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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  May 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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pro-palestinian protesters lining the streets of silicon valley. good evening on this friday, i'm cristina rendon and i'm greg lee. >> the president's visit included two affluent towns in the silicon valley, where biden is expected to raise millions for his reelection campaign. >> ktvu crystal bailey, joining us live from palo alto this hour, where one of his fundraisers finished up in the last couple of hours, crystal house reaction been to his visit ? >> well, earlier today, there were dozens of people here flooding the street in this area. pro-palestinian protesters and biden supporters alike, all here watching the motorcade. and right here at marissa mayer's house as president biden's first stop in silicon valley to court his donors, a tech billionaire vinod khosla's home in portola valley, biden supporters coming out to watch the motorcade while pro-palestinian protesters lined the streets. >> we want him to be funding other things like schools and health care and just building our communities, but not a genocide. >> the president then made his
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way over to palo alto, where former yahoo ceo marissa mayer hosted another fundraiser. some excited to see the president here in their neighborhood, neighbors saying nearby schools were let out early for the event. >> i hope it lasts another four years and does a good job, as he has been doing the last few years. >> i'd love to cheer our president on if i could. >> they're reminded of the last time a presidential candidate made their way here. >> the first time it was president obama also going to marissa mayer's house. and it was we were able to get down another block to see him arrive. and i saw the motorcade. not sure i ever saw him, though. >> shortly after the motorcade came through middlefield road, a set of protests erupted as police blocked the area wearing riot gear. pro-palestinians making demands to end the war in gaza. >> he's writing a blank check to the government of israel that is slaughtering children. >> and a pro-israel group setting up shop across the street. >> i came to show my support to biden and his support to the
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most of his support to israel, because israel is in a dangerous situation. >> ian protests remain peaceful, and president biden left the bay area in the afternoon to head to seattle, where his fundraising efforts continue and the president has raised a record number of funds, with more than $180 million going towards his reelection campaign. of course, a lot of those donors coming from right here in california, christina, greg, certainly be an expensive campaign. >> is the rematch between president biden and former president trump ramps up crystal bailey live in palo alto for us. crystal thank you. >> pro-palestinian protests have led to the cancellation of graduation ceremonies at schools across the country. commencement ceremonies have begun at uc berkeley, but not without controversy. hundreds of people shuffled up the stairs into the greek theater this morning to watch friends and loved ones graduate from uc berkeley's law school, but outside the theater was a box truck with a digital billboard listing. the names of
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several students. a pro-israeli group called accuracy in media commissioned this truck, accusing those students of anti-semitism. >> they proudly signed a public proclamation banning anybody who supports the existence of the state of israel from speaking at their events. we would never share a private information and never have a shared private information. but if they're that proud of their anti-semitism, they shouldn't be ashamed that we've shared it with larger audience. >> we could not verify those accusations, so we are not showing the names on the truck. students we spoke with said the timing of the protest is inaccurate or inappropriate, rather at what's supposed to be a moment of celebration. protest organizers say they're planning a similar display at usc's law school ceremony. >> uc berkeley also announced today it's canceling a us senate race debate due to safety concerns amid current campus protests. the debate between representative adam schiff and his gop rival, steve garvey, was supposed to happen at some point next fall, hosted by the school's institute of governmental studies. however,
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the school has determined they did not have the capacity to, quote, ensure a safe and civil event. this comes after weeks of unrest at the campus where a pro-palestinian encampment has taken over sproul plaza. >> governor gavin newsom laid out his revised 2024 2025 budget today with some sobering numbers. he says the state is facing deficit in the coming years. today he proposed cuts that include shrinking the state's workforce and cutting services and ktvu jana katsuyama. listen to those announcements and she joins us live with those details. gianna. >> and the governor is already getting pushback on this plan. he acknowledged he's going to be probably dealing with both republicans and fellow democrats in trying to get this through. but he says the state budget needs belt tightening. governor gavin newsom announced his revised budget friday, saying the state is facing back to back deficits in the next two years. >> we are facing a $27.6 billion challenge next year. to my point, about a multi year strategy, we project a $28
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million shortfall. >> newsom's proposal for next year is a $288 billion budget, much lower than his previous $310 billion budget proposal. it includes cuts in services to about 260 state programs, along with a dip into the state's rainy day funds and an 8% reduction in the state's workforce by eliminating unfilled job posts plus or -10,000 vacant positions. >> those positions are being determined in real time at every agency and department. so we want a leaner government, leaner government, streamlined government. we want to do what all of you are doing in your personal lives. all the businesses out there are doing in their professional lives. >> the governor says the state's progressive tax system is vulnerable to swings in the stock market, so tax revenue came in below projected levels. >> there are areas where core services are being impacted, but the vast majority are being protected. existing services provided to existing people.
