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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  May 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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liquor store in san francisco, and the suspected attacker makes her first appearance in court. >> and homelessness is on the rise in san francisco. official new numbers on the city's homeless population reveal new trends. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. good evening. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm greg lee. >> we begin tonight with the ongoing protests on and near the uc berkeley campus. >> the students who were protesting the war in gaza have left sproul plaza after a deal was reached with administrators. but now a different group has taken over a vacant university building and is defying orders to leave. ktvu jana katsuyama has the latest. >> protesters erected barricades thursday around the encampment that popped up late wednesday. flags and signs surrounded the protest site, calling for the university and the biden administration to stop any funding linked to the war in gaza. more than 15 tents were set up in front of the building on channing way. a uc berkeley
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spokesman says the group is separate from the group that was at sproul plaza. >> we have confirmed that the coalition with whom we reached an understanding on tuesday did not initiate this action. there have been no arrests as of now. it's not clear who the suspects are. >> the protesters said they do not want to make any comments or talk to the media when asked about their message or what group they represent. instead, they said they'll put any comment on their people's park instagram page. some community members stopped by to see the site, one woman bringing pamphlets to the protesters. but i'm also with berkeley, copwatch, and so i brought some things for them to, you know, know their rights in case they get arrested. >> we are treating this site as an active crime scene. this is there are an estimated 60 to 65 suspects trespassing on university property and vandalizing a fire damaged building next to people's park. >> neighbors say they are
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concerned about safety issues but don't want to see an escalation with police targeting this particular group of protesters. whether they're students or community members. >> we want to hear what the people protesting have to say about this and not accept that distinction. >> they're not bothering anybody. but i don't think they should be there in this particular area. they can protest all they want. i have no problem with that. i'm more concerned with that being a fire hazard. >> the university says because of the fire a few years ago, they are concerned about the stability and the safety of this building. they say no students have been arrested so far in berkeley, jana katsuyama ktvu fox two news. >> classes were remote today at uc irvine after police sweeping the campus clashed with pro-palestine protesters. after ordering the group to leave an encampment that had been set up for weeks, law enforcement declared an unlawful assembly last night. the university says 50 people were arrested, including students, uci employees and people not affiliated with the school for failing to leave campus despite
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classes going remote today, there is still an increased police presence on campus. the president of sonoma state university has been put on administrative leave for insubordination after an agreement with pro-palestinian protesters. >> csu placed mike lee on leave yesterday for making an agreement without the appropriate approvals. protesters moved out of their encampment at sonoma state after lee announced the agreement. it included an academic boycott of israeli institutions, as well as divestment strategies. state senator scott wiener calls the deal between lee and the protesters horrifying. >> we can have whatever opinions we have about the war. i have strong opinions about the war, and i've criticized the israeli government. but regardless of one's view of the war, when you talk about, let's do this like boycott and try to dismantle the israeli economy, that is one half of all jews on the planet. >> lee issued a statement saying, quote, in my attempt to find agreement with one group of students, i marginalized other members of our student
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population and community. i realized the harm that this has caused, and i take full ownership of it. i deeply regret the unintended consequences of my actions. >> more critical humanitarian aid will soon be on its way to palestinians in war torn gaza. the us military has now finished construction of a huge floating pier anchored off the gaza strip, hundreds of tons of aid being screened in cyprus is expected to be loaded onto ships and delivered to the pier in the coming days. meanwhile in washington dc, house republicans today voted to pass a bill to reverse president biden's freeze on sending a shipment of weapons to israel as it plans to invade the gazan city of rafah. democrats are calling the bill a political stunt by republicans, as president biden defies the will of congress with his use of executive privilege. >> he is brazenly doing so by withholding congressionally mandated aid. >> everything it calls for. the administration is already doing. and it is just yet another example of the republicans using
