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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] news the hello, i'm sammy's a them. this is the news life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. south africa appeals to the world's top cold to hold as well as offensive and rough immediately saying, it proves genocidal intent. this attack is the final blow that is intended to destroy the palestinian group in gosh, on the day of the hearing is very bombing kills 5 people and rough off 600000 palestinians have been forcibly displaced just over
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a week and form the us president donald trump returns to quote is a key witness and the so called hush money trial continues his testimony and peace assumes authority of sports and use the asian football confederation. fax kind of funds that seem to have is real suspended from international food because of google in gaza. news that again they use out of the international goals of justice at the hey, you say south africa has requested the ones top quote to order as well. and it's offensive and rough. and then this immediately is right. the attacks on the city of sofa falls, nearly 600000 palestinians to flee with speaking to i. c. j judges. on thursday, south africa's legal team accused israel on violating the geneva convention. they argued, as well as operation on rama is the last step in the destruction of gaza. this is
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a texas or in violation of punishment for rules of preventative and low. but in addition, they provide evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles to a, b, c, and d, of the genocide conveys as the president, members of the court, this is tech is the final blow that is intended to destroy the palace to noon group can cause they also say is arouse closure of the off crossing is cut off, violate to the strip listening and all ready to die humanitarian crisis. the un says famine in northern gaza is spreading south for the rest across the remains closed. and there is a continued lack of safe and look just to keep viable access to the care and show them across the cross is could not be more urgent. and that is so we, israel's assaults on rest. and the closure of these critical crossings all
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aggravating. the feminine like conditions across garza, were over a 1000000 people are predicted to face catastrophe. step boston has more from the hague. now the, the tone today in the court was very urgent to compare to even to the 1st hearings in january. you could feel that's now 4 months since the court has imposed by the orders on this route. uh, south africa feels time is running out for the people in guys and especially for the people in guys in the are i for they say this is a game that israel is now playing in a rough. i'm making sure that the people are now completely wiped of the map and that the guy's eyes, which is going to be one big pile of rubble. so they say the court has now to act. it has the power to do so. and so far it has failed to protect the palestinian people of from this genocide as sort of a last chance. and they also asked the court to be more specific in the new
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professional measures that they have to impose according to south africa and as well because as well, has been saying that it has been complying, of maybe not completely understanding the order. so they have to be very specific and they have to come very soon. according to south africa. step 5, some algebra. take the south african lawyer i the house and spoke to the cold. she outlined the devastating impact is rouse, war has had on children and gaza. more than 14000 has been killed. thousands who have been injured or lost family members. violent estimated, 17000 children on the computing or separate nearly
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all of guys as children have been exposed to traumatic experiences. the consequences of which will last a lifetime to somebody that has more now from just had this book. so that's like is government remains hopeful. the international court of justice, sol room and it's favor and order and immediate in to israel's military operations in rasa. and that's, as the killings continue and humanitarian situation wesson's. and that's precisely why south africa as approach the court. this is the 3rd time it's done. so why it's hopeful it is concerned that as well as not observe the previous orders made by the i c j and it ultimately once international to prevail. it wants to protect the rights of palestinians and once
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a ceasefire in cause of the president of south africa, slowed them up was a in recent days. has said that so that africa remains unequivocal and unapologetic about its support for palestinian rights and palestinian people. and we've also previously heard from the international relations and cooperation with us and the lady bundle. she has said, that's all that for quote, south africa will continue to pursue all legal and diplomatic means to ensure there is a ceasefire in garza. and also that africa has described conditions in gaza in rough uh as apocalyptic. i said that the conditions the a rustic and again is trying to bring some sort of relief to palestinian people by approaching the court. and while it's brought a case of accusations of genocide against israel will take years to be decided on a yes to be heard. it's hoping that there will be some sort of immediate
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intervention by the court to ensure the safety and livelihoods of the palestinians are protected from dumler ultra 0 johannes bug. it is roused, defense minister, you will have gone to the announced additional ground forces are being deployed, cut off the offensive is worse and then already die humanitarian crisis in gauze, southern those city. how they might have moved reports from data by and central garza the fiber. hooked probably is it preparing to bury her husband and her son. but this not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax in this for the table in the house at the beginning of the room and 10 people amounted 5 of them. when my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren, this is the human cost of israel war and garza pain, suffering despair and
