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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  May 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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that i have never ever been homeless again. >> and right now, the tents are coming down at uc berkeley. new information about the deal that ended the week's long protest over gaza. and a mother and daughter just installed alarms at their store after thieves ransacked their oakland clothing shop. now a very frustrating case of deja vu. >> we have had enough. we're tired. it is very unfortunate. you know, we worked so hard. hello, good evening, i'm sara donchey if for juliette today. it's a tough dilemma for a lot of bay area cities, finding the right balance, dealing with the immediate problem of people sleeping on the streets in tents, and also investing in more long-term solutions like building more affordable housing. and in san jose, some housing advocates say the mayor is going too far in one direction. today they
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rallied, blasting the proposal for permanent affordable housing towards sweeps and temporary shelters. and why they could not afford to give up on the critical piece of the puzzle >> there is my guardian. so this is 250 square feet. >> spending five years living in the streets and the camper where she got to move through, which is the studio apartment in downtown san jose with enough space for her son and their dogs. they both paid 30% of their disability checks to stay here. >> the best thing about it is i'm here indefinitely. i can leave when i'm ready and i can do things correctly and do things well before i leave to ensure i'm never homeless again. >> and a group of protesting today as they came out against the proposal that will use measure e funds intended for
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permanent low income housing like deborah's to build more interim housing more like sleeping cabins that could be built quickly in small communities. >> we think they are important. we think that we need alternatives for folks that are living in the creeks. but we believe permanent affordable housing is a long-term solution that we cannot afford to drop that part of the puzzle in this stage. we have to remain committed. >> reporter: but the approach is to build more interim housing to move people out of encampments quickly. >> the number one issue our community has demanded that we address now, which is ending the era of encampments. it is very clear from the community, the voters, from every bit of research that we do and every poll that we take that the number one issue is homelessness and the number one demand of the community is that we would get people off the streets today, not wait decades until we could build enough housing to catch up. >> reporter: for the second straight year, mayor mahan has
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proposed for temporary housing fixes, which will also help san jose come under compliance to approve water quality along the creeks. >> you have to be more flexible in our measure refunds. these funds were a path to address the homelessness and the ballot measure themselves, talking about sheltering the homeless and building affordable housing. we need multiple wrongs on the ladder. >> reporter: but they fear taking priority away from permanent solutions will set them back in the long run. >> and the stability of having your own space as opposed to a bunk bed in a warehouse. i mean i don't have to explain that to anyone. it just makes sense. >> and ultimately the path forward will be decided by the city council. >> budget hearings will continue with the final vote on the mayor's proposal in mid june. safety concerns are another part of encampment, after a shooting at an encampment last week. a man was shot at a side
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on mclaughlin avenue near the interstate 280 on the overpass. he was taken to the hospital, but died sunday from his injuries. it is not clear what led up to that shooting. all right, we have some developing news right now coming out of uc berkeley within the past hour. we've seen protesters, taking down their own tents. this is where students have spent weeks protesting the war in gaza. taking a live look from our chopper now. you can see what is left behind the encampments that are being cleared out right now. they basically put into piles in the middle of the plaza there and tents are being taken down. at one point there were about 200 tents at this location. we are learning that protesters, they came to an agreement with the university officials this afternoon where they will check what they are invested in weapons manufacturing. and what you would see from companies that will do business in israel and
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their calls for the boycott. instead the university of chancellor released their statement saying i agree to the examination of our investment, the socially responsible investment strategy. and the graduation at cal happened last week. and the most recent at san jose state. so far these campuses have panged to avoid the kind of violent confrontations that have broken out and at other universities across the country. a 3:00 p.m. deadline came and went for protesters to break down their encampments to leave without consequences. the school had said students who stayed past 3:00 p.m. could be punished for violating the university's code of conduct. right at 3:00 p.m., they held a defiant rally. >> they are vague and vague for a reason and it is to scare
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students, to scare any demonstrators or protesters. >> and maybe the administration that might decide to come in and forcibly remove the encampment. >> and the concern for the student safety. >> well the school says it has no plans to forcibly remove the tents and administrators have even made some concessions to include the formal call. they also promised to create a new task force. and the displaced students and researchers. and in mountain view, more protests against google's involvement with the israeli government. >> and the shoreline amphitheater for the annual conference.