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israel and anti-semitism for their own political purposes. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will not take up the legislation, and the white house has already said president biden would veto the bill if it made it to his desk. be sure to stay with ktvu for continuing coverage of the war in gaza, as well as the fallout from bay area communities who are affected by the war. >> we are following a developing story in sacramento, where part of a government building has been evacuated because of a suspicious package, the secretary of state says. a suspicious package was delivered to the ninth floor of the office building for state senators, just one block south of the capitol. the package contained a threat that said it contained anthrax. authorities have not confirmed whether the threat is real or if the package contains anthrax, but all staff and senators have been asked to leave the building. law enforcement and health officials are now working to confirm the contents of that package. >> a woman from oakland has been
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charged with felony assault after surveillance video appeared to show her repeatedly attacking a woman at a liquor store in san francisco. as ktvu s christien kafton tells us, prosecutors believe the attack was unprovoked. >> surveillance video of the attack on tuesday afternoon posted to nextdoor is shocking. the victim walks into the kansas food market in potrero hill. moments later, another woman enters and begins hitting the victim from behind with a bag containing a bottle of jack daniels whiskey. that woman then begins pulling the victim's hair and punching her until the victim falls to the floor. the attack continues until the shop clerk runs off the assailant, san francisco police arrested 26 year old jessica blasi from oakland shortly after the attack. she appeared in court today where prosecutors formally charged her with felony assault. through her attorney, she pled not guilty. >> so the next process is we do have some concerns about mental health. i don't know, miss blasi . she was having a challenging time explaining sort of some of her background and so what we'll do is we ask the court to do an in-custody assessment of her
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mental health condition in court . >> the prosecutor said she struck the victim at least ten times in a flurry of blows. the district attorney's office releasing a statement about the attack, saying in part, quote, it is random acts of violence like this that negatively impact a feeling of safety in communities. blasi's defense attorney said the bottle in the attack was plastic, not glass, and at the time of the incident, blasi was wearing a hospital bracelet and may have recently been released from nearby zuckerberg. san francisco general hospital, just a few blocks away from the incident. her defenders said. while the incident may have been captured on video, it doesn't necessarily tell the whole story. >> i think the video tells one part of the story, but you know, this is a real person with a real history and the video doesn't share with that. >> history is the shopkeeper who drove off. the attacker didn't want to talk on camera, but neighbors in the area say they're surprised to hear about the unprovoked attack. i mean, it's, you know, a big city, right? >> well, a small, big city and stuff happens, but it is a
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little bit surprising. i think, like generally it's a really safe neighborhood. >> the suspect in this case is due back in court at the end of the month. if she is released from custody, the judge has issued an order to stay away from the victim in this case and a convenience store in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news. the homeless count for san francisco is out, and the numbers show a mixed bag of results. >> the city's point in time count shows that total homelessness in san francisco increased by 7% from 2022 to 2024. in total, there are more than 8300 people experiencing homelessness in san francisco, according to city data. city. city leaders are proud to point out that the number of people living in streets, tents or in vehicles is on the decline. the number of unsheltered homeless decreased by 1% since 2022, and by 16% when compared to 2019. numbers nearly half of the city's homeless population is currently unsheltered. the city's data points out that youth homelessness has decreased
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by 9. however, the number of families who are homeless has risen by 94% since 2022 to 437 families. the city also found that its chronically homeless population increased by 9. more than 2900 people have been identified as chronically homeless. >> san francisco also says its pilot homeless outreach program has connected thousands of people with help in its first year, the city says the heart team for homeless engagement assistance response team has responded to nearly 14,000 calls, including 80% of calls to three one 1 or 9 one one involving unhoused people and 70% of calls related to sidewalk and street encampments. the city is currently piloting, sending other calls involving homeless people, including some trespassing and suspicious persons calls to heart. >> governor gavin newsom is at the vatican for a summit focused on fighting climate change, called by pope francis. as ktvu allie rasmus explains, there were long term climate goals and some personal, political ones on
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full display at the summit. >> california is exceeding its audacious goal setting. >> governor gavin newsom spoke to an auditorium full of policy makers and researchers from around the globe early this morning, gathered in vatican city for a three day summit on climate change. >> and the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. it's because the burning of coal, the burning of gas and the burning of oil, the goal of the summit to come up with ideas, solutions and an overall blueprint on how local governments can become more climate resilient. >> but ktvu political analyst brian sobel says there are long term personal goals at play here to clearly. >> gavin newsom feels strongly about climate change, but he also understands that he's on a national and international stage. so i think this leads to his ultimate goal, which is to run for the presidency of the united states. >> during his 15 minute speech at the vatican, newsom spoke about california's energy
