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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land a don't, right? you c, l, a. police are dismantling barricades that a pro palestinian camp at the university of california at los angeles offices have been bouncing the following classes between pro testers. i'm counting for testers, also coming out a deal 11 on european commission president, also a fund a line off as a 1000000000 euro aid package talks over the syrian refugee prices. 7 on posts, move on to 1000000 syrians, many of who wants to get to europe. and feeling the heat to those across india frames, scorching temperatures since they've vote in the countries general election. but will it put some people off costing the pallets
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the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program. police in california have played a pro palestinian and comp than done arrested more than a 100 demonstrates as at the university of california los angeles. as the nights offices moves in and dismantled barricades of the classes between opposing groups of protest as violence erupted on wednesday, officer, a group of people, some of whom were carrying is riley flags attacks a pro palestinian camp. a people were taking the stand against israel's actions in gaza. us president joe biden condemned the unrest a short while ago. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education. right to get a degree. right to walk across campus safely without fear of being attacked. let's
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be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for anti semitism, or threats of violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's and i some, it says a, so i'm a phobia or discrimination against arab americans or problems to these americans simply wrong. there's no place for racism in america. the w correspondent that even alvarez group has been following protests in the us and he joins us today from new york city where he's been following the process, the columbia university. and benjamin tell us more about what president biden said today for them by and emphasize the need and the importance also of peaceful protests saying that violence is not covered by free speech. he said that currently the 2 and american principals that are put to test on one side and the
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freedom of expression, the freedom of a peaceful assembly on the other side. the rule of law saying that both of them it need to be upheld. at the end of this remarks, which gape and the white house, he was ask if the current protested with the ecologist across the country will lead to changes in the policy and the region. he replied no, and he was also asked if it'd be a the true, but the national guard should intervene something the for example, is speaker of the house mike johnson said a few days ago when he visited columbia university. and the president also said, no touch, do you think the president's comments will do anything to come? the protests down so many of the approaches has happened demanding from the universities or from the colleges to put it to look into what's happening and go the asking also administrations of these colleges to divest from companies that they say, profit from israel's war and a gaza so if there are no changes in the policies also from the university is about
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a more rest. so we don't have that clear information yet of what will happen it with that many call they just have that, that the students who are taking part in this and comments of facing expulsion. so we can expect this situation to unfold. a many, many universities and colleges across the country, for example, in college university of texas. and of course, also you see a lady in los angeles, but police a rated a and cabin today interest and several of the purchases that can we talk about the suggestions, the, the, the protests being in full trace. it'll hijacked by different interest groups. what can you tell us about that? they are different interest groups, the one to point a, the, the, the finger of course and showing or discrediting whole movements by is some individuals. there has been talk here in new york also about a outside agitators as the mayor. every got them, so cold them. the only problem is that still he or n y p d, new york police department have not yet provided evidence, but that's something that information that we need because we want to know how many
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of those who have access to campus you're call them university. for example, it's private, you can check the r i d checks, but for other you see elaine los angeles, for example, as an open campus and also out standards. it can go there. so we're still waiting for information from several, a police report that are taking a part in this operation. so you know exactly how many of those are arrested on members, and how many are as they are cold outside agitators. also using this moment to protest or to to commit act of violence against them in stages oregon's law enforcement. you mentioned that you see a is a public university the anybody can come go to anybody can enter the campus. is it like looking like see that the protests will still us again tonight of the there was a lot of a police presence even before they surveyed started hours and hours over night. police say choppers also flying their l a. p d, the police department in los angeles getting support also from other
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a police department. so there was a lot of police presence also here at columbia university, it'd be ended, will end up being a problem on top of money and of costs of public resources of having police officers checking the act as of having police officers and security guards in front of every access it to campus, but we can't expect this to continue then a few weeks will have a lot of commencement these big, big events that happened on several of the colleges with family members traveling from all around the world. it to come to see the family members graduate and we can expect that the situation at least until then will it continue to in full. we have seen you in conference with seeing and more arrests, but it remains to be seen how it will develop over the next 2448 hours. and in, if police will take any additional measures to, as they say project and not just students, but also faculty members or a jewish a students and, and faculty members who said they have felt threatened to over the past a couple of days. uh, during this and camping and several colleges across the us. the w correspondent benjamin alvarez, grew there reporting from neil newman. thank 211 on his
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set to receive a 1000000000 euro, a package from the you to tackle on authorized migration speaking and they root you chief of the fund alliance at the blog will provide the funding in return for 11 on tice ending its food is she excuse me, she is missing with prime minister in the gym. the coffee as well as nicholas christa, deleted the president of cyprus, cypress, the scene a shelf increase in syrian refugees arriving by boat from lebanon and his lobby to the you. for months to extend age to 11 on of 11 on hosts, more than 2000000 syrians as a hoss assume had to enter the country illegally. that in on itself is in the middle of it's west of a economic crisis. many lebanese, say the high number of syrians in the country is making the situation even worse, dw, use a root bureau chief mohammed tray to reports now and a warning to
