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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 16, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: good thursday morning thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good thursday morning, thursday, may 16, 8 a.m. in 3 seconds 8:00 a.m. on the button east hot topic of the hour day 18 former president trump so-called hush money trial fox
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business lydia hu outside the supreme court with the latest, good morning. >> good morning there maria that is right cross can say examination former trump attorney general michael cohen will continue today will spend third day in witness chair under cross-examination led by defense attorney todd bachelor painting con as angry liar out for money wants to see donald trump in jail some most powerful testimony undercutting cohen happened yesterday wasn't inside criminal court inside an attorney general robert costello testified on capitol hill said he gave cohen advice after authorities raided cohen's home and office in 2018 said cope's testimony in criminal trial now that trump approved stormy daniels
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approved of none o delivery agreement is not true cohen explained negotiated 130,000 dollars in exchange for mba with stormy daniels asked if trump had knowledge cohen told me no asked whether cohen got 130,000 dollars from trump or any trump intent or friend cohen again said no, he said to the committee, watch. >> he said, i didn't want to embarrass melania trump that is why i decided, to take care of this, on my own. went back to that several times, you he did this on your own? >> on my own. >> did donald trump have anything to do with it? >> no. >> now cross-examination continues at 9:30 this morning, we do expect michael cohen to be the last witness called by the prosecution, and the dvrs will have an opportunity, to preits case whether they decide to call
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witnesses on donald trump's behalf whether could include robert costello we will keep you updated, important testimony from costello lydia hu in new york despite president trump stuck in that courtroom all day voters voicing preference of trump over president biden take a look at new fox news polls finds trump leading biden by more than 10 points, on two big issues, the economy, and immigration, this is what will decide the election your thoughts. trish: we are talking about, earlier seemed tied minnesota, in play flat strongholds a big problem this case, is also not sticking, having mook mick as star witness is a disaster for the prosecution, he has very little credibility even that squandered going on tiktok
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fund-raising off the trial wearing a t-shirt has trump -- even saying on the stand he wants trump to be convicted based off legal counsel he gave former president ridiculous. maria: ing amazing to me he can wear t-shirts with trump behind bars on tiktok, he didn't have a gag order, president trump has gag othered in place threatening jail time if he abuses that. >>. mark: gag orders supposed to protect defendant not a witness has a track record of lying, under oath, so when you look at just kind of what is happening in the fact in a trump is ahead in these polls, i mean you really have to shine light on the fact that biden, continues to lose traction with key voter groups losing traction 18 to 29 age range losing hispanic voters losing black voters took them hands down in 2020 so
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continuing to lose traction there. and specifically, as you -- if you kind of tie in the debate video that biden put out, the left, and biden's handlers continue to try to pick a him of look come aviator joe with mike my day line, right out of client eastwood movie, dude nobody thinks you are cool 18 to 29-years old have come to realize you are not cool not working, it is falling flat. >> the commission on presidential debates conducted debates since late 1980s proposed three debates, september 16, october 1, october 9 that is like gone to pieces at this point, because biden you know, said make my day. >> he wants his rules. maria: he wants his rules trump agreed. >> not going to matter trump will destroy biden rules or no rules just because american people will see, that when pressed with a question that he has not prepped for like a state of the union going to have to answer it going to
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fail where trump has been answering these questions literally since 2015, in some way, shape or form 37. maria: let's hope there is pushback when he comes up with fantasy of inflation was 9% when he walked into oval office said it on cnn, said it again keeps making false claims about inflation says levels at 9% when he came into office. no, no, no cpi 1.4% when joe biden went into office because of spending the democrats pushed through joe biden signed into law then went to 9% watch this. >> -- people in america feel pushed, in good shape i think inflation has gone slowly up -- was 9% when i came down now down about 2% is where. maria: are a keeps saying it fox business edward lawrence asked karine jean-pierre why the president keeps making this claim.