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independence and criticized the fossil fuel industries influence and called out his party's chief political opponent, donald trump. >> just last week had oil executives convening, talking about his election, basically accused donald trump of being corrupt. >> not really something that is, common in at these international confabs like at the vatican, where specifically it's supposed to be nonpolitical. but having said that, gavin newsom is clearly he on a presidential path. and we're going to see more and more of this as he tries to raise his national profile. >> tomorrow, newsom will head to bologna, located in northern italy, one of the country's largest cities. he's expected to sign a partnership with local leaders there to work on ways to shed our dependance on fossil fuels and the industry behind them. we have the tools, we have the technology, we have the capacity to address this issue at a global level, a scale level and they've been fighting every
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single advancement. >> and we have got to call that out. >> the governor's office says that trip to italy is being paid for through a nonprofit called the california state protocol foundation, which gets its money from private donations. ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> do employers have a right to contact their employees after hours? a bill in sacramento attempting to set boundaries does not get very far back in break ins. >> thieves in the east bay using a car to try to smash into two businesses. why? the owners say they didn't find what they were looking for. >> and that weekend is just around the corner. you can see the fog peeking up over the hills, out in the san mateo county coastline. what's that mean for the weekend in terms of temperatures and cloud cover? i'll see you back here with that. and diversifying the ranks of firefighting, the new program in the san jose fire department to recruit more women, trans and non-binary people. >> and here's a quick check of the thursday evening commute. this is a look at the east shore freeway as seen from our emeryville camera. it is slow
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going out there tonight in both directions. you're watching ktvu news at six. we'll be r ht back
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go. acting governor eleni kounalakis confirms the package does not contain anthrax. law enforcement is working to identify the source of the package and the threat in the south bay today, santa clara
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valley medical center was the site of a simulated mass casualty event. >> first responders were tasked with reacting to an explosion at a major sporting event that left patients covered in an unknown white powder. as part of the drill, emergency workers wore hazardous materials suits for decontamination. the triage situation was set up as nursing students took on the role of injured patients. >> this is really a critical part of our readiness for any sort of major disaster incidents here in the bay area that is outside of our normal day to day operations at the hospital can be very disruptive. and so practicing and preparing for that helps us be ready to save lives. if we encounter such a scenario. >> hospital officials say today's drill included staff from various departments, including emergency radiology and language services. >> new at six, nearly 100 women will go through the rigors of a specialized boot camp this weekend, as ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary tells us, it's a way to recruit more
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women, including non-binary and trans women, to professions long dominated by men. >> san jose firefighter stephanie sirrine is a metaphorical island at fire station 14, serving in a sea of men. she joined the department over a decade ago as a wide eyed teenager drawn to this type of work. >> i had no idea what the job entailed. one of my friends had mentioned there was an explorer program, so i decided to join that, and it became something that i was very passionate about. >> hoping to spark a similar passion in other women, the san jose fire department saturday hosted its fifth annual women's boot camp. the one day event is open to women, including those non-binary, gender nonconforming and trans women in the community . >> the greater the diversity, the better the department. you know, it's like the high tech industry understands that. and i am so happy that the government is beginning to really get into
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it. >> 75 women ages 18 to 24 are already signed up. officials say that represents an increase of one third over last year. attendees will be put through the rigors of an academy like obstacle course to better learn what it's like to be a firefighter. we have our sledgehammers, we have our hose pool hoists working on grip and strength that just kind of giving women that encouragement that they can do it. san jose fire isn't alone in looking to lure more women into its workforce. march san jose police officials signing the 30 by 30 pledge to increase women recruits by 30% by 2030. >> police women currently make up 13% of the force, but only 3.7% of the 648 firefighters are female. >> one of the things that i'm very interested in is trying to bring talent to the city of san jose. i think that we bring sort of a different perspective on different situations, and i
