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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the last available in your favorite types to just set for it and type domain new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the the cloud? so robin, you're watching the, i'll just say it renews online for the headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the siren signed for 76 seconds. one. every yeah, since the not quite old catastrophe. when palestinians are false from the 76 years old, history is repeating itself with an even take
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a catastrophe. unfolding garza face fighting radius on the nose to the south and in some of the most intense is rarely attacks. in waves. in other news, phones is set to declare a state of emergency and it's overseas territory of new caledonia. 2 people died and a 2nd night of protests following controversial voting referrals and russians loved to may have to to, in science. a decree, naming a new russian government, including a replacement for the defense minister, will be life in most cases and supports the premier like title remains mind just as the case to induce also the standing goal keep it saves the day against helping them put some top heading into the findings, the agencies the 12th of the news. uh. its been 76. yeah. since what palestinians, coal,
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the knock about the 76 seconds old, the sound of sirens rang gallons across the occupied westbank mocking each year. since the catastrophe that's with mold and 750000 palestinians were false from the homes today, best suffering and even great catastrophe. with more than $35000.00 men, women and children killed by israel's will and also. and while upon us to the ends and the occupied west bank ma today is rarely expand. it is military operation across concepts, showing isle beach, a body of refugee camp in northern gauze, or killed full palestinians. while another strike to enroll affiliated. clearly they can cause a city killing, at least 10 people. and in central garza israel talked did both. the are the rash and the select refugee comes killing dozens of palestinians. so recover,
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resume is in data by the in central garza and he begins our coverage on israel's latest attacks. a last goodbye kiss on the cheek of a child. now like the people rush families whom was destroyed by in these very s drive killing. several of these is what generational trauma looks like as relatives of different ages. got that in shot because our had b, b r a big for mine last last moment together before barrier price home in the rage, in the center of the car was a strip. it's a refuge account created in 1949 during the next one of 8 that still exists today, including con eunice and david bella. with those,
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if people have been killed in the last few die using isabel, it strikes it started off as tends to house palestinians kicked out of the homes by scientist forces across his tory to palestine. some of them ended in guns. i now completely trapped on the mission. one of the the. we live through the not fun just once. we will display several times to send you an exiles . in 2014, we were displaced in 2008. we were displaced in 2022. we were displaced, i was a child in 1967 as well, and the circumstances were very difficult. and shared the sits with his grandchildren, who should mostly be at school. and instead, they have been moving from one place to another. trying to show to from is very aggressive from bachmann since october last year. there's no catastrophe, worse than this one. i've been here for 8 years and nothing compares to this new
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house neighbor, donkey of human beings, less than this life. everything is gone. these kids are really trapped in a cycle of violence, as, as well as will continues with new engines sites the only here from the graph parents, the last of the next generation of a life is for you from occupation. that's a distant dream for a palestinians, especially for people here in gauze for a 10 minute refugees and the homeland topic up as in oh, just the euro. there it. but i have a story. st describing is certainly by for us in ramallah in the occupied westbank . besides us close over to honey, my mood and daniel butler in central garza and honey, an option obviously with the war and gaza, described by somebody another not call. i don't put you in the tea to perhaps reflect on the past for those that's a bad unplugged to
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a very uncertain future for those that suffice every day. yes and that has been feeding into a sense of permanent displacement for those who have been then forced into displacement for the past 7 months more than one time for several families here. the displacement has been taken in place at 54 times of 5 times and for other families more than this as they can be heard to, to from one place to another. but we're looking at those who are old enough. they remembered the events of the enact, but the catastrophe where at least 700000 people worked scores from their villages and towns. then in what now the central and, and the northern parts of what is became known as israel into the gaza strip. and the west bank, those who are old enough, are experiencing a generation of the trauma because there is a quite similar to between what we,
