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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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get it completely free now , get 60 of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number 5 to 30 48 55. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers, we are at your service with the three morning news section. the general secretary of yemen's ansarullah described the american way of dealing with pro-palestinian students brutally and called it the reason for the scandal of the american authorities. seyyed abdul malik badreddin said: the operation of arresting and creating terror in american universities was more like a military attack by dozens of thugs on students. secretary general of ansarullah
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also expressed hope that the student movement naqsh seriously to stop american support for military aggression against gaza. seyyed abdul malik badreddin also said that the yemeni forces have carried out eight operations against the zionist regime and its supporters this week and, including these operations , have targeted 17 ships related to this regime so far. the second national youth award of jamiat with the slogan "my contribution to the youth of iran " has been announced by the secretariat of this festival in the middle of may as the last deadline for submitting achievements to this festival. here is the media section of the secretariat of the second national youth award of the population where the remaining days are until the 15th may is the deadline to receive works from the participants in this shaban award. the day is active
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. currently, 31 provincial events are planned in the country, which will be held simultaneously with the national event. the national population youth award is based on a legal task designed to create competition between different people and groups who take steps for the youth of iran's population, from government organizations to private organizations and people's groups . we took it to support mothers. five tests that all expectant mothers should do for free let's do something in advance, or like what we have done in the motherhood support group, let's create some sessions for mothers with children , so that in those sessions, moms and children feel good, and when the mother is good , naturally, the children go to the present. the next step is the people's efforts, that is the dramatic part of the story. they say that this year one of
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them was provided. the deputy minister of economic affairs and finance announced this news and said that according to the production financing law , banks can invest in the country's infrastructure projects. this is one of the 6,000 factories that were reopened in the 13th government he fixed the problems, one is a management problem, the second is the liquidity problem of factories that may have reasons for closing. it may be different, but one reason is always raised as an obstacle to production. the liquidity problem is really bothering us and taking away our production power. one of our biggest problems is financing. i know many producers who, due to financial problems and the breakdown of working capital, the parliament passed a
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law last year to improve the financing problem of factories. production finance and infrastructure, a set of very useful rulings to facilitate financing, whether through bank financing. whether the capital market, financing from foreign investment and financing for the country's infrastructure. now, after about 10 years, with this law, it is possible for banks to directly invest in infrastructure projects. in this law, while paying attention to the fact that banks should not do business, banks are given permission to invest in infrastructure. in fact, they invest and hand over. also, this law sets the conditions for receiving bank loans facilitation of banking facilities has simplified guarantee institutions. they are specialized institutions that are formed according to this law . they can receive a variety of assets as collateral, guarantee
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the recipient's education, and by criminalizing the requirement to implement the validation system, the judicial branch has strengthened. sub-category entities, in fact, the executive branch of the customs tax, banks, all of these are obliged to provide the information required by the credit database, which will be located in the central bank with the credit database. any of the suppliers, if they refuse to fulfill their duties, will be included in the collection. one of the punishments is tahzirah 6th degree . other issues are those that can affect the country's liquidity by more than 7,000,000 billion tomans. lead to more production. sara fazli, sed and sima news agency. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded in using artificial intelligence to produce a new generation fire extinguishing system. this intelligent system
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has the ability to run and update old systems. intelligent video surveillance is an advanced technology that enables image processing to detect and analyze the occurrence of events with accuracy and in less time . a technology company in the university's innovation center amir kabir works in this field. because smoke detection happens at a height, in fact , its sensors cannot function properly due to its height, and finally, during a fire , it is sometimes seen that there is no reaction to it. this system is made up of different parts of hardware and software. in this product, we use artificial intelligence . we can take pictures and videos from closed-circuit cameras to detect different fire patterns
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and different smoke patterns. our system is in two parts. the general path that can be implemented is the first path of using hard portable software using the same existing cameras that exist in different industries . the second way is to use programmable cameras . how much artificial intelligence data is there in this device? 30,000 video data. we inform the user of tracking smoke and fire in the early stages of occurrence , which significantly reduces the amount of life and financial damages. . countries like germany, america and china is a pioneer in this field and we were able to
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implement this program on programmable cameras in our own country. i would like to tell you that foreign german examples, for example, our example , compared to that example. it is one-tenth of the price , since surveillance cameras transmit a lot of security information, it is more necessary to use domestic products in parent industries such as petrochemicals and oil, which have a high risk of occurrence. for more information, those interested can contact the innovation center of amirkabir university . afrooz islami news agency sada vasi. very thank you for being with us.