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think that it would really enhance the department's. >> stephanie sirrine says living her dream allows her to help other women explore options. once only thought of as a man's domain, being a female and just being that presence out in the community, whether we have schools come in and just being that female figure and showing, you know, all ages that we are out there and we can do it in west san jose. jesse, gary, ktvu , fox two news. >> all right, a lovely day today around the bay. it's going to be nice tomorrow. temperatures today did cool a little bit. there was about 5 to 10 degrees cooler inland in some spots. other spots five or 3 to 5 degrees cooler in some spots. we're about the same as yesterday. tomorrow it warms up a little bit. the story of the next few days is this the marine layer stretches out and then it pinches down and it's going to stretch out. it's stretching out right now as you look outside. if you almost no matter where you are, you're getting some low clouds and some some pretty
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significant low cloud cover. and that will be the story tomorrow morning. but a little quicker. burn off just because of the way the inversion is set up. it's deep and it's hard to keep the fog intact when it's deep. so these are the high inversions. these are the high temperatures from today. and little cooler right. the 80s are gone a good 5 or 6 degrees cooler certainly. and then tomorrow we get into the microclimates which will be just a little bit warmer. so what we talked about yesterday and the day before that, the day before that and the day before that was the subtle changes that we're going to experience this week. and that's what these are. they're just subtle, subtle changes. so it's nice when you live in a place where you're not sweating tornadoes and flooding right now and a lot of things. so it's kind of nice to have a little break to just enjoy. there's the live camera shot. you can see the fog kind of creeping over the hill. i should know where that gap. i almost think that's san bruno gap. i can't know it couldn't be. it's too far south and it might be san bruno anyway. see how the fog is getting over there? so it's about 1000ft deep now. coastal hills. but tonight it's
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going to get really deep. and that means it's going to be up here. that white stuff, the fog and it's going to get well inland. okay i'll see you back here. we'll do the five day forecast and look at the model. all right. >> we'll see you in a bit bill. thank you. well caltrans is alerting drivers about a complete closure of a busy north bay highway this weekend for roadwork. highway 37 will be shut down in both directions between sonoma and solano counties. the closure will be from the state route 121 interchange to the highway 29 interchange. crews will be out repaving the roadway. the closure is set to start tomorrow at 10 p.m. and conclude on the following monday at 5 a.m. there will also be a partial closure of interstate 680 in the east bay for a paving project. caltrans says three southbound lanes will be closed between acosta boulevard in san ramon and the interstate 580 connector in pleasanton. that lane closure will be from 9 p.m. tomorrow night through 4 a.m. monday morning. drivers should expect traffic delays so to come. >> the white house tries to block the release of tapes between the president and the
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special counsel and his classified documents. >> case also had more testimony from michael cohen in the former president trump criminal trial in new york city. political analyst weigh in on whether the trial will sway voters in the election. >> plus, and when we asked these questions, when there's a dialog about them, bay area filmmaker francis ford coppola's newest film turns heads at the cannes film festival closer look at h new f
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michael cohen says the former president was directly involved in the scheme to pay stormy daniels hush money over an alleged affair with mr. trump. today, trump's lawyers attacked cohen's motives and outlined his admitted lies under oath in other cases at for, we asked political science professor david mcewen if a trump conviction could have an impact on voters. >> even if he's convicted, it's hard to see him serving any time or doing anything like that. it'll be held up on appeal and look what we see going on in florida with judge cannon. she's not going to rule on the motions there until the next presidential election. so it's hard to see some of that really kind of happening at this moment . >> cohen is expected to continue to testify on monday. the trial will be dark tomorrow, so mr. trump can attend his son barron's high school graduation. closing arguments in the trial could start next week. texas
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governor greg abbott today pardoned an ex army sergeant convicted of killing a black lives matter protester. >> daniel perry, shot and killed the demonstrator, who was armed in 2020. both perry and the victim are white. perry received a 25 year prison sentence after his conviction last year. the pardon followed a unanimous recommendation from the texas board of pardons and paroles, which also said perry should have his texas firearms rights restored. governor abbott called it a case of self-defense, even though during the trial witnesses say the victim never raised his gun. a bill that would require the state to issue a formal apology for slavery is now heading to the state senate. today, assembly bill 3089 passed 62 to 0. the bill requires the state to apologize for its role in instituting slave laws and discriminatory discriminatory practices. since its founding, the bill was part of a package of measures introduced back in february meant to bring reparations to descendants of people who were enslaved. >> the state legislature appears to have shelved the so-called right to disconnect bill. that