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what they are experiencing right now with what they have to bear with the aware at a very young age. this except this time it's happening with extreme force is really military showing no signs of light down, or slowing down the tox people are being enforced into this displacement for the past 7 months. on top of the, the creation of the human and terry and catastrophe across the gaza strip, where people literally have no access to basic necessities or supplies to keep them alive or to survive these difficult conditions. not only the generation of the trauma, but those who remember the events of the 1948 works. 1000 of palestinian were forced out of their land. they experience a break down as the thing, this is something permanent and part of their life across the palestinian territory . pretty much through the forest and data about uh with that update. thanks very
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much. honey. well joined the soles displacement of palestinians in 1948 hold our country. so united against israel, cyprus probably has been speaking to palestinians. they occupied westbank, who say that that facing these radius also loan this time a cemetery near the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. the final resting place for dozens of a rocky soldiers, christians and muslims, sundays, and ships errands. encouraged people from all walks of life, fought and died for palestine. in 1948. it was the 1st erebus. really war to defend against the force displacement of palestinians from the land came to be known as the knuckle or catastrophe. being the zip look about the positions in the oldest gross in this month and they started shooting and pushed was all you nice school the way back. ready the rockies were the only ones that fault here, side by side with the polished indians. nowadays armies have no say. everyone is on
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their own. everyone wants to present their own interests. the historians say israel's objective has always been the ethnic cleansing of palestine. but what is happening now is much more violent during the north by 13000 palestinians died over the span of 3 years since october, more than 35000 published indians have been killed in gaza in just 7 months. like getting is from one side civilian population. 10 with the most sophisticated american weapons they and knights, minute by minute, geopolitically, the region is also different. 76 years ago, the napa was a catastrophe for all their countries, the displace your documents decades of what has been a violent conflict. civilian suffering, the assassination of political leaders massacres, defeats on the battlefield. and after negotiating table, what becomes clear is that with every year that is going on, posting is
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a found themselves more and more alone with their strong descendants of the displaced and occupied se, palestinians have hoping there are people, but not air of leaders. in the west bank, we've seen multiple grades and killings. there's an active genocide in augusta previously out of armies shared blood with palestinians. how's de la garza is it well without any one by its side, it's fighting by itself. it's being slow through the by itself. you're asking me about the arrow bombing shame on the they are used against their own people. others, they don't mean to find another country. these dates fight riots. but to find some of the army know most of the post and say they remain hopeful that they will win their freedom from israeli occupation. sunday, despite seemingly insurmountable odds. and despite knowing they will have to do with themselves the same bus route, the old to 0, the occupied westbank, palestine and 2nd, joins us from whom i let it be occupied. was banking zane,
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us page. really, all we can say is how would you describe reading dishes mood considering as being one of the most brutal and staples, the palestinians. it'd be living on the occupations in any what 3 quarters of a century. well, the re occuring seem when you have conversations with palestinians is that as bad as things have been, what is happening now? what is if you take one single away from commemorations today as, as difficult circumstances, have been for palestinians for the last 75 years. this the 76 year because of what is happening right now or some of the worst circumstances that palestinians have ever experienced. to talk more about that i'm joined by the law or a cox. she's a professor as construct resolution. thank you so much for joining us. the net quote now with what is happening right now, what is your perspective about today's events? how is it significant because of the background of the warren guys,
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what's happening in the west, the knuckle field to the, to the front of the, the ups stores as we are witnessing and living as i can next, i am 2024. the combination of next about was suppose to me, to end the forcibly eviction or the for the directions of the palestinians becoming refugees around the world. which you are witnessing today. the 2nd next, but where the palestinians are separating again. and is this where they are forcibly being invested, they are the property, their homes are being confiscated and the land is being annexed. and that's also in sarasota hensley, should have been homeless, but in the garden valley and, and samuel and he brought in bethlehem. i mean, the palestinian people are still still putting an ongoing net for 7060 and it's about time that you guys have nations and some not that a member of the states of that. that's what the me through real life. that the 15th of me not a day to celebrate, not a day to repeats and to accommodate, in order to just the numbers a day to say no more for is it extra seconds without