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a side that has become too familiar to gauze. a population of funeral in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinian people here . find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment. the there's no safe place to nelfa hun eunice. they slows to jamalia and the say that's enough of safety. is there any with good now? is really troops on the ground. the reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. and as these really are me prepared to expand its military maneuvers in gauze and south, most city, 600000 people have a slave the area to places like here. and there is by honey my mode. i was just the . 7 there are blocks that the house time honey, my food joins us live now from data. bella,
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just outside the city's main health center that some of the hospital understand people living thing to way you uh, what conditions await them. yes, that it will. the past the few days that being the quite difficult for people who fled rock by high and underwear in force into this new wave of displacement into the central area. they're coming mainly to do it by city. and already small area already over one would be would number of displace families will have a flayed the horror of the war. in the northern part, in gauze and city have been concentrated and dated by the city as it has. it was designated by it is very military as a saved zone, but so far this saved zone hasn't been largely saved. it has to be repeatedly targeted with more homes being destroyed here and much of the public facility. they've been severely damaged by era, talks it just
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a brief walk in the streets of the city and the destruction caused by the intense bonding campaign as a quite visible and leave ones wonder what kind of saves on these really military was referring to. but people are coming to an area already over well over a crowd is running out of space in terms of public facilities in terms of infrastructure. people are taking the streets right, not where to set up their 10 sale or any pocket of land available to set up their tents in it. but the area that they're coming to are largely lag the basic necessities, basic supplies and infrastructure. nothise certainly needed maybe one of the most needed uh stores right now is water that is not available in most air. in fact, there is a water crisis across the city with only one water. that's a nation of plant available, but doesn't have the capacity to accommodate and provide water for everyone in there is blasted in. that's why it's you and your line of to give gallon of water
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can take half of the or little over at half a day for the vast majority of people. of course, all of this happening while there are still more people. if leading a rough i under the, the give even the air bombardments and a lot of them are caught in the line of fire. and particularly in the central part of the city at toward the western part of robot. a city where there is a search in the tops and more of the air force displacement orders are given to people who are, is staying in areas that have been designated. at the initial weeks of this genocide, the word has saved zones that some all see evacuation zone at the western part of the city. meanwhile, this really military continue to create and push people for further internal displacement. while there are 600000 people have already force into displacement into the central area. there is at least
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a 150000 people of from the northern cities that, that, that includes your value rep is you can parts of it le bid on, on those who are, who managed to live are headed toward the western part of gaza. those who are trapped inside the refugee comes into your body at the surrounding cities in the northern parts are suffering from the lack of food supplies and basic necessity for the past 5 days. and the misery continues, as is really a military intensive 5, it's a tax on the refuge account. right. thanks so much. i mean my move that as egypt has rejected israel's proposal to jointly coordinate the reopening and management to vote off crossing between sign garza. this follows as well seizure of the garza side of the crossing last week. egypt says the crossing on the gauze aside, should the manage solely by palestinian authority representatives according to
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agreements. the rough crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid and medical evacuations, enclosed and made the 7th. and israel took control of the gods the side a has since piled up on the gyptian side, unable to cross. oh goodness, sorry. was the middle of it, the whole big israel continues to engage in evasive actions, to avoid this responsibilities and in devious maneuvering around efforts to achieve a ceasefire. furthermore, it is defined to adamant about its widely condemned military operation and rough uh and 6 to leverage the rough crossing from the palestinian side to certified siege on the gaza strip. once again, i definitely states that egypt is unequivocally committed to steadfast position, both in words and actions in rejecting valid creation of the palestinian calls, the false displacement or compulsory migration of the palestinians, as well as the creation of conditions,
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rendering garza uninhabitable with the aim of feedback awaiting the land of palestine from its people around hon joins us now live from my mind in jordan, because israel is shot down. i'll do service operations in israel. so we're reporting from outside the country. and ron, look, listening to these comments. i guess they showed just how strange relations are right now between egypt and israel. right? or that's absolutely right. these comments come from a presidency off to these writing prime minister benjamin netanyahu public. he said that uh, the rafa crossing could open, but you just didn't want to open it. now. egypt and israel have a very complicated security relationship. agreement has the beginnings of that would come, david, which was that help in 1979. the codes that were assigned at car david when specifically talking about ref, i meant the rough i should be the mother tries and palestinians should be in
