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tv   Purunga  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 8:15pm-9:01pm CEST

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it's tomorrow, it's part of a water case against is real. you watch your dw, do years coming up next, a documentary about the fisherman improved the fisherman who climbed dangerous clips every day to reach the ocean. so you against the top of the, the, the, the new tackled to this special hot spots in germany. d, w, travel extremely worth a bit. of the
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mean? nobody's. well, no. you, me. my name is one thing. know the manuals. beagle and what am a i'm 33 and i live in water. make better. me for my noodles. me yeah my, my friends call me put on a shell fish harvester. so you what he so the
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it was done which was here. so i left the desert which had such a tranquil environment that helps me start the day when india, my soul is always a piece of us and that let's see it though. he missed it will settle between the desert and our pacific ocean at the midpoint and on domain you what we experience on our way down is pure adrenalin, several 10100 percent level of uh that in id not simple. the
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is the main to the mission field. it's really such a rush to feel the roads in your hands as you descend with all this equipment without fear and without looking down. in order to reach your destination. people do not understand the settlement on the level, so maybe they didn't make a static. thank you to get down the cliff. then your mind has to be called relaxed . roland, free of worries, idea that when it's time to go down, we leave our problems at the top, along with our street shoes and our motor bikes. the level of the seems limit that
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deluxe. you'll have to go down with your mind free and relaxed. because if you go down with all that tension and all those problems going from your town life, you won't be able to concentrate the way you show it to them. but that goes into see what that's happened several times, whichever, not just to me, but also to all my colleagues. i mean, i think with too much going on, you know, it can be difficult to work with aesthetic emphasis. so how do we in that it is and see what those the problems it's risky. if you bring your problems with you though, there's danger everywhere, it'll get be unsettled. i don't think what do i think about going down to some of the main thing? i just think about doing things properly said, let's close as fixing the ropes properly. i'm gonna have to be in this is that if i need to place an iron spike on it, i make sure i put it in the right level of the in the you need to know the proper
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way to tell you or not a some of them in this have our hammer in an iron spike, and although the important thing is to always do it correctly, but it'll simply a single being correct them into the local. this is a nickel stone, but it's, it's like a habit of it's a task that becomes routine over the years or it was up though you know where your polls down or sometimes you lower your backpack while they're on some clips. you
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just throw the ropes over and start going down with that. so that's a question of habit and business. i isn't going to lease the 6 o'clock when a cyclist gets on his bike. he doesn't really think about it when we, when we attach our ropes and we're ready to go and i to go by so we don't worry about anything the name was because we're confident and what we do. yeah. ready there's a 100 meter dropped below us. so on the clips in general, you can't be afraid of heights sort us. we know what we're doing. that there's no room for fear, little that, but i knew the it was the name of the let us just, we have strategic spots on the way down. what will replace our ropes that enable us
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to continue our descent, pianos, and those iron spikes? are there permanently, lafayette, or somebody that said, no, we always checked the condition of the spikes and they maintain, and sometimes they can look good on 1st inspection. but they've actually been corrupted by the salt and c spring and all that's left as an iron shout. this to say i take a look, i don't inside there's a thread. oh no, nothing more. that's what happened. the bus. oh no. the window you're throwing up. when do you, when i was working with diego and the apollo career side of cliff and we were going down the south face and with the ocean was very rough. but. ready also, the yellow as time we movie the so i suggested going up through the curve us, i like what the cliff face slope outwards on the way i. e. so i had to push myself backwards to get my body up anything for saturday, but at the us. but at the to what fossil fuel source i kept going on. well, main thinking, but when i pushed myself outside of the iron spikes, mountain,
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sierra federal, federal, they seemed have in their spike broke and i was left with a rope in my hands you it up. but at that and i was about to fall on the rocks. so what i reacted by pushing out with my feet is to propel myself into the waters. i may have to sell our sometimes there's nothing you can do. obviously i know players . i said that the southern below some wheels. what are the most that you will glad eclipse are totally unforgiving to you can't afford to make mistakes. that's what at the same time, they're like our 2nd home. i mean, not only for me, but for all of us who work here, but if we can find what we're looking for everywhere, here's the thing and we'll say, if someone comes here thinking the and i today i'm looking for shellfish,
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it is haley, you know, can just go down a cliff where he thinks there's lots of sea food and not many kinds of the west of this havoc goodness, a bottle don't want somebody's going. the book, a lot of can you get a try and get these are what? that's it. if you want, so use nails and go to a particular place totally, we can get whatever you need here. look at it with whatever we need. they don't hold that hand. this has a day off and not many people dare to go down. the cliff is just into the corner, so you have to become my nature and totally focused the eclipse of the gateway to a world like take that and that's what i'm going to go. and that's always a good friend, a single but you know, the whole is a work meet that i've known for years and years a i've always liked working alone for a while now we've been working together that i will have solo, federal, busy as good company with the most selling the phone with us,
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and that's the whole. when i went up to buy new, did i get to look at a few accidents? so i prefer to have company now that i'm the more challenging cliffs or the head or something below. so monday, the
