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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 15, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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cleared. the changes in a focus for some of those protesters as tensions simmer elsewhere. plus, california's home insurance crisis appears to be getting worse. the rate hike many customers are facing as soon as this week. this is today in the bay good morning to you. on this wednesday, i'm marcus washington and i'm laura garcia. we're going to get to all of that for you in just a moment. but we want to check in with mike because he's actually tracking some breaking news, some problems this morning for morning commuters. and these are alert words. so stay calm for a second. and mentioning bay bridge a truck that we can't move. but here you see it's labeled bay bridge. but that's actually the grand avenue off ramp from the bay bridge approach. so the flashing lights and the big rig there, we're told 73,000 pounds of rice on this trailer here. so it's a heavy vehicle, a large vehicle. it's got the off ramp closed,
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but it's not heavily used off ramp. let me show you where that is. approaching the bay bridge and easy drive down the berkeley curve off the eastshore freeway, out of the maze. everything's moving smoothly. we just have this one off ramp that takes you to maritime right here, and also to grand. that's closed. we don't know how long that's going to take to clear, but it's been there for a few hours, affects a small number of commuters. and in fact, it's actually a relatively light commute as things are moving smoothly around the rest of the bay. we have the altamont pass and really carry. it's a pretty mild build right now. yeah. looks good. all right. so we're starting out all clear here in walnut creek. beautiful sunrise even though we've seen some low clouds elsewhere. and in cupertino we'll start to see things clearing out by about 8:00. the rest of the day is sunny. and you'll notice that temperatures here stay nice and mild with highs in the mid to upper 70s. mountain view will hit a high of 78 degrees there. 75 in hayward and some upper 70s and low 80s for much of the bay area. we'll talk about where we do see a slight warm up and that weekend forecast coming up in a
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few minutes. back to you. all right. sounds good. thank you carrie. 601 right now. two decision 2024 and the date is set in the fight to recall alameda county's embattled district attorney. as many expected. it will be part of the general election ballot this november. today in the bay ginger conejero saab joins us live this morning with more and ginger, what are some of the key factors in this decision? good morning laura. there were some key points that were made in supporting that recall election to be consolidated with the november fifth election. as you mentioned, the da will actually address and give her remarks on the decision later this morning in a press conference. but some wanted that recall election to happen sooner than november fifth, saying that public safety is on the line. but in a final vote yesterday, the board of supervisors voted three to nothing, with two supervisors excused from the proceeding to consolidate the recall election. supporters say it makes sense
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because voter turnout is much higher for presidential elections compared to turnout for special elections. and consolidating the election also means consolidate. paying the costs. now, others who spoke last night say the sooner a recall takes place, the better, because they feel the da's soft on crime policies are costing lives while another group called the campaign to protect the win of pamela price, says they're going to court to get what they want, which is to stop this recall altogether. they violated a key provision of the charter that gave them ten days to verify those signatures. they took over a month to verify the signatures. well, price says that the recall is funded by billionaires and people who are uncomfortable with the idea that there is a black woman as a district attorney in alameda county, she will, as mentioned, address this decision at 10 a.m. at a news conference over in oakland. we'll bring you those updates on air and online and,
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laura, as you know, this is really something that people have many opinions on so that we'll for sure continue to watch how this all unfolds. most definitely. it's been in the headlines for some time now. all right. thank you ginger. well, at least two bay area campus protests suddenly appear to be winding down. but today at uc merced, activists are organizing a protest. this is tied to a uc regents meeting. there that meeting, scheduled to begin later this morning. now, here in the bay area, later today, pro-palestinian activists at san francisco state, addressing an agreement reached with the school to dismantle the tent encampment that started there. more than two weeks ago. the group first made that announcement yesterday, then later posting it on social media. organizers also vowing to continue their efforts to force a cease fire in gaza. now over at uc berkeley, pro-palestinian protesters are also dismantling their encampments, vowing to keep the pressure to end the middle east conflict. many took their tents down yesterday after more than three weeks outside of sproul plaza, the peace was reached. this is after agreement
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with administrators and a public statement from the chancellor supporting the cease fire. some of the protesters are vowing to continue their effort at other campuses, including uc merced. we realize that what we get a free palestine to all the amazing kind of get from the university in terms of our demands being met, have kind of been met to some extent. the fact that i get to say there's more to win, there is still another fight. there is still another campaign that's within reach. protesters are still demanding the uc system divest all assets in israel, a statement from cal's chancellor states the uc system. does not support a war and, quote, we should examine whether uc berkeley's investments continue to align with our values or should be modified in order to do so. now the situation over at san jose state, meanwhile, continues to simmer. pro-palestinian supporters launching their encampment on monday, and now many are camped