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control of the guards inside of the across the one k. those 2 things on happening. presidency is also saying effectively to the is raise, the you are in gaza, you've created this mess. this is on isn't on us. but you also have to remember the jefferson is running a tremendous amount of domestic pressure as well. the war is incredibly unpopular amongst egypt. sion public, so that's something that's easy we'll be looking at. you're looking at the voices of the streets that would be hearing a need capitulation. any agreement with his role is going to be incredibly popular, unpopular, so that it plays into why we've had these comments come out so far. but like i say, we haven't had any is really reactions like fall, but it's likely that we're going to, it's something that we've heard before, particularly from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who intends to deflect and blame the egyptians for not letting in that humanitarian
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aid. now the egyptians are actually fighting back in this, it seems there's very angry words at the beginning of the fight back against these is where the occupations. thanks to him, ron pon, following with situation from a mind in jordan and the reminder that he's that covering this story because it's all his band elder 0 for i think inside israel that spring in moines rabbani. in montreal. he's the middle east analyst and co editor of the online magazine delia, good to have you with us. first of all, mind maybe be useful to kind of step back a 2nd and remind view as of what the previous agreements say about who manages that off crossing agreements live with 2005 philadelphia agreement. yes, it's the 2005 agreement on movement and access which was reached through i believe us mediation after is real disengaged from the gaza strip. and it's
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specified that the palestinian authority in conjunction with european union union monitors would be responsible for the palestinian side of the crossing. this was basically an indirect way, i think of, of maintaining is really control over the crossing. and then what happened in 2005, sorry, 2007. when to come out, i seized power in the gaza strip. the europeans took a unilateral decision to leave the that are crossing. and egypt use that as a pretext to cooperate with israel's blockade. of the gaza strip. i think what's happened now is with israel so brazenly taking over the crossing. they have exposed egyptian complicity with his early policy towards the gaza strip . beyond the point a to which the is read,
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the egyptian leadership can bear. and as and around town was pointing out, it also has to do with it gyptian domestic opposition to the war and gaza. there may will also be powerful forces within the egyptian ruling establishment, and particularly the security establishment who are not too happy at the way the egyptian government has been co operating with israel during the past 8 months or so. and it's in that context that we need to see the tips of leadership now taking a more public and forceful position of opposition to what is real is doing. all right, so given what you're saying, how series all the wrist is really going on between egypt and israel, then, is this just a new thing? all fostering full domestic consumption in egypt as well. there are certainly posturing involves, but i think it would be mistaken to see this as,
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as merely playing to the gallery for cosmetic purposes, if you will. it is, it is a very serious issue inside egypt. and that almost by definition makes it a serious issue for the egyptian leadership. and there's a, there's a broader issue here rather than just the details of the agreements, which is egypt has a central national security principle which is that it will refuse to take responsibility for the gaza strip of the palestinians and the gaza strip. uh, from israel, in the absence of the comprehensive political settlement. israel has for years been trying to shove off the gaza strip to egypt. and by closing on their side of the border and saying that egypt should be the one the response of solely responsible for the entry of agents of the gaza strip. i think many in the addiction leadership
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see this is kind of the surreptitious initiative to try to have the egyptians take responsibility for gods or to through yet another maneuver under simply refusing this won't position is us taking because as you mentioned to us, bro, could some of these agreements, whether we're talking about the philadelphia or the cam. david, well the us is acting as a us always doesn't such situations. namely that is exercise the pressure on egypt to go along with israel's demands. and it's using the dire humanitarian crisis and the gaza strip as a pretext. so once again, instead of placing pressure on those responsible for creating the crisis, namely this really is it's taking is really, is under its way protecting them and putting pressure on egypt to go along with this really demands, it's entirely what one would expect. so given what we know about us policy,
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a wayne robotic good to talk to you. thanks so much. thank you. the state department says the humanitarian situation in golf, so it continues to deteriorate. its deputy spokesman says washington is urging as well do more to allow sustained access to a manager and conditions on the ground. continue to do the series and the vital border crossings have closed out of time. with even more aid is critical. we are working tirelessly to serge assistance through all available means to address the impacts of this crisis. that's why the us established humanitarian maritime courted or to augment not replace ongoing efforts to scale the delivery of humanitarian aid file land. rosalind in jordan is live for us at the state department in washington dc. so rosamond, it seems lately the us position on gauze or on aid has been somewhat fluid the.