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>> newsom says his proposal includes one time cuts to programs such as cal works employment services, behavioral health for youth and water storage improvements meant to help address drought. he also listed ongoing cuts, including a reduction in state and local prison housing, which he says would save the state $80 million a year. >> we are proposing to shut down at 13 prisons an additional 46 housing units that would reduce the census of beds by just shy of 4600, the nonprofit california budget and policy center has one big concern there are no significant increases in revenue either in the short term or to address multiyear budget challenges. >> and we think as long as he leaves those revenue proposals off the table, he's impeding his own ability to reach solutions to provide a california for all. >> some other proposals include delays in program expansions to
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food assistance and child care aid, as well as tax credits for low income young children and foster youth. so there's a lot in there to unpack. and i know in the coming days they're going to be a lot of people who are going to have some statements. yeah. >> and what's been the reaction so far to his proposal? >> well, one of the ones that i would like to highlight is actually csu, because the chancellor put out a statement saying that this budget actually takes $75 million out of their coffers. that is something which they say they help middle lower income students, and they say those are the people that should be helped. >> yeah, a lot of tough decisions to be made. jana katsuyama. thank you. labor unions are also weighing in on this budget. an executive board member of seiu california saying in part, quote, we cannot disinvest from our state government by making permanent workforce cuts that will result in higher turnover and compromise the services the public relies on a bay area mother, originally from mexico, is facing deportation today. >> immigrants rights groups rallied outside the senator office of laphonza butler in san
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francisco, calling on the senator to step in and help keep florizel. liborio in the u.s, organizers say she was arrested for returning to the u.s. after being deported. they say she came back because she feared for her safety in mexico. liborio has three children here in the u.s, but because she had a previous deportation order, ice, basically issues a reinstatement order. and so a reinstatement order has severe consequences because it prevents people like florizel who have experienced harm from applying for relief, like asylum. >> the rally is significant because may 10th is mother's day in mexico today. the group says it wants senator butler to urge ice to withdraw the reinstatement order in this case and allow the woman to plead her case in the courtroom and stay here in the u.s. target is facing controversy again this year over the retailer's pride month policies. >> last year, the big box giant took heat for displaying pride merchandise, so the company is now deciding to remove the
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displays altogether. in some stores. ktvu christian captain joins us live from san francisco. christian what has the reaction been? >> yeah. hey, greg. so target has said that it won't be carrying pride themed items in some of its locations. after a backlash last year. now, target may be facing another backlash for not carrying that merchandise in all of its locations. mega retailer target has said it will not be putting out pride related merchandise and marketing in some locations this year, after the company faced a backlash and boycott over pride displays and merchandise last year. the retailer didn't specify where it would be scaling back on pride, but in a statement said it would be, quote, offering a collection of products including adult apparel and home and food and beverage items curated based on consumer feedback. the collection will be available on and in select stores based on historical sales performance. goldner tumbbad, professor of marketing at the lam family college of business at san francisco state university, says the company is trying to appeal to both sides.
