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tv   The Stream Online Awakening - Young Minds and Palestine  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 5:30am-6:00am AST

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that there was a sigh of relief from the victims that wanted to attend this trial. but also, although was in the gambia that were imprisoned in the famous mile to prison in which a policeman sancho was in charge of. there's a sense that finally justice is being served place made clear to everyone. people are held responsible for what they have done and we're happy that the big space we would say are the people who were in the top in the 30 have done stuff. consolidate has run away, which thing i'm not responsible for, say, responsibilities has been made clear today from asylum seeker, in switzerland, to being convicted of crimes against humanity seen as a victory to universal jurisdiction, meaning that crimes that were committed right here on the african continent in the gambia were tried in europe in switzerland. it is a strong signal for the victims that have sought justice. this case is not my case
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because it is the highest ranking official ever convicted in europe under the principle of universal jurisdiction. so it enables countries where the crime has not been committed when the victims not actually living to still convict someone who has committed international crimes such as crimes against humanity, genocide, or crimes. there are several cases pending in the united states and sweden in other countries of members of yeah, yeah, john, misery, she's waiting to face justice, but for many of the cam. yeah. they want to see. yeah. yeah. tell me himself was currently in exile in equitorial guinea in court, and perhaps this trial paves the way for that possibility. nicholas hawk allen to the right. the car, or just a quick but of use were you us present job, bind info and present donald trump of agree don't tell lies to phase june 27th has
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been set for the events to, to be add on cnn. another one also times the september 10th on us network, abc presidential debates of usually been house in october. but this time, the bite and campaign is saying that a rise in audio version means they need to be held for jobs. and that's it for me. but to, of course, you can find more information on our website algebra area dot com for the latest on all of the days, told stories and much more my colleagues funding 5 people will be with you in just less than 30 minutes time with more of the days news, the stream is coming out next. one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will find minnesota now rendered movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and use some employment suede boots as in key states and
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will the media be able to cover the vote? really, i'm fairly ongoing coverage, but in the, as an action on out is there a of the war and gaza has left many questioning the very narrow to spend crew up tearing unbelieving. so how have recent events retraced perceptions globally on one of the likely consequences of many young people no longer drinking the cool age? i'm mariann faucet law and this is the stream the. i didn't realize the extent to how corrupt the main stream media is the you mean the children going to do an active shooter? drew's don't like mass murder. imagine what it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to. we are literally the next generation that
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they are scared of and remember kids the next time that somebody tells you the government, what to do. oh guess they or whether it's growing distrust of mainstream media or new found skepticism of what western democracy and free speech rep presents, recent events have shifted us public opinion, not least in the consensus on unconditional support. israel. so is the rule on gauze that transforming perceptions among the next generation. a might this spring about any long term reforms? to discuss this change, i'll be speaking to 3 content creates is an online activist in america who been using the social media platforms to educate others on palestine. george lee who focuses on the intersection of media socio political issues and popular culture. i are brian and uses have thoughtful them to shed light on a wide range of social topics. and yeah, can a mfa here from jen z for change,
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a collective of young activists who use online platforms to effect positive social change. welcome to you. oh, thank you so much for being here. you're gonna you have long been vocal on palestinian rights, but i'm guessing that your content around this issue hasn't always had the reception that it has. carly, have you seen a shift in this area? yeah, absolutely. i think, you know, it's almost funny, sometimes my videos from like 2 years ago will go viral now and someone will comment like, wow, this, this just happened. and they don't realize that, you know, we've been making content about this for years and how, you know, usually it got pushed under the rug or it kind of stayed within the community of middle eastern people that talked about it. not to say there weren't other people, but the views word number as much as it is now and it's,
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it's skyrocketing how open the young generation is to understanding information and you know, going back and even watching those old videos and understanding history as well. um, audi, a lot of your content is focused on current affairs. have you noticed the change in what comes and people are hungry for right now? yeah, i think partially. i mean, i've always been a political content creators. so i think the main shift for me has just some people expecting me to talk about palestine, but i have noticed that i'm more than ever there's like hope and expectations and people's comments sections that even non political creators will be talking about how that's fine. so make a content creators, lifestyle feeders, travel readers because there's this broader expectation that everybody was the platform will use it for good. and i would also say people are really interested in learning about history, because obviously in america, we learn an interesting rendition of history. and, and so people are learning about to be an armoire, co test. and because massacre and the anti apartheid boycotts of past generations