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what do these license statements tell us about its post to now to well, when you consider of what the us government is saying, in the context of what we have heard earlier in the past hour or so from the u. n's humanitarian aid chief martin griffith, who says that the risk of famine is very real in southern garza and, and ralph in particular because no aid is coming in through the rafa crossing. and the stocks that have already been delivered are starting to run out. it does raise questions about how hard the buys administration is pushing is will to do more to get humanitarian aid in now and let's be clear. the administration says that it is putting a lot of pressure on israel to do what the was says is the morally correct thing to awhile. the transport of food, of medicine, of humanitarian aid workers in to gaza to help them one point child for 1000000 or
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so people living in dogs or who are trying to escape the fighting between israel and homos and other groups. that said, the us also says that sometime in the next few days, you'll start to see the delivery of aid coming from cypress through this new temporary maritime poured off the gauze or coast. you'll start to see that aid coming in, but they can't put a number on how many tons of food and others that supplies will be delivered. but one thing that the button harris administration is saying is that it just isn't going to be enough. we have not heard from set com in the past few days about whether any error drops of other humanitarian supplies have been carried out. again, a supplement to what should be coming into garza, which is tractor trailer loads of food medicine and other supplies into the territory for the people living inside garza. and so the question kept coming up at
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thursdays are the state department briefing, how much pressure is the us putting on is will to open the roof or crossing to reopen karen salon to reopen air of an other rod border crossings. not much in the way of specificity coming from forgot to tell the principal deputy spokes person. but he did reiterate that the pressure that the president wants to see placed on israel still remains and that the israeli government should not expect that it's going to get a path there is this vital need to get the 8 in. and the us says it's very much aware that time is of the essence. and that was also enjoying the students at oxford university, a holding while the cooling and emergency riley against israel's war and garza 2nd encampment. last week, the modeling universe, the cost it's financial and institutional ties with the entities link to the israeli occupation journal. how has mall from aux with
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a very small number of students, setting up a protest account for the loans of paper. there's a museum that has grown and they say 4 times in a week and a half since with several 100 people now living in those tense. and they set up, of course, at least in 3 months, not dissimilar to what we've seen on campus. probably testimonials. we're looking for the university to be more transparent about his finances and investments looking for it to divest from these rather these really linked entities specifically is really genocide of content and occupations. edwards, and to commit to have to rebuild the education infrastructure and cause so many of its schools need all of its universities that destroyed will this emergency riley is the cold short notice to protest essentially against the universe. responds in the last couple of days, set out in an email from most jobs about irene tracy. the students can get a test that you have a look at it, the students angry. and they say by the end of
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a complete failure to engage with any of the model specifically it's failure to setup steps towards divestment, as they say. some of the universities have done most notably recently trinity college in dublin. and the university's response went further. vice chancellor tracy know to that while the university respects the students, right to a peaceful protest that some members of the university it says have no teeth that they uh they are fearful and uncomfortable. as a result of these protests, she said that hosted with the any told her and so are in no way acceptable at oxford. well, the students are good of course, by that they say that their protests already no way to submit it. and they say they say here, the statements like that. and indeed the universities silence on because it would only add to hatred and products. nearly $3000.00 people, including students, faculty, and staff of interested during university protests across the united states. then
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demonstrating against israel's foreign garza, many professors have offered best support drawing on decades of activism. i'll just share a spoke to one science professor and will sign space. my name is catherine king. i am professor in marissa at u. c. l a. and i have been an activist against boar and for social justice, since at least 1968 when i was a graduate student at columbia university. i've been involved in protests against the war in vietnam, and then i transferred to princeton university. and i remember i used to take time out from reading my dissertation and going and joining the marches outside nasa whole against apartheid. i been involved in protest against
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invading iraq. the 1st time with the 1st george bush and then totally outraged in protesting against the 2nd invasion of iraq, which was the one that was such a complete disaster. and i remember at columbia when i was so outraged at the police action against the students. i didn't believe the police would act like that. i didn't believe that the university would act like that. and i think students today at you see a way or some of them are shocked at the brutality of the police. and just it's got to be very traumatizing, it reminded me of columbia completely in that it was uncalled for and it was, it was brutal, absolutely brutal. the student protests are absolutely normal and it's what students do when they are outraged. and i do think it will continue because this
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war is continuing. i would say to them, keep going, keep it peaceful, but be persistence. they are definitely on the right side of history, stopping and immoral war and genocide. i want to use that word because i think it's clear that it is and 20 years from now everybody's going to look back and say yes, that was genocide and the students were right. still. i had an al jazeera fraud sends troops to new caledonia off the rest, the night to violence, right, kills for people in that specific power train. and major league song gets a, sorry, thank to invite us that's coming up with you through school. the that it was a couple of days ago,