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>> they are rather choosing a middle position, right? they're trying to play it safe. you know they are still going to sell certain things in certain stores, but not in some other stores, she says. >> ultimately, the company is going to have to pick a side. >> lots of people will still continue to shop from target, but ultimately, given the current situation of the world where we're all divided and we would like to know, you know who, who, who is who, and you know which company is standing for what some target shoppers say they'll continue shopping here, even though they'd prefer the company take a firm stand supporting lgbtq rights. >> i definitely disapprove, but it would be hard not to use this store because we have a pharmacy here. there are things, there are electronics. we can't get here in the castro, shoppers say they'll take their business elsewhere. >> as an lgbtq+ consumer, i can spend my dollars where i'm supported, so i have not supported a target. there are plenty of other places i can
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purchase. same merchandise may be cheaper, may be better. >> and pride begins in june. we are hearing that about half of target's locations will be carrying pride themed merchandise. that pride themed merchandise will also be available online. we're live in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> all right, christian, thank you. >> two people are being treated at the hospital following a fire at a senior housing complex in san francisco's japantown. firefighters responded around 1045 this morning to reports of the fire at the building on fillmore street between sutter and post streets. this started in a unit on the third floor and extended to the fourth floor. the fire department says firefighters evacuated more than 100 elderly residents from that building. many of them had trouble walking on their own. we don't yet know the conditions of the two people injured. the cause of the fire is under investigation. in oakland's police department welcomes a dozen new officers coming up at 530. how the rookies are adding to opd's diverse culture. >> also ahead, a man who lost
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two family members during a police chase. speaking for the first time, who he is now taking legal action against. >> and a solar storm spectacle. the science behind the bay area's chance to see the northern lights and the impacts it could have from the ktvu weather center. >> something happened today, weather wise, that has not happened all year. we will explain, plus the weekend outlook when your bay area forecast comes up right after this
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place on the second friday of each month through november. the goal is to bring people together
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while supporting local businesses. tonight's festivities start at 530. >> for the first time in nearly two decades, noaa has issued a severe solar storm watch due to intense activity on the sun. >> it's sending large amounts of plasma and magnetic waves towards earth. ktvu tom vacar has been looking into impacts of this storm and joins us live from oakland. chabot space and science center tom friday is our telescope nights at chabot. so how's it looking out there now? >> this is a if you've never been to the show chabot space and science center, you got to come. it's just a wonderful thing, and here on every friday night and every saturday night from 7 to 1030, they have public viewing night. you can come up here and you can look through the telescopes and you'll see a lot of things and very possibly just very possibly some of the lucky folks who come up this friday and saturday may well see an aurora borealis, which is pretty significant. and that's because on saturday, the geomagnetic storm level will be severe. that is just one notch
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below the highest level of extreme. solar storms are increasingly important as this and next year will be the peak activity of the 11 year solar cycle. now. right now, this active sunspot is so big you can see it using your solar eclipse glasses. we shot this on a sun protected camera at 124,000 miles long. this is one of the biggest sunspots ever seen. hazards to earthlings can come when the highly charged solar energy shockwaves hit earth's electrically charged layer. >> they can take out satellites, they can disrupt communications and in extreme events, can even disrupt power grids on earth's surface. >> way back in 1989, there was a major power outage, that affected the northeast. and that was due to the effect of a solar storm. >> for many people, the wi-fi that they use in their homes, again, dependent on satellites, even migratory birds and bees that rely on the earth's magnetic fields to navigate can
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be affected. >> the current solar wave intensity is rising and will be at its peak on saturday. what might happen to grids, satellites and other technologies is unclear. these events are sufficiently rare that they have not. >> we haven't had the chance to test a lot of our infrastructure against this kind of activity. >> it's also possible that the aurora borealis, the northern lights, could extend as far south as the la basin in the time that i've lived here, which is almost 20 years, this is the best kind of prognosis i've ever seen for being able to see something. if it does appear the best viewing times would be from 10 p.m. friday night until 2 a.m. saturday. from this light pollution map, you'll see the best viewing places are very dark, such as the delta west marin, north of santa rosa, or the central valley east of san jose. unless mother nature puts on a really big show, most likely you will see it in the lower northern sky, a pinkish sky looking like it's coming