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out surrounding the school's iconic victory statue. but the school already telling protesters they need to move and that the encampment violates university policy. the university released a statement saying, in part, that violence, vandalism and unprotected speech that promotes a hostile or harassing environment is prohibited by the law and csu policy. those in violation of that policy and or breaking the law will face consequences. governor newsom is headed to italy. he's participating in the vatican climate summit. the governor is expected to be there until friday. pope francis is presiding over the event. the pope has previously called climate change, quote, a global social issue and one intimately related to the dignity of human life. massachusetts governor maura healey delivered a keynote address at the summit earlier this morning. san francisco's top five candidates for mayor will debate the city's issues on monday, but it will happen on two separate stages. yesterday,
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mayor london breed pulled out of the debate planned by the political advocacy group together sf action. she cited concerns that the deep pocketed group is too closely connected to her opponent, mark farrell. breed claims his campaign has unduly influenced the debate and described it as a one that is tainted beyond repair. mayor breed will now be holding a separate, moderated conversation on the same day and time with another mayoral opponent, longtime supervisor aaron peskin. the original debate will still include three of breed's reelection challengers mark farrell and daniel laurie, who are both pulling very close behind. breed supervisor aisha safai is also set to debate, well, new at six california homeowners using liberty mutual. may prepare for some major rate increases. state regulators they have approved a more than 10% jump for residents holding policies through liberty subsidiary safeco. now, these are the expected average hikes,
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which will take effect whenever those policies renew. the exact rate changes are dependent on the type of home, its age and location. the company also announcing that it will not write new policies for homes built before 1976 with outdated electrical systems. the increase is expected to take place this friday. it is 607 on your wednesday morning. taking a peek outside overlooking san francisco. okay, the fog starting out the day there in the city by the bay. are we going to see that burn off? kerry? it's going to take a while, at least for san francisco. that's going to keep those temperatures down there and along the coastline. but some of our inland areas are going to have a lot of sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures with highs in the 70s and low 80s. now looking ahead, the dry and sunny weather continues, but then this weekend it does get slightly cooler. we're going to see more clouds and we'll bring down. those temperatures a few degrees as we take a look at
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what to expect in berkeley today. low clouds and fog through at least 10:00 and eventually clearing around noon. we'll only see temperatures in the low 60s here, and some upper 70s and low 80s for the inland east bay. san jose will reach a high of 81 there, 77 in napa and in novato, while san francisco will be in the mid 60s. we'll take a look ahead to the rest of the weekend, the weekend coming up. but before you get there, you might have to stop and get some gas where the price is a little bit lower. mike crying i mean, there are some lower prices. we've seen them continue to come down the last couple of weeks. we'll talk contra costa county. they're best there for 75 at arco in pleasant hill on pleasant hill road. same best price in cupertino at cupertino, car wash on north de anza boulevard. and the last price we list is in the north bay. we'll check vallejo for 83 is the lowest there at central gas on springs road. we talk about all these different factors that affect gas prices, but one of them is the gas tax. now what if california got rid of the gas tax to lower these prices? that's a new proposal that's being currently tested out. we're going to make sure to
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stick around. i want you to make sure you stick around till 630. our kris sanchez is breaking down. what would replace it and how you could get some cash to help test it out. that'd be great, right? i'd be willing to do that. work on the roadway. not much work here. as we look at green sensors pretty much dominate this map. we do have slowing that just showed up. eastbound 24 opposite your commute and opposite the roadwork that was in the grid. however there is slowing there and they may be clearing another set of crews in that area. just temporary slowing into lafayette and at the bay bridge. we do have the backup. your typical pattern a little bit lighter though, at 610. just turned on the clock. now we do have the backup at the bay bridge, and in fact we have fewer flashing lights top of the screen. i'll talk about well, i'll point out what you can't maybe make out over there on the overcrossing back to you. that's great. he always points out things we don't even see. thank you mike 610 for you. this morning. bumpy skies for summer travelers i had for you here on today in the bay. we're going to tell you the reason an air traffic controller
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shortage could mean trouble for you at the airport. china tells youtube it can't play one certain song in hong kong. we can play it and we will. let's go out to the futures this morning. we've got some good news about inflation, and you can see the green there. plus oh my dear marty. okay get the perm rods out. we are taking it back to the 80s with a new tiktok dance challenge. the way users are getting their parents in on the fun. you don't want to miss it. keep it here. for more on today in the bay