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watch. >> two times, president said inflation was 9% when he came into office, president -- just not arrives inflation 1.4% when he came in. >> the point that he was making uh is that the factors that caused inflation was in place when he walked into the administration. when he took office. , as you know, the pandemic caused, inflation around the world, to be -- uh, disrupting our economy, and breaking our supply chains this president is committed to doing everything to fight inflation that is what the president was trying to speak to. >> um let me be clear pandemic has nothing to do with inflation if anything slowed the economy because stopped buying stuff stopped going out because economy was shut down your reaction. trish: inflation reduction act -- was more inflationary, look, biden administration joe biden has continued to tell --
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don't believe what you experience believe what we tell you, american people just simply aren't buying all it new report said one in three gen z adults fear finances are going to lead them to homelessness, that is horrible for joe biden. maria: look at that chart inflation hit 9.1% in july of 2022 on june 2022. mark: 17 months into presidency. >> joan of 2022 todd the pandemic was 2020 i guess need a talk point to the answer edward lawrence's brilliant question going to spin this wallets bank accounts matter don't lie if people are still feeling this, on november 5 or whenever in vote october, september, biden can't wen under these circumstances. maria: are a i have given republicans a hard time recently because viewers are upset, that they don't feel
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that we're there is accountability consequences i give them credit for getting robert costello to explain how he was advisory to michael cohen important testimony. >> timing couldn't be better on that >> we learned a lot from it just getting started quick break president trump presidential biden agreeing to debate before election two debates set for june, september biden has strict reduce trump just wants both people standing two hours tim scott is here go to say discuss the state of the race next you are watching "mornings with maria" live . ♪ ♪ .
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new york courtroom this morning for day 18 of his so-called hush money trial exlawyer michael cohen expected to face more cross-examination from the defend trump attend a high dollar fund-raiser in cincinnati yesterday joined by jd vans gus paid 50,000 dollars to join, if former president at the top dollar martin fund racer gin including north dakota god doug burgum, south carolina senator tim scott senate banking committee ranking member tim scott great to see you. thanks so much for joining me this morning. >> thank you, maria. good to be with you. maria: talk to us about how you see this trial how is president trump doing in new york trial the midst of all of this fund-raisering going on in the middle. >> there is no doubt, president trump is doing very well in the trial any time you have an opportunity to hear the evidence there is no crime. so couldn't be know charges
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but what do we actually see play out in the courtroom? we see d.a. bragg, interfering with november election in-kind contribution about the expense of new york taxpayers keeping president trump off the campaign trail what is really important maria, is the american people they smell a rat. when they smell a rat they rally for president trump because no one in our country really appreciates a two-tiered justice system, the more they try to keep the president off the campaign trail, the more obvious it becomes, that they don't want to talk about president biden's performance, they just want to keep president trump as faraway from voters as possible, maria, we saw in new jersey 107,000 people. maria: wow! . >> -- showed up to celebrate
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four years of donald j. trump you got to love american people. maria: also really interesting, hearing that testimony from mr. costello, who the committee for the burden of provings of the federal government had speak testify this weak listen flies in the face of the michael cohen testimony in that trial, watch this. >> every time i voted up every time he answered i swear toed go excuse me -- i don't have anything on donald trump i said michael whatever you have, has to be truthful if you think you can go in there tell lies you are crazy it is going to backfire on you. you can't do that. maria: how important was that testimony as relates to this trial senator? >> well it was damning number one number two when your star witness is a liar went to jail for lying to congress one
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thing you know about michael cohen he has an ax to grind. he want to get back at donald trump. he is not looking to tell the truth he is not looking to bear his soul not looking for redemption he is looking for payback, more and more clear every single day of the trial the cross-examination devastating we hear how bad the case is not just for bragg but for democrats. they are desperate for trump to stay to have trial and to find a scintilla of evidence there is no crime you ever never going to find it because it does not exist. >> they had all testimony from stormy daniels now michael cohen we will see how jury sees all of this how do you expect the jury to read this. >> i think a hung jury one thing talking to president he said to me 92% of the people
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who live in the manhattan district are democrats, mow do you have a fair trial when the deck is stacked against you good news this has been such a terrible case been such a disaster i expect of hung jury what american people expect the one they want president of the united states not democrats not bragg not some two-tiered justice system they want american people to decide. >> agreeing to two debates. >> i can't wait. >> first june 10, second june 27, second september, september 10, vice presidential not scheduled biden wants that late july what do you think about potentially debating kamala harris. >> anybody having an opportunity who is conservative to debate kamala harris should be excite almost