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on the way to imam khomeini airport, a married couple. the french are arrested. their trick was this: if they get caught, they are either tourists, or social activists, or party members in france, but their headquarters were here. i drew the second floor of the french foreign security service, which is related to the asian continent . this section is specifically related to the iran desk . jack paris. i am jack paris. i work for so . i came to iran in 2022 on behalf of the french intelligence service. cecil and jack from the international labor organization are also employees of an international organization named after him. and education organization or the same ia
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is used as a cover in its missions, what the international education organization is doing is that they are trying to institutionalize the values ​​of imperialist countries like america and european countries, and i was carrying out my responsibilities in iran officially and under cover. and we had the role of intermediary for the transfer of money on behalf of fo, which are international institutions with the label of people , their cover is humanitarian, but they are used for superpower domination and soft war. in fact, the purpose of these actions is to overthrow the current government and replace the pro-government government in the service of american imperialism french imperialism is part of those foreign security services that use organizations for networking. then these networks. they should implement several strategies in the target countries: change in lifestyle, change in beliefs and slow transformation,
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change in different levels of education, such as the implementation of document 2030 and use women for these changes. this organization supports sexual freedom and all issues related to sexual relations, it also supports gender equality. international organization.
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our trip should be about a month in the spring , when the protest rally is supposed to be held. to abyaneh went to kashan and isfahan. of course, not for tourism, to maintain the appearance that they are twisted. they were also seen walking in tehran. you did not go to tehran, but to meet the leaders.
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we explained that you should try to mobilize all groups including youth, retirees, workers and teachers to realize the protests.
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weapons were used, if needed, weapons and any tools needed to do things to confront the police and assassinate opposing people were used. this is the implementation of a combined war with the western spy services under the guise of the organization international. this is what we propose in digso and in fact all the active people to oppose the governments and it forms very important protests. strikes, closing the streets, using social networks to form subversive thoughts.
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before entering iran, 21 sessions. we wanted to come and get more information from inside iran, the international labor organization , we wanted to pressure the iranian government to look for people who are stubborn or opposed to the islamic republic, such as reza shahabi, one of the officials of the
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illegal bus union that we met in france. and according to jack , they consider him a member of the hypocrite group. however, reza shahabi used this money for personal gain until neshi reached or shaaban mohammadi, who himself and his son were unable to meet the needs of the workers and were able to join the separatist group. by taking money from the french security agents, he sought to
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link union protests to each other. people who paid for staying in europe by selling their homeland. this french couple implemented the same formula with the active shell of the education union in some countries of the region. french intelligence services with beads that mask the international organization they are trying to create a movement for subversion from the demands for the rights of workers and teachers. he
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was for the government of iran. they were also returning when they were arrested. undoubtedly, the situation is not like the days of the beginning of the war, and
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they have to persuade netanyahu to an agreement . the harsh conditions of the occupation regime. now they are talking in the security and military institutions in a way that i have not heard in recent days. we are now at a dramatic point, and behind-the-scenes efforts are underway to reach an agreement for a ceasefire and the release of prisoners. we will continue the war to achieve all our goals. the end of the war in gaza must be accompanied by the destruction of hamas and the return of the kidnapped. we are at a moment when the israeli authorities must define their ultimate goal more precisely. their goal is the complete destruction of the saga?