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we'll start to see a little bit more sunshine around 9:00 the rest of the day, clear and sunny as our temperatures start to warm up and become a lot more comfortable. we're headed for a beautiful day in this weather continues into the weekend. we'll check out where we're seeing a spike in our temperatures coming up in a few minutes, and this is obviously where we see the flashing lights. the alert continues here for the grand avenue off ramp from westbound 80. that's your commute to the bay bridge. things have been moving. they've been repositioning these vehicles. i'll tell you what i think's going on, but hopefully we'll have confirmation before the next report. well, good morning. very happy wednesday to you. we'll get we got more inflation news. it showed that inflation is, getting smaller. that is good news. we're seeing
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rent hikes slowing down. rent is about a third of the whole inflation calculation uber buying taiwanese food delivery company for nearly $1 billion. biomarin laying off 170 staffers up in san rafael and novato. a federal court says elon musk must answer questions from the securities and exchange commission as it investigates the purchase of twitter. musk has in the past refused to testify. the sec is investigating whether musk violated laws with statements he made as he bought twitter stock. originally, he said, without the intention of buying the company. the department of education has raised interest rates for new federal student loans to the highest in more than a decade 6.53% graduate school loans now above 8% current loans. the loans people are paying back right now are usually fixed, so this applies to new loans. so high school or seniors now
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they're going to pay that higher rate for college. google held its google i o conference yesterday. and it was a psychic flick i guess very northern californian. no new gadgets or big headlines. but the company did say starting monday it would expand the ai answers on its google searches. you know how when you google how to cook a hard boiled egg, it gives you links to recipes, but it also gives you the answer. google does this already, but it's going to expand that by a lot. the chinese government says google owned youtube must cut off access to one certain song in hong kong, the anthem glory to hong kong. now we can play it all we want free country. so here is glory to hong kong, played by a guy in a train station, actually in london. i would love the back story on how there's another londoner who just happens to have a chinese
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flag in his pocket doing a counter protest. some of our younger viewers may not realize hong kong was at one time a democracy. the capital of capitalism, but that has since changed very much. it definitely has changed. if you are not allowed to sing a certain song very much so, yeah. all right. thanks, scott. you bet. well, two big developments. this is ahead of the summer travel rush. first, justice department now saying boeing violated its deal. it was a deal that shielded the company from criminal prosecution over those two fatal accidents involving the 737 max planes. well, now that's open the plane maker to potential criminal prosecution over those accidents. both of those took place over six years ago. now the doj says that it made that discovery while investigating the recent door blowout of the alaska airlines flight earlier this year. now this is coming as a just released report shows, the faa is short thousands of air traffic controllers. the numbers show the agency needs an
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additional 3000 air controllers. the shortage comes amid several close calls this year, where airplanes near airplanes rather nearly collided after a miscommunication. well, trending this morning, it is way back wednesday, so we want to take you back to 1984. oh, what a time that was. so it's a song then at the top of the charts, it's now getting new life. this is thanks to a viral tiktok trend. i've never heard that song. you have it. i have not. small town boy. yeah, that's what it is. i'm learning that this morning. bronski beat. yeah, it's a british pop girl group. they're. so that trend involves children asking their parents to dance like it's the 1980s. well, some of the videos are already making a lot of people tune in because they're getting millions of views. and, laura, i know your
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kids have they asked you yet? that's the big question here. well, if they do, are you going to do it? laura doesn't know that era. marcus. yeah. marcus. she's way too young. well, you know, she does a lot of research. that's true. this is true. i like playing music for the kids of all different eras, because i think it's really important for them to know a lot of history. i went old man on the kids, though. oh, you did did listening to this new music. and i'm like, that sounds like bronski beat. that sounds like you know, the old, you know, general public. and she's like, what general public dance like this with our feet stuck in the cement. oh, they need to play some wham! yeah. okay. oh yeah. then you know. all right, get the. there's all these people like the shoulder foot thing, you know, the shoulder, foot and shoulder. oh, yeah. you remember the snake? yes. yeah the cabbage patch. take her back. yeah. exactly well, that was 90s. yes. okay. you're going a little bit later. too far. that's too far. stuck between two. we're gonna play some bronski beat for them later, too. okay. well, all right, we'll get started this morning. maybe you'll wear