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but an a, an elite own, but when people approach a cliff for a slow government, there's a immediately stop and then they can't even lean over to take a look down. no, they feel dizzy, and they're afraid of falling down. it says that the with in new okay, it's has pending, i uploaded the photos. hey, we go straight on down. the cliff isn't an obstacle to us the same because we know the way and we know where to put our feet. and if you sat where the rest and where to walk, i mean that for me, no, not the we're not always on a roll with nothing below assembly. i mean, you're always good time to rest and walk for getting to the bottom. and i, you, that i left the of the, at the most of the 5 the year when we go down. but i think that everyone thinks we're looking for treasure or something valuable items. so that was precious to us
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. is the seafood we harness. they say that's like gold to us because it's our food and then it's our work to develop. that's our treasure. nama is, that's what we go down there for the, for the, the
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does everybody code? isn't it? yeah. the problem in the mean that kind of mean a lot of the most of us go mean i say, you know, i mean i yeah, i don't want to wirelessly. so i c s your must, must have all your data. i mean, not everyone on the the, when we're down there, we become one with the ocean. everyone goes to work where he thinks it's best at a particular spot, depending on the site. the
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way i can go anywhere with my pulse, they make it easier to get places that, that me so i can get the shellfish off the rocks, the gun. yes. all these polls are my hands. are an extension of my hands. says can you know? i don't know what i do without them when know what to handle the sundays like this when the sea is very rough when it's too rough, like the seas way of saying, stay out the
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sooner. because for people who gather seafood with metal blades with iron, a lot of these waters are dangerous law school and also the polls do the work for me. like on yeah. say for the whole board of me, they're very important. i couldn't do what i do without them that amino the year when i've got the net fixed in my blade on the pole, i just sit on the edge of the wall and i start deficient is empty of somebody, but i always watch out for those huge waves that can come in and that sort of thing mindset that whatever any of the the models last. so i go to add one false step while you're running or even the wrong poster can be risky to, for today as a federal. unfortunately, the polls do all the work for me to yeah. doesn't mean the
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the pacific ocean is full of life. coming here is a real pleasure for me and not just the fish, but to enjoy everything that's around the birds and the surrounding biodiversity. the see that the way that, i mean i make the most of it and i enjoy what i do every day. really enjoy in the month when i do this. i'm not just harvesting seaford interacting with my surroundings and the new listing sea food with poles as an artist. it's like you get used to doing what
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you like to do to sell day. i harvest the sea food with my poles. it's all i do at low tide at high tide and say whether the water is call. we know roughly the, the or whether it's an art. but it's not for everyone. when people try it out, but they get tired of it quickly because you need strong arms and a lot of dexterity and accuracy to be able to get the shellfish they look at as of which i, i really that kills. but if you go for one and the product with your spike to but you can't get it off the rock, then you just have to leave it on the federal. no, no, no, no for this is simply because when a muller, because on a rock like an eagle, something touching in the setting up and it tenses up and it clings to the rock. harder to say that must be a skill set to be tried to get it again and that's the shell will come up with a meet mollusk itself. i will stay stuck to the rock, but oh,
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no profet or to leave it. now you'll get it some other time. that's all the work on zillow. you're never alone on the clips. a similar to your often with the city long as it lived there. yeah. from the other a bit like our friends what i there always there at the bottom of the quest homeowners, for, for me on, is that seems at aol. he is telling me is they have a good life here because of the amount of food they find. now this is one of south america biggest populations. the
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news in terms of our accuracy, the river, the pole touches, the rock. there's a shell fish seamless with the cartons. it's hard to get them off the rock. so when you touch them, they cling to the wrong one. miller looked lympics clamp themselves to the rock to show. but after a moment to tap them 2 or 3 times will come out. this is, these things are tough to think one by 10 k with a cease males and you find them all bunched together like grapes. so you need to
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get the 1st one fast. do you need to be quick with the rest of you? because if you take too long, the other seats, males will jump off one by one day more to lots and lots of denver, they will feel your presence and they'll jump into the water into a little bit of stuff. how can i know you said they don't allow the tires, they may know. sometimes there's nothing like today for going into so in that way we worry. that's because the water is really rough. now up when the water is rough for us, it's a bit like it is withdrawing. sort of see, it looks like i would like to catch the silver sign, but you can't fish for silver side on your round. they don't have a nice to, there's clearly a defined season and a period when fishing is prohibited during which the state impose this restrictions on the fish to grow and to reproduce the cell of these here. there's no period. and
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when what we do is band of those, but at the see we're always accommodating. there'd be no show fish left on the name of this and this is rod with that's our prohibited period. no, it's as if the see were saying i'm only this month, but no more. be patient a little bit more so the sea food can grow dynamite. so they can all go down and pick a the cease nearly. so the shellfish. yeah. the soul. get the look everything john k monday, collaborating with all the but i get a lot of maybe what people see, let's us do our work with polls and i think guys, and when we talk about falls, we have to think about to say, mike, who is known as alex or so fox, he was one of the pioneers of the poll technique or not. it's a pointed, in fact, he's the father of the eclipse item. you told us the basics of what we do.