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>> and the disheartening case of deja vu for the mother-daughter duo. and that is enough for them to join them who have had enough. smashing their way this morning. >> and he sold stuff here and all the garments that were on this wall. >> reporter: it happened just before 6:30 on tuesday morning at the taylor j. shop on college avenue. the business is named after her mom. brenda says that the thieves stole dozens of outfits from them and jewelry. sadly she and her mom are no strangers to being victimized. >> it is very violating for
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someone to come in and still, you know, you're on your property, you know. still that you would work hard to create. >> reporter: we first met taylor on easter sunday. she was one of several business owners, rallying in front of city hall to show unity and fight for a safer oakland. hours earlier, ransacked her store downtown. surveillance video shows them using a hammer to smash the glass and kick it open. >> on easter and to be violated this way will feel terrible. >> that morning she lost roughly $20,000 in merchandise. and the ipad used to collect credit card payments. but her faith was restored by the community response. neighbors e-mailed her positive messages, and donated to her gofundme. we were there as she held a special event at the store to say thank you. and that hope made this second robbery extra painful. especially considering they had just put in alarms. >> and this second break-in, it
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almost feels intentional. it does. it feels it is intentional and that they are intentionally coming to make it hard for us. including burglaries and they are down in oakland. though robberies are still rising. and she thinks city heeders are out of touch with her reality. >> and it does not seem like anyone is meeting us where we are. it's rough. it keeps happening. >> she and her mom are resilient, hosting pop-up events to boost their business including one set for this weekend and all the way in atlanta. coming up at 7:00, we will hear from another oakland business owner whose restaurant was hit with back-to-back burglaries over the weekend. but he is not giving us on the
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town either. >> oakland, give me back my dream. helping oakland bounce back especially after the sun goes down. if san francisco, another union square retailer is calling it quits. they are leaving the area after 172 years. their two locations will stay open. and to renew their square lease, but ended up pulling out. stale ahead, a bay area county became the first in the country to declare loneliness on public health crisis. and why they are helping to make people connect. >> and no one wants to say i'm lonely. there is a stigma. and we've got the dubs. now the new wnba franchise has a name
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and the need for housing for many farmworkers. and whether it will fit with the character of downtown. and they
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are threatening legal action against the city for delaying the approval. today the governor was praising san mateo county though for leading the way in mental health treatment. he was in town to announce $3 billion that will be available for mental health beds in july. the first round of funding from prop one. you may remember the $6 billion bond passed by a hair in march. the governor visited a new facility in redwood city and decided it as an example of the kind of treatment centers that are needed in the state to help people experience a homelessness with serious behavioral health conditions. another part of the governor strategy includes a controversial push to compel people into care. he called out the counties that are driving their feet and adopting a bill that will expand the criteria for conservatorship. >> they will have a tool, but the vast majority of the counties will refuse to implement it. falling prey to
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the status quo. falling prey to the talking points that we can't do this or that and pointing fingers. if this are any overreaching messages that i want to communicate today that it is time to do your job. it is time to get things done. >> the governor also thanked san mateo county for being an early adopter of the care court pilot program, which will allow family members and others to petition for intervention for someone with the severe mental illness. the judge would be able to order a treatment plan in their health departments to provide it. in the meantime they are also making an investment to help tackle the other aspect of mental health that may not be as visible. lauren toms has more on the fight to push the epidemic of loneliness. >> reporter: in a room filled with music and laughter, the sense of community rings through the air at peninsula family services. this feeling is exactly the goal of san mateo county officials who will dedicate $1 million to combat a health risk rising among the
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population. loneliness. >> it will be the softening. >> victoria valencia says it's the people she found here that pulled her out after her daughters moved of the house. >> we will have to chase ideas with the people. so sometimes they might be tired with the people. >> reporter: a recent survey by the county found that 45% of residents struggle with feelings of loneliness, prompting supervisor david to launch an initiative to combat social isolation. >> and no one wants to say look, i'm lonely. there is a stigma. there may be shame to that. we want people to be able to say through our awareness campaign and other tools that i'm lonely, but i'm really
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wanting to connect with people, to not make it a stigma. >> reporter: friends of valencia says it will give them the bigger sense of community. trying to make them happy. >> and it will be expanding. >> a special value in showing up for others, so they could show up for themselves. >> they tell lauren he's also working with the governor's office to create a permanent loneliness post. all right, there are a lot of proud families around the country. but tonight cbs evening news will introduce us to one family where you could multiply that pride by five. here is norah o'donnell. >> hey, sarah. for the heart of america, meet the amazing quintuplet siblings that are
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celebrating one big milestone. having five times the fun this graduation season. that and more tonight on the cbs evening news. fog and low cloud cover will be spreading back across the bay area throughout the rest of tonight. for most of the afternoon as we look on top of the mount diablo, just hanging out closer to the coast. we'll track that fog into early wednesday morning and talk about how much different