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something that reminds you of the 80s. yeah all right. put on a big lapel or something. we're getting started with some clouds this morning. and this will be a couple of our warmest days that we'll see today and tomorrow. we're still cool along the coastline as we get our typical may gray. that fog that lingers throughout the morning and sometimes into the afternoon, that's going to keep it cloudy and drizzly there. and for the weekend, we're all going to cool down a few degrees with a little bit more wind kicking up. let's get the kids ready for school in hayward. we're starting out with mid 50s and it will be a cloudy morning, but by the time you pick them up at school, it's going to be windows down, sunglasses on, a really nice wait in the pick up line there at the school. we're going to see temperatures starting out in the mid 50s this morning. and then as we go into the noon hour heading out for lunch in dublin, it will be 72 degrees. we'll be at 75 in napa, while san francisco still jacket weather with some low 60s going into the
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afternoon to the evening. it turns breezy and we'll see some spots in the 70s and 80s, but then check out ukiah and clear lake there. we're hitting the low 90s, so there will be a couple of spots farther to the north and farther inland, where you'll feel the difference in the temperatures for today. high pressure still in control, but we're going to see some changes into the weekend. that's going to change with an area of low pressure dipping down into the pacific northwest. and that could possibly bring down enough moisture to cause some showers and thunderstorms in the sierra for the end of the weekend into early next week. the bay area stays dry, but we will see a drop in temperatures with a little bit more wind being picked up and much more of an ocean breeze. so spots like san jose is going from upper 70s to low to mid 70s for next week, so it's not a huge change here. we still don't have any chances of rain in the forecast, but we'll bring it back to some more seasonable temperatures because it has been a little bit warmer than we typically see. we'll have some highs in the low to mid 70s into next week, while
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san francisco's keeping it steady with some 60s throughout the forecast. mike, what's the update on that alert? yeah, i thought we were going to have some great news. but then, you know, reviewing the details on this crash which closes the off ramp from west 80 to grand avenue, marital time. i don't think this is going to clear for a few more hours because we're looking here. look, all the arrows pointing that you go around this way. right, folks? watch this. following the cars. they're all facing that way as well. except for the cab of that truck, that rig. and that's going to be taken off by this tow truck here, i believe. but then over there, just past those two, it looks like there is a trailer that's on its side. now, i'm hearing, as we told you before, the 73,000 pounds of rice on that truck. so if that spilled or just to clear it anyway, they're going to have to write the rig or load it up and clear it. so that's a longer process. so that will have the off ramp closed. it's no longer a distraction for folks approaching the backup at the bay bridge. and guys i do want to show you that overall, aside
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from that one incident off the bay bridge, everything else for the bay is moving very smoothly. we're recovering for eastbound 24. back to you. sounds good to me. thanks, mike. it might be easy to take some things for granted. like a pair of shoes. well, one man is on a mission to repair for hundreds of shoes to donate to those in need. his determination will make you bay area proud. it's all coming up next. but first, it's all going down in the pitch tonight. this is as the chivas take on club america. this is during the semifinals of the liga mexicana. you can watch it all live on our sister station telemundo 48. it's coming up for you at 7:00 e
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looked for a new way to help the community. he actually found an old skill. that's right. he's on a mission now to repair hundreds of shoes to donate to those in need. today in the bay's garvin thomas has his story, which will make you bay area proud. good morning everyone. there's a guy in the east bay who has found a new way to help his community by relying on an old skill for a few years. many years ago, dennis brown worked for a salvage company that took in fire and water damaged items and restored them. he worked in the shoe department. well, fast
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forward to this past winter and dennis saw a man on the street with badly worn shoes on a freezing day. so he went home, restored a couple of his old worn shoes to good condition, gave them to the man and knew immediately he was on to something. since then, dennis has restored hundreds of donated shoes, many in really bad shape, to looking almost new, then giving them to those who need them. you can experience the whole story at bay area proud as well as hundreds of other stories of people being good to each other in the bay area perhaps it will inspire you to do something of your own. i like that. all right, look, we've got a lot more ahead for you at 630, including moving forward. the affordable housing project for farmworkers. now finally getting the green light. this is after a contentious battle in one bay area city. we have the details on the new plan and the late night vote. plus, the annual school bus trip for education. the issues concern teachers and
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parents are on board these busses as they head up to sacramento to speak with legislors. stay with
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says we're breaking down the fine print. i would love to see an investment into education on by the state of california,