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to sort of inform what's happening today. and there's, there's a much larger interest in history, i would say, from john to the right now that i've ever seen before. and george, you invited to the states of union address at the white house recently. did you notice any shifting consciousness the yeah, it was a ship, this consciousness mainly from the white house and then being just brilliant, transparent about how the average american don't really trust mainstream news or re trust mainstream media. and if they get, they have, it's, you know, a news from a tip top or, or from a for you page. so for me to shifting costs, next that i was able to, the knowledge is that the white house administration was already recognized. and the influence of people being able to mobilize it with being able to really formulate some amazing messages on social media that would impact how we view, how the politics, how, how the policy makers and the politics. you know, i'm saying move, well, it has certainly being
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a noticeable shift in some spaces. look at this post and you have a life of tech points roadblocks, and giant walls built and enforced by 4 and military to put a hold on it. we use isn't all sometimes roses either. not only are you guys being affordable housing, crisis, climate injustice, but also lack of access to basic social services like health care. because instead of our tax dollars being funneled back in to our communities, they're being sent here. the us and just real billions of dollars to fund the desk placement and destruction of post and use all across all. she's like palestine even the tear gas canisters it is really filters to, to publish the news are made in the us. it is wild to think about how our government policies affect the rest of the world. and i know you're thinking, what can i even do? well, to start with, understand that our fates are tight. so go learn about what your government is doing with your money. and you'll realize that fighting for palestinian liberation is also fighting for your own. george, i see smiling that we have of course, seen mass international movements previously the me to river and the b i let move
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in the climate change movement. but is that something different happening right now? always staying maybe a sense of momentum bill of previous struggles. maybe i think it's a mixture of both. i think that when we recognize what's been going on in america since trademark martin, i think that a lot of young people has already been a tune to how the dollars you spent to make you with those get brutalize. the being happy was the october said that these i think that a lot of us were able to connect the dots and seeing that when you train it is rarely soldier and guys, it's a beat up on you feel me some kind of a senior. you're going to say no science hectic states of america. beautiful black americans. and i feel like what, what, what, what, what, what happened was there was a spillover effect from a lot of folks being sick and tired of being sick and tired of being 2020 may. so it gets out of being sick and tired of really seeing people get, they asked what the don't tv see and it seemed to their phone and it was way able to acknowledge that the zion is also you feel me tied into the genocide is going on
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and cargo its audience, it is inside is going on in integrating into it. and basically where a lot of those started to connect those dots. so now we're not just viewing in terms of domestic issues. now we see what's going on in the international g o political being and we seeing that there is a cost of consistency, a silicone you of hours of light over dark white of a black, a. somehow people with dark pigment see always be viewed as those and criminals and tears. sam for me. mm. well, uh, yeah. can they, i see you nodding your head, that as part of a gen z for change you involved in campaigns using formal rates for change emailing representatives and such like can you tell us a bit about those actions and how may be the same? it's translate into a policy how's affected you and others? yeah, sure. i mean, i just wanted to say, i completely agree with what was said prior, and i think our cops, you know,
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back home being trained by idea of soldiers. you know, people are just opening their eyes so much to the, the way everything is connected at the prism systems, mass incarceration, everything is connected. it's not happening in a vacuum just in the united states or in israel, or anywhere else in the world where human rights are being questioned. when it comes to jesse for change, we did create a tool where, you know, every time you open instagram, it sends an email to your representative every time. even if you open tinder, let's say, if you want to view like extra spicy with it, it'll e mail, your representative, and we got, you know, hundreds of thousands. if not, i have to check over a 1000000 emails send. and at the end of the day, what's happened um, photo ops of happened, biden's made some instagram post with amc. we haven't really seen many things happen. and i think that's what's also led to many students, you know, making these and cabinets and being celebrated, being suspended, being brutalized by the police professors, all these people, you know, bits. if this was just a week of genocide, you know, maybe we wouldn't be doing this, but it's been months and people are tired and they're seeing that their voices