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is there really anyone who thinks such a thing is possible? if possible, the war will last 10 years. hamas is a thought. it has a school base. its ideology will return in various forms. now either in the name of hamas, or continue the path of hamas. they failed because none of their goals were achieved first, they decided and the american government accepted, but it did not achieve goals such as the destruction of hamas , the rescue of hostages, the chain of recent events such as student protests shows that america has no choice but to adjust its approach towards gaza on the eve of the elections, although some experts consider the change in the face of the white house as tactical and the deceivers know that america
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will play the role of the good police later. the role of the good police means that the zionist regime is completely coordinated in terms of purpose and cooperation and coordination with the police. on the surface, biyad says things in his words as if there is a difference between, for example there are two sides. if the americans really had a disagreement with the zionist regime , they wouldn't give so much money, they wouldn't give so much weapons , they wouldn't do so much propaganda for the zionist regime. the republic was created in november , but this pressure and these concerns did not lead to a change in the american policy, which is the 100% support of the zionist regime. the government
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sees these protests as a threat because this year is an election year. joe biden finds himself vulnerable in this election. because many people are democrats they vote and are among the protesters. the government in this case. he is very worried because he is loyal to israel and values ​​his relations with israel. but if this process continues, biden will most likely lose the election, or, like the seriousness of the issuance of the arrest warrant for the zionist leaders, netanyahu will experience unusual panic due to the possibility of an arrest warrant being issued against him and other israeli officials by the hague criminal court. this could cause a major deterioration in israel's international standing. netanyahu pressure from c. especially on joe biden's government, 6 months after the war in gaza all international organizations, especially the security council
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and the hague court , are seriously pursuing the issue of palestine and gaza, which is due to the lack of judicial assistance and the continuation of israeli crimes. this issue has worried the leaders of israel, and the recent operation of sadiq's promise as shah bayt 3, which, along with the wave of protests by students around the world against the genocides in gaza , and the possibility of issuing a warrant to bring netanyahu and other officials of the occupying regime to the criminal court of god, has become more serious. forces them to review their calculations in gaza , one of the works of the brilliant and historical operation , the sincere promise of the resignations of dominvar and serial officials. security and military, and at their head is the head of the military intelligence network of the zionist regime. the second problem is creating a very deep gap between the security officials. and political
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, that the security authorities believe that they should come to terms with hamas as soon as possible and instead of war, they should work through political negotiations. the issue of statistics and casualties that we received from our reliable sources is that about 52 people were killed in this operation from the zionist regime and 71 people were injured. experts agree that the spread of protest against the genocide in gaza, especially in western societies, is not the way forward for the occupying regime he left no way forward and even disrupted the calculations of the supporters of this regime. talibiyah school in tabriz, which
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has been the center for centuries. teaching islamic sciences. this school has seen many professors and students during its lifetime, but it will not forget the memory of one of them. ayatollah seyyed ali ghazi tabatabai. seyyed ali qazi was born on the thirteenth of dhul-hijjah al-haram in 1243 ah in a family of scholars in tabriz. a world whose life and times are understanding.
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mousavi haddad and mohammad taqi behjat are among the students of ayatollah ghazi who are mentioned in this book . something that is very important in the world of science there is islam that the relationship between teacher and student is always maintained. asid ali agha's book was able to narrate this process very well, both from the side of his students and from the side of his teachers, and give us a comprehensive picture of who ayatollah ghazi was and who he belonged to. asid ali agha's book narrates the mystical atmosphere and scientific personality of ayatollah qazi from the first person and finally describes the last years of his life in najaf, where he refused to be separated from his master. ansi behri, sed and sima news agency , mom, don't halal your milk, dad, be considerate of mom bye. this is the voice of a 12-year-old boy who
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left his memory before going to the front. he said , "make a tape for me. i brought this tape. i gave it to him. now do you want to record it? record it. after asking me, he said, "can i ask you for a few minutes ?" leave me alone until after his testimony , when the news of his testimony was brought to me , i gave his sister the address of the tape, i said, "bring it, put it on the side of shahid reza panahi, a teenager who went to the war front at a young age . he is intimidating everyone, and now the maternal narratives that 12-year-old aref turns pages in the book.


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