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some pretty nasty weather in talk here. it's not quite as bad. now. the cat is still full, but ink that the witness coming in from africa is going to hold things off and making dusty increase. for example, your want to live channels and live and it still looks fine. but the reason i mention that is if you go further east, the active channels are becoming more active again. and that's the result in the shop, in northern iraq, there's been flash funding in this particular city. now the sheriff haven't yet finished from the store and some of them actually, there are results from this. and the line of sherry stuff goes towards afghanistan is probably more obvious in to administer. and to know something about everything sags, we didn't really think and maybe to a more channels. i'll send this over. there are a few in west and you have in our west, inside of the mississippi and the full cost, but it's the breeze and the dusty nature of the breeze. that's more coming to think about this time the it's there again, it picks up the dust tends to color 40 degrees in doha bit about the average bit
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very typical rising temperatures. that's right. tropical laska, the shelves are going freight. i know they're still fighting on the ground the results they're often can, you know, there's not much more in the way a shower. he's tough to come. there's bit for the size particularly mos on be otherwise it's don't dry in most of southern africa. the red and so one of the worlds where was creatures, numbers, a plumber, to do the deforestation. to check on climate change, indian sites are fighting to project. one of the most important things to consider the species is to maintain that habitat one. 0 one east reveals the bottle to save and use glass on all just there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening and they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy. and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have
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a choice to either escalate and call in police, be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the the the welcome back to watching out to 0 time to recap on headlines being that actual code of justice is heard arguments by south africa requesting additional emergency measures to hold his rouse, offensive on rough off view and says is ready. the attacks on the city of fulls,
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nearly 600000 palestinians to sleep just over a week. as well sizes the flying additional ground forces to drop off. despite the warning from the us, the offensive has worse and then over the di, humanitarian crisis in kansas, southern most city, egypt is rejecting. and this really proposal. meanwhile, to jointly reopen and manage that off crossing as well. sees the goss aside last week? i rolling so certainly protest in a pharmacy representatives should manage the guns assigned at the crossing hostilities of flight up again along the border between 11 and then as well. 3 civilians have been injured to critically and these really strikes on the 11 east board, a bit of japan as the law. 5, dozens of rockets on metric positions in northern israel. at least 3 soldiers with seriously wounded sign. a holder has more from their booth to there is a study escalation in the bustle between this really military and the lebanese,
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the arm group has the law. the conflict appears to be in a different phase, both sides increasing the frequency of their operations. also, the military operations becoming more deadly on wednesday has while law carried out its deepest strike. yet inside this ready territory some 35 kilometers from the board or the is really army. acknowledging that quote, a sensitive military size was damaged by an arm to draw the pen to going this way. we'll take you. now let's listening to deputy press secretary sabrina's saying, in the coming days, aid will be off with it from the ships at a floating role on roll off distribution facility to highlight a few key points. the purpose of this temporary peer is to deliver critical humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. the peer is temporary and not meant to replace land routes into casa and last. this is an internationally back
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effort coordinated with the united nations. the us military is merely providing the logistical support to enable humanitarian aid to flow into gaza from the sea. for weeks we have been working side by side with the usa. i. d team, the cypriots, these relays, and the united nations to increase the flow of humanitarian assistance into gaza. today we have hundreds of tons of aid ready for delivery and thousands of tons of aid in the pipeline. some of this aid has already been loaded onto motor vessel roy p. ben benavidez, which is currently off the coast of gaza. to emphasize again, this is a mission to get humanitarian aid into gaza. and an attack on those dedicated to this mission would jeopardize the live saving a needed for the past. and people staying within the st. com area responsibility to exercise eager lion hosted by jordan, begin this week with jordan, the united states and 33 additional partner nations. this is the 11th iteration of
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this annual exercise. and underscore as the united states is commitment to interoperability with our partners in the region while refining our ability to defend against hyper that threats by state and non state actors. as we work to deter and address aggressive actions by malign actors around the world. these kinds of exercises and partnerships enable us to meet new and continuing threats together . the u. s. military participates in more than 80 exercises with partner nations in the us and com area of responsibility each year to strengthen mil to mil relationships promote regional security and improve interoperability with our partner nations. with that, i'd be happy to take your questions. all right, thank sabrina. so question on distribution. when can we expect to see the 1st aid actually reach garza and not just get to the marshalling area, but actually get into the hands of those who need it most. so we should expect a to flow within the coming days,