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giddy having a conversation with border czar no doubt whether president trump or vice president presidential debate one we should focus on what are the american people want as, they want to talk border 10 million illegal immigrants greatest invasion in american history czar wants to debate that? in atlanta rising crime that is devastating poor people in atlanta one reason president trump stops by chick-fil-a people get excited ecstatic, why? because they know the truth can see with eyes continue need to look into lies of president biden they know truth in their hearts at gas pump grocery store we need of four moreies president donald trump, frankly i would like to hear a debate on the border in eagle pass, texas i will take a debate on crime in atlanta
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awill have a conversation, with anyone anywhere president trump will too as relates to the stability of our economy, 9% inflation because of biden, 2% in -- because of trump let's have that conversation any time anywhere. maria: kellyanne coffin away report encouraged you as running mate have you discussed with president. i have not one thing president trump focused on making sure american people get four more years of the low employment low inflation my enthusiasm when president makes a decision i think we will all be, notified at the same time. >> the dean commission has been doing debates since 1980s suggested three dates joe biden blew all that off you know, he propositioned trump to do june and september that is going to happen here but
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joe biden has rules he want it done at going to be done at cnn, done on abc, no robert n, kennedy jr., what about these rules? and do you see these dates having anything to do with the trials around trump? june 27, september 10? >> what do you make of all these rules the biden camp wants. >> maria with, let's make it -- if we had maria bartiromo as one of the narrators folks at debate would be better off as conservatives but better off as americans hearing you talk about the economy, we would be better off having conservatives people, instead one-on-three that is most important information, i think the american public should consider this process will be president trump versus two hofrts president biden, they
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want rules that con strains president trump freeze biden to have chance to talk let the moderators fact-check trump, president trump will be prepared for one-on-three match the good news is, watching president biden stand there two hours, might be a feat on to its i can't wait to see president trump wipe the floor with president biden. the senate committee holding a hearing today michael barr federal department insurance corporation martin greenberg expected to speak, senator what ri getting at with this hearing expecting to come out of it? would you say today a banking sector is -- is, secure and is health? causes i noticed jay powell took that line out of his statement the last couple of fed meetings that the banking sector is strong, he took that
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line out. >> maria, the way, shape or form we need to know about fdic under lairp of greenberg a toxic abusive work environment what i hope marty greenberg will say this morning is he resigns has been there more than two decades one thing coming out of his leadership there, is a corrosive environment michael barr the fd his proposal to put more capital on the sidelines, make its harder for small businesses to start making it harder for millennials to borrow for their first memo a terrible concept trying to have a capital solution for a national liquid issue you know blelt better that have been anybody. >> why is fdic so toxic marty greenberg leadership style scream, shout throw things,
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the fact of the matter he has an abusive corrosive environment brought to our attention by whistleblowers for the last couple years >>thanks so much for being here. >> senator tim scott. we'll be right back.. .
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>> welcome back, stocks higher this morning, on top of a big rally yesterday take a look, record highs, at 4:00 on wall street yesterday fueled by preliminarily cpi number dow industrials up 350 the close nasdaq up 231, that is 1 1/2% s&p higher by 61, 1.1% higher yesterday on wall street, meanwhile this morning, bloomberg reporting u.s. bureau of labor statistics, inadvertently blushed cpi data 30 minutes early raising questions about how agency releases some most sensitive economic information the bureau said a full investigation is underway, there would seem to go unnoticed by investors green across the board so far numbers 2024 dow industrials up almost 6% s&p up 1 one and a quarter % as in up 11 1/2% year-to-date joining us former
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bank of america vice chairman keith banks great to see you. thank you so much for being here i want your take on what janet yellen is doing ahead of election getting real political first address this market rally year-to-date do you think legs the rest of the year. >> i think choppy a good underpinning to it surprisingly good earnings one thing investors not focused sufficiently on we are in midst of surge of liquidity 37 billion dollars neither net liquidity will flow into economy big deal the key always is consumer, consumer in good shape tight labor market real wages going up household wealth that he he have increased up of 8% last year 156 trillion dollars we don't see the consumer rolling over soon so i think the underpinning continues.
