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tv   Eyewitness News at 530  CBS  September 18, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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the exact same story as yesterday, if you like yesterday you'll love today, bright sunshine, low humidity but how long can this last? eventually it has got to change and i'll tell you when coming up, jessica. good morning. 5:30. we are outside and check out our quiet roadways so far. schuylkill expressway looking nice, you can see in the east and westbound directions this is just at the blue route. we have minor incidents and i will give you details on overnight work just getting cleared up and out of the way, ukee. thanks, jessica. social media campaign helps philadelphia police zero in on several people accused in an attack on the same sex couple. >> in a new development here basketball coach lost his job in connection with this incident. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao live at central detective with the update on the investigation, jan. >> reporter: natasha and ukee, we have new learn someone somehow connected with this case was actually an assistant
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basketball coach at archbishop wood high school. archdiocese officials tell us he was not a teacher but was on a contract basis. he has now been fired and will not aloud to work at any of its other schools. in the meantime police continue its investigation and they have started interviewing several persons of interest. the most recent was this man who arrived at central detectives to speak with police last night. of course, this is all tied to the assault of the gay couple in center city last week. police say suspects are in this group of a dozen men or women and this video was captured just before the assault. they shouted gay slurs at them as they were beaten. within of the victims was so badly injured he was in the hospital for more than three days n word of any arrests yesterday but if charges are file it won't be a hate crime. under current law only crime motivated by race, religion and ethnicity can be prosecuted as hate crimes. it is a law state representative brendon boyle has tried to change including
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sexual orientation but that never made it out of committee. >> there is no question if this were called up for a vote tomorrow it would pass and pass overwhelmingly. >> meanwhile a group of these possible suspects, a picture of this group rather has been circulated on social media at a restaurant rather that they ate at before this assault, at la viola, that restaurant has gotten criticism recently even though the restaurant says it has nothing to do with the attack. it made this statement, in part that we were horrified to learn our patrons could have been involve in such a crime. our thoughts are with the victims and the we wish the gentlemen a speedy recovery. as for charges police say no charges will be filed until they completely understand what happened last thursday night. reporting live outside of central detectives, jane carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> jan, thanks very much. hundreds of officers will the georgia tore pay their final respects to pennsylvania state trooper corporal brian dickson later today. authorities continuing their search through heavily wooded
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area in blooming grove pike county for eric frein. he is the man police say ambush two pennsylvania state troopers on friday night. frein is on the run and considered to be armed and dangerous. pocono school district canceled classes again today as this manhunt continues. >> police are working to track down a suspect who held up a west philadelphia corner store. this is surveillance video from the grocery store on the 3800 block of poplar street focused right at the the bottom right of your screen at the pile of bananas there. robber stuffs one in his sweat shirt pocket as if he had a handgun and pointed it at the cashier demanding money and cigarettes. he got way with unknown amount of cash and got away on a bicycle. 5:33. here's traffic and weather together, katie. >> good morning everybody. this will be a beautiful day off to a cool start as we have been in recent mornings here. not too much changes specially from yesterday but that said if you liked yesterday you'll love today.