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and that will be through the marshalling area into gaza. we're not looking for a to just sit in that marshalling area, so it will be pretty immediate once the, once our ships are able to get to the pier and translate that 8 onto the pure, you'll see it happen pretty pretty quickly. is there any risk that they'll be backups, like we've seen at these other gates, where there's actually trucks ready to then take 8 out of the marshalling areas? are there any guarantees from these rarely that's going to slow and they've got the safe routes to go and that coordination some place. so we've worked very closely with the id f and not, and not just the idea of what the un with us, the id and other n g os that are going to be facilitating the movement and distribution of this aid . we should not see any backups within what you're describing is from the marshalling area into gaza. we believe that it should flow without, without any stoppage. so i have to emphasize that this is not the solve. this is an additive measure to the land rouse,
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and we know that the land rolls are the best most quickest, most efficient way to get aiden. this is just one injected way to get to get 8 into the a pulse and, and people are there any uh, delays or complications by the fact that there are so many new lead displaced civilians because of the operations by on, in process not to my knowledge so you say in the coming days, if it's anchor to the beach, no independent vs has the 8 on board. why can't you out of florida now? what's, what's the hold up? yep, there's no, there's still just making sure everything is set and ready to go. i said it will be in the coming days when we have more to provide. we certainly well, but i don't expect this is going to be a long wait time here. we already have aids loaded with you know, hundreds and hundreds of tons on ships. so we do want to get it moving, but you know, we wanna make sure everything is in place. and then as soon as the commander feels that we are ready to go,
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that able to start moving. we've been told 90 trucks per day initially ramping up to $150.00 present. we'll do a dry run. is it 5 trucks, 10 trucks? we have any sense? so i think i said this earlier this week, but we should really think of this as a crawl. walk run, this is going to be slow at 1st. we're going to do our, you know, initial runs, making sure that everything flows that nothing has to tar as question. the nothing does get backed up as it should in that thing that a can flow from the peer directly from the marshalling area into gaza. and then, you know, once that is set, once we reach full operational capacity, you'll be able to see more trucks rolling off to address what commitments have these readings made in terms of facilitating the convoys when they're in gaza. and how are you and i guess them can ensure there isn't and others are the kitchen scenario where this trade in vehicle? i think it's a great question and that's why we have the to deconstruction due to the
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conflictions cells that have been set up in cyprus. and israel, it is to ensure that we have our and g o partners, the un sitting side by side with us, with the id asked to make sure that we're all talking to each other. that the confliction does happen. and so that these aid convoys can continue on the convoy as of going through bozza. so i'm not going to get into more specifics on that, but i can tell you that we have the team is worked very, very hard to make sure that aid can come off the peer and can get distributed quickly into gaza. we we know how dire the humanitarian situation is on the ground and so we want to make sure that it gets in as quickly as possible. and a quick question um is a suspend semester has come out recently is and for the post any long term really for you is really love cause it is that something he has brought up with the secretary from the many conversations that he's had with austin. so we'll get into more details on their private conversations, but what i can tell you is, you know,
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we also share the same sentiment. we don't want to see if we want to see a, a 2 state solution. and when it comes to the future of gaza, we don't support in his really occupation. but right now, what we're focused on is, of course, the maritime humanitarian court, or, and making sure that aid can get in as quickly as possible for an o r. i have a question about rossa, over the course of the past several days since may 7th, when israel 1st when interrupt, you call that unlimited operation. and yet we have seen israel pushed farther and farther. and you still believe this operation is limited, or is, is simply a full scale invasion and incremental stages. we do not believe that at this time right now that this is a full scale invasion. we still assess that it is limited and what the idea is doing is limited in the operations, but to be clear. uh, we don't support ongoing operations in rafa given the size and scale of humanitarian population there. and we've said that both very publicly and private way towards really counterparts. just
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a quick follow up when you say we assess that it's limited or the as rarely not telling you their intent withdrawal for what they, what they intend to do or how far they intend to go. well, i mean, i think these realize have said pretty publicly that they want to get rid of every single hospitality and that still exist and rasa, and our concern, we share the sentiment. we certainly want to see him come off, eradicated and, and, and destroyed. but what we were or defeated, what we continue to emphasize though is how you go about doing those operations. and especially with the, you know, over a 1000000 people sheltering there in rafa. so we have our concerns and we certainly certainly share those concerns. laura, a couple questions following up on d. lots for interest and how long is the temporary peers going to be able to stay at the cost of god that given the fall, whether that may be coming up. so don't have a timeline for you right now. um, as you probably heard by several cooper speak to this earlier today. uh,
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weather conditions right now are pretty good throughout the summer. um, but i just don't have a timeline to put on the temporary peer other than to say it is designed to be temporary. this is not going to be a permanent way of getting aid in chicago by using the jail up system. okay. and then i just wanted to ask you about, i know the president announced last week that he had caused some shipments at one shipment of weapons to israel. i'm wondering if the kind of hard to deliver any additional shipments other weapons or the same kind of weapon since then. so it's still that one shipment that has been paused and those are those high payload bombs that we pause that shipment on a week or 2 ago. um 8 security assistance does continue to flow to israel. though there have been shipments since going into israel, but not those high paid load, munitions. it's funny. so on the, on the issue,