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especially me, how to use the poll with dexterity settlements and utilize that kind of the looking for the eyes of the world around us as hostile and not just of humans. when you see the sea lions, especially the big males that live below, there's a lot of rivalry among them to protect their parents and under the wiley that guy in today if we athletics, the
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goal is always the same to meet appropriate people in the muddy clothes i so when, when shellfish harvesting has been good, but i always take the time to go fishing where i know it's a good spots. thanks. i left many fishermen come here. the boats don't go near the cliffs and because it's very dangerous for them. they leave it also, but i used the windows today, 1234 level. it sounds good for fishing and
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you're good spots where you can catch nice fish. but when the tide changes, it takes the fish with it. is it? sometimes there aren't many. yeah, there is no, i will to be i guess you have to pay close attention. they don't mean guns that i love fishing, lucas, you never know what you'll catch you can find every single row these clips. not just show fishing, but also a wide variety of fish in the middle. first, we shall debate, which is mostly small crap. i listen
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to this, one of the qualities that you need for fishing is patients. here's a bus he is here. he says, sometimes you might move from one day to another, but still not find any fish. a bit of one other with patient and intuition here we eventually succeed the the
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well, i say, you know, i've known sidney. so for quite a while, i trust him because he has the skills and dexterity needed to menu for the boat, close to the clips and then to the spot on the i think that the plan that i do is there are places that are too dangerous to get in to make it clear, you have to find another way in my but i, you that i think that in those situations, i call them my friend cindy. so i'm, it will say nice. he has a boat and it takes me to those places that wind, pardon me. yeah. which makes it easier for me to get there and then access the gauge. seattle. i know that if anything ever happens to me, he'll be there to help you. that's how you use that helps i can't get up for the spot is too hard to get to feeling the face. i let i know he'll be the rest that i for it. is that out of what i can get back on the boat. i'm trying and
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the reason why i'm not going to be in the middle of winter is a tire inter, 2 bits of float to transport the equipment. we need to work on the cliffs at all. i must have done below. that means i don't have to wear myself out, swimming back and forth with that. i don't know about the side of the is in the times when we make our way, typically we talk about different things. any sort of when it was at the last time, usually in the front of the boat, and he's on the back. nice talking to me, boy and i pull by you a little whichever is awesome because of a noise from the engine in the window. he's talking and i just say yes, yes. oh yes. and may have, let's see what i didn't actually understand a word you were saying to me. i see now i get, i lived in little bit late, the
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able to believe lucy is full of dangers. one of which is the sea line and will know something happened to a friend of mine, the bus home if you don't know what the jumped into the sea and got bitten on the 5 by one of those big animals anyway as the lions little money. so monday went on to their jobs, so really powerful more and they look, it's not like a dog by tomorrow. it's much more powerful. wait a while. i don't speak badly. my friend went to the hospital and had to have surgery and so that's why we take so many precautions to make sure everything goes smoothly. but i feel like cause i set it down, seeming overall in the for the we asked me to think after a long volt, right, we finally get to the place where we're going to work it off at once. we're in the
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water, we have to judge the waves carefully and catch one that will get us to the rocks that are being sold as to what i say, then we have to get up to the spot where we'll be working with that on kayla meant that the, the, the, the when i start my day at sea, i remember the words of those who have worked at sea for years. yeah. you shouldn't be afraid of the sea, but you should respect the model. you notice that the
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data is one of the things i always tell my colleagues is we can't just look for shell fish. we have to keep an eye on the sea to that in my that's why we have to us it in that one. but i said they have one i for the same video and then another for the most matter, the quarter chosen an occupation that's more relaxing and not so risky is up. but
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this is what i like doing. so if i'm happy here and that surrounded by nature in a life and it needs to either live either the see is impressive with each breaking weight, the learned to judge the best time to get out of the danger zone. and the best time to go in and get the shell fish and that, but i the, the below sea birds are one of the truly amazing things on the cliffs when a northern, again, next semester and then click on the ledges on the cliff face. and the loud,
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you'd never think they could survive here. but here they are well known as whom i seen, i gave way, i'm be it or but i used the most of the fact that most of the secret that we find here and what me, what am i going to be found anywhere else the of the site of the people who enjoy the flavors often tell us that the taste is unique. that's why the shellfish from one me is sent out to other regions that served in restaurants and the my these cost of health. but at this point, i'm going to bite out in order to start on this most,
