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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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right now on america this morning, confrontations on campus, the unrest growing as police clash with israel, hamas war protesters and more. universities from coast to coast, some protesters setting up an indoor encampment. and at ucla hours after a violent brawl, the question what took officers so long to respond? the massive cyber attack in the health care industry, 1 in 3 americans possibly affected prescriptions and doctor payments delayed. >> the ceo now revealing the
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ransom paid to the hackers and how the hackers accessed the medical data of millions on alert. >> the new tornado threat in the plains, as we hear from two brothers who say they were sucked into a tornado and sent cartwheeling through the air while trying to protect their dog, a frightening commute. >> this driver explains just how close he came to getting killed by still being thrown off a highway overpass. the urgent police investigation, a new fight in congress targeting formula one racing. >> why is legend mario andretti's team being rejected? hang up for unruly behavior? >> the massive fine one man will have to pay for acting up on a flight, and the man who, quite frankly, became the star of $1 hot dog night at the ballpark >> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. >> good thursday morning,
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everyone. i'm rhiannon ally and i'm lionel moise. >> in for andrew. we begin with the growing unrest on college campuses nationwide. >> police making new arrests in new york after israel-hamas war. >> protesters entered fordham university. we have seen protesters clash with police from new england to wisconsin and overnight in california, police responding after violent clashes there this morning. >> more college campuses in crisis as protests over israel's war in gaza grow more confrontational. while the lapd declaring a citywide tactical alert last night as officers in riot gear responded to a massive crowd at ucla the previous night, a brawl erupting on campus after counter-protesters tried to break down a pro-palestinian encampment. the violence unfolding for more than two hours before police moved in the school, which has its own police force, is now vowing to investigate the response in oregon. at portland state university, protesters barricading themselves inside
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the library since monday, despite the school telling them to leave immediately. food and bedding was seen being delivered riot gear in new hampshire police detaining multiple protesters at dartmouth after an order to leave an encampment. and in new york city. this new video shows police clearing out an indoor encampment at fordham university, arresting at least 15 people. this is the new york city police department. >> you have been warned. as per fordham university, to leave the campus. if you refuse to leave, you may be placed under arrest. >> it comes after the nypd made hundreds of arrests at columbia and city university tuesday night. protesters had taken over a building at columbia by smashing windows. >> we will not stop fighting. this is only the beginning. >> organizers of the demonstrations in new york responding to the police crackdown. >> the students have reminded us that another world is possible and is already in the making, and i am so proud to be a member of this community.
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>> in the last two weeks, more than 1600 people have been arrested at 30 schools across the country. in many cases, so-called outside agitators are blamed for stoking student protests. >> americans have the right to peacefully protest. they have the right to peacefully protest as long as it's within the law and that it's peaceful. forcefully, forcibly taking over a building is not peaceful. it's just not. >> some republicans are calling on president biden to use the national guard to dismantle encampments. biden has yet to address the recent confrontations on campuses. >> the radical extremists and far left agitators are terrorizing college campuses, as you possibly noticed, and biden is nowhere to be found. >> in response, a biden adviser accused trump of using civil unrest as a political strategy. >> new details this morning about a deadly shooting at a wisconsin middle school. police say officers shot and killed a 14 year old student armed with what appeared to be a rifle
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outside of mount horeb middle school near madison. his name has not been released and it's unclear exactly what type of weapon he had and whether he fired it. the school was locked down for hours, with officials describing the suspect as an active shooter and we learned overnight the body of a fifth construction worker killed in the baltimore bridge collapse has been recovered. the remains of the 49 year old were found underwater inside of a truck which had plunged into the water when the bridge collapsed after being hit by a cargo ship in march. a sixth victim is still missing. >> new fallout from the devastating cyberattack on a major health care company affecting up to one third of americans and their doctors. the cyberattack was months ago, but now the ceo is shedding light on how the hackers pulled it off and the ransom that was paid. abc's perry russom has details. perry. good morning. >> lionel. good morning. we've now learned the largest health insurance company in the u.s. paid tens of millions of dollars in ransom to hackers, and it could have easily been avoided.