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the un seems the worried about the possibility part of the feasibility of getting vis a of the year to north and goes where they say been youth is most accurate. considering the location of, of this be a, do you have guarantees from these reviews that these trucks will be able to reach and go. so we believe that the trucks will be able to reach the populations that need the most, which include northern regatta. but again, that's really something for the you and to speak to us. they are handling the distribution of that. um usa ideas, of course, working with the un to ensure that supplies, whether it be food, water, medical can continue to get to those who need it. most but truly the un that should speak to where they're going to target some of their deliver is that the, you know, the israeli occupation for assistance they are being they are the party that start getting paid workers and they can lock these trucks from getting to northern goes,
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since they occupied the parts of get it. so did you get any guarantees from the way the forces that they will but the when distribution 8 and no i think goes to something that i think you shouldn't remember friday is that we've had the you and working with and gaza for a very long time. since the war started, so you and workers are familiar with some of the checkpoints. and we believe that through the d confliction cells that will enable these trucks to get to where they need to and as quickly as possible and to the populations that need them both, whether it be in the north or elsewhere, we want to ensure or we want to see if the aid get to where it needs, but i have to remind you and, and i know you know this, but the amount of trucks coming off of the pier is not going to be the same of what can come from the land crossings. so we have to see those land routes open. and the quickest way to get aiden, whether it be the north or anywhere else and gaza, is going to be through those land routes. this is just meant to be an additive measure. and finally, obviously, few,
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it's very important to deliver english 8th through trucks and crucial for medical operation. and gotcha, uh, are you going to be delivering fuel as well? since is real close? most of the land routes right now. the focus is just on humanitarian aid. so that includes food and water right now. where do these trucks get few from? well, the fuel is coming in through land routes. we want to see those land roads continue to open. there's not enough trucks that have been going through on those land roads . that's something that crime woke every thing and then run. we're listening to phrase the deputy pentagon press secretary, announcing the operation of a temporary pin of us is constructed to deliver humanitarian aid into gaza. she said we expect a to float in the next few days. and then leave the motioning area pretty quickly. she said they'd set up to confliction sales and cyprus in israel to
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ensure that the deliveries don't come on the strikes. something we've seen, of course, writing a book has an, a deliveries come under attack in the policy full. and she went on to say, i don't have a timeline when asked about how long this pay will be operational. but she did acknowledge that it will not be able to deliver the same amount of a that comes over the usual land route, saying we have to see land routes open. this is simply, well, this is just an additive measure. yes, the former us president donald trump is banking the new quote. as he is harsh money trial continues. trump is charged with fidelity full found on the accounts for allegedly falsifying business records to cover all payments to an adult films stall . and the final days of the 2016 election campaign,
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defense attorneys on cross examining for my trump can find that michael cohen, who says he arranged the track cash transfers from all of this that's go live to christian. so movies outside the new york cold house law. so christine, this was the key, johns for the defense attorneys to go off the prosecutions. can you witness? right? the absolutely. his 3rd day of testimony and he faces an ongoing rolling by donald trump's attorneys. in this case, they are trying to undermine michael collins credibility, and his claims that not only did donald trump know about his efforts to silence an adult film star, but that he authorized the payments to that film star and then reimbursed him for it. that reimbursement is key to this case and the charges that donald trump is
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facing of falsifying business records. so we have been seeing the attorney for donald trump get michael calling to admit once again that he is lied repeatedly under oath in the past. calling saying that he had done so. 2 to protect his former boss at the time they've been ruling him about his desire in desperation to see donald trump behind bars. since he himself michael cohen has served a time in prison, they have introduced as evidence, social media post, and his pod cast where he has made a theme of wanting to see donald trump behind bars. now donald trump, himself, again complaining on the way into the court house that he is not allowed to speak freely about witnesses in the case or about the judge in this case. but he
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was flags 514 supporters including congress, men and women who have been speaking out and criticizing the judge and the proceedings on his house. and when asked whether or not donald trump would take the stand and tell the story in the court room, she declined to answer just pumping his fist and giving thumbs up. so unless christine salumi from new york for us, matthew mend geno is an attorney and former prosecutor. they joins us now from pittsburgh in the usa. so 1st of all, what did you make of what happened in court today? did defense lawyers on the mind? cohen's credibility what were really going after him and that's what i anticipated would happen and we've heard from witnesses. she didn't damage packer and even stormy daniels with their salacious testimony. but this is really where it, where the rubber meets the road service fee. uh, you know,
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michael cohen is the witness who can tie it is full issue of harsh money payoffs and falsifying business records. so if the defense is going to make a case for going from, they have to make it through this witness. they have to go after david cohen and attack his believability, his credibility in front of the story. so listening to what you're saying is that means this is the may call break day or moment of this case that say the colon is found. credible whether it puts trump in the middle level, the wrong doing allegations or if colin is not found credible, pretty much the case doesn't go that far as well. i think it's i think it's that in court. i think michael cohen's testimony is that important in this case in that's what