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because it certainly pays in the future. hitting the road for education. we are live this morning in the south bay as a group of student advocates leave to head to the state capitol in a fight for better schooling nurses at some of san francisco's largest hospitals could go on strike. an update on their demands and the renewed effort for a deal ahead of the looming deadline. this is today in the bay a very good wednesday morning to you. 630 right now. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia and i'm marcus washington. well, we are following some breaking news likely affecting that morning commute for you. mike inouye, of course, been tracking what's happening there, so see the lights behind you. mike, what's going on here? well alarming words. bay bridge alert right out here. now, let me calm folks down. there are flashing lights that continue here. and this is the grand avenue off ramp, right? grand avenue maritime access off of the berkeley curve. only that exit is closed. everything else approaching the bay bridge is fine. it's been here for hours, and it will probably be there for hours. as
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we look on the upper right of the screen, you can barely catch some flashing lights there. you can also catch the backup at the toll plaza, and you see that it's not actually that bad. the off ramp for, again, west grand avenue off of westbound 80 and the berkeley curve that off ramp will be closed, but everything else approaching is actually moving smoothly. we have a lighter build this morning and easing into the morning commute. now just seeing some slower drives through richmond and the rest of the east bay shows a gradual build for the nimitz. south bay. getting ready to show some more slowing for san jose carry. and that will be right on schedule for 101. all right. we're starting out this morning with some low clouds and some spots as we get started. and we're going to see temperatures in the low 50s as you head out the door. 57 in palo alto, 52 in san rafael and san francisco, 54 degrees. as we take a look at what to expect in castro valley. we're in the low 50s right now. it is cloudy, but as we go throughout the day, it's going to be clearing out around 8 to 9:00, and then the rest of the day is sunny. temperatures in the upper 60s at noon, and then we'll see our highs in a lot of
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the bay area reaching into the mid to upper 70s with a few low 80s. we'll get a look at the rest of the forecast coming up in a few minutes. laura marcus all right. thank you very much, carrie. well, state leaders want to ditch one big hurdle for people trying to make it in the bay. we're talking about the california gas tax, and they're actually trying to pay people to try to figure out a new alternative. kris sanchez joins us now. some of this is due to fears that gas tax revenues may completely just go away, evaporate. yeah. so as we're standing at the gas pump watching the dollar amount go up and up, it certainly doesn't feel like the state is collecting less gas tax, but with more people driving electric vehicles and a looming ban on gas vehicles, the state really has to tap a different funding source for our road repairs. so they are launching a pilot program looking for about 800 drivers to participate for six months, starting in august. you drive as usual with a survey at the beginning and a survey at the end. the difference is if you are in this pilot program, you will pay by the mile instead
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of by the gallon. participating drivers could earn up to $400 and you would be reimbursed for any gas taxes that you pay or any electric vehicle registration fees to make sure that you are not double paying, the state has to rethink how it pays for highway and road repairs, because about $0.58 of every gallon used to generate enough funding for about 80% of road repairs. but more drivers hitting the road and those evs. and while they pay for the road repair funding through a registration fee, it's about a third of what gas fueled drivers pay, according to la times. so also, let's not forget that in 2035, you won't even be able to buy a new gas vehicle in the state of california. so if you are interested in helping the state find a better solution, you can participate in the pilot program. go to see a road change dot com. california has been looking for an alternative for years because we knew that this was coming. right. but we're
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getting close and it's time to put the pedal to the metal. okay we'll see if people participate. yeah 800 not not too many. yeah that's true. all right. thanks, chris. well, new at six. a disturbing story playing out over seas. this is involving a sex assault suspect who once lived here in the bay area. so french authorities recently arrested ian thomas cleary. he's of saratoga. and in connection with an alleged rape. this was at a pennsylvania student in her dorm room back in 2013. now, investigators say that he later sent multiple facebook messages to that victim, not only admitting to what he did, but trying to apologize. after leaving that same school, he attended santa clara university, then working over at tesla, and then he moved to france. this is where he was found. after a three year search, u.s. authorities are now working on his extradition. now to a live look at our state's capitol, where there's a push for better education. it will be front and center today. and it comes as teachers in the south bay plan to rally for better pay today in
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the bay bob redell joins us live from san jose this morning from san jose state. in fact, as teachers and students, they were all heading up to sacramento today. they take off already. bob they did. about five minutes ago i was down here. you saw the four busses. they were loaded with maybe an estimated 200 people. we're talking about parents, teachers, some students that were headed to sacramento. they just left this is the 21st annual bus trip for education, organized by senator dave cortese of san jose. these annual excursions, they're an opportunity for participants to learn about pending legislation surrounding education. also, the trips also always take place after the governor released their revised budgets, which governor newsom just did. he pledged to dip into a rainy day fund to protect funding for k through 12. however funding for csu or uc could be at risk earlier, we spoke with a teacher from guadalupe elementary here in the south bay. as a teacher, i'm watching our students through the elementary system.