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a sending is, is to say no to the occupation, to say enough to the is there any crimes that is there any dental side? and that's all remember that to day the same day i, when we unlimited the policy and metal, which is the catastrophe, basically the whole world is this kind of speed. i said it's been set up, but i think the end depends the independence of the state of israel. it's about time we hold the state accounts of them. it's about time. we see the state that is being used. and as i, i to decide the case at the i today, it's about time the i held the accounts, but it's about time. did a military leaders are also prosecuted at the i c, c on the i, c j. it's about time and this is a military prolonged occupation. it's about time we define the borders of the state of israel that was declared 76 years ago. it's about time we say the catastrophes against the policy and people must stop the past and you and people are not asking for a favor commit to offer communities. those are the device for the refugees of it. they're not compensation. the palestinians, vice versa,
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determination is data. we're talking about a sovereign independent states and the palestinian people had accepted the 2 state solution just because they believed in the piece. but i'm thinking i'm thinking about the tools. however, in 2024 after the genocide and the and the continued catastrophe a neck about being repeated to an ongoing from the doctor's, i guess our people, everybody should say no today is bring your occupation north of the genocide. i know to more than that, but because of how the thing and i couldn't instead of better myself, thank you so much for joining us. dollar cost professor of conflict resolution here in romano. thank you so much. thank you. so there you have it folks. it really is a prevailing perspective here that as long as the international community continues to ignore the dehumanization and normalize what's happening to the palestinians, then is really infinity will control and check and their struggle, their suffering will continue to get worse, not better. so it was probably that for us and we're by laughing saying during the 1940s mold and $15000.00 palestinians are killed and dozens of mastic is committed
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by design is full. so is the 1st mass killings recorded and by that data shift. but at least 60 palestinians are killed by the gun. the forces in april 1948 and estimates of 110 village is imbedded by sign is power military full says in the village of the day of the austin. they walked is now occupied east jerusalem. but the kings didn't stop that after his route was created, at least 200 villages were supposed to be killed and fighting next executions between may the 22nd and 23rd. in 1948 at 10 toyota. the hyphen, the puppies, and is rarely historian who wrote the books, the ethnic cleansing of palestine is a professor of history at the university of x to enjoys us now from detroit in the us could help you with this on the program. how should we compare? what's happening, but i think we how should we compile what's happened to 1948 to 20? 24. is it comparable?
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we've got some features which are comparable. but on and many other respects it's even worse. and then uh, and the events of my default age already mentioned use sales defense and the numbers of understand as june. but i think the main difference is that the impulse to 1948 was to provide an expelled. as many fathers, teen is as possible unless it goes with then use the an older to its way people to the same ones we see now are mass appears, which are part of the general side building funds, mainly to people in order to downsize, the number of people living in it does an ethnic cleansing is intelligible, crime against humanity. but it's, you know, soc, is even worse. so i think we are seeing that in session. so using aspect lensing is the main methods. updating as much of the spanish possible. we're going to buy this
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thing is in it as possible. we're moving into a farm or leave. so, and that's a, that's of genocide. lethal method is, is voiced by government officials. i mean, in the 1st few months of the war as far as i could, as well as agriculture, minister describe the cover displacement and persecution, of palestinians in gauze as the not box of gauze at 2023. i mean, these culbert and so sort of in line with the way the government has been talking ever since it was put into power. it is the design to stay with us. so many, many years of this it is right. it is the 9th and the 9th that they were responsible for ethnic cleansing, where they to be at mode is that the, the most. okay, so father's pain is but then how using it in a way that we always told both as they always said that they use, which was the drug and the end of a nice to buy this thing is, you know, i guess on the 8th and the experience that they would do it again with the purchase,
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but that's great. again, the very crime that's a name that never existed. so it least in something positive can come out of this. or if it just started in the history of, by this time, is it least for the well no, no, to the 9 anymore. the crime that was committed in 1948, which is now it went to funny with the very is there any politicians that you know just mentioned? of course the not in 1948. it was supported by western states and colonial powers. there is a comparison to what we're seeing in 2024 as well as the yet these very western power is also saying that there isn't a genocide getting on most of them anyway. i think now it's even worse, because if it's a 19048, there was no television. people did not have smartphones and it was relatively easy to cover the then the,