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a jury is responsible to do. they have to decide to believe the bill. ready the, the credibility of witnesses, they're sitting there, obviously we can't see what's going on. we can't see the domain or the witnesses, but they're sitting there and that's not principal job. make determinations of credibility if they believe michael cohen, if they find him to be credible, then you know a conviction isn't with what is within range. now we don't know, donald trump will testify, has no obligation to testifying this case. but i think this is the linchpin of their case. david cohen's test. so putting it into context because we know of course that donald trump is running for president. what does it mean for his bid for the presidency? that's an excellent question because a lot of the things that we saw it would have a huge impact on his popularity amongst his supporters and even among
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members of congress, who were there today on, on his behalf doesn't seem to had the impact that we thought you know when he gets indicted, will people turn on him? and now we're in the midst of a trial. he, he's had civil judgments and already gave them for asked are not equal amounts of money. again, his base is still solid. now the question is, is, is he able to attract undecided voters or voters who didn't vote for him in 2020 i guess time is going to tell. thanks so much. must you mind, gena? thank you. all right, small signs. let's catch up with all the action his visa certainly thank you very much. the 2nd major of the golf season is on the way and this will really be in a wrinkled, sits in the opening round by wills. number 3. it's and a shelf like the american cruise to 3 1st round at valhalla, making 9 booties to go 9 on the pole. the $62.00 is a cost,
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right cool. and the lowest school into j championship history. last week when the and we'll number 2. we mcelroy also had a great day, getting the pen on the 1st, so you finished the day full shall expect, and it's awful women's will remember when he gets for your own sake, is on the cusp of completing the duty double. that is winning both the madrid and the teddy. an open titles back to back. it's something that has not been done since 2013 by serena williams. newness so, so you don't take is one went away now of the beating coca golf in the room, semi finals, 6463, find the asian football configuration is back in palestine, attempt to have israel suspended from facebook because of the ongoing role in gauze . a minute silence was held for victims of the worth. the ac congress, which being held in bangkok ahead of fif is congress in the same. so if you on friday, fif amanda is all safe to discuss. the motion put forward by palis finds
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a faith that is teaching immediate and appropriate sanctions against these riley teams. the faces, at least 19 on palestinian football, is have been killed in the will. they've c n p for only as strong as its members. and when, when members suffers all its meant tips out effect. so the if the stance together with the policy in the, in that fee and we joined them and seeking for a permanent solution to the challenges faced by the power steering football community, football. it can do only very little cost to change situations around the world. everyone in the world
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which are tragic. but what we can do is to show you wouldn't be because football is what unites everyone palace times women's football team have pay. they 1st have a match in europe. irish presidents, michael d. higgins, attended the game in dublin along with full of 1000 fans as the palestinian speech irish club, bohemians to one. the humans advisors had a son is an act of soldiers that are to you and to raise funds, so humanitarian, if it's in the region, could video system referees be on the way out of england's top? the vision premium. the cubs will be just one way to describe va on from next season that the annual general meeting next month. you costs will forward anthony golden question, the points of having v a r. after he was denied a 1st health penalty against mentions to united who did one know at the time, gordon equalized 4 when you call so then the 2nd tough. before i'm a deal i put 9 united back in front. the press the toilet made of 31 to end the run
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of the same game. so without scoring, defend it. the was whole for the go back to new cost. i mean stuff, it's time, but it wasn't so, you know, face i went down to be i think it was a piece of white performance, but the m. alice matched between the philadelphia union and new york city. you had a cute but persistent pitching veda, a record and stuff to play for around 5 minutes. the stadium security tried to capture the memo, which is native to north america showed impressive foot to evade its attack as well as the craft, spit it on. but all good things have to come to an end and this wrecking was eventually trapped in a plastic truss scan. and released back into the wild. everybody tearing full directory, made sammy one day. thank so much pay to. well, that's it. so this news out, the good news is mccloskies bank with another full show. so to stay with us here on out this here,
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the the sub submit the acadia. and he just, the truth is the price is high for a family of palestinian active a. so peacefully protected the community for mr. brady, secular expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. the just put that really for the day on our see, this is the story, the trying to see them moving them. some of the on the fire on it just the you know, you will see the caught a duty in a grove using for p use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the card and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember, it's
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a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest unique perspectives. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, a hearing disliked shark populations is declined 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from the ex whatever
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happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the faucet. the story, the south africa appeals to the world's top co to hold israel's offensive on run for immediate, saying it proves genocide link this should check to to find or below that to seen. change it to destroy the palestinian group can cause the, the clock. this is out, is there a line from dell ha, also coming out on the day of the hearing is really bombing kills 5 people in rough or 600000 palestinians have been forcibly displaced just over week.


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