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we do have a nice clear sky out there looking live at sky cam three over ben franklin bridge. sky is very dark. we have an hour and ten minutes until that sun will be officially rising up and allowing for more light of day but we will start to see light of day sooner. the official sunrise doesn't happen until 6:44, 6:43 or so. storm scan three well, yes, we have speckles of green popping up there but it is not precipitation. it is what we call ground clutter just radar picking up on something other than precipitation that happened often when you have got a crystal clear sky as we did right now. nothing more than very thin clouds, veiling portions of the central pennsylvania right now. our pattern remains very quiet. despite additional activity. that is a cold front that is very weak that will cross through. it does knock our temperatures back by tomorrow but high pressure continues to rule the area for us towards the end of the week here. by saturday a warm front lift in followed up by a cold front
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which is on saturday will be draped back through the great lakes. things will eventually start to go downhill a bit but we will have a brief break from nice weather. right now it is a cool start, check it out, 45 your current temperature there outlining suburbs, pine land, highest terrain, central pennsylvania farmland is where it is coolest today but i with say everybody should probably think about an extra layer. if you typically get cool when you drop in the 50's, mess have of us to, you will want to have that extra warmth ready to go. later today mid 70's, it looks as beautiful as dit yesterday. >> i'm looking for today two of the perfect weather. thanks, katie. good morning, everybody. 5:35. i like having long sleeves on, good feeling. good morning. we are heading outside to relatively quiet red ways. you can see on the schuylkill expressway just at the blue route, things moving nicely, still headed east bound where headlights are, taillights westbound moving great. same story minister volume starting to build on i-95 at
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cottman. southbound toward the city and still moving along nicely even though with that lane compromised in the right-hand side due to construction. we expect that to backup a bit as rush hour increases later this morning. 202 from route 30 in the schuylkill expressway northbound really clear a 13 minute trip. only seven minutes on 422 from oaks into 202 heading east bound, natasha, back over to you. state lawmakers postponed a vote on the cigarette tax to help fund philadelphia schools. state house was scheduled to vote yesterday but instead push it back to monday. no official word as to why. the latest bill strips out other unrelated provisions which involve local hotel taxes and expansion of the economic development program for small cities. drexel's law school has a new name thanks to the largest gift ever in the school's history. philadelphia lawyer tom kline is donating 50 million-dollar to the school, which will now be called the thomas rkline school have law.
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kline is also a trustee for the university. times 5:36n business news the new style in wedding dresses. >> and how the holidays are shaping up for job hunters out there. money watch's jill wagner joins us live from the insuring stock exchange. >> good morning. >> hi, jill. >> reporter: good morning ukee and natasha. business are getting ready for the holidays and that means hiring. fedex is bringing on 50,000 work tours sort and deliver packages, that is double number from last year thanks to the increase in on line shopping, ups also doubling its holiday work force hiring 95,000 people. kohl's plans to hire 67,000 workers for stores and distribution centers, that number also up from last year. market opens up this morning in record territory, dow jones rose 24 points closing at a new record high. nasdaq up nine. good news for pizza lovers who are watching their waist lines. pizza hut is test marketing skinny slice pies in ohio and florida to start.
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they have less dough and fewer toppings then regular pizzas. they come with less than 300 calories per slice. last thing a bride wants to feel look a disney princess on their wedding day but now they can look like one also. disney consumer products is teaming up with alfred angelo a wedding designer. they want to create wedding and bridesmaid dresses inspired by, you guessed it, the movie, frozen. the dress, of course, is blue, inspired by that catchy song let it go. the the dress will be available starting in january. ukee and natasha. >> frozen is making a killing. they are every where. okay, thanks very much. in other news this morning police in virginia are searching for a man last seen talking to a university of virginia student before she disappeared. eyewitness told charlottesville police he saw that man wrap his arm around hanna graham's shoulders at a downtown mall. in one has seen or her from the 18 year old sips last week
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even. the police chief spoke about his meeting with her parents. >> i can't imagine as a parent and as a husband, i can't imagine what they are going through these past several days. >> the fbi is now aiding in this investigation. well, also happening today lawyers and federal prosecutors in the boston marathon bombing case they are due in court, defense lawyers will ask a judge to move dzhokhar czar nav's trial out of massachusetts, tsarnaev has pleaded not guilty in last years attack that killed three people and injured more than 260 others. the officer at the center of the shooting in missouri goes before a grand jury, officer darren wilson shown here receiving a commendation from the city of ferguson earlier this year. he spent four hours telling a grand jury how and why he shot
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and killed 19 year-old michael brown. the seven men and five women on the grand jury will deciding whether to indict wilson. and straight ahead this morning talk about a true story of brotherly love hear why an nfl player was willing to sacrifice his career. plus a battle brewing over a bobcat in new jersey in a neighborhood there how the frisky feline landed his owner in court. and before you throw sweetener in your coffee you will want to hear this the damage it could be doing to your body. katie? oh, no. >> yep. >> i need to stay tune for that one, okay, we are looking ahead my friend to another stellar day, little cool at on set but hey it is september in philadelphia. that is what we're use to. we will tell but the the next shot of precipitation that comes as early as we can even. full details on the other side. tonight after thursday night fat ball would you ever let your children do this? it is a frightening scene, children approaching drivers