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the has been expensing and it today that it didn't exist. it's impossible to say now, since people cannot know what is going on when it appears. and i was green's with a small screen of experience. so i think the lesson of a denial, today's almost finished, the more outraging and really i think is one of the main reasons why the similar societies that even in the west find it impossible to be signed and anymore. and. and now if i have 3 students all around the united states and as well, yeah, we feel that they know exactly what goes on and then do all the cancel stuff. and yeah, i just want to come to that question as global society is really all calling this agenda side. and that sort of calling their own governments out. do you think? i mean, in more or less we, you know, we're going to european election soon. here in the european continent, the united kingdom is going to go to a general election very soon. do you think this has got to come back to bite these
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politicians? you might say in the post area for, for listening to the public who have been coming out in the hundreds of thousands and couples. that's couple cities, not just in europe, but across the world. it wasn't such a light bulbs that it was. and we could mention also the lex, indeed united states. yes. very clear that the, the american, both the progressive people are now if it does for whether they should support by then. although they don't want to support from because of buttons policy towards best. i'm invest that the. ready that in the next elections in your world, uh, funding position would be still a would change. that makes a difference and the international immunity that have provided to me as well. but i'm comes think that, that in the near future, the, on the 2024 relax since it's kind of did you that has been displayed, but you will be in front of dishes, but come back to bite them because i'm not representing faithfully and actors when
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it comes to publish funding and then i did before, but the particularly in the last 7 months, there center positions and being very different from the position displayed by most of the people who love the almost consciousness and extreme thinking of them when they understand what goes on in gaza and when they go invisible to the people who doesn't go to your insights and the relationship to history as well as on papa, thanks so much for joining us from detroit. thank you. cameras have captured the struggle of palestinian refugees. then i know over the past 76 years, i'm assuming you have your own going is by the war and the military expansion. all clear evidence of a 2nd. not good . the
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to us is going ahead with a new um shipment to israel pending approval by congress that comes off to present drive by and delay the consignment of bones earlier this month. if it concerns about the rising civilian death, told in garza and the salut, how's the latest? the binding administration is to send a shipment of weapons to israel worth more than $1000000000.00 the 1st to the country since us president joe biden put a consignment of 3500 bombs, like these on hold. that was halted due to the high number of civilian casualties in israel's war on guns and fears. it would launch a ground offensive and drop off civilians have been killed in gaza as
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a consequence of us bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers . i made it clear that if i go into rafa, i haven't gone and ralph is yet going or off or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with ross. but the us move drew for years, criticism from israel, who has okay. we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. i have said that if necessary, we will fight without thinking dials. the new shipment will be comprised of tank ammunition, tactical vehicles and mortar rounds, but there's still no indication of when the weapons would be sent. congress still needs to vote on the measure to, but it's likely to pass in the republican controlled house. the united states has
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both privately and publicly voice. it's opposition to israel, expanding its military action in delphi. as more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge in the southern most city in gonzo. but this latest weapon shipment will be used against palestinians. and israel's war on gonzo have the central jersey to be held go to the white house correspondent to live for us from washington dc. hi kimberly. so really i for cultures of pro treaty to the trends for weapons, it seems as all steam ahead, regardless of the recent state department of the poll, telling us weapons use in garza a yes. and it should really be a big surprise if you looked at some of the language or really drill down into some