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the ceo of united health says the company paid $22 million to hackers who broke into one of the company's subsidiaries handling prescription orders and payments to doctors. >> this was one of the hardest decisions i've ever had to make. >> ceo andrew witty in front of a senate committee yesterday saying the hacking group blackhat broke into a crucial data system, stealing massive amounts of patient data. doctors were left without a way to fill prescriptions or be paid. some doctors still not paid. >> after nine weeks, your company on your watch let the country down. >> united health manages more than one third of all patient records in the u.s. and overseas, one in every ten doctors across the country, whitty says the hackers were able to get in, partially because the company's system did not have a basic safeguard used by everyday apps like facebook and gmail. >> the portal they accessed was not protected by multi-factor authentication. >> this hack could have been stopped with cybersecurity 101,
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the committee slamming the security lapse. >> one senator holding up the book hacking for dummies. >> this is some basic stuff that was missed. so shame on internal audit, external audit and your system systems folks tasked with redundancy. they're not doing their job. >> some senators are arguing because of the size of united health, any hack poses a national security threat. >> i believe that the bigger the company, the bigger the responsibility to protect its systems from hackers. >> and witty says united health will now require multiple factor authentication. he says the breach cost the company $900 million, not including the 22 million that they paid for ransom. rihanna >> all right. thank you. perry, the governor of arizona will sign a bill today repealing the state's near total ban on abortions. the state senate voted yesterday to abolish the law, which dates back to 1864, with two republicans joining the democrats. but the repeal will not take effect until the fall.
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meanwhile, in florida, a six week abortion ban went into effect yesterday. this is a growing issue on the campaign trail. >> under donald trump, it would be fair game for women to be monitored and punished by the government, whereas joe biden and i have a different view. we believe the government should never come between a woman and her doctor. >> a couple of states i won't mention, but a couple of states really surprised people. but basically the states decide on abortion and people are absolutely thrilled with the way that's going on. >> trump also repeated his promise that if elected, he will not sign a national abortion ban. >> police in chicago have arrested a suspect in the murder of a police officer last month. officer luis huesca was still wearing his uniform, headed home from work april 21st when he was shot in what police believe was a carjacking. he died two days
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before his 31st birthday. >> the plains are bracing for more severe storms and now we are hearing from two brothers who went airborne during one of dozens of tornadoes that hit the region in recent days. overnight, tornado warnings in the texas panhandle earlier this landspout touching down south of midland. >> oh my goodness. >> twisters tearing through the heartland. more than 100 confirmed in the past week, leaving at least five people dead. this massive funnel cloud in kansas and in nebraska. this home reduced to rubble. the brothers inside say they were sent cartwheeling through the air after being sucked into a tornado. >> that's when the whole house, like, kind of lifted, like you could feel the vacuum and like the whole house lift up. >> they'd been in the basement but chased their dog when he fled upstairs. >> i'm standing here without any support right now, and our whole house is gone. and we were in it. >> it was the second busiest april on record for tornado activity. but through it all,
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stories of hope. the roof ripped off lily dolls, nebraska home, the high school juniors track jersey sucked into the sky. but she found it in a tree just in time for her big meet and in sulfur, oklahoma, a two year old aussie corgi mix named jack emerging from the rubble of a destroyed home. now reunited with his family. >> people were helping me find jack that i didn't even know, so i'm just thankful to be a part of this community. >> while april was rough, may is actually the most active month for tornadoes. >> now let's get a check of your thursday forecast. >> good morning. another day with the risk for severe thunderstorms and some of the same locations that have already had it, like eastern kansas, for example, you can see that threat extending from minnesota, wisconsin to texas and oklahoma. by the way, there's a lot of heavy rain that leads to the risk for flooding throughout some of the south central u.s.
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and those spotty thunderstorms can develop, leading to tornadoes and hail. but it feels like summer across the northeast, especially where accuweather realfeel values hit the 70s and 80s for accuweather. i'm melissa konstanzer. >> coming up, a church decision on allowing gay clergy members. >> but first, the new push to ease the shortage of weight loss drugs like ozempic and bogovi and lower their costs, plus a very close
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where will we be? >> we're coming to you america. >> get ready get ready get ready . >> the maker of ozempic and waghoba is addressing concerns about the high price and the shortages that americans are facing trying to get their hands on the popular weight loss drugs . novo nordisk says it's investing about $6 billion to ramp up production. a top
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executive telling good morning america they are trying to make the drugs more affordable. >> i can absolutely assure america that we're doing everything that we can, not only to reduce costs and out of pocket, but in a way that is consistent with the health care system that we have in the us, but also to increase supply. our manufacturing facilities are working 24 over seven. >> a senate committee recently launched an investigation into the company's prices now to washington, and a close call on the highway, leading to an urgent police investigation. >> here's abc's andrea fujii this morning. >> a washington man is sharing his story of survival after a steel beam came crashing through his windshield as he was driving down the highway, missing him by just inches. >> seriously, i thought i was dead. everybody said, you know what? i need to buy a lottery ticket last night because, yeah, i was lucky. >> gregory sanon was headed to work north of seattle. when police say a man was seen throwing debris off an overpass, the beam more than four feet long. thankfully no one was in