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i'm a special education teacher, but we're observing and by middle school, we're losing a lot in literacy with our students. they're just not putting down those tablets, picking up books. so we're trying to come up with innovative ways to get books into students hands. again so i'm to talk to our leaders about some thoughts i have towards that. and working with their school communities and in their communities to get books into these kids hands and get those tablets out for our phones, out for a while. and do you think the state's doing a good job when it comes to education? not really. for today. we'll see. what is there one issue that is of specific concern to you? what the concern for me, for the future of the kids, for a new generation. we know it's on the minds of teachers within the los gatos-saratoga union high school district. their pay later this morning in about just over an hour before school starts, they plan to rally outside both los
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gatos and saratoga high schools to try to convince the district that they should be paid more. in a press release, the teachers union says that they rank dead last for the percent of total outgo compared to other teacher salaries in santa clara county, and that many of their teachers have to work second jobs just to supplement their incomes. we're reporting live here in san jose, bob redell, today in the bay. it's tough for a lot of them to make it in the bay. all right. thanks for the latest, bob. well, nurses at some of san francisco's major health facilities holding a strike authorization vote. the nurses work at places including zuckerberg general laguna, honda and county jail, as well as several city and county clinics, all tied to the department of public health. the union represents more than 2000 workers, and leaders say contract talks are ongoing, but the current contract expires at the end of june. the issues center around many things, including staffing. the department of public health has moved more and more towards hiring contracted registry staff, who come for short periods of time. they're paid a
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very large premium, and they take all of those wages directly out of the city and contribute them in other economies, so it's not fiscally responsible. it's also not clinically responsible. we know from the research that that that when you have a the more continuity you have on a care team, the better the patient outcomes. the department of public. health promised to respond yesterday, but we never received one. the new nurses with 166, new 166 new hires since december, and another 50 planned by the end of next month. a follow up this morning on plans to provide new affordable housing for farmworkers on the peninsula. the project calls for 40 new affordable units spread over two housing developments in half moon bay, in a meeting that ended after midnight, city planners have now approved the project. last year's mushroom farm shooting rampage first brought poor living conditions
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into the spotlight. more recently, governor newsom threatened legal action if there was no progress on that plan. 539 this morning, taking a live look out in oh, sorry. you're right. who wants to go back in time? sometimes it depends. well, moving forward this morning, as we take a look outside in walnut creek this morning, meteorologist kari hall has a look at what we can expect . the sunrise coming up. kerry not going back to darkness. no, it looks good out there as at least it's clear. walnut creek, but we've seen some fog and low clouds along the coastline that will keep those temperatures in the 60s for today, while the valleys will head for the 70s and low 80s. and looking ahead, it will still be dry and sunny weather for tomorrow as well. but the weekend a few more clouds in spots as our temperatures cool off. we'll bring it down about another 5 or 6 degrees. but as we're getting started in san jose, it is a clear start this morning and we'll see a lot of sunshine throughout the day and temperatures going from 60 to
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upper 70s. even briefly hitting the low 80s. and then as we look all around the bay area it will be in the upper 60s for san mateo. while in oakland today, we can look for a high of 71 degrees. mike still tracking that a crash and now a new one. yeah, we have the crash over near the bay bridge blocking that grand avenue off ramp for west 80. but the approach to the bay bridge is okay. i did want to start with a new crash in morgan hill north 101 at cochran. folks familiar with this part of the south county south part of the county know that's a critical section, as we have a light build in san martin , we have more slowing in morgan hill because of that crash. meanwhile north of there, everything's a lot lighter than we often see at this time of day. again, as we slide in toward the summer months, we may see the early morning commute kind of ease up a little bit over here. the san mateo bridge does see more traffic volume, so we have slowing because of that. no problems over toward the peninsula. and there is that crash carrying i we're talking about over at grand avenue, the off ramp from west 80 back to
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you. all right. thanks, mike. so how would you like to live in a place and be paid where things are a lot more affordable? i'm here. life maybe happens at a slower pace as well. ahead on today in the bay, we took a look at the surprising office offers rather now tempting people to move to small town america a lot coming into our newsroom, maybe a developing crisis in central europe and trump and bidengree on something a y it's time to get away
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and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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the former president trump ahead of the election, but scott mcgrew, they certainly have conditions. they have a lot of conditions. good morning. the biden campaign says it doesn't want a repeat of 2020. those debates, particularly the first one, did not help americans understand the issues. so the conditions they were just released this morning. first, the debates need to come earlier , before early voting, earlier than previous debates. second, no third party candidates and it needs to be in a tv studio with microphones that can be cut off if someone speaks out of turn and no studio audience. and one vice presidential debate now, we don't know yet who trump's vp pick will be. one of the most striking conditions is the biden campaign says it will not participate in debates held by the nonpartisan commission on presidential debates, which has