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in rush hour traffic. >> you can run them over. bad deal. where the parent at. >> why is it happening day after day? i'm charlotte huffman with the i team sounding the alarm asking for trouble tonight afte
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philadelphia city council is expect to pass a bill to decriminal ice a bill small amounts of marijuana people would be find $25. 5:43. traffic ape weather on the three's, good morning, katie. >> good morning, everybody. we will start off with a nice wide zoom on storm scan three because we have some movement in the pattern here today as far as upper levels of the atmosphere is concern. there is a cold front that is moving south as we speak. you can see it drape, if you look closely, there is a little bit of light showers, light drizzle falling across the canadian border. this will fall south, overtime but because it comes through so weak you will see a couple
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clouds out of that. what happens behind that is high pressure will once again regain control, drop in for a day and a half and then we will as a result to drop off here with the thermometer. temperatures tomorrow generally speaking will be five to 10 degrees below seasonal average where predominantly northerly flow the with the win. looking at future weather, friday morning, so tomorrow morning 3:00 a.m. as we put things into motion here about the time sunnies coming up is when you hit your early morning low obviously. as the sun comes up a delayed reaction. we will need time to warm up. you will be in the 40's or flirting with the 30's for the remote suburbs in the poconos and because of some of that cooler a air settling in, mess of the day, again, notice time stamp 4:00 p.m. tomorrow, mess of the day the at best you are in the 60's. this ace i really nice dose of fall and classic example of why you want to have layers ready. that goes for today too. not as cool as tomorrow will be but you have to give it an a plus. i would add a few more pluses
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but another beautiful day like what we saw yesterday. over weekend warm front saturday lets temperatures climb, sun take in advance of the cold front, we will see highs in the 80's. our next shot for precipitation does in the come until sunday night, jessica, over to you. good morning everybody. 5:45. we will go outside, where everything is still quiet, so far this morning. ninety-five just at the commodore barry bridge you can see everything moving nicely southbound where headlights toward delaware, north bound toward the blue route moving along great there as well. same story on the vine street expressway. people starting to come out of the woodworks here. westbound toward schuylkill and eastbound toward 95 moving nicely, all of those cars coming off of the ben franklin bridge. out in new jersey still that crash closing a red there 12th street completely close at the waymutt road. your alternate just to take friend ship road. overnight work still in new jersey just until 6:00 a.m., expect them to start cleaning that up out of the way.
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route 130 southbound at riverton road until 6:00 a.m. mass transit a great alternate as well. in problems there. when you are on the road get updated fur about traffic backups with the new your drive app, down load app for iphone and android devices by going to cbs drive. on the healthwatch this morning if you are getting ready to make that cup have of coffee then you might want to ray think using artificial sweeteners. here's why, a study suggest that the sweeteners might set stage for diabetes in some people. research are say artificial sweeteners could change the way the body handles sugar. they are not recommending any changes just yet, just saying that more research is needed. well, there has been a lot of bad publicity in the nfl lately with several players getting a rested for violent crimes. now we are hearing about a football player who sacrificed his career to save his brother's life. chris's career with the pittsburgh steelers was cut short because he needed a kidney transplant.
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his brother who played for rival ravens was a perfect match. he decided to quit football to donate his kidney. >> i do this for my younger siblings and i have to lead by example and take care of my young are brothers. >> it brought us closer as brothers. it has really been a really hum blink experience for me, you know, to see him make this huge sacrifice for me. >> the doctors say that the brothers similar size made the match even better, and the surgery went smoothly. both brothers should be able to return home to hawaii in about six weeks. >> beautiful thing that he did there. new jersey woman meantime wins a legal battle to get her pet bobcat back from the zoo. on one condition though, jenny fine had to renovate her ocean county home adding an even close another to her front door and 8-foot cage outside. animal control seized the animal after it escaped her
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home five times in the last three years. fine, lives in stafford township, claiming the 38-pound petties a hybrid and more like a house cat. >> yeah, okay. >> a little bit bigger. >> lets see those teeth. >> she's playing with the whiskers, here, kitty, kitty, kitty. bobcat do you see it right there. >> yes. >> yeah. >> okay. >> wow. >> dog survives quite a journey from the philadelphia suburbs all the way out to the west coast. >> as ann state reports no one knows how she made the almost 3,000-mile journey out to oregon. >> reporter: we don't know what her story is but it seems to sound like a disney movie. >> deborah wood, manager of the animal services in washington county says g idget was found wandering the streets. >> you came to the right place. >> reporter: one of the thousands they have seen each year.