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from the ground. and so 730 to 1030 tonight, chabot space and science center, or as i say, find yourself a really dark spot somewhere remote. and if there is an aurora, you'll be able to actually see it. and we're hoping that that will happen. there's no guarantee, because a lot of science has to happen before that. does, very common up north, but not so common down here. tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, tom, these earthlings don't get off until, midnight tonight, so it'll be our best bet. we're hoping for clear skies that we can see some of those northern lights. tom vacar. thank you. very good. >> oh my goodness, greg, you just nailed it. all of you working the 11:00 show tonight. when you get off, that's your best bet in. tom explained it perfectly. in fact, we put it in writing for you. so if you're going to be heading on out tonight, overnight between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m, is your best bet . away from the city, bright
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lights go east, go north, go south. but get away from the bright lights and then again you're going to see this warm glow right above the horizon. tonight, i believe, will be the best night you have a secondary chance or opportunity tomorrow night, but we're going to see the influx of a faint layer of fog pushing in right now, not a cloud in the sky. look it out towards the south bay from monument peak in the santa clara valley, where currently the air temperatures 85 degrees, when typically we should be in the low 70s 81 degrees at this hour in novato and nicasio, it's under 90. in santa rosa, but it is 94. in napa, 90 fairfield, 91 in creek. and it's the first time this year we have had 90 degree temperatures reported around the bay area. haven't seen that since last autumn. and these temperatures, however, are still cooler around the central bay and the peninsula, but warmer by a good five degrees. and many of our east bay neighborhoods high pressure key component right here where you see that clear spot. that's
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where we are seeing high pressure continuing to nudge into the bay area. and as it does so, we're going to ride these temperatures into the 90s for one more day for your saturday tonight, overnight, mainly clear away from the coast, temperatures into the 50s. not as cold as it was last night. and meanwhile, tomorrow, your daytime high temperatures going up to 91 degrees. that will be our outside number where the coast remains in the 60s. 70s in the city by the bay gang. >> all right, roberta, thank you. bart trains are moving again in the east bay after the orange and red lines from the city of richmond to the macarthur station in oakland went hours without service. >> very, very unlucky. oh man, what a day. >> few people were standing out front. there was a sign that said stations closed. no bart employees were there. it happened sometimes. where are you going to? do you know, the agency says there was an issue with the fibers that allow the trains to communicate with each other. >> the issue was resolved shortly after 5 a.m, forcing many commuters to take the bus
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or rideshare. all service restored rather around 11 a.m. bart riders in the east bay should expect more delays this weekend. construction happening tomorrow and sunday in south alameda county, between union city and south fremont. free busses will be provided to riders during this stretch. the green line is closed all weekend. bart says riders should expect delays between 20 to 40 minutes in the work, so the sf bay ferry has big plans to expand over the next few decades. >> the board of directors has signed off on a plan that will add terminals in berkeley, redwood city, san francisco's mission bay and treasure island with a long term goal of six additional ferry terminals, including in foster city, hercules and antioch routes between existing ferry terminals will also multiply, and the agency hopes to add more electric ferries to its existing fleet. >> the man at the center of the criminal charges against donald trump prepares to take the stand. up next, how testimony from michael cohen could make or break the case.
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>> a new drainage tunnel under santa clara county's largest reservoir to help prevent flooding dnstream. i'm mark sayer.
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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on thursday, stormy daniels defended her comments about an alleged sexual encounter with the former president. and on monday, prosecutors will bring in their star witness, michael cohen, trump's former attorney and the man at the center of the alleged hush money payments.
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fox's connor hansen reports on what we can expect as the trial nears its end. >> testimony in former president trump's new york trial will come to its climax monday. trump's former lawyer, michael cohen, is at the center of the prosecution's case, arguing trump falsified business records . they argue trump reimbursed cohen for a hush money payment to stormy daniels, but labeled the payments as legal fees. cohen could be key to connecting trump to the scheme, but he comes with his own baggage. >> and who would base a case on michael cohen is a good thing. they don't put their hands physically on the bible anymore because it would burst into flames. i mean, this is someone who just recently was denounced by a judge as a serial perjurer. >> cohen will take the stand after a dramatic week of testimony from stormy daniels, prosecutors questioned her about her alleged sexual affair with trump, recounting specific and explicit details. the defense called for a mistrial because of
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it, which judge juan merchan denied, saying trump's attorneys should have objected more. during cross-examination, the defense did its best to discredit daniels and her motives, so it was a legal expense that somebody happened to be me. >> i didn't do the bookkeeping. i didn't even know about it. >> after daniels, trump's former white house assistant madeleine westerhout took the stand. she set up a meeting between trump and cohen at the white house and testified that trump sometimes signed checks and documents without closely reviewing them. prosecutors say it's possible they will rest their case next week in new york. connor hansen, ktvu, fox two news. >> the u.s. and spain have pledged their mutual support to help fight election interference and disinformation. secretary of state antony blinken hosted spain's foreign minister jose manuel alvarez at the state department friday, where they signed a memorandum aimed at combating foreign state information manipulation.
