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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin tonight, the vac, his prime minister, is fighting for his life after an assassination attempt. rubber pizza was shot 5 times and rushed to hospital for emergency surgery. the government says the attack was politically motivated, suspect has been arrested. georgia is controversial foreign influence law tires, and it's tied to the streets in the confidence of police. the once again to protest against new legislation. they say is anti democratic. george's president's house dw she pods to veto the bill. the
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problem, felina. yes, welcome to the program. so lucky as prime minister robert feature is fighting for his life after being shot 5 times in an assassination attempt. the government says the attack was politically motivated, so hockey as president, has called it a brutal and reckless attack of their national leaders, have condemned the shooting, a suspect was arrested up to see 5 shots ring out and the gunman is tackled just seconds later, the prime minister is carried by the arms to a car and rushed away to the security personnel stayed behind, pinning the suspect to the ground speed. so supporters look on in for it sounded
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like cannon fire to me. i was shocked. what's going on? and as i saw him fall, i realized that this probably wasn't a joke. the interior ministry said the attacked was likely politically motivated and brought his love of this. the vacuum president condemned the shooting circle on now. i am shocked. we are all shocked by the terrible and vicious attack on prime minister robert beats. so can you get a physical attack on the prime minister is 1st of all an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy. okay, cool. but cannot see the, the heat for rhetoric we see in society. you know, the sleep stateful action is misspelled, just please stop it. but you cannot explain to them. same boss with a stomach support poured in from european leaders. you commission president worth
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of the fund of ion wrote on the social media site x such acts of violence have no place in our society and undermine democracy. our most precious common good. the white house reacted as well. president joe biden said in the tweet we condemn this horrific act of violence. our embassy is in close touch with the government as a vakio and ready to assist robert feats. so as long been a controversial figure in slovakia as politics often described as populist or left wing nationalist e as opposed immigration and threatened to withdraw support for ukraine in its defense against russia. duty after the shooting pizza was flown by helicopter to a nearby hospital where he underwent emergency surgery for an abdominal wound. official said his injuries are life threatening to victoria below is our reports for the sl vacuum, tv news channel, our t v. s, and joins us from the capital products level. welcome to the w use. so what's the latest you can tell us on robert vito's condition?
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hello from baptist aloha. so what do we know now that the condition of a mr. results should be civilized by now if you chose authoration and as well that . so what do we know from our end? the man to minister domestic data back. he also said that musician, so he's no longer in danger. and apparently he goes to one of the left and his abdominal one and uh, in the other. and the other one had a joint condition most critical. and he's operation had been going on all for 3 and half hours. so it's been really a life threatening earlier. i've already said the seed, so was in life threatening conditions, but now it should be said last. alright, slovak is interior minister says it's and it's an assassination attempt. and so what do we know about that? search uh, 1st of all we have to say that the probably the attacker was not part of the editors organization. he wasn't alone or in this way. there was so we deal release
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the couple of hours ago where the attacker said that he disagreed with the government. well this is this, the video was made a couple of weeks ago. this all is the result of some slack here i've been very polarized since basically september, when we had um, filed them in 3 elections here. even before a doing the campaign. basically there are the 2 groups of people, liberal and nationalists, whether it be attacked who was mentally healthy or not. they will be released by that investigation, interior minister, and also the minister of defense where part of the press conference, as you said, they tried to calm down the emotions because there was another press conference before health in the building of parliament. and many coalition leaders literally emotional and they pointed to the authorization of the liberal media that basically
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made targets out of them. so it's a little tiresome and it's very heat is done by the society victoria, what's happening in the governments. so is the deputy prime minister now in charge for the time being or, or, or what's happening. uh it's not said now uh it will be probably released by tomorrow, but yeah, basically the deputy prime minister, one of them is going to take over for the time is different. so will be medically in this falls and it will probably be the minister. oh we seem to we just lost you there for a 2nd victoria. the line was a little bit unstable and all continue though, but at rubber feet. so is seen as a polarizing politician. tell us why is he being so controversial? yes. so as you said in the beginning, he is populous, he's the populace bar to the matter began on the left and has moved increasingly to
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the right. basically now we can hold, call him a nationalist. his position has been changing really for a long time. he has sometimes untied eaten rhetoric. um sometimes he is um, talking a lot about um not sending a reference a to ukraine anymore. he also has the anti eligibility to you arrives over 3 weeks . so it's very controversial. many labeled him even for us and he didn't denies that himself, but it's been very many, many topics. uh, he was very, she had very controversial uh, sayings on the recently also he had very sharpened in the rest of the rhetoric at the words you'll notice the rest of saying that the he was pointed to them like and telling them the rats are big. so it's a very, very his part of the session for sure. right, victoria,