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bill, authored by san francisco state assembly member matt haney, would give employees the right to ignore calls and messages from their employer after hours. it would have also allowed employees to file complaints with the labor commissioner for violations and seek civil penalties. the bill did not pass a vote in the appropriations committee today, coming up on ktvu news at 632 separate break ins at two businesses in concord. >> but nothing was taken. why these back to back burglaries have police puzzled? >> also had leaders of california's high speed rail say the ambitious project is back on track. an update on where the plans currently stand and what will be the golden state valkyries emotions once they step onto the court next year. >> jason appelbaum will have the ory la r s
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organizers say they're calling for the university and abided administration to cut any funding connected with the gaza war. >> san francisco's official count of its homeless population shows the number of people experiencing homelessness has increased by 7% compared to two years ago. in total, there are more than 8300 homeless people in san francisco, so the city has been able to decrease the number of people living on the streets, tents or in vehicles. >> governor newsom today was at the vatican, where he delivered a speech at a climate change summit. newsom spoke about
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california's energy independence and he accused former president donald trump of open corruption stemming from reports that trump promised big oil a rollback of environmental protections for campaign contributions, a goal of the summit is to establish a blueprint on how local governments can become more climate resilient. >> you are watching ktvu, fox two news at 630. concord police are now investigating two attempted burglaries at two businesses just minutes apart. >> police say the suspects used the same car to try to ram their way inside, but nothing was stolen. ktvu crime reporter henry lee explains why authorities believe the type of businesses involved make these break ins unusual. >> i'm beyond frustrated because it's a time and money out of my life. i where a small business here, a small business with a big target on its back and a new roll up door hit this, hit this surveillance video shows this infiniti g37 backing up and ramming hsd engineering and equipment repair company in
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concord at about 945 monday night. >> they damaged the roll up door, but this forklift blocked the car from going any further. they took off in the g37 and an infiniti m35. i've learned the g37 was stolen and was later found by antioch police. but what were they after? >> i wish i could look inside their head and ask them. i have quite a few questions for them. >> tyler hagen owns the company on solano way. he repairs machines and equipment for national labs, aerospace and semiconductor companies. they also make medical devices. hagen says he's hard pressed to explain a motive for the break in attempt. i wish i knew we both happened to be in very highly specified fields, and it is a strange coincidence that we both get hit back to back on the same night. back to back, because five minutes before hitting hagen's company, the same group is believed to have targeted another company in concord. this video shows a caravan of cars led by the same m35 five, making a beeline to micro measurements and pacific instruments on pike lane at
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about 940 monday night. here you can see what appears to be the same infiniti g37 backing into the roll up door, you can see a group of young men pile out of the car, peek inside, and then take off. this company has clients that include nasa, the military and defense companies. >> i don't think those guys were going to sell high tech nasa test equipment, jim lyons says. >> there's been some speculation of how these guys are picking their targets. >> people are saying that they were using some kind of heat sensors on the buildings to see what was sucking up power to determine if it was a grow site for cannabis. so these businesses are filled with things like circuit boards, semiconductors, turbomolecular and cryogenic pumps. there's no pot here. >> concord police are investigating both incidents. anyone with information in either case is asked to give investigators a call in concord. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> the california high speed rail authority released a progress report today on the decades long project to connect northern and southern california
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with a high speed rail line. most of the 500 mile project connecting san francisco to the los angeles area has now received environmental clearance, the rail authority says the central valley is the building block of the system, and construction has advanced in the area to establish future electrified high speed rail from merced to bakersfield. board members met today to hear updates on the long term project. if we can all just keep the big picture in mind that we'll probably not be completed before many of us are on this earth, but we have to look to the future to make sure that this is going to be high speed rail. san diego, la central valley to the bay area. >> officials say the project is on pace to meet its goal to complete a crucial section of the system in the central valley. by the early 2030s, house republicans are trying to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt for not releasing audio tapes of an interview with president biden.