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aren't heard when they're getting these phone calls and they're being put on hold. their emails aren't being answered, so people are very tired. and well ali on that point of kind of connecting the dots and this sort of why the awakening of the back of what's happening in palestine. what are some of the trends that you will noticing? yeah, um, i mean, i think it's pretty immediately after discussions of palestine became pretty mainstream on the tip top, i would sort of echo what everyone else has been a but there was a lot of discussion of like cobalt mining and the democratic republic and the condo people started learning about displacement and suzanne. people started talking about the political and economic turmoil in haiti. so there is sort of an interest in learning about how everything is always connected. like everyone has been saying, there's this trend towards connecting the dots where people, i think some of this is just intrinsic to how social media works. like any time there's a trend, right? like, you know, the tip top risk for a trend of recently and automatically everyone was really interested in like,
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oh my gosh, what's the guy? i think it was going to wipe. i think it might, there's this almost fun and the culture of like really analyzing everything from every perspective on social media and that goes for international news as well. so people started learn about how and, and they said, oh my gosh, how many different tell us the names of different experiences. like, let me hear from disabled palestinians. let me hear from we're palestinians like people really watch the whole story. and people started to realize that the full story was connected to other countries as well. well, this young woman raises an important point about the ways, much of the so called current awakening involves white people acknowledging things . people of color have been saying, well, for a long time, i remember learning that there's a couple of years ago and being shocked and confused that we as a world power, we're not only allowing this, we were supporting it. we were funding it. we were funding as real as we are still to this day, and as is always the case, the creators of color, i follow. where immediately like, why are you shocked? why are you confused?
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we've been thinking about this. we've been speaking about this for years. the united states has been doing this the world over for years and years and years over and over and over again. why are you shocked? why are you confused? george? is this just white people waking up? so the reality of people of color, i mean, sadly in many different places. yeah. sadly, we'll do it recognizes it a, there's been a, a concerted manufacturing of narratives that is usually of skirt and people are colors, narrative and talking about the reality of how we are oppressed. what happened with joyce slow was murder is the rest of the world. got to see that 8 minutes and some sick is the for the next. you feel me. that's the next. that's due to the blast when tears of the cargo, these people being able to give us these balls. but i think what happened was the palestinians now able to today, oh narrative. now we don't get to hear about the slaughtering of the dear to the line to the the learn. what happened was now the good to see buttons on the ground . we went to see children, parents picking up liam's. you feeling we get the sea build is being blown up. you
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know, i'm saying we get to see you feel me mass graves being or uh, being a rossi reminds me of kat williams. i'm saying a community in the states and were popular a whole bunch of years ago talking about the insurgents. this going on and are right. and what day that he did in the comedy is talked about. the different power in terms of states tricked us in america. in trying to go get insurgents, but they are where you feel the sweat paints and t shirts, and they got people that is going after them that has top notch military gear. what we seen is right now, we see her mazda is a 12 year old to a child, is like, so let's just get up. i mean, you, you, you did mention of somebody come back to the wife. thing is like a meaning is this is what people of color been saying for a long, long, long time. but what happened was now the connecting to that that's happened in a way that i think that, that like, might like, like the cat can be put back in the bag gene. you're going back into bottle. now it's too much we've seen now you see, i mean, for us and american black americans and know that the way we get i,
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as worked in america is perfected by how you beat up all palestinians here. surveillance and how you get data from us and how do you, how do you, how does to bill this and this is what you're doing already. and guys in, in, in, in, in westbank in making you different as i would say. and who the different me. yeah . well, one area which has seen a lot of commentary online is in the area of institution or hypocrisy. in particular, the u. n. has been denounced by many failing to uphold the international standards . it says it represents, this is nothing new, of course, but for some of the implications might be check this out. and let's talk about the united nations. there are nothing but a member club, like a country club for the military superpowers of the world and their friends. how much do we really need them? a $138.00 out of a $193.00 countries inside the united nations already recognized palestine by the way, which means the united nations does recognize palestine just not formally formally,
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it would be nice. so they have the same benefits of israel over there at the tables, but don't despair. we don't really need the united nations. the people have spoken, ami um, all young people turning away from the structures of international. no. um if so, do you see a new dawning matching on that from or yeah, i'd say so i'd say so i think specifically, i mean i've never seen so many young people turned into a un security council about like the young americans in particular have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us from what i've seen online. i think that there was just this like fascination coming from folks who, who worked at the 1st time understanding that these international legal bodies are just like a microcosm of how the world works. right. and the us has the power to unilaterally, vito a ceasefire when the we're almost, you know,