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you know, it's nice to have some consistency in your workouts, you know, obviously the time of the year when we would have rain and it was dry and warm, but it seems like we're leveling out. >> kind of heading into the mid to late spring, and it had is what it is like, normal every day. it will retreat to the coast as you would do that back and forth. >> is that ever boring for you? >> if it was like this for three consecutive months. >> and that is why you don't do weather in l.a.? >> right. after the pretty active winter and early spring, it is nice for everybody to catch their breaths, settle into normal mid-may weather. it will stick around for a while and probably the next seven, ten days into memorial day weekend. in the short term, let's take a look outside and we'll take a look at what you need to know throughout the next several days. the fog is spreading back out, beginning to surround the top of the tower. quiet weather pattern is going to continue and the
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nighttime, early morning, spreading fog inland and retreating out. with plenty of sunshine for most of the bay area except that may gray will be tough to shake along the coast. and late this morning, early afternoon some sunshine peeking through, then obviously with the fog spreading in through san francisco, that has changed over the past several hours. temperatures will stay very close to average for the next several days. a different perspective as you could see on top of the tower being taken out. and temperatures, 56 degrees to san francisco and 76 degrees in concord, which managed to get up to 80 degrees for this afternoon. that is just a few degrees above average for inland parts of the east bay in the upper 70s to the 80s, typical for late may. the fog will spread far into those valleys by early tomorrow morning and watch how fast it dissipates, backing up very quickly and to the coast by midday and it will bark away from that coast at all. it is
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almost impossible to pin down. temperatures to not drop down to the mid-50s and dipping down. temperatures close to average in san francisco and up into the mid-60s he looks very enthusiastic. maybe not the best walking weather. just make sure that you're looking out, but plenty of sunshine taking over as we would head through the rest of the day. in the city, it will be cool sunshine. the rest of the map and the oldest map will be in the santa clara valley and the onshore side blocked. and the inland parts of the east bay warming up into the upper 70s. not quite that warm with the highs in the mid-70s. as the winds will flow down slope along the peninsula and only 60 for half
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moon bay. temperatures in the mid-60s in san francisco and near 70 in oakland. topping out in the low to mid-70s tomorrow afternoon and not quite as warm, but still bad for the middle of may. they will be relaxing through the rest of the evening, then picking back up through tomorrow afternoon, but like today, the next several days. we will tap out with most gusts in the 20 to 25 miles an hour range, not too strong. the one consistent part of the forecast and look at that wind direction that's not changing a bit throughout the next 24 hours and probably not through the rest of the weekend into the weekend. also not chapping the pollen count that is in the medium category, which will sound deceptively okay. but if you are sensitive to grass pollen, it is not that much. you'll have to sniffle and sneeze your way through the next several days because there won't be any rain headed our way to wash that out. it is a dry forecast and a sunny forecast for inland parts of
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the bay area and those temperatures that are running consistently in the 70s over the course of the next seven days. and those warmest days will probably be tomorrow and thursday and a little baby cool down for early next week. the 8 to 14-day outlook from the center will take us through memorial day weekend that will show below average temperatures, settling in for the holiday weekend and more of a trend forecast than anything else. we'll take a look at that 8 to 14-day outlook at 7:00. >> thank you, paul. still ahead, a lot of googling happening today after the bay area's wnba team announced their name. the meaning behind their new identity.
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the bay area's new wnba franchise officially has a name. they will be called the golden state valkyries. >> this is where legends take flight. but our story has yet to be written. >> they made the announcement on social media today about releasing this video showing the logo black and purple color
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schemes. there is a 13th team in the wnba, marking the first expansion since way back in 2008. the valkyries franchise is a partnership with the golden state warriors. their inaugural season will begin next year at chase center. so what exactly is a valkyrie? a lot of people had to google it to find out. searches of the word jumped by 100% on google shortly after the announcement. the name originates from north mythology. we'll let the team officials explain it. >> for anybody that doesn't foe, a valkyrie is a warrior, right? and this is a host of warriors who are responsible for printing an honorable after life for the bravest warriors. >> if you want to support the team's colors now, merch is available. even the warriors are representing where they posted these photos on social media welcoming the valkyries into the family. >> many of you know and love the golden state warriors will
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now we have the golden state valkyries. >> and san francisco mayor london breed joining in on the hype as she had her purple and black sweater on already. she can't wait to show the world what the golden state valkyries are made of. fans already sounding off on x too. someone wrote so in love with this gorgeous name and another user. welcome to the world where they will be champs by 2030. the cbs evening news is next with norah o'donnell. we're back at 7:00. >> norah: tonight, the combative cross-examination of donald trump's former fixer. >> do you plan to testify, mr. trump? >> norah: trump's team attacks the credibility of michael cohen. the show of support from the speaker of the house, trying to discredit the prosecution's key witness.


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