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>> look sounds like a good opportunity to buy stocks but zeroing in on liquidity that you are talking about is that because of what the treasury is doing? as i mentioned janet yellen setting up you know the auction treasury auction is she trying to make environment where stocks go up yields down going into november 5. >> i think that will be reality of it, one-two punch, the yellen powell one-two punch what chairman powell is doing is slowing qt, that is 35 billion dollars a month of incremental liquidity what janet yellen is doing delaying initially some retirement of t-bills third quarter a charge i think 182 billion, net 237 the idea between now end of the third quarter create a bridge that when fed can lower rates, and can reduce qt further they will. so i think going to i think an
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important factor because when is that happens, what happens you said it rates alone rates down dollar weaker has impact also on long duration stocks so a very important fundamental dynamic. maria: important point to recognize mark a lot of people are mentioning this calling it manipulation frankly way she is setting up auctions. >> looks incredibly political i think, you know, we will see what happens with regard to the stock market in response to that, but, you know, keith i want to dive deeper into consumer, you mentioned the consumer has remained very resilient household net worth up i think you said 8% citigroup ceo mentioned a kshamed consumer affluent consumer doing very well spending but lower income consumer is certainly facing some challenges, you look at retail sales down once strip
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out auto and gas down 1. .1% month-over-month, the target shopping walmart trade downer effect is the consumer health enough to keep this rally o going? >> i think the consumer overall is. that health affect impacts everybody driving the effect housing prices going up in '24 markets continued to go higher as housing that impacts everybody. unemployment still only 3.9%. you make a good point. you are starting to see substitution but overall, and bank of america publishing dalt shows if you look at checking deposits in her system still well above 201 levels, excess savings have come down levels in general sustainable for consumer spending to remain strong enough to give you a 2%ish gdp
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growth i think is enough. >> yields this morning, we have lots of commentary from fed officials now all saying the same thing higher for a longer minneapolis kashkari say interest rates need to be higher longer the biggest uncertainty is how much downward pressure is monitor policy putting on economy unknown probably need to sit here a while longer five federal reserve officials speaking later today probably the same song what do you expect in terms of fed this year. >> i any two questions should they? will they? i don't think they should inflation, inflation would tick lower core up over 12 months 3.6% cpi 3.4, if you look at food, food since 2020 is up 25%. the typically consumer spending 11. 3% dpofk on food.
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>> insurance up 25% versus 2020 inflation out there it is coming down, but prices still going up i don't think they need to. will they? another question. >> trish. tricia: i got to ask about real estate market freshgz jumped 117% u.s. homes prices soared 47% where do you see this going? >> i think on consumer real estate front i think that is problematic i think all watching to see, how bad does it get. i think there will be issues there that will need to be worked through. on the on homes interesting dynamic is one would have expected with mortgage rates as high as they did we would have seen collapse in some prices the problem no one selling home inventory across
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the country more or less is very low a supply/demand imbalance causing prices higher than one would have expected. >> keith banks joining us stay with us. we'll be right back. . [city noise] investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? (♪) or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we're asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and how clean water advances can help transform our tomorrows. better questions. better outcomes. t. rowe price
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maria: tiktok has roughly one year to defeatist from bytedance or face a ban in the united states bytedance suing united states to challenge legislation passed back in april, saying it has no intention selling the marriage players at home are still looking to buy this company next guest announced his bid to acquire tiktok an alternative vision joining me mccourt global executive chairman, former dodgers owner, thanks for joining us
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you want to buy tiktok tell us how you are going to do it. tiktok, government said china has to sell or divest we're going to buy it change how it works so we call this our people's bid for tiktok what i mean by that, you know, people love tiktok. right? entertaining big marketplace so forth, however, data right now scraped sent to china surveilled they don't participate in the value they create on the platform what whether or not he want to do is move users over to new architecture they own and control, their identity they control their data they benefit finally financially user experience seamless great the value proposition for the users significantly better. >> have you spoken with anyone from bytedance? >> no, we haven't spoken to bytedance or the chinese
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government, we have however spoken with public electeds this the country a significant interest what we're doing because they are deeply concerned about the current version of social media, not just tiktok by the way, all of it, surveils, scrapes our dataing a gaits it applies algorithms to it in tiktok information going to china so that is obviously, very bad but even our own platforms scraping our data then you see what end up happening in terms of manipulation, in election season like this, disinformation you wrote a book about this i am getting to that ho do i want surveilling me when is information going you say sweeping up information referring to instagram?