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sanon's passenger seat. >> he hit the car so hard, but i think he didn't hit me. he hit the steering wheel, even the steering wheel even bent from the impact in michigan, a similar case turned deadly. >> five teenagers were charged with second degree murder after police say they threw rocks off a highway overpass in 2017. one rock crashed through kenny white's windshield, killing him. >> i just hope they realize their actions and how many lives they torn apart. >> later that same year, four teens in ohio were charged with murder after throwing a sandbag from a highway overpass, killing marquis bird, a passenger in a car. as for the case near seattle, authorities don't know where that steel beam came from, as there are no construction sites in the immediate area. they're asking the public for any tips. rhiannon lionel. >> just terrible. andrea. thank you. the united methodist church is lifting its ban on lgbtq clergy during a meeting of the church's general conference, delegates voted to repeal a rule
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against ordaining or appointing gay ministers in the u.s. they're also allowing clergy to perform same sex weddings. >> coming up, a new fight in congress targeting formula one racing. >> also ahead, the parents of twins struggle to save their boys from a rare medical condition. the treatments, condition. the treatments, costing millions of dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration
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with 30 grams of protein. (♪) no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save up to the forget you get migraine medicine. >> we are back now with the aftermath of this suspensions handed out after tuesday's brawl
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between the tampa bay rays and milwaukee brewers. three brewers, including the manager and one of the rays, have been suspended for up to six games. they were also fined. >> racing legend mario andretti is getting help from capitol hill in his fight to join formula one. lawmakers claim formula ones refusal to allow his team into races could actually violate antitrust laws. formula one's commercial rights holder says andretti's team is being blocked because it would not be competitive. >> we want to be able to represent the united states on a world stage in formula one, which basically i consider formula one, the olympics of motorsports. we have all the all the tools available, all we need is the absolute green light. >> no comment yet from formula one, which has a race in miami this weekend. >> we turn now to missouri and the parents of newborn twins are sharing their struggle to save their sons lives. it's graduation day for eli and
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easton reed. >> oh my gosh, the boys both get to come home today after a month in the neonatal intensive care unit at a hospital near saint louis, the twins finally headed home. >> we're extremely excited to go home and snuggle with them, but the boys are in desperate need of treatment for a rare condition called spinal muscular atrophy. >> they lose the ability to, breathe because their diaphragm loses that muscle control. asthma affects one in every 6000 babies without treatment, the twins will likely die before their second birthday. the family says the terms of their health insurance changed just one day after the boys were born, and now it won't cover the life saving gene therapy. the one time infusion costs up to $2.5 million per child. we asked them to appeal it, and they denied that. >> i'm holding my heart in my hands and just the fact that
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their life is in somebody else's hands, whether it be their they get this treatment or they don't, you know, and that's somebody else's choice. and it's just hard to cope with that right now. our thoughts are with them. >> the parents hope to raise the money online coming up, the big fine for an airline passenger behaving badly. plus proof that a cold beer does actually taste a cold beer does actually taste better ♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home.
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taste better. >> yes, a scientific study was done. chinese researchers found the temperature of beer changes its key components water and alcohol, at a molecular level, and that in turn changes how it tastes. their conclusion beer served ice cold in a frozen mug tastes best. the best temperature about 41 degrees. next, the $1 hot dog night that got out of hand. >> the mets held their dollar hot dog promotion videos posted online show security removing a fan after other fans were throwing their extra hot dogs at him so he could eat them, according to a 38, nine hot dogs, 42,000 were sold during the promotion. >> the mets game last night made news for this rare occurrence. a batter lost his grip. the bat got stuck here in the net. meanwhile the newest star in baseball has a new honor. >> we told you about beekeeper matt hilton yesterday. he saved the day of the diamondbacks game. then he got to throw out the first pitch. well, now topps is releasing a baseball card of hilton. pretty cool. finally she's one lucky lady.
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>> that is right. a massachusetts woman who plays the state lottery just won $1 million twice. christine wilson claimed her first win in february, ten weeks later, she picked up another million dollar check. she plans to save the check. she plans to save the money. good idea when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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how bad it was. i'm like, okay, i need to be careful when i walk around. even at night, with my dogs shaken by a disturbing doorstep delivery. >> now, if i have the item left at the front door of a longtime san francisco dog walker and his second night of chaos at ucla, protesters and police clashing for hours overnight, officers now moving in to break up the encampment that's been growing throughout the week. tensions also growing at uc berkeley, violence at the encampment there. as we're learning about a possible breakthrough between protesters and campus leadership . >> a serious false start. the reason a bay area high school swim team is missing out on its championship meet. >> good morning. it is thursday, may 2nd. >> we're going to start with a look at weather. >> yeah, we have some warm winds today outside this morning we have clear skies once again. ged


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