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>> adversaries seek to use information and disinformation misinformation to create or exploit existing divisions, both within and among our countries. they seek to imperil the integrity of elections, and all of this undermines public trust, blinken says. >> more than a dozen countries have agreed upon the memo's framework, which aligns efforts on how to fight misinformation. >> these i've been angry, frustrated, upset. >> i've been all of it. >> the risks of initiating and continuing that chase far outweighed the benefits. and we now know the lost. >> a police pursuit leads to a grisly crash, ending the lives of a mother and her son. up next , why the father now wants to hold the police department accountable. >> and authorities in monterey county announced three arrests tied to a mass shooting at a birthday party. what we know about those suspects and the other charges they're facing, and the u.s. and israel find themselves in the minority as the un moves, moves to a big step towards a two state
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and taking legal action after he lost the love of his life and one of their identical twin sons in a crash during a police chase in the east bay. our crime reporter henry lee is here now. after speaking with him. henry. >> christina. the father is now suing after losing half of his family, including one of his twin boys, the one who survived.
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now left, struggling to come to terms with the loss of his sibling and that special bond. >> it was a day that, everything that we worked for was taken from us. >> jeffrey humble lost jamari, one of his twin boys, and their mother, renee, after their car was hit by a stolen mda suv. as the driver fled from hercules police last year. six yol jamari, seen here on the left, died his identical twin, gemini, was hurt in the crash but survived. >> you know he wants to go see him. you know, he really doesn't understand heaven. >> humble speaking out for the first time. he filed a wrongful death lawsuit this week, saying hercules police and the contra costa sheriff's office, which started the chase, acted recklessly. >> i've been angry, frustrated, upset. i've been all of it. but, i'm a kind of positive person, so i try to just stay on the positive side because that's better for my mental health, right? >> video shows the suspect speeding near fourth and parker in rodeo and slamming into the family's nissan as they made a turn. the suspect, ralph white,
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the third, got out and ran, but was caught at a nearby liquor store. dowell who was driving, died at the scene. jamari, seen here on the left with his mother, died several days later at a hospital. whites now awaiting a trial on double murder charges. shortly after the crash, hercules police said officers had chased the suspect for less than half a mile and didn't have time to decide whether to abandon the pursuit. but humble's attorneys say the tragedy could have been avoided. >> in our mind, the risks of initiating and continuing that chase far outweighed the benefits, and we now know the loss. the loss is unimaginable. >> either a stolen vehicle still in license plate, it doesn't make sense to engage in a high speed pursuit through a heavily populated metropolitan area. humble hopes his lawsuit leads to changes the way things are now is not the correct way, and we don't get to the correct way as people like me take this fight. >> big shout out to the city of hercules and contra costa county for comment, but have not heard
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back and they have not responded to this lawsuit in court. live in studio henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> a new lawsuit filed in federal court accuses antioch police officers of using excessive force during an arrest. body cam video shows the arrest of dejon smith, one of the people named in the lawsuit, who was tackled to the ground and then bit by a police dog back in october 2021. the lawsuit accuses officers of falsifying their reports to cover up their actions. some of the officers named in the lawsuit are among the nine officers indicted last year on several state and federal charges, as part of the racist text scandal. >> today, the oakland police department welcomed its new graduates to the force. the 193rd academy received their honors and awards at the scottish rite center this morning. the 12 new officers include three women and nine men who have completed six months of grueling training. members of the group speak multiple languages, including spanish, farsi and punjabi. one of the new officers grew up in hayward.
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>> it's exciting, that's one of the differences i wanted to make, to kind of open up that field to, females from my community, from my culture as well. i feel like it's definitely exciting. and, i'm excited to go on the new path. >> the new officers bring the department's total to 716 sworn officers. the city's incoming chief, lloyd mitchell, was on hand. he officially takes the reins of the department tomorrow. >> new at five. three people have been arrested and are facing multiple murder charges for allegedly killing six people in monterey county. the three people are 18 year old jonathan cervantes, 32 year old pedro nava and a juvenile suspect whose age and name were not released. they each face six counts of homicide, among other charges. authorities say they're accused of shooting and killing four people at a birthday party in king city in march, and another two people in south monterey county in february. >> every person standing shoulder to shoulder with me and behind me, believe in justice.