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of the finer points of the language coming not just from the us president, but also from and to the blank of the secretary state or even the national security advisor, jake sullivan, there was signaling that this was to happen even as there was this message that there would be a pause in the shipment of those 3500 bombs to israel and the bottom line. and all of this is the language is very specific. what the white house said and what the, by the ministration was saying overall, is that they were only pausing weapons that could be used by israel for an offense of nature. in other words, bombs that could be used for a round operation into rough. uh that could have, has a big effect on be more than a 1000000 civilians that are sheltering there. but they never said they were going to pause any shipments that could be defensive in nature. fact they said just the opposite. they says that their, their commitment to israel's defense was iron clad and that they would continue to
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said weapons that were tactical in nature. so that's what we're seeing right now is the defense of weaponry. and that continued support. you have to remember that the, the united states has a very strong relationship with israel. they send a annually more than nearly $4000000000.00 actually in military aid each year. and since october 7th, that has been wrapped up. so this is just an extension of that. so in terms of the us changing its opinion about the minute feel, pricing garza, i mean how we should we actually even think about what vast thinking about? i engage the actions in reality. how do we analyze any of this any more? ok. well, i think the bottom line is, is this pause was to send a message and it was a message that was being sent, not just globally, but domestically put it into the context of the us president who's running for re
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election. and what's another term, as voters go to the polls in november? he's got nationwide protests on campuses across the united states where he's being pushed to, to attach conditions to military weaponry to israel. he's under a lot of pressure. he's under pressure from within his own and ministration to do something. so we have to act. but at the same time, he's also got the jewish lobby, a pack that is saying, we're not going to support you if you don't continue to send weaponry to israel. so he's walking a very fine line of business, how he's done it. he's pause those weapons in terms of the, of the offensive nature. but in terms of the defense of nature, that is still ongoing. so it's sort of underscore, is the very narrow, tight rope that this president has had to walk. and the other thing that it's done, it's showed how uh, as we've seen not the in terms of relatively recently. but the tool that can be
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used in terms of our shipments to israel, something was not seen really says ronald riggins time, but now we're seeing used once again by the, by the ministration and how effective it can be. and sending a message to allies could be i'll get that full down a bit that. kimberly, thanks very much. we'll speak to you later as well. thank you. europe now west the voc, his populist probably minister robot fee co has been schultz and in just the shooting occurred in the town of hon la knowles, of process law that he was showing signs to a government meeting. i think it has been transferred to hospital and it's believe a suspect has been detained. this of course, will bring you more massive. these are just all kinds of images and that we have some of the sales coming in on the demand. it seems like being detained, the prime minister was bundled into a call by his security detail on which to the nearby hospital. it will be several in the city of brought to a stop. it'll show which one he's going and say,
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and then the rest of those security detail was making sure that the 9 detained was secure, and that no one else was involved in the attack on the slovakian prime. and it's not so happened in the last tall file. so i will try and get you more information on that as we get to the, the quote is that a southern used on ukraine's present visit lensky has cancelled all upcoming forward and visits as the country struggles to contain. russia's advance as an east ukrainian troops of withdrawal from some areas of the car keep reaching us exercise . that's me blinking is covered in ukraine to reassure. keep of continuing american supports including a $2000000000.00 package, which on hold of joins from hockey and jones. your at the center, i believe, of the displaced peoples compa who fled from both the villages. what's the mood like well,
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the mood among people here is fairly desperate. and we've just been here seeing people who they've got like literally full bags and that sort of that possessions. most of the people here are coming from the chinese, which is the biggest town in the border region that the russian offensive in to northeastern ukraine. the heart of ki region has pushed into some people with adults costs. we talked to a family, a lady of 20, i know 2 parents and they'd have just played on bicycles with everything that they could put on the bike until they met you. you cried unami patrol and people that i've been rescuing people have shown us like pictures of children who have been taken out that hard and i guess everyone here is just wondering what comes next. they're gonna have some with the site probably, and hall keep city for the night. that's the one month. so she was saying, but he said off to that, i just don't know where i'm going to go. a lot of them in opinion,
