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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 2:00am-2:02am CEST

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to assume that this sounds of power and inspiring story about surviving music under the swastika scots may 25th on dw, the this is dw news, and these are top stories to said south africa has asked the top united nations court to help israel's operations. and rafa and southern gaza from south africa and accuses israel of stepping up what it calls a genocide israel wheelchair incentive case. and the 2nd day of hearing that the court and the hey gone friday, we didn't trust the presidents of russia and china say their relationship has become stronger as tensions with the west. increased bottom improvement has been holding talks with she's in pain during a state visit to china. the 2 leaders attended a concert envisioning. they also say they're trying to end the war and ukraine,
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but gave no details on how a man has been charged with attempted murder over the shooting of the slovak prime minister robert feed. so pizza was shot several times. dr. say is in stable but serious condition in hospital. the walk is interior minister says the government was a lone wolf, not part of the political group. you're watching dw news from berlin, you'll find much more on our website that's dw com. the ukranian president golda meir zalinski, he describes the military situation near the country, 2nd largest city hart chief, as extremely difficult. the week after a russian forces suddenly poured across the border. there,
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ukraine's military says that it has the situation fairly under control. and yet, in the last week, russia has seized more territory near hart chief and the lights divide and conquer . this latest russian assault has diverted ukraine's troops strips that were already stretched very thin. i break off in berlin. this is the day the way you move. now guys are fighting well and successfully along the entire front line. really you for the that the enemy break through your strong water is the.