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a view is that some of you may find images in this report. distressing the fresh wave of fury at syrians in liberal around this time it looks much more serious. the recent mother of lucas christian party official, allegedly, at the hands of the court jacking gang of syria measurements, passed through good violence and victory. all that syrians independent, including displaced, refugees, much sled war towards 2. yep. 10 years ago. now if you as being displaced again, this time from living on the model government, we are afraid and barely sleep at night. and every time someone knocked at the door and we fear that someone has come to attack us, do not. i'm unable to go to work or to the supermarket did after not lose. i can't leave home nonsense in slow as is there. i've been receiving threats,
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demanding i leave the neighborhood within 5 days. notice where should i go to manage all of what comes to you? i can't go back to cereal box with him. i'm wanted and would be immediately drafted into the military. i'm a clubhouse rec, oscar. none of buttons are, that's what i'm headed better for you as our phone. to old syrians and bows have moved. you must leave your shops and residences by friday at the latest. you've been warned. for tens, a few syrians have lived in this neighborhood together with the minis mean the christians. but now the syrian run shops have been shut down. and many serious companies have left the rent of homes as well. i mean, they took over our businesses and replaced this, they come in to 11 and legally and are increasingly committed crimes and murders and online move federal sodium. i want them out in any way possible. i mean, i just want them out. i a moment little they took our jobs and disrupted our lives
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that the lecture like that, but like hire a lawyer, i don't know. those who have a legal status can stay, but those are here illegally should leave for the tracking them is not acceptable under pressure by independence. economy collapse and the country's political paralysis deal thought or to use are echoing the sentiments that gotten our political edge. the security forces and the police to family and strictly implemented lebanese low on the syrian refugees depend on host the great this number of properties per capita of any country into what more than 2000000 students and live in on form 45 percent of the population this would be equivalence of nearly 38000000 refugees in germany. and some 163000000 refugees in the united states of america. the sort of numbers are very significant in the context of depend on security and power. shedding months of the vast majority of that, i could use our sunni muslims. that has been viewing fears of
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a huge demographic imbalance in a country with christians and muslims shared power equally in new jersey and of political unity. why the political parties are calling for the quotation of the syrian refugees? pushing many of them towards choices that is making udall very nervous. a lot of had that a long icons stay here against the wind locally beneath my water sewer down. when i don't know what to do, but honestly the thing is, i'm not that that i hate going. i may try to leave for another country the way i'm on the box. i'm. i know i have no other choice but has to go through and the go to migrant focus on, on the with, on what migration lead the routes out of reach the dangerous c journeys to you will only increase. and joining us now is the author of that report, very, very chief mohammed, sure ha. and the w's, terry shoals, who joins us from brussels. mohammed tell us why the you is making this
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announcement now. i mean, we know that the syrians have been taking refuge in lebanon for a long time slides, simply because the cypress is under pressure and is pressure in the, in you, in the time. so to understand how serious is the influx of refugees is affecting the cypress, we have to look into that these numbers presented by the interior ministry in in cyprus. that suggests that more than 2000 people that arrived in cyprus by boat, between january and april of this year, compared to only 78 people arrived to cyprus in the same period of time last year. that is nearly 30 times more refugee that effigies in the year, and that's why cyprus is ringing the bell and putting the, putting some pressure on the e. u. 2 ton, an i to live in and help live in and manage the longstanding refugee problem. i
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understand, terry, if i can turn to you, can you tell us about how this been in your age packaged is practically going to help lab and on as well. that's how the european union wants to portray it on ya as helping levon on with 1000000000 euros, which is entirely in grants. so that is of course good news for be rude and it will be helping loving on. they say in terms of helping improve the education sector, health care, they're going to help with reforming the financial and banking sector. they'll be new training and equipment for levins armed forces. but in fact, some 3 quarters of this money is actually going to go towards helping the refugee crisis inside lebanon. and for the european union, that means tightening the borders and increasing cooperation with front text. the use border control agency because within the use interest is keeping those people 11 on and not allowing or of them to leave attempting to get to the european union
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. so while this package may be a per trait as being $411.00 on, it's also very much for the european union. okay. know how to talk to us about this suggestion that the presence of so many syrians is actually burdening the economy? is that a fact? as it is, i mean if we look at the numbers, the cdn communities are for 45 percent of the population and i'll flip it on that today. this is quite a burden on dependence economy and infrastructure. for example, a recent count by the ministry of interior and independent shows that more than 35 percent of prisoners in devon on our cdns and prisons are already over crowded and prisoners are facing unbearable conditions already and other aspect on another aspect, sealants are on the page and therefore they are much more
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a higher than the veneers because it's cheaper and this is leaving them and he's with much less jobs. this has been creating a rage and, and, and, and from hosting communities as well. but all of this is really only the tip of the iceberg in independence, that fading states, the inability of the ruling in need to deal with many layers of problems and on all aspects like economic, financial, political, social, the list goes on. so keep going. cdns has been a lot of the use by the been east. politicians are frequently blame the, the business crises on, on the and city and reference g is more than 1500000, a city and effigies. and this, we thought it has been further fueling into community tensions. and i see and sorry, big b u has of cool struck deals with other countries, housing that key egypt to help manage the refugee crisis. in time,