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>> the white house has invoked executive privilege to block the release of recordings between the president and the special counsel investigating his handling of classified documents. president biden was never charged after documents dating back to his time as a senator were found in his homes and offices, but the special counsel report was critical of the president's memory. >> and we need the audio recordings. they offer a unique perspective. the transcripts alone are not sufficient evidence of the state of the president's memory. >> this effort to use contempt as a as a method of obtaining our sensitive law enforcement files is just the most recent. the effort to threaten to defund our investigations by invoking executive privilege. >> garland is protected from potential prosecution. should the house vote to hold him in contempt. russian president vladimir putin and chinese leader xi jinping today reaffirmed their no limits partnership. the two leaders are attending a summit in beijing in a show of unity as they face
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rising tension from the west. putin thanked xi for china's proposals for ending the war in ukraine, which had been rejected by kyiv. the two day summit is putin's first overseas trip since he began a fifth term in office. >> we will continue to act in unison for the successful development of the two countries and to increase the authority and influence of russia and china in the world. >> after more than two years of war in ukraine, moscow has grown more dependent on china. beijing has been supplying moscow with technology, electronics and tools, which western leaders say are being used on the battlefield, a landmark change in federal policy on marijuana. >> the implications of the white house reclassifying the drug and addressing seniors concerns when behind the wheel. >> what's being done to keep the road safe for all drivers? >> and a quick reminder right now that you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local app, you can watch live newscasts and see all, all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of topics. it's a free download for
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your sma t
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president biden says this change will be monumental. >> look, folks, no one should be in jail merely for using or possessing marijuana. period. far too many lives have been upended because of failed approach to marijuana. >> the proposal would not legalize marijuana for recreational use, but rather reclassify the drug from a schedule one to schedule three drug. the administration says it recognizes the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledges it has less potential for abuse than other drugs. a state bill that would have decriminalized psychedelic substances has now failed. senate bill 1012 was coauthored by san francisco state senator scott wiener. today the bill stalled in the senate appropriations committee and will not move forward. the bill would have allowed adults 21 and older to use certain psychedelic substances in a
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regulated context and under the supervision of a licensed and trained facilitator. >> united airlines says the faa is loosening restrictions on the airline while the agency continues a safety audit. the airline told employees today that the faa is letting it once again add new routes and add new aircraft to its fleet. the faa said, however, that it has not made any final decisions from its review of the airline and that the review is ongoing. regulators increased oversight of united in march after a series of reported safety incidents. stocks finished lower today after the dow jones briefly rose above 40,000 for the first time in history. stocks have been marching into record territory as there is hope that cooling inflation will allow the fed to cut its main interest rate this year. the dow first closed above 20,000 in early 2017 and dipped below 19,000 in march of 2020. the dow fell 38 points to finish at 39,869. the nasdaq was down 44 and the s&p 500 finished lower
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by 11. >> tracking the weekend weather just around the corner. now there's fog to talk about. low clouds and all that. there they are now. we'll tell you how that plays into the bay area weekend. >> let's go to ktvu. alex savidge now with a look at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rapid seven right here on ktvu. julie thank you. >> coming up tonight at 7:00, nudists who frequent a seattle park are worried about a new plan that they believe will eventually force them to cover up. tonight on west coast rap, what some people are calling for at that site. also, a panda express customer says her order nearly killed her. she'll share her story of what she says she swallowed after a visit to one of the restaurants. those stories and a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, alex, we'll see you soon. but first, the red carpet is out for stars from across the globe at the cannes film festival. and francis ford
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and when to say enough is enough. >> but it is kind of a classic. came about by a need. >> berkeley police officer stephanie cole walked him. 31 senior citizens to the north berkeley senior center for an elderly driving seminar, a sometimes touchy subject. >> a lot of folks are coming to the class. it's about an hour long, and it's nice to have folks show up and have that dialog and that conversation. >> she says there are well over 5 million california senior drivers, two thirds of whom take five or more medications a day on average. elderly drivers outlive their actual ability to drive by 5 to 7 years. i am very concerned because i'm getting to the point where i'm thinking, how long can i drive? >> and when should i give up? >> we got to be honest with ourselves. nobody wants to hurt somebody else. yeah talk to your doctor. talk to your friends.