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this is the same with fish or fish, taste different from fish, from other regions. and if i didn't think about it, it's all sent out to the market. so because of the city of the go to the every day we go back to town, we don't sleep here is that that's another part of the day. the day they came to say at all, setting a stay when i started working out of these areas. my father already knew that when only by new, these places were here saturday, an existing service. but my mother and sisters don't know the cliffs use of it. they have no idea what it's like here. no, no,
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no. so you must have going on some deals. okay. yeah, the ending, but i think that if they came to see the eclipse. yeah. might have time yet to prevent me from coming back to work here. for fear that one day i wouldn't return home because of a serious risks that were exposed to on the clips. he has been a sore throat most significantly low. you know, one of the, some of the, the, the, and that's the way i see that i'm an una joe guy. the accident happened to 10 in the morning. as i fell, i opened my arms nestled in one arm,
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hit the edge of the rock face and another of the 2nd at split the bonus house, leaving an open frack trail enough for us to display compute the he ripped my clothes, including my new print suit, to do the phone that cost them with this is the exact spot. where do you go? died to is the we in the i was going off without having rest of the little was coming back from another class and i was more now. he says, so we have thought about it, i want it to climb all the way up, the wall with us and my arms get about the, the main thing is to you at a certain point. you feel a warm send your arms in want to keep going up, but you can't make up with spittle or sandra, torn between a desire to keep going its thing for you. okay. that day, you know, your hands can no longer hold the room. i thought i can't do it. i don't have any strength. the i thought it was all over again. i'm
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the movie. so my life flashed before my eyes split, 2nd, the new media. and when you one day i got a telephone call and i suddenly found the diego bugle, diego was gone, will say this, i see, had taken him. so you watermark, but i never found his body so glad that was a big shot at the ciocca. know and the of the for this okay, that's why i now prefer going down the clips with someone else on the list with the company. safer. combine. yeah. what am i say? what do you okay. i don't like moving around much anymore in,
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within the middle style, but in the past, i like to do sports out. i know, but i can't anymore. like enjoying the little and that's all that good because i think i'll be able to run again given time, i'll recover a little by little so it's a mississippi leaving. i spent 6 months in lima and rehabilitation and physical therapy working on it every day for now taking medication to help me recover faster . but up with me, my copy of that, like again, people said, what do you guys did, and what do you fell off the cliff tank off? it's terrible. what that's life for the people who work on the clips. i say larry, that i love to get the the
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media life isn't easy. this is from now and every day is a challenge. and we don't know whether we'll make it home in the evening. but it's the life we want to live. it is, i mean it's the life we love it saying, i mean, i mean it was like, some of my friends have gone to the back with them every day. is think all of their, with a stomach live as you know. and every day they remind us take care for a guy that the the last inadequate. and then at the i swear nature is powerful. you know, when you can't find it today,
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you the gang, we get on our motor bikes and head back into town to make sure that we think the clips behind us at that and thinking god were going home. safe and sound here. but i always had to come down with us all that data. now we just need to deliver the treasure that we took from the clips into laos, the. so we're going back, happy releasing, glad to a found so much here. and one thing is doug, you must release it for you most infeasible, and we're even happier to be going back home to see our families. but instead of the stuff i'm in the
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of the the width of the see who it is displayed on tables and sold by the doesn't
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vehicle are also women who prepare the c food right on the spot sunday prices and since these meals, for example, you so people can enjoy them here, but i live in the godaddy and then every day we start all over again the
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the, to the point, strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. every showing of russian military leadership suggests newton is in digging in for a long range and plenty to harness for the russian economy. to do so. what does this mean for ukraine under, on board mentioned losing ground in the northeast. join us this week on to the point to the point just for a few minutes on d. w. the
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the award winning offer is available language learning gem and has never been sent to the it should be green green. all this blue p s twine twine to some lovely red. definitely pull just a yes. yes. that's what you present on purple samples. very special that's in georgia. choose your favorite color. the
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this is dw, there's live in from berlin, israel in the dock at the hey. so definitely guys travel here today to do, i just kind to identical, stopped the ongoing general side at the international court of justice in south africa. demands that is real, immediately sees operations in gossip. also coming up the residential building. it was struck by a glide. well, i'm just about 20 minutes ago. our corresponded witnesses, the devastation russian forces unleashes. they tried to gain ground in.