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both chance proof that lives. and this is just an isolated incidents. we've got now moving 3000000 people according to the united nations refugee agencies that been displaced in ukraine. i'm 5000000 more to pot safely abroad. but of course, uh, joan politicians all promising a lot, especially secretary blanket is all not very a brief visit to ukraine. that'd be all the displaced way you. i mean, do they have any face in the words? so they've been spoken by politicians right now. i think that just show show the people here, it couldn't be anything further from that mind. what's happening with the sick 3, blinking the in key and with the policy they're trying to grapple with getting the next mail and getting a bed to sleep. and. and i think also a lot of people like dealing with a very localized realities themselves involved chance. and as for example,
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how much of the town is occupied by rush will be full over in the streets by russia . that's telling us news of the river is with that seems to be a lot of russian present and whether they'll be able to get home the guy, the ukraine in general, stuff has just put out a communique sign that they're working to at this place. russian forces from the town to pull chance, and i'm from this region at the moment the russian forces have gone intakes, the circuitry of state blinking in key. i think the message perhaps for ukraine is a whole might be encouraging. he was saying, you know, the lawyer and he was talking about us weapons that a slowly starting to come in his, there was move in 61000000000 solar military a package. we just started to take it that will. so i spoke today with a soldier who was in hot keeps city where we offer a moment before going back to the front line about the amount of weapons and about
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the amount of non power that he's got in his unit. and along the front. and there's more than 1000 kilometer front, some ukrainian units being out shelves, 7 to one that being outmanned at the moment by russian forces. so i think is a difficult situation for you. credit is a whole and these people that are in this sense, uh, personally, a very difficult situation for them is a part to leave the homes behind to tell them that for a seventy's. thank you. pushing pulses of subtly advanced into the car key for region in recent days. on may the 10th most case sensitive forces, it seems to ukraine, invitation to the west of the border. by may, the 13th bull forces advanced across the border to the east mount on the 14th russian troops made further incursions along the border to the west, and on the same day, they also launch in advance to the east of that possession, unit, and shop of all of a can join us on live from most gay, while you might say,
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well, time, many of us continue that between russia and ukraine, julia, it's all change in the cabinets with a new face of defense exactly, at present, to legibly. peyton has been nice. hang with the kalonde is admitted to your districts. and economist entre villaroo says he was recently appointed as a new defense minister and uh, full of defense minister service showing to have also been present at that meeting . i've looked for a patient and use the new minnesota defense and crate billers of to the come on does unexplained his appointments by increased spending on defense and security. so basically, according to periods, in the ministry, industrial complex is going to grow in russia and that will bring more jobs for people, which is quite good from the previous point of view. so he said that the army must be more effective to ends become fixed in ukraine as soon as possible. but
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a many say of the, let's say that's also the appointment of such an economist as on trade value. so he's quite a renown to call them his hand. russia may name that russia is preparing for a long move and also a piece of express his glass shoot to survey shore, gu tried google hasn't been appointed secretary of the russian security council now . so from now on, and he will also receive the ministry industrial complex commission and facilitates corporation ministry corporation with foreign countries. and there will be no changes in the leadership of the general stop. so fall, but larry, you're awesome, of is going to remain in church. 1 and lets me present, by the way, said that he, every day he discussed as he passed and the discuss registration on the front lines with the ministry of defense and the general stop. and according to him and to, to the ministry of defense. russia shows some advances on the front right now. you the shop of oliver with that update. thanks very much,
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joyce bookcase as well as to whether or not his role is a report from the americas throughout the winter and the spring reco. it's being broken of temperatures too high in many states or countries in central america believes carriers on that trend. 4141, the hottest date in may full, but east. across them all assembly in florida. as we are up to by 4300 mexico may be less surprising the we've got a 47. this is a reco break into this particular state that expects cuz to seize the heat, stay with it. most of the places were a bit above normal, but not reco break, at least in major conversations at monterey, is up to about $39.00 after $33.00. by the time you get to says that the heat does extend into the constant to south america. but then it gets cut off because the speed he is normally wet season. right. but it's been very helpful way down to re or read this back up to city one, into full costs. in fact, the all might have to $57.00, which could be a new reco. we're entering winter now. have to remind you, but this is 37 degrees. sounds about the problem has been not so much the heat has