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this aid package to lebanon really help control the numbers of refugees who were trying to get into the, the as well. that's clearly what a leaders are counting on. and they have seen some success with this model. as you mentioned in turkey, where increasing border protections and improving the situation in the camp, expanding the cans inside turkey meant more people were kept there rather than getting in boats and trying to make it to the european union. but as mohammed explained, this has to be made attractive to the lebanese government as well. and that's why this money and, and did these uh, this assistance in lebanon's own, socio economic conditions is so important. but again, let's be honest, the european union needs to show that it's doing something on migration ahead of european elections, which are coming up in just a few weeks with migration to be one of the top uh top issues there that voters are going to be deciding on and you can't ignore the fact that the is really how mos
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war is creating even more refugees and some of those have ended up 11 already. and that's something the european union is worried about. so this package is something that you leaders very much hope will stops, will stem the tide. human rights activists are not so thrilled with these conditions, but we'll just have to see how this works out with lebanon. terry schultz and mama troy speaking to me earlier, a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines today. and the bavarian community is more now has held a memorial service to to ukrainian soldiers stepped to death last weekend. the men were in germany for rehabilitation. police have detained a 57 year old russian citizen of the demonstrations gathered in the georgian capital to please see for another nights of protests. often low may cause approve. the 2nd reading of the controversial for an agents low. the bill of requires media in civil groups with funding from abroad to register as being on the far an influence. opponents say it's similar to
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a more used in russia to silence government critics. now armenia says it is willing to return several villages, but it has controlled since the 1990s to as a base on the move as part of the why the peace process of to as the by john to control of the disputed region of nicole in a car box last year. it's a dispute that goes back centuries. the median villages are mostly uninhabited, and only a few people will be directly affected. but local armenians who live close to the border. all angry dw use funding for child reports now from tablets, province in northern, all mania, which is on the border without the pleasure on barbed wire along the edges of travelers. providence here in northern armenia marks where this country ends and azerbaijan begins. for now. i know the time that i was young was born here. life is hard, there, not enough jobs, but the land is for a child. she says, her guard and it's her pride. she fears the new boy did the medication,
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could put her house officially, azerbaijan, with the people many here dislikes so much they called them to uninstall us. we are told that this very didn't bridge belong to tax, but we're not giving the me the most think on is the government has promised some form of compensation. she says, but that's not what you want. you can go to this, or this is my, i mean, you know, and, and i don't want to leave the armenians azerbaijan neighbors with the bloody, his story to wars and many conflicts. in the past 3 decades. armenia now wants to give these full full ma, azerbaijan villages back. they are uninhabited, but local geography and administrative borders means several other nearby armenian villages will be effected. landing question is only a few square kilometers,
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but that's not the point for people living in this area. armenians here are afraid losing patches of land in the name of peace. they say the new boat, we literally bring an old enemy azerbaijan, closer and they're worried. azerbaijan was, once more armenia is prime minister, a new called pushing young, visited last month to tell locals, like condo, there was no other option on or how the border is a certain guarantee, a piece. but we must always remember that something may not go as planned, but if everything goes as we have planned, we should stay in a dialogue with each other. but many armenians very things could escalate. polls suggest the things that concerned and the most, our national security and border issues. those are new sizes. we don't want to see the we
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o one p with as about johnny's is impossible to negotiate peace and topics province so close to the border. relics can still be found from hostilities in the 19 ninety's. so in order to settle the shell landed here and here is the shrapnel here, here and here. so for the fighting is seen as a real possibility. leo, of course, done yet, is a veteran. he says you fierce armenia wouldn't get much help against a neighbor's house and go to if there's anything, it will be good. we cannot fight the trouble is kept, the whole world stands by them. so unfortunately, i don't know how to get this process opposition. politicians made a trip from armenia as capital yara von, to these little villages near the border to support furious locals. they are worried land that they make a living on may be returned to azerbaijan,
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and that their farms might end up on the front line of a future conflict. now flooding has devastation, parts of southern russian, russia and catholics don in recent weeks and tens of thousands of people have been displaced. but as water level full scientists say a different crisis, maybe surfacing and it could be toxic, the flood waters are receding. but while the one crisis ebbing people here might still be in deep water or russian independent media and environmental. this say, old uranium mines have been flooded, leaking radioactive material. alexa schwartz is a physicist ecologist, i know position active as to why he 1st reported on the issue years ago. i mean, it was in my of radio new fine, some enter the total river and we'll see the about was all uranium has entered the river to to be when the alpha particles to k by the and get on the skin or inside
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the body. then they cause cancer and he's month old use be right. what about the total river is the water supply for cool guy and going to school and human and many other city is nearby. who me that the, i will know you're going to the visit that will russian nuclear energy authorities at russet tom called the reports deliberate to miss information. on april 23rd state media published the response that quoted saying the facilities uranium deposits are located at higher ground and away from the water. the floods has not affected them. there was no threat of flooding and the situation is being monitored . but active is say that's only half the truth. it's studies classroom, it's appropriate in mind that are leaking our old minds. they are uranium testing binds from the 19 eighties and it's within that same deposit. and we just put these minds were drilled in the eighty's and we spent a few years ago, rose at home, started drilling nearby, and those mines are at higher ground. do you think that's true to die?