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tell us what they've gotten violence in slovakia. is it an issue? is it easy to get a gun in slovakia? also, 1st of all, violence itself is being a problem because 2 years ago and to clear people were sedated in a clear bar. so there is still this kind of emotion from 2 years ago also 7 years ago. and it was investigative. janelle, as the young cookie and was killed, he was covering the corruption of some government official. so even of this parliament of this, our government and coming back to your question accounting to let them. um, so the person has to fulfill a number of con dish or we seem to be having a problem there with the connections victoria. unfortunately, we'll have to leave that there. but at thank you for insights. if you can hear us
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journalist victoria below, but in brought us level okay, moving on that, and let's take a look at some more stories making headlines around the world. russian president vladimir putin has arrived in beijing history to hold talks with china is she's in pain. is pickens 1st foreign trips and seeing was re elected for another 6 year term in march? the 2 liters, i've described bilateral relations as a no limits partnership. israel's defense minister, you'll have glance, has criticized prime minister benjamin netanyahu strategy in gaz. kalonde said he would oppose any plan for long term military rule of the region. he also urged sniffing yahoo to draw up a postwar vision in his relative best interest on each of them of the far right dutch politician hurts builder says he has reached a preliminary deal with 3 other right wing par teenagers to form
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a communist spike coming by despite coming 1st, a national election 6 months ago, builders is not expected to become a prime minister, but his party for freedom will be the main force in the color. almost the whole front is most wanted. mine is still on the run convicted drug dealer mohammed. i'm are a new kid named the flight escaped when goodman ambushed a prison 52 guards were killed and 3 wounded. the incidents as triggered a nationwide search and a safety protests by prison officers now to georgia were thousands of once more turned dived in the capital to please see to protest against a new foreign influence. little western nations have joined opposition. political leaders in georgia. the 9 thing, the legislation, which requires foreign funded organizations to rich to register as foreign agents. young people are especially angry. a respirator. 17 year
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old on the staff here is ready to rally for george's future with the respirator on her head, in case police fire to your gas. so she is out to meet people who share her anger. george's youth are furious over the for an influence law. passed by the parliament the, i feel like everything my, or is everything going into the water? everything with this? 84. because i don't know if you want to know that i'm honest. i see it is referring to the 84 law makers who voted in favor of the law. it requires any
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n g o or media organization getting more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as an agent of foreign influence. the ruling georgia dream party defends the law in the us today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our countries of the adoption of the law on transparency of for an influence creed, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility, in georgia, and i'm sure it will be said that since for this you as warren, that the log when danger george's pass to the block. the baltic states are among the strongest critics of the bill. visibly see their foreign ministers met george and president subdomains. obviously, who plans to veto the legislation? she has 14 days to act. george's president selling a's or obese really intends to veto the new law,
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although parliament would still be able to push it through. she told us why she's against the legislation. whether it's this low has become for the jordan population that has been developed, straightened out for one months, has become the symbol of a number of lows and measures and the rhetoric and that is sticking georgia away from. it's your pin past that's lupins as completely secured since we got the candidate status. and so it's this symbol that i'm going to be true because there was no possibility for anyone to show the critics of our partners or from the city of the forces. the non governmental organizations, everybody was saying this is a little that is exactly the same as the one rush as used to really uh,
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a brilliant and uh, opposed to the city of society and the vent organizations in russia. so we do not want that flow. it's not good for them to the european values. anyway, nothing about the country to get closer to the new york end. it has not been recent, or it has been adopted either a precipitated way. the surgery hearing was the has the engine for the g one a minute, 7 seconds. that was george's president cell on may zora beach, really talking to dw earlier a little before we go. let me remind you of our top story this hour. so lucky as prime minister rubbers fits of it as being shot 5 times in an assassination attempt . the government says the attack was politically motivated to finance. next step,
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we look at gender bias in the corporate world and why it's harder for women to get good jobs. don't forget, there's plenty more news and information on our website. you don't, you don't. com and you can follow this on social media or handle is the news for me and the team here. thanks for watching the news. we'll tell you who we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, d, w, and use africa every friday on d, w. get ready for an exciting out until you.