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to wet, huge amounts, revenge, you know, in se brazil, so at least 2 rivers above the banks and put the leg right is still under water. and it looks like it'd be more rain on the way this is a full across the service. they have a quote and i agree. there's a thunder storm sliding moving over the flooded area. a still head. hey all the, all just it renews. are in full, the descending, and vi champions take control of that file series like a some of the sites and for that action coming up, the general, please stay with the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a, but it was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important point and bushy poll, unapologetic,
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i'm just asking awesome upfront on out of there. now let me tell you about safari, you called result the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we enter the coupon occupied right now, able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like come in here, sits on to play with a large stairs face with a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, restored to me and gone the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about see what you noticed that when use with me. so robin and reminder volatile stories. the key is probably minister robot seeker has been injured in a shooting and taking the hospital plate happened to the tentative hungry, but most of us saw the ticket, which was after a government meeting. now the say about presidents is expressed to show over the incidents united states has to send this right, like the shipments of weapons with more than a $1000000.00. if it's approved by congress that comes off the present job, i can delay the shipments and problems fairly of this month. over concerns about the rising death toll in guns. 76 seconds of silence have brung out across the occupied westbank small each year since they're not well known as the catastrophe. and that's when move and 750000 palestinians for falls from the havens in thomasville. it's pretty involved, michelle, i'm just now receiving political analyst as the central correspondence of
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a day to remember, but also want to ponder about the future. i mean, the maxwell has historical meaning right now, but even though historical meaning is changing with time, it is to some to some degree. but i've actually, i've always wondered why do the 1st thing is come on where it's not about since it's an ongoing, the process that best of the didn't happen in a day or in a year. it has continued over 75 years, not install. and none of the issues, none of the underlying issues of major catastrophe. back in 194749 has changed. refugees are still refugees. this possession of stuff, this possession, occupation increased over the years. but oppression of racism increased over the years. is r o supremacy supremacy of zionism in the line to protest by and have increased over the years. so it's been 75 years of continued catastrophe
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tops this year. and last year of this, what they called, even these writers themselves, as you reported earlier, calling is the new enough that and bob kaiser, which really goes a long way to tell you that what we've seen back 75 years ago and continues today and requires a solution the solution that is not being provided. and why does it require a solution? say, i don't like, you know, when we come holidays, i don't know 1st, 1st world war one's a holocaust or what have you. right. so it's an event that happened. that's one point in time, more or less. but to your district, why does the course i, i historical context in the sense that i've heard some of your discussion with your previous gusts. is it worse? is it but that and you know, but it will not back that, but is it worse, you know, comparing the incompatible horrors that happened to the better since. so there is something to be started about that. what happened in 194749 was
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a major disaster for the palestinians because most of them were displaced. this time around is unable to displace by this thing is outside garza except a number of them that decided that just need could not tolerate. and what order they were killed or, or, or, or, or sick or, or what have you. right? so we are stuck. it's right. it's talk today with more than 7 and a half 1000000 by this thing is living in historic by this time. so the project of displacing or ethnic cleansing is the kind of thing is, has basically failed. and that's definitely important theoretical. you say it needs reform, it needs to be cancelled. it needs to be doubts wave. we've got the, the, the, well, the clipping form happening in the hall right now, and they're all statements coming out of it suddenly from the saudis, about the fact it says without a real political pathway, it be very difficult for our countries to discuss how we ought to govern, i. e. lower the temperature. make sure that's
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a 2 state solution and be behind the palestinians. i mean, this is a conversations happening between saudi cuts, all the united out, remember, it's an easier time pulling. is it that these countries all you might say, standing up, pull something together in this for a lot just intel, but generally globally, it's important to a certain degree that at least in terms of the corporation, they're out of bridging him, seem to be in agreement stuff what's going on today? 7 months late. that was horrible. it's a genocide. so. but just as they were divided in 1947. that 1949 just as they were present in not 274 and i do 79 of 1947. 1949, the r as in percent and as divided today and incapable of stopping a genocide that's taking place if this genocide was taking place as it part, for example, you know, invest me on, on other places. the europeans intervene and there were a number of work criminals from sort of yeah. taken to the hague,