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the vast majority of the rest of the world and knows that it's needed. and so i think that like, specifically, the discontent isn't with around the outside to dr. was a how much power countries like the us have. and so i think that there is going to be a shift one americans themselves are saying why the heck does our government that doesn't even serve us? why do we have so much power on the international scale? right, so not only is our government taking advantage of its own systems, but as an internationally me enjoys. i want to bring you in. do you think that the fundamental balance of power in the world is being questioned in a way that maybe it was in, in mainstream conversations previously? the yeah, the, the dealer, the legitimacy of the international courts and 0 me see, are the, you mean, i think that as being causing a question because like, as they said before, me is really just the imperialist body clue. and because now we're able to see that morals and ethics and even what the rest of the community box is not really built
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through through the international court. so we can't really even be up here. but i think this going to take generations, in my opinion, for people to buy and to the international court being something that can stop you maintaining a crisis. because right now it seemed like we only care about humanity area in crisis and dictators. and we feel like they african when we feel like they, you know, if they're coming from some, some, some countries not cool with america, not live in american corporations do. wouldn't want to me. well, not all change is in the material room. it seems some people are alluding to a more profound shift in the spiritual realm. among that, please listen to this. i want to talk, i'm going to scream. and in the comments section was like what's happening in the seller under videos of what's happening there. there's people literally asking, where can you learn more about this from, how do you learn more about this religion because these people are so patient, they have so much trust in their religion. felt like were so curious. the all times
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are changing times i'd change it. uh yeah, can i a recent study found that most gen z 77 percent consider themselves a spiritual that significantly higher than among millennials, always seeing a spiritual awakening alongside this disco awakening. and how do you connect the to yeah, i think, you know, jonesy is more comfortable using the word spiritual. i think a lot of people who grew up in a religious background like their tools don't call yourself spiritual, call yourself religious. so i think this new generations just more comfortable using that word, but also you know, where waking up to our phones and we're watching children's had skipped blown off. it's kind of impossible to not. i mean, there are people who don't believe in anything, but i know for myself, i hope to look towards something and some form of hope because the world, the so dire. and if there is not hope, i think you know, i would lose my mind. so maybe other people feel the same way. george, is that a spiritual awakening on the way and what does that mean? exactly? is it an important component of the change
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that i would say to people in power right now is really pissed off because there was a lot of money that was spent in crating and tom, muslim anti air of narratives here. and a here out. i will say of the entire wish the world has body and so it is not gonna hold you in a way that i feel like doing i got on doing overnight with september 911 happened. i think that the entire western world body to demonize an arrow people is specifically demonizing as well when we're able to see the resilience, the loyalty, the loved that these, the palestinians have in the face of all this craziness, it is literally forced people to have book clubs, all 6 are talking about the crime. so now people want to see for themselves. so y'all told us that the christ, they hate america, we don't see the word america and the cry. oh you see what i'm saying. so now you have people not only picking up the car and learn about, i'll learn a bottle of how much you got people, they literally couldn't burden to as long. so it was really just
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a lot of to meet spiritual awakening. it's happening not only from a political standpoint, but also from a speech a standpoint. well on that note, apparently a whole generation is just now. hm us. no, it's a joke. relax, check this out. i don't think this is the beginning or the end of this generational divide or this generational shift in consciousness. they look at the binding campaign and how much they are freaking out about the 2024 election. and this is because young americans carried biden in 2020. they're living in and biden's america, seen his policies on immigration, on climate, and how he's handled israel's genocide of palestine. we are done with him now, you know, the talking heads, the pundents, the old heads, they'll say that, you know, if you don't vote for bite in, it's a vote for trump is like, yeah, i mean listen not voting for by the end increases the likelihood of from getting re elected, but i think you're really discounting how desperate young people in america are like, we don't have much to lose anymore. mean look at our material conditions. we can
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barely afford rent. we can't even dream of having a house. forget that. you know, many of us don't have health care, pretty much all of us live paycheck to paycheck. ali, uh, with everything we've just discussed, what impacts if any, do you think this is likely to have on the upcoming us election? and i, i mean, i would just love to get inside the minds of democratic campaign leaders right now because i don't know that i've ever seen a strategy. so mfc i, i, it's generally kind of confusing because i'm not sure whether it's just your condescension towards young people when um folks in the democratic party say, you know, too bad or not calling for as the fire, but you have to go provided or, you know, too bad that the electoral college is a problem and you know, we don't have a choice building and the way that our system runs only democratic republicans can