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been running debates since the mid 80s but seemed unprepared for the kind of behavior we saw in 2020. everybody knows he's a liar, but you. i just want to make sure, joe, you're the i want to make sure did last in your class. not first. i oh, god. now, a live debate with no studio audience. hardly a new idea that date back to the first presidential televised debates in 1960, moderated by howard smith of cbs. the two men trading barbs this morning, former president trump said on truth social he agrees to the debate schedule, but he says he wants a big crowd. let's get ready to rumble, he said. so that was trump. here's biden. donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020, and since then he hadn't shown up for debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. we'll make my day, pal. i'll even do it twice. so let's pick the dates. donald, i hear you're free on wednesdays. donald trump. that is a reference to trump's trial
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over hush money to an adult film star. the court does not hold trial on wednesdays. trump. meantime spent another day in court yesterday where his lawyers cross-exam and his former lawyer, who testified against his former boss. we believe that's it for prosecution witnesses. the big question is now who will the defense put on the stand? maybe trump himself. do you plan to testify? mr. trump? thank you very much. as you know, i'm under a gag order. well the gag order does not prevent trump from answering whether he'll be a witness or not. certainly does not bar him from being a witness. not unusual for trump to misinterpret things to his benefit, he said. for years, the irs wouldn't allow him to release his tax returns to the public the way candidates usually do because of an audit. the irs has no such prohibition on speaker of the house mike johnson, who often talks about the rule of law, was at the hush money trial tuesday, saying donald trump is a good friend. i
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called president trump and told him i wanted to be here myself to call out what is a travesty of justice. and i think everybody around the country can see that a president trump is a friend, and i wanted to be here to support him. there was a primary in nebraska. i bring it up because none of the current republican in office running for reelection to congress were endorsed by their own state, republican party. the current republicans in nebraska are traditional republican, as their opponents are maga republicans. secretary of state antony blinken met with ukrainian president zelensky yesterday. there's worry congress delayed help for ukraine. so long. the russians have the upper hand. they're bombarding ukrainian cities with missiles and bombs. zelensky says he's running short of ammunition. commanders on the ground say they can fire off one round for every 20 incoming. and marcus, we are monitoring news out of slovakia where there are reports the prime minister has been hurt in a shooting, not
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shot necessarily. we are monitoring that slovakia, of course, is a member of nato and shares a border with ukraine. all right. keep us updated with that scott. thank you. all right . 648 for you right now, rising inflation, making more americans consider moving with an added pay off. in fact, more than 60 cities across america are now offering financial incentives to get people to relocate, which can especially be easy for people who work remote. right. so today talks to one couple who says they actually got a deal of a lifetime. they recently relocated from baltimore to lewisburg, west virginia. they actually received $12,000 in the process, along with more bang for their buck. what are some of the things you noticed were more expensive back in maryland? a little bit less expensive. now here my grocery bill is less. overall. our household budget is down, the mortgage is cheaper. the movie theater here is half of what it was in maryland. you know, it's like six bucks to go to a movie. but i think the biggest thing was all the things
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we can do outside for free. take me home, west virginia. all right, look, relocating deals usually require transplants to maintain residency for at least one year. now, today's spotlight, some of the cities seeing success with their programs and the families grateful for those moves they made. that's coming up for you at 7:00 right here on nbc bay area, right after us here on today on the bay. that's right. country road marcus washington taking a live look outside of the monterey bay aquarium's sea otter camera. we've got some exciting news for ocean lovers by the bay. i love sea otters. the aquarium. this is great. they are offering free entry to low income families who are enrolled in snap or cal fresh program starting on may 27th. it's all part of the program called museums for all. it aims to provide more access to exhibits and programs by removing the financial barrier. there will be four people per family who will have free access. if you want to attend,
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all you have to do is bring your card to validate that program. yeah, hopefully people you know learn about it and can go enjoy it. that's a great opportunity. the aquarium. yeah beautiful aquarium. excuse me. that it is. and a great little date night too. or date day. there you go. date day. it's not even that late at night. so i was like a day date. yeah. good day trip to. all right. so we've seen a lot of cool temperatures in the coastline. and monterey too. we're going to see our may gray continues. that means that we have the low clouds and fog to start out each day. we can see the clouds lowering over some of the top of the tower, the golden gate bridge. but it looks like as of now, visibility is pretty good here. and then as we go into the valleys and throughout today, it's going to be some of the warmest days of the week, today and tomorrow. now the coastline staying cool thanks to the low clouds, the fog and the drizzle. but this weekend we'll get much more of a cool down even in the inland area. so as we're starting out, most of us