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>> we feel she's probably winning award for one who came the further. >> reporter: her micro chip was registered to an address near philadelphia. her owners were shock to get a call from oregon. >> the the owner was in pennsylvania. >> reporter: apparently g idget escaped around easter. in one knows how she got here. >> they were very, very relieved and worried. >> owners were smart. deborah says mike chip company had their current address and phone number. she said many pet owners forget to update their info. >> the dog could talk and tell us a story. >> don't you though, what is the story. >> um-hmm. >> is that what happened. >> i think she's saying she wants to tell us the story how about that. >> g idgettings to oregon. that was ann state reporting. the owner has in the been able to afford a particular to fly to oregon to pick up the dog but we're told a reunion is in the works. >> wow, amazing.
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generous strangers paid the vet bills and boarding fees. that is a good thing. >> very nice. >> doggies coming home. well, some of the world's most beautiful women are coming to cbs-3, we have when you can catch the the victoria secret fashion show. ukee i'm sure you will tell us. a politician left with egg on his face here in the project that turn him in the target. but first here's what is coming up tonight on cbs-3.
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victoria secret angels will return to the network. >> world famous aim else will hit the runway wearing latest friend, victoria secret fashion she will be seen in
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almost 200 countries all around the world. you can watch it december 9th right here on cbs-3. ukee, check this out, person you see right there in the middle of your screen is bill murray, the actor was getting down to the hit song, turn down for what. murray broke out in his best dabs moves in the birthday party in south carolina. he was a surprise guest at the bash. it looks like he had a great time. look at him. >> oh, yeah we have to find the audio for that. crank it up. >> 5:53. turn down for what. >> that is so funny. knowing the the song that was playing totally makes that story, you know. storm scan three, high pressure still here, look closely you can see a little sliver of precipitation, our next front that will knock temperatures back. don't worry about wet weather. bulk of activity nationwide is happening far to the south we are in the 50's or 40's depending on location, cool start but a bought full day yet again underway, jessica.
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>> thanks, katie. 5:53. a great start to the day weather-wise a great start, actually traffic wise as well. the you can see everything moving great here at 5:00 bridge. westbound, where headlights are coming in eastbound moving great there as well. accident in new jersey closing 12th street at waymutt road your alternate just take friendship road. boulevard work northbound just near red lion road until 6:00 a.m. it will be clearing up soon. stay tuned
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we have seen shoes thrown at politicians and fights in the halls of congress all around the world. >> but this time it is a mayor in the the hot seat, and he is getting eggs, the mayor of, south korea is getting egg on his face from an upset city councilman. we are told it started when mayor promised a new baseball stadium in within part of the town. it wasn't part of the town that represented the egg there are though so i don't know what was going on there.
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>> they are going at it too. >> that one splattered all over the wall. >> coming up next on "eyewitness news" we are live with new developments in the brutal beating of the same sex couple in center city, detectives questioned several people and now it has cost high school basketball coach his job. pluse bowl patients take desperate measures to stay alive what they are buying on the black market coming up.
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breaking news from the northeast where a thief held up a 7-eleven in bridesberg, investigators say man walk in the convenient store on the 1500 block of bridge street around 3:00 this morning. police tell us he demanded cash from the clerk and got away with $300. in one was hurt. developing now an arrest could becoming very soon in the brutal attack on the same sex couple in center city. >> good morning, social media
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played a big rel in cracking this case. "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao joins us from central detectives where police are questioning several persons of interest, jan, good morning. >> reporter: ukee and natasha, good morning. this progress is made in the case we have new learned that someone, somehow connected to this case was actually working asiana cysttent basketball coach at archbishop wood high school. officials with the archdiocese, say that it was in the a teacher but was working on a contract basis but has since been terminated and will not ab lud to work at any of the other schools. meanwhile police continue to question other persons of interest. he is latest person of interest to come forward to talk to police, arriving at central detectives late last night. while he offered no comment "eyewitness news", his attorney had this to say. >> i'm sure the 30 he lease will make an announcement shortly. >> reporter: now the the investigation continues as police try to locate about a dozen men and women seen in this surveillance video taken just in minutes before