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win and you don't like either a button but too bad, you know, from the scary or so you have to provide and i mean, i've always voted democrat, as long as i've been able to go, which has not been that long and my lifetime, but i mean, it is tied to it. the democrats are running at small choose campaign prefer. and i think that that i think that's gonna be a big problem for them. i think they're gonna lose a significant amount of their voter lock is already lock significant amount of their blocks loading on minute in primaries and i think they either aren't taking seriously enough to use vote or i think that they are too comfortable blaming young people for what they perceive as you know, imagine problems over reaction to genocide, which is crazy to say, but they're not taking the threat seriously. and i think that i think that those walter trump's election, me so unfortunate. wow. yeah. can i, we just had a young man say that young people in america don't have much to lose anymore if young white americans feel this way. always seeing a more generalized tipping point, which the goal is,
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the crisis has just igniting. yeah, i wanted to add to it at least point to, you know, just before october 7th, we were facing the woman life freedom movement and which is still going on. and joe biden showed no, absolutely no strength. and that either continuing to get funds to the terrace regime that runs the islamic republic of iran as well. so it's kind of like all foreign policy leading up to this point hadn't been beneficial either. and so many different categories of people have been so fed up with being lied to a news being just fake all around with reporting when it comes to the white man having nothing else to lose, i think, you know, it's also we have to have a level of safety too, because for some people, this is the 1st time they're learning about palestine or as mom and things like that and learning the lives the west has told us and sometimes that can go into the extreme other site as well. right. so while it's true, the west lies to us, sometimes we could see a protest, white people holding the flag of hezbollah. let's say they don't genuinely know
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what that flag represents or the amount of human rights that kind of flag breaks. so i think white people right now need to also consider their privilege and their standpoint. so when i went to the encampments, one thing that was set all around is, you know, if you're a white, especially white man trying to put yourself as a layer of protection between the police and the people of color who are protesting . so kind of knowing their space and not i'm not saying that can't be leaders, but if you learned about it, just very recently, i would hope you would have to take yourself further to. um yeah. can i just mention being comments that george and that will be many hoping that this genie can be put back in the bottle? do you think it can or no, no, i think that is gonna have to be the long oval. how's the reagan administration figured out how to do at the king state and trying to push back against the educated proletariat? i think right now is too many people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. and one thing about you feed me the middle for you. i opened up, we're talking about the cool a. i can acknowledge that america, new england,
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france in israel has put a lot of money in putting a slave in the cool a. but our, our pilot has changed is mass lot, split it out, and because they having a hard time coming to grips with their narrative, they can figure ready to get us. the taste is not really hidden, not so much the way it used to, i think is i'll be just along overall because right now it's not, it's not hidden away. used to just be like, well, you would use as well. so you just use people. it's not hidden away the 2 years ago you be like, well, you're critical of zionism, this means you hate. it's not, it's not hitting the same, but you know, most. ready i think that the shift, the old shift old people that made the cool, like having a hard time coming to grips with how can we add ingredients and just to make it more palatable right now is, is nasty. everybody see if, what do you use? well, i wanna thank you uh, one of our guests, george alley. and yeah, get a uh and i wanna thank you. oh for watching. did you enjoy the show? talk to us on social media?
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is that a conversation that will take you'd like us to come? we want to hear about it given talk to using the hash tag or the handle a very stream, and we'll look into it. take care. and i'll see you see the over 27000 harrowing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger. the mask that we had against the nazis at nuremberg and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series, which is 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera. there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying
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to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the zeros here, it's a report on the people often ignored but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man regions. and so many others. we go to them, he makes the effort. we care straight, the
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israel is military strikes, a group of people gathering for internet access and gaza city. at least 4 people are killed, then thousands more in just the play. you're watching l g 0 live from bill i would need for the back. people also coming out satellite images show the scale of force displacement in guys of the southern city of rafa. the u. n says $600000.00 to.


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