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in the 50s right now and then as we go into the lunch hour, we're going from 50 to in some spots, mid 70s and even low 80s. we'll see 81 in vacaville, meanwhile, in the south county, as the clouds gradually clear out. we'll still be in the 60s but headed for the mid to upper 70s. so there will be a quick warm up today. and one of the spots where we're watching for hotter temperatures in parts of lake, and also in the farther to the north, up around ukiah. we're going to see it in mendocino county as well. some of those temperatures in the 90s there. meanwhile, san francisco is going to be in the 60s for this evening. clouds and the fog returning right back in. so we're going to be breezy and temperatures dropping to the mid 50s. and this is our typical setup that we see in the month of may, where the fog reaches across the bay and sometimes even develops in the valleys from the south county to parts of the north bay and napa and sonoma counties. we start out each morning with some fog, and
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then it gradually clears out as we go toward the weekend. there will be a low developing into the pacific northwest, but that could push just enough moisture down our way. that could develop some showers and possibly even some thunderstorms for the sierra from sunday into monday. meanwhile, we're not getting any rain, but we will have a cooldown and our temperatures drop a few more degrees. so take a look at our ten day temperature trend in san jose. nothing really significant here, just moving about 5 or 10 degrees in some spots as we look at our forecast for the inland areas, just slightly cooler from today through the weekend as well as early next week in san francisco's not seeing that much of a change. we're going to be in the mid 60s throughout much of the forecast. mike, do you have more detail on that alert near the bay bridge? the crash involved this rig here at 73,000 pounds of rice in the trailer. i believe the trailer is on its side. you see the rig there on its wheels now? it's good news, but they're not moving anything yet, and i don't think they're going to have a plan to move that. they actually coming up
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with a plan to move that trailer as well. so this is just the off ramp at grand avenue to maritime as well. getting off of that westbound 80 berkeley curve that's moving smoothly. typical backup there a few other incidents in the area, but nothing major except for this slowing eastbound 24. there's some road work going on, so you may still have some slowing out of orinda. back to you. thank you very much, mike. well, happening now, oakland's newest baseball team looking to revamp their new home. the ballers are asking the coliseum joint powers commission for permission to buy 5000 unused bleacher seats. leader's first purchased the seats as part of a stadium overhaul when the raiders still played there. the team is now renovating the park in west oakland, and they'd like to bring in the new seats next season. well, up next, the top stories making news this morning, including california wanting your help to end the gas tax. and you may receive up to $400 in the process. we're going to break that down for you. the fine print that is. plus tents dismantled. two bay area college encampments are now being cleared, but tensions are not
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over just yet. where some of those local protests are now takinger
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with a look at our top stories here on today in the bay, starting with that breaking news mike has been tracking this morning. any updates? mike, you know, unfortunately not. we still have the closure near the bay bridge this is only affecting folks who would use the grand avenue, the maritime exit from the approach to the bay bridge. this overturned rig continues to be blocking the roadway. so do the crews. this is not affecting the backup at the bay bridge itself, but it is keeping. oh, look at this. we just saw these sensors line up. we'll track that. and of course i'll update on twitter and on social media if they have progress. all right. thank you
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very much. other news, we're following. palestinian supporters suddenly pulling up the tents at uc berkeley and san francisco. state activists started clearing cal sproul plaza yesterday after a deal with administrators. in a public statement from the chancellor supporting a cease fire. activists at san francisco state planned to talk later today about the agreement that was reached. some cal protesters are vowing to continue their efforts elsewhere, starting at uc merced. that's where regents will hold a meeting today. well, california wants to pay you $400 to help get rid of the gas tax. now, the state is launching a pilot program to test taxing drivers by the mile instead of the gallon. 80% of road repairs are funded by the gas tax. but with more drivers going electric and the looming ban on gas powered vehicles in california, the state is really trying to find a better funding source. now, if you would like to be one of the 800 drivers to participate in that pilot program, you can go to car
7:00 am let's check the forecast one last time. yeah, we're starting out with some clouds all around the bay area, but we're going to go back to the sunshine today. our inland temperatures in the low 80s. and today and tomorrow the warmest days of the week. we'll bring it back to the 70s in time for the weekend. well all right, well, that's what's happening here on today in the bay thanks for making us a part of your morning. the today show starts now. join us for our streaming newscast. that's at 8 a.m. you'll find it at . good wednesday morning. ♪ ♪ good wednesday morning. boeing coming under new fire. >> growing concerns ahead of the big summer travel season. good morning. it's may 15th. this is "today." air trouble. boeing facing possible criminal charges over two fatal crashes involving its jets.


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