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>> what are you referring to -- >> all of them. >> that is how technology works, right now, we get a free application free product we basically are information is scraped from us,ing agated returns to us they feed us what we might like to apply the information is dangerous because feeding people information that they know pressure will react to no won totally polarized no won can't agree on things fascinating to me, a oning hasn't been able to agree on much moved quickly on tiktok, demonstrates the seriousness of this issue, and our data going to china, is a point out i don't think we want data going to silicon valley either, the point of this project, is us give people control of their identity control of their
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data, let's have internet work differently so we are in charge not platforms and we are not surveilled. >> tiktok says doesn't send anybody's information to china. >> you don't believe. >> it nor did the u.s. congress. >> they say communist country if communist government you need to send data you will be sending data. >> platforms two-way street we use them that information that could be turned something sent back to us maybe propaganda may not be true so these, these platforms can be weaponized, we have seen harm to children jonathan hyde supporter project liberty wrote a look called the anguish generation anxious zbairgs how long going on an depressed taking their lives. you know tiktok filed a
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federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of this law bytedance said could not will not sell it to u.s. operations by deadline what are you going to do they are annoys at beginning, differences of opinion this will -- our best going to lose bytedance going to lose that lawsuit they have to either divest or shut it down i don't want to see it shutdown people i go tiktok 170 million americans love it right, keep it in business, but with different architecture users are not surveilled, and benefiting from upside so china doesn't have to shut it down bipartisan group senators unveiling a pathway to address about these risks rewarding of what artificial intelligence for american people proposing annual spending 32 billion dollars by year 2026 google
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recuperating out major changes under generative a.i., ai generated summary at the top how does ai fit in this i guess one question on tiktok why you? that is why i bring up ai here, there are other people who want to buy tiktok they think this is a gem, once china is out of the way going to be a social media company that soars in value. >> here is why us. we believe, that tiktok and other large social media platforms should be used on a different architecture one where you and i control our identity where you and i control our data one where you and i benefit from the value that our data is creating. right now, this -- the architecture is one where our data is taken from us,ing agated exploited only a few companies making the money we have a totally different vie as to how this works, there
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are some others want to use saudi money other money to apply use same architecture, what is different about that? i understand not china but still centralized autocratic surveillance technology the whole point of project liberty the book our biggest fight i wrote about we know it is broken we all see harms every day make the better before more powerful awesome technology if we get it right our bid totally different one other thing i green list this project tech part in december of 19 working on this over four years over 800,000 people on new protocol technical part easy beauty an opportunity to scale quickly show people that there could be alternative internet where they are in charge. >> you have right group in place not just to raise money to buy this but to run it effectively? >> totally, again, this is not
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an approach where i am going to sit there be in charge of all this that is the problem with concurrent platforms we have either a person, or a company, or a government or communist party ring these platforms i think it, it i think we should be running platforms put people back in charge of internet. >> great point i wonder if you can actually do that we will be watching your work. we're going to do it. >> good luck with that. we'll be right back. stay with us. .