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talk to your family. if your family can't tell you, i don't know who can. >> there were many tips to extend driving, even with some physical limitations, including avoiding rush hours, staying off freeways, and driving during daylight. but the potential mental limitations were top of mind. >> this is a topic we don't want to face. have to face. >> it's designed to have that conversation not only for the people here that are driving, but their friends and their family. so by not necessarily saying this is you, this is your problem. it's just saying, hey, there's a conversation we should have. >> there are a lot of drivers that are over 65 and they want to know and they want to be safe, and they want to obey the rules and the laws of this land. >> it's like a muscle. you have to use your muscle all the time. if you don't use it, you lose it and kind of being cognitive of driving is the same way. you have to think about it. >> fact is, better medicine will also keep many more. but not all
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seniors driving. >> modern science allows us to improve the body we have as things wear out, and i think that's a great hope and a great promise as we move forward. there are some things that are just not going to be we're not going to be overcome if it's a real physical impairment, if a face to face conversation is too uncomfortable, state law allows concerned family, friends and others to anonymously ask the dmv to reexamine any drivers driving ability. >> tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> a palo alto mainstay is closing after nearly 40 years. the owners of jing jing gourmet on emerson street say their last day of business will be on sunday. the restaurant has been known for their szechuan and hunan favorites for 38 years, but they say operating costs keep growing and the lease is expiring this month. >> in the past few days, there have been a lot of parties and gatherings. a lot of our customers saw the news and they
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came over and say goodbye to us, and they have the last dining experience here. >> the family says they're working on a new venture to keep serving the community. they hope to make an announcement of their next chapter soon. >> checking in on the weather. we've got a pretty nice day. well, we had a pretty nice day today. temperatures cooled down a few degrees, especially inland. temperatures along the coast have stayed cool. this live picture shows you the fog kind of pinched down here that's just coming up over the hill. you know, the more i think about it, i think that might be crystal springs area coming across 90 across by half moon bay. and i think i think san bruno gaps further up here. but you get right now the marine layer is relatively shallow because those coastal hills average you know, they average 1000ft. so that's right where it is. but by tonight that inversion is going to get up to here. and you're going to get this big push of fog inland. and that's that's the game we talk about all the time here. but that's what's happening. boom. it's open. it's lifted up.