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and to the men and women, the investigators that did the hard work. we put an incredible amount of pressure on them, to bring some answers to the community and maybe help with the healing process of our communities. >> the two adult suspects pleaded not guilty today in court. the da's office says it will try and see if the juvenile can be charged as an adult. >> $400 million worth of armored vehicles, missiles and ammunition are expected to arrive in ukraine within the next few days, the pentagon announced today it would transfer arms already in us stockpiles to ukraine. they include bradley fighting vehicles, stinger anti-aircraft missiles and javelins. congress approved $60 billion in military aid for ukraine in april. the approval came after months of dire warnings from ukraine that its troops were running out of weapons and losing ground to russian fighters. >> the weapons and systems and munitions that were providing them will complement the work that they've been doing and allow them to be more effective
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in defending their their, their territory. >> this is the second weapons package to come out of the foreign aid supplemental congress passed last month. >> the united nations voted overwhelmingly to approve a resolution granting palestine new rights and privileges and calling on the security council to reconsider palestine's request to become the next member of the un. fox's greg palkot reports. the u.s. and israel were two of the just nine countries to vote against the proposal. >> yes, yes, that's what you're doing shredding the un charter. >> the un general assembly votes to give palestinians new rights and urges the security council to reconsider its request to become the 194th member. >> this shameless body has chosen to reward modern day with rights and privileges. how can you be so blind? >> palestinians detail the war's impact. >> every inch of gaza has witnessed massacres, as the ward
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is barely starting to grasp the cruel and extensive nature of the actions committed against the palestinian people. >> do you know who controls gaza? the you probably have forgotten. so i'll remind you, it's the terrorists of hamas, the palestinian militant group hamas releasing a statement about the current state of a cease fire proposal friday, writing that israel's effective rejection of a cease fire proposal has brought things back to square one. >> the associated press news agency says a highly anticipated biden administration report does not conclude israel has violated the terms for its use of us weapons. the report is expected to be sharply critical of israel , after the us recently held up some aid to its ally over civilian casualty concerns, secretary of state blinken is expected to submit that national security memorandum on israel for congressional review in
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london. greg palkot, fox news. >> a new plan to address san francisco's housing crisis. how one of the city's busiest shopping malls could become a whole new neighborhood. >> plus, a woman is discovered living in a michigan grocery store. how police say she was able to go undetected for an entire year. >> the three people killed in russia when a bus plunges into a river. what the driver was seen doing just before veering off a bridge.
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veered off a bridge in russia, local media reported. excuse me? local media reports 15 people were on board and some were able to get out of the water on their own. surveillance video captures the bus driving alongside of the building, swerving to hit a car and then crashing right into the river. the bus driver has been detained by police and an investigation is ongoing. at least 90 people were hurt when two trains collided in argentina. officials say a passenger train collided with an empty train in buenos aires. rescue teams worked quickly to get the injured and get them to a hospital. no word yet on what caused the crash. >> another federal agency is launching an investigation into boeing. at issue are the comments boeing made regarding safety practices after a door plug flew off an alaska airlines
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flight mid-air, the us securities and exchange commission is now investigating whether the plane maker violated sec rules by misleading investors. this comes as a new whistleblower emerges. a former quality manager for spirit aerosystems, a major supplier of boeing's 737 max planes, claims he was pressured to downplay problems he found during inspections. >> was it like a constant battle to go in there and just try to do my job? they asked me to document defects in a different way. basically falsified the information that was on how the documents were were were logged. >> a spirit spokesperson responded saying all spirit employees who come forward with their concerns will be protected and are encouraged to do so. >> up next, the bird flu has now spread to dozens of dairy farms. why? the fda says the risk to the public remains low and what it's prepared to do if the outbreak escalates. >> plus, caitlin clark making her presence known in the wnba, how her home debut with the
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indiana fever set a new record for the franchise. >> so what happened today that hasn't happened since last autumn? we will explain. plus, the mother's day forecast. it's on deck coming up next as the bay area forecast is ready to roll aft this
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break and say the risk to the public remains low. but as fox's