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity.
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. u.s. home prices up better than 47% since 2020. >> is it also finds nearly 80% americans say financial fashgz are holding them back from purchasing a home right now more often half say income not enough 47% are concerned about high prices, joining me right now is president ceo of the corcoran group, great to see you welcome back. great to be here. >> what is your outlook for
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residential real estate right now headed into 2025? >> so maria, it is tougher out there tough if you are renting to have if you are applying, because home prices rental prices are at really all-time highs. money is just away, away too expensive you've goelt convergence of difficult factors just regular person out there trying to rent or buy an apartment, tough out is there. maria: because of interest rates having gone up the way they have after 11 rate hikes from federal reserve wondering if better to apply or rent latest "new york times" rent versus buy says if you rent 2,000 dollars a month rent would go safe 53,000 over 10 years home worth 400,000 card there immediate yarn monthly mortgage payment 2,200 dollars as of march the national average rent price u.s. nearly
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2,000 dollars a month what do you think better to buy or rent? >> so that calculator pretty good i was on it myself yesterday playing with it a lot is how long do you want to live in your house what price are you buying at many people, going to be rent, the problem is then they go out there, find out that everyone else revised they needed to rent as well, great story my daughter's friend took a job as attorney needed to find an apartment in brooklyn brooklyn, new york actually was bid out of so many apartments showed up to open house 6:00 a.m. with lawn chair torn acl to be first in door a hundred people showed up over bid by 1,000 dollars it is a difficult time for renters, so you can't just think i am not going to buy i am going to rent the prices of rent driven up as well rental laws in certain states have
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not helped us, to stabilize rents to put more apartments on the market. we are desperate, desperate for inventory. maria: that is incredible, have you seen a situation like that where just to rent an apartment you got to get there first your lawn chair out there? >> i have seen it tough i don't think i have seen it this tough all open houses overwhelmed, you would think that with since pandemic not everybody is going to work but the popular areas have a surge in people want to rent, or live there that is where you see most competition i am sure if you went to outskirts of certain areas you could certainly find better, better deals but mortgage rates are just too high, and people won't move we talked about it before i am in a house i have 3%, even 4% mortgage if i sell my mouse because do i want a bigger house or want to downsize i can't get anything for money because compared to what i have today it is
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damaging to dream of home upper. >> how long does that cycle take we looked at a chart 30-year mortgage rate now above 7% off highs, by the way, of the most recent couple years how long do these cycles take to come down? what would you expect another time frame a three plus% mortgage rate. >> i don't know that i see that time frame any time, it would be great if we could see some sort of help with interest rates we understand, everything is expensive, but people credit card bills higher, food bills higher, on top slapped in the face because they can't afford a safe place to live with to live. maria: pam quick before you go last we spoke with migration people leaving high tax states going to florida where does that stand today. >> not as crazy as it was but
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a resurgence again our business in florida is up significantly probably 70% this year, from what it had dipped off we are seeing that maria. these states with high taxes better think long and hard not easy to live and buy in these states. >> great to see you this morning. thanks so much. >> is this always a pleasure. >> president ceo corcoran group we'll be right back. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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maria: welcome back. or we are 30 minutes away from the if opening bell on wall street. take a look at futures, indicating a mixed opening. dow industrials now down even though walmart is up 6.5%, mark tepper. >> great read on the consumer from walmart. sales gains are not ininflation-driven. it's been driven by higher-end consumers trading down. that sounds inflationary to me. maria: trisha mclaughlin. >> i'm getting my pop corn ready for the upcoming debate with, but with i think republicans need to not shoot themselves in the foot. don't set the bar so low for biden that he automatically supersedes it. maria: todd piro. >> bob costello, if he ends up testifying for the defense, this is the really over. maria: that testimony was incredible. ing that'll do it for us. have a great day, everyone. mark tepper, trisha and todd, thanks for being here. "varney & company" picks it up now. stuart: good morning, everyone. all-time highs across the board,
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