stormy daniels problem go away
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for trump? >> yes. >> did they do that? >> no. i'm being cross-examined now. see? no, i don't think they did, alex. i think they were trying to show he was motivated to do it alone and so obsessed with trump that having been spurned by him, he is engageing in a scorched earth strategy to make the man's life miserable i don't think they succeeded. i wrote down after reading the cross-examination all the different themes they floated and not a single one of them was a winner. he was media hungry and wealthy. he was before, too. he wouldn't take direction from the da. does that make him not credible? he was a leaker. they insinuated he was leaking information to the press and they never got anywhere with that. if they can establish that actually happened and that he
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was destructive to the da's case. i'm not sure where that goes. he is an incentivized witness because he dislikes trumpment he is also a person who was the only person who served jail time for crimes related to the ones being charged. and he was sent back to prison during covid after he was released on home confinement. if he has an ax to grind, it's a deserved bun. he has a binder. the da's office gave him a binder with his plea allocution in it. that is supposed to make him biased. no, that is to refresh his recollection about things in his knowledge. the final one is that he messed with his phones before he gave them to the da's office. the insinuation, the fbi returned them to him. the insinuation is either cohen or a man named jeremy rosenburg who was an investigator in the da's office somehow messed with the phones to edit that september 6th, 2016 phone call through which trump makes the most damning admissions in the
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case. >> charles? >> i rest. >> so, the defense's strategy is they have no strategy. they do not have strong facts. we all knew this going in. so to try to get to the point of a hung jury or a mistrial, your strategy is confusion and misdirection. that is everything they have been doing with respect to the legal theories they are tried to float. we are at the point where i can honestly say that todd blanche may be in over his head. because this is state court and i want to point that out. he has spent a lot of his career as a federal prosecutor that is very different than being a criminal defense attorney in state court. primarily because as a federal prosecutor, you do not try many cases. you settle cases a lot.
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and in the cases that you actually try, many of the defendants do not testify. so you are not as used to cross- examination as you would be if you were a attorney practicing in state court. that's the value of what we are talking about. in terms of donald trump's federal cases he might be the guy. but in this situation now, i feel like necheles would have been a better choice to conduct this cross-examination. >> can i ask. i watched this. i was there in the overflow room during cross. i find myself having a hard time following it. but also, i'm a very, i'm not the median juror right? so the one thing that was clear to me and did seem effective is cohen seemed shifty. he did. he seemed he was taking sips of water. he seemed like he was, i would describe him as squirrely. and, you know, confronted with things that he had in the past. there were moments when you felt like he was reluctantly maybe getting to the truth.
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but not particularly like forthcoming. does that add up to them eviscerating any of the core facts? no. does it to my mind defeat the burden or get at the burden? no. but i'm curious what you thought. how much that matters, whether that is enough to get you where you need to go. >> i thought cohen's worst moment of the day was on direct. at the civil fraud trial where cohen testified he was asked about the plea he took before the judge in the southern district. he insisted while he pled guilty to sax evasionings he didn't commit the crime and he was asked basically were you lying then or now and he said squarely on the sand there, i was lying. when asked to explain that testimony today on the other hand, cohen gave him a very different answer and said i'm not contesting the facts. but, i didn't like the process. that is not going to play well on cross with a well prepped
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cross-examer. >> ultimately, i think a lot of that depends on the characterization the prosecution puts forward. are you going to say look, this was a guy who was in cahoots with donald trump. he is a guy who may have been a little bit of a schlep. and now he has figured it out. this was not to his benefit and he changed his tune. that is where it all comes into play. when he ended on direct. he kind of had this strong stance. the defense makes him look shifty. served to undercut that. >> we have a lot more for this strategy. thank you as always my friend. lisa, we are not done with you yet. stick around. we are going to examine the catch and kill world that trump and cohen lived in with a guest
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rudy giuliani. michael cohen says castella told him the relationship would be beneficial since rudy giuliani had the ear of president trump and it was clear from his testimony he felt pressured to hire this lawyer, a man enmeshed in this world who would ensure anything michael cohen said would go back to trump . he said in writing, submitted as evidence and ready for the court, about a conversation he had. " thank you for opening this back channel of communication. " we have locklin cartwright, and inquire, i saw you there, today. i thought this stuff today was really wild and incriminating because it really felt almost like, you know, a mob boss parity.
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>> sleep well tonight, your friends in high places. it was this line straight out of a mafioso movie. if it wasn't for the fact that michael cohen had this thrust upon him, basically saying, you know, you were spoken about in the white house, he's putting the screws on him to stay quiet and it was this moment you were like, never do crimes in writing. use the signal that you taught david pecker about. it was terrifying, that this language is being used by someone who clearly, he had his home just raided by the fbi. >> is representing himself like, here's how it works, i'm representing the president and if you hire me, you have a back channel. we are on your team, and over the course of these various emails that get introduced which are corroborative,
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michael cohen is characterized and it sounds hyperbolic. they are putting the screws to this guy. >> absolutely. one of the things is one of the points, is we come from the southern district, we know how this is done, and yet he is sending emails like this the entire time. people kept asking me what does he want to represent? it's partially political but the other part is he wants to secure the bag. he gets frustrated with michael cohen toward the end because he does not want to alienate him at the same time. he has his own counsel and doesn't want to sign a retainer agreement. >> when i read that exchange, i thought of all the other co- conspirators and defendants who were being represented by trump world boyars and man, did it sound like a road map did come with us, we will pay your bills and you do what we say. >> michael cohen said he found
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castella sketchy which i think is odd , from michael cohen. >> it was a lot. >> there's also the sense in which, this is something that suffuses the entire trial. that word was funny, but everyone has operated in the most dodgy way possible. it is so clear that what suffuses trump is everyone operating, modus operandi, and the most sketchy fashion. >> you have david pecker, the fixer and keep davidson, representing stormy daniels and karen mcdougal, you've got this world of bottom feeders, these people that, you could not cast them better in a movie and here they are test flying. it's amazing. >> one thing we saw, that moment ends up being a little, right? the make or break moment, does
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he stay on? there was a court -- a tweet read in court, that when the word gets out he is cooperating, the president of the united states, says "i feel badly for him and his family. justice took a 12-year-old tax case and put tremendous pressure on him and like michael cohen, he refused to break. such respect for a brave man." basically, i see you, i see what you're doing from the white house. >> that is the day after he takes his first plea. it's pretty clear what the connection is. one other thing i will say is that michael cohen loved donald trump at the one thing he loved more, and still does, is his family. that tweet in particular really had to knife michael cohen. he's a person who took his pleas largely because his family and maintains he would do it again for his family. >> the sketchy wireline, castella has added, but one of
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the themes is, lawyers for donald trump, for trump world, do end up in hot water and the folks that have been disbarred, that have faced criminal charges, it michael cohen has faced both, rudy giuliani, johnny's and, who basically said he represented the president, a long line of that. thank you both . this is special coverage of "trump on trial." "
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