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jonathan siri tells us, the fda says it is prepared in case the virus is transmitted from human to human. >> the latest bird flu outbreak, affecting at least three dozen dairy herds in the u.s. since late march, according to the cdc. this week, fda commissioner robert califf told lawmakers while the risk to the public remains low, the agency is preparing for the possibility this current strain could jump to humans on a larger scale. he says like all viruses, it continues to mutate the real worry is that it will jump to the human lungs, where when that has happened in other parts of the world for brief outbreaks, the mortality rates have been 25, about ten times worse than covid. >> the warning comes after texas authorities reported last month that a farm worker tested positive after being exposed to infected cattle. >> colorado's public health department says it's also now monitoring some 70 people for the virus, but it's not clear
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how or when they may have been exposed, though, so far, the world health organization says the virus has not shown signs of spreading between people. >> but it's certainly concerning when a virus like this begins to infect multiple mammalian species and while bird flu has been detected in raw milk in the u.s, public health officials say initial tests show pasteurization kills the virus. >> who continues to assess the public health risk posed by h5n1 avian influenza to be low. >> this week, the cdc asked state officials to make personal protective equipment available for livestock workers in atlanta. jonathan sara, fox news as the recent discovery of a michigan woman living inside of a grocery store sign is prompting housing advocates to underscore the country's need for affordable housing, local police say. >> the 34 year old woman had been found on april 23rd. she
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was living in the family fair store for about a year. it's unclear, though, how she gained access to the roof. she was living inside the sign. this was in midland, 130 miles north of detroit. local outreach group midland open door responded to the discovery, saying they are seeing a steady increase in the number of people in need of housing. a housing attorney with the michigan poverty law programs explains how solving housing crisis will cost money. >> well, i think that, some of that has to come from the federal government, from the state government to, also, i think combining that with easing some of the restrictions on the building of new housing and maybe repurposing of other buildings for housing spartannash, the grocery store's parent company, says this is a nationwide issue, writing ensuring there is ample, safe, affordable housing continues to be a widespread issue nationwide that our community needs to partner in solving. >> san francisco's planning commission has approved the city's biggest development project since the pandemic.
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>> the plan is to transform the stonestown galleria from a shopping center into a mall with a massive housing development. the proposal calls for building 3500 units around the current site of the mall, near sf state. the development will help san francisco meet its state mandated goal of planning for 82,000 additional housing units by the year 2031. consideration by the board of supervisors is next for the project. the lineup for san francisco's annual stern grove festival is out to. scheduled performers include chaka khan, the commodores, the san francisco symphony, and tegan and sara. the free concerts take place for two months starting at the end of june, but you have to register for tickets. the spots open up one month before each performance. >> what a day! in fact, we haven't experienced temperatures this hot since last autumn. let's go to and share those temperatures with you today. good evening everybody. it was 70 degrees on pacifica 294 in san rafael. in fact, after 4:00,
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napa actually reported 94. but the weather service reports 89 degrees. it was in the low 80s in oakland, emeryville and also in el cerrito. how about 85 degrees and mountain view bested by san jose in the mid 80s as well. 90 concord, 91 degrees in fairfield and 90 degrees in antioch. this is our live weather camera looking out past the city of san francisco where we've got wall to wall sunshine, clear skies. it's now 66 after dropping down from 78 degrees 61 degrees in half moon bay. it is 90 degrees in fairfield and also at travis. now, these temperatures in our inland areas at this hour are up to five degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. but notice the cooling along the bay and peninsula. that's all because of the wind it has picked up now to 20 at sfo, 14 in san jose. we were enduring more of a westerly onshore push and that lowered the temperatures at the coast
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and also around the bay. the winds currently gusting up to 22 in novato, see this slot right here with nothing going on. that's where high pressure is. oh, did you see the green on the screen? there's a slight chance of a convection shower out towards monterey county. just a chance. otherwise we do have the return of the stratus in the form of some light fog along the coast later on tonight. overnight. we wake up tomorrow morning to a sunrise at 601, and we will enjoy sunny skies for our saturday. then by saturday night, the clouds filter back in and hang tight to the coast and try to saturate the central bay and work its way towards castro valley. by saturday, overnight. and then we wake up sunday morning on mom's day with a faint hint of that stratus towards the tri valley, a good 50 miles inland, and also out towards the delta. but it wipes away very quickly and we will enjoy a lovely day for mother's day. now, if you're getting away for this weekend, it'll be 95 degrees in sacramento tomorrow. wow, 57 degrees in monterey bay. boy that's a difference there.