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that's what's going to happen tomorrow. temperatures will be about the same. and then further inversion lifting, which will make it hard for the fog to form, will occur on saturday and sunday. and despite it will be cooler. but i think we might see more sunshine. so here are the high temperatures from today. so you know, a little cooler. certainly yesterday we had some low 80s. tomorrow we'll see. we'll warm up a couple degrees degrees back into the low 80s. the microclimates i love this map just because can't use it. much of the half of the year. right. and the winter microclimates don't really play out that well. but when you get into the summer months, you get into these microclimates that showed a distinct microclimate characteristics. as you get into the inland bay valleys tomorrow, where you might expect 90s this time of year, you're going to be in the low 80s. and that same map, if we do it on saturday, those 80s turn into 70s. so it's not a huge difference. it's just subtle changes. like we talked, started talking about this on sunday night, and then this is the reason for the further cooling on the weekend. and this is also the reason the low lifts
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it up, the low the inversion goes away. and without inversions you can't really have fog. so tomorrow morning's fog forecast big push of it and then it burns back. and you can see the cooling impacts in the central valley. so right those are those are those are 80s. you do see they might try to pop a 90. but places even like chico might be in the 80s tomorrow which is pretty cool. so it is amazing to think that all that cool air coming off the coast can cool up into the central valley, but it does. there is, and you can see the cooling, right? see the green? it's almost like if you just forget the numbers. just look at the green. that's the sea breeze pushing in temperatures running 11 degrees cooler in concord than they did last night at this time. and there's the forecast for tomorrow morning. forecast the next few mornings will be for big fog push and then the highs tomorrow. tomorrow is going to be the warmest day of the next few, because then temperatures will trend down on the bay area weekend. so you can kind of see it here. and not bad. i mean, right. what's it 7980. it's just subtle stuff. but i dare say on saturday, sunday i think we'll see more
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sunshine certainly than we did today and tomorrow. >> yeah it was a great one out there today. it will be nice to see the sun again, bill. thank you. bay area filmmaker francis ford coppola was on the red carpet at the cannes film festival for the premiere of his latest epic. >> coppola was surrounded by family members for support following the death of his wife of 60 years last month. megalopolis is his fourth movie to appear at the festival. he won the top prize in 1974 and 1979. ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages. the 85 year old oscar winner says he began conceiving the movie back in the early 1980s. it's described as a futuristic take on the roman empire. it cost a reported $120 million to make, with some of the funding coming from coppola's sonoma wine empire. >> who set a record in the first round of the pga championship today are jason appelbaum will have the story coming up in
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are real. now that the nba's newest team has a name. the
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golden state valkyries and the league's first expansion team in 16 years will share chase center with the warriors beginning next year. so now the media blitz is on for team president jess smith, who was in new york on a promotional tour appearing on multiple shows including good morning america. the team is already hugely popular in the bay area, taking in 7500 season ticket deposits before they even had a name. we caught up with smith earlier today and asked her what her emotions might be when the team finally takes the court next may. when you start something from scratch, when it's an idea and then it's an opportunity, but then it's executed, we are here for to say what some people said was impossible, making it possible, making it a reality. >> and i will definitely be crying somewhere, it's too. i cry even like, you know, this week it's so overwhelmingly beautiful, honestly, to just watch our community come together around this incredible
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team. so it's going to be really special. and because it's in the bay, it's going to be even more special because everyone here knows what this means next may. >> all right. xander schauffele he tied a major championship record at today's opening round of the pga championship at the valhalla golf club in louisville, kentucky. tiger woods did not have a good day. he's going to push this par putt to the right making it back to back. bogeys on eight and nine. tiger tied for 85th at plus one shot of the day, courtesy of the number one ranked golfer in the world. that's scottie scheffler. his approach on the first hole from 169. it takes a bounce goes in for eagle. you see on the replay actually hit the flagstick dropped in. scheffler shot a 67 five strokes back of xander schauffele, who had nine birdies and no bogeys to break the course record with a 962. and that's also tied for the lowest round ever at a major. he leads by three strokes and uninvited guests that stole the
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show at a major league soccer game last night. check this out. philadelphia hosting new york city win in the 20th minute. oh yeah, we got raccoons in the parking lot. >> yeah, but raccoon got on the pitch. >> the fans looked like they were enjoying it. actually oh, yeah. got chased for two minutes. we've kind of fast forward to the end here. a stadium official used a trash can, but he was too quick. watch him. kind of. he gets away from that one but then watch this. so he was unharmed and later released in the wild. you know raccoon will mess you up. they are mean. >> yeah. they can be. they are mean. they can be nasty. >> that one got his own trading card. there you know sign him up and he absolutely should. >> i'm glad that they released him back into the wild. he s okay. but bilis a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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