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the provident got to be somebody's to card and we walked through the old mines on a dry day and there was water drip bank where your water is radioactive. definitely what i'm used to rows that told lying they lied about your noble when you and they're still lying about uranium mining at them should give it out of your mobile world. this is just for that. we sure. on the scientist fair, a large number of people will be exposed to radiation and it could make them ill. for now, the region is baffling, the direct consequences of the flooding, but soon they might have to deal with what's below the surface from flooding to heat because parts of india have recorded the hottest april on record. as a heat wave scorches, the country indians a braving the searing heat as they've boats in the countries general election. they're all concerns that rising temperatures may put people off those thing. ethel india and it's ongoing elections off feeling the heat floor to slide ration
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umbrella associate here in india's capsule valley. it's not all that bad, but of course you can see watch an ice cream then does every with 10 projects. yeah . still below 40 degrees celsius. but in the country, south and east, the moment has a tough thing at 45 degrees. and use outlets have even reported about several just due to heat strokes. it's also affecting polling here in less than my restaurant tends west the top to provide, say to both as, as they went to the pallets good to me. so everyone feels very hot indeed. and the sunlight is very strong, very pretty. but despite the harsh conditions, we are coming to vote with it then people are getting dehydrated to what they must still show up. but i know, you know, it's also hitting campaigning bod, last week, indian roads minister. and it didn't get to the collapse during a public speech. ex, puts a worried about the increasing the unpredictable weather, b, r c. not the untimely range. we are seeing lot more heat waves frequently to waves
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in different parts of the country. so there is a way to run to me lactic trend. now every new york is setting a new record. a new trend of that is what is seem to magic or the logic climate change that is happening. so cosby, property co consequences are going to be shipped the election commission of india is that the heat might this you 8 voters from turning up a lot of numbers that your phone to task force to monitor the temperatures and to ensure safe conditions for voters compared to the last and with elections in 2019 both to so now it has dropped by roughly 3 percentage points in the 1st 2 phases of voting. that doesn't seem like much, but in the world's most populous country. this number is saw from insignificance, but teach as the only reason, holidays and the wedding season, i believe tough positive as well. and there is a sense of fatigue among indian boats has as many belief prime minister under movies when is a fault, i'm confused. actually do some voters that might be cooler air insights. the metro
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and lots of go department will likely know what and that's doing just in time for the upcoming podium day next week. and with that you are up to date on monday keeps . and kevin, thanks for watching and have a lovely day the
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into the conflicts own phase where i live, mrs. kenning, 7 for an aide. work is in gaza strip. in hopes of the humanitarian situation. my e, i'm a desperately needed food, can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those how suggest is yeah, mega and hadn't been region refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict of the next point on d, w but you will tell here we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting
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a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d w. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy bird or your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from the house. it's made from golden retrievers . 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals of edible, and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex
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relationship with animals. the great debate, what's, you know, on youtube, dw documentary, the phase where i live, mr. kenning, 7 for an aid workers in gaza, that'd be in hopes that the humanitarian situation, my ease, and the desperately need of food can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, my guess is yeah, mega and head of them the wage and refugee council, for decades of experience in the humanitarian field. he's also a former, diplomatically, was personally involved with a low piece told between israel and the palestinians in the 1990. how does he think his savage was connected? and 6 months the war must be old, but i hope it's over in, in a week.