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89 in fresno, but only 67 degrees in san diego tonight. overnight. not as cold as it was last night into the 50s. across the board. tomorrow we will remain hot inland. we will see some stratus early along the coast, and we will see pretty close to similar conditions on your saturday from what we experienced today. here's your extended forecast again, a little bit more seasonal by monday, but we're going to write these temperatures a little above average all the way through wednesday for your mom's day. christina. we want to wish you a very happy mother's day and you will enjoy temperatures in the 80s. >> likewise, roberta. >> happy mother's day to both of you. thanks, greg. okay if that wasn't enough of a reminder that mother's day is a couple days away on sunday, so get to buying flowers or planning that brunch. >> yeah, but retail experts say that americans are going to be spending less money this sunday compared to last year's holiday. shoppers are expected to shell out $33.5 billion, down from the record setting 35.7 billion spent in 2023. if you're still
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searching for a last minute gift, there are some ways to show mom that you care without breaking the bank. >> it doesn't have to be flowers and gifts. it can be as simple as sending a quick text of thank you. a handwritten letter is a simple and inexpensive way to honor mom. maybe help with the chores that day. an opportunity to sleep in for a change. these are simple things that cost families nothing, maybe more than a text. >> experts also recommend asking mom what she wants instead of trying to guess. maybe just take the kids away for a couple of hours. the advice for mothers is to be honest with their families about what they truly would like. i sent my mom a card. oh, that's sweet, all right. >> making more than just friends and enemies. up next, how some pickleball players say they are finding love on the court
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( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ game attendance has already tripled that of last year before the regular season has even started, and her first home game, clark helped the fever rally from an early deficit in last night's preseason win over the atlanta dream. the official attendance for the game was just over 13,000. last season.
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indiana averaged about 4000 fans during its regular season. the new season officially begins next tuesday, and for the first time ever, the wnba games will stream on disney+ >> stanford is renaming its basketball court after its legendary coach, tara vanderveer. there will be a public celebration and court dedication at her home game in november. vanderveer retired last month after coaching 38 seasons at stanford. she won three national championships and retired as the winningest coach in college basketball history with 1216 wins. >> pickleball players in new york city are winning on and off the court. fox's kendall green reports. the fast growing sport is also helping people make fast friends and even find a significant other. >> the sound of pickleball pickup games has become the soundtrack of carl shurtz park along the east river, where, after just a quick glance, you can see people from every walk of life. >> i come here because everyone's really nice, so you can just spend the whole day
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here. i've been here since like 11. it's like, what is it like 3 or 4 now? >> chloe's been coming to the court for about a year. and each day, after a few intense games, she walks off with a few more friends, like sammy, who's also grown to love the game. >> it's literally the most social sport that exists. >> sammy says he's seen a little bit more brewing on the court than just friendly competition. >> literally. i see once a week that the couples, just because they're playing a lot together, they really get friendly and you know, it becomes a thing. >> now, i'm not crazy about pickleball, but i love the community. it's good exercise, fresh air. so yeah, i've been able to meet anybody you're interested in dating wise or is that like something you're involved with as well? yeah. well, my boyfriend's right there and we get very competitive. >> the court provides the perfect setting for laurie zac sos clients. she runs a matchmaking business project soulmate, and points a large amount of her clients straight to the court. you play, you meet
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people, and everyone's talking because you have to wait. >> and people are like, okay, do you know this one? do you know that one? this one single, this one just moved here. >> alex here can confirm it tends to work out. at least it did for her. >> about a week later, he was like, oh, you should come get drinks with me and my roommate and my friend. i was like, okay, sure. we hit it off immediately. you know, lots of laughs, lots of smiles. >> and even if it doesn't lead to an official status change, players develop friendships, professional relationships, or at least a really good pickleball partner. >> such a vast, wide range of people, socioeconomically different sexual preferences. but everyone on the court is the same. nobody cares where you live or what you do. every one is there to have fun. >> this is ktvu fox two news at six. >> now at six. president biden met by wealthy donors and some protesters during a short stop in the bay area. mixed reaction. as the commander in chief wraps
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up a fundraising trip. >> i hope he lasts another four years and does a good job as he has been doing. >> he's writing a blank check to the government of israel. >> president biden took off on air force one just after three this afternoon, as he continues his west coast fundraising swing. good evening. i'm greg lee and i'm cristina rendon. >> mr. biden spoke at two events in silicon valley, where he is expected to raise millions for his reelection campaign. ktvu. s crystal bailey joins us live from palo alto tonight to tell us how the community is reacting. crystal >> well, cristina, the streets here in palo alto are flooded with pro-palestinian protesters and biden, excuse me, biden supporters who are very excited to see him. they were all here because the motorcade was headed down the street to marissa myers house, president biden's first stop in silicon valley, to court his donors, a tech billionaire vinod khosla's home in portola valley. biden supporters coming out to watch the motorcade while pro-palestinian protesters lined the streets. we want him to be


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