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but into our region in this region. i believe those are incapable of taking care of or preventing or stopping a genocide. that's non profit and good best. the only people who are capable and have been more careful than before of doing something about on the palestinians. and this is the central point. yeah. because of that kind of thing as if not signed up for their rights. i don't think that ups what that abrasions would have over the past in fact, but his son was going to become a comma. right. i said to call him in this region. if they had a pair shoes on that then yeah, i would have had it that way. now after october, 7th things have changed. there is no doubt what's really most important understand is that why the palestinians had been fumbled? why they had been beaten again? and again and again, why is right, it has 11 more, i don't know if it was a place something 1967 is that it might have one,
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but the 1st thing is have never lost. they have never recognized that loss in terms of strategic loss to is right. so until the day 7 to 5 years are still struggling. they are still fighting the are still fits fast. if the palestinians, one news is right, cannot win. see if we just develop a little bit more, you know, we talk about, we talked and you just last week about this whole american shipment being pulse or not. and it reminds me as a phrase of because we're hearing now that it's on ship. it is getting ahead of the native american indians who are would often say either white men speak with full tongue. and now we have this scenario. what, what meant that as opposed woman, it was sending this to me as well. it was all about the usa and whether you actually trust what they say, this is the thing that our correspondence kimberly out of washington said about how the atmosphere of washington is a by them trying to walk a fine line, a thin line,
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trying to balance between uh, freezing uh, i mean i'm munition shipments are the same time setting. is there a new weapons which is kind of a contradiction in terms right? and the $100.00 say, i'm not going to send the munition, but i'm going to sell it more to a $1000000.00 of new weapons those right? so you could say that as buy them put it well, this is useful enough. i have to otherwise use to defend his right. it's a bit of a fine line drive between both. but as you stated earlier, i think i heard you in one of your interviews. just like sounds like the west stood with his right back in 1948. it's standing with is around today that but there's a big difference. 1948, the westport still trying to cover up its complicity. busy or whatever in the holocaust and is i was basically came out of the ashes of the holocaust on a few years later for the past 75 years there was no holocaust. if i knew if anything gets the punish,
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didn't use that had been paid really the price of the holocaust. 75 years later, the west cannot say i am complicit for cost of the holocaust. so they talk different money factor, this whole handbook of understand that is a city is no issue a more for in the west than to some it isn't under some of them is banned in the west. so to provoke or to invoke the question of when to so it isn't in order to be implicit or complicit and support that goes on. that's a shot. and we'll leave that for now, but continue to follow what happens is all thanks very much for that analysis. i'm on the shower, the senior political analyst. now the federal government is expected to decide what state of emergency in the pacific island territory of new caledonia, french president, model of macro, as cold, as in cabinet meeting after full people were killed in protests. now, the civil unrest was triggered by controversial changes due to be made to its voting system. they would follow all they would allow french citizens have lived in
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the time of the treat for more than 10 years to vote in local elections. a little special butler joins us now from power. a set of coals reaction from across the political spectrum. ready on this one. the tasha. yeah, so what we know is the french presence in my mind go, has declared a state of emergency in new caledonia. he's cool for combat as have other politicians. let me see and was witnesses on looking to quail. the unrest that is swept across and you kind of doing it over the past couple of nights we'll say hearing french media reporting that 4 people were killed in that arrest, including what we felt as a different interior minister. i think we'll say that some 130 people were arrested overnight. we had feed closed buildings that were towards a more local authorities. new caledonia say is that they going to keep schools shot
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some institutions shots as well. the airport flights coming in and out of new caledonia will be at fort is also being shots. and so for the noticing a kind of fee that was put in place on monday will be extended. we understand now until thursday. these can the tasha of close disclose this great problems full of the french 5 minutes to unfold the president. the trying to, you might say, hold on to a situation that is a getting beyond, or you might say that control it so far away. and the trying to also show a sense of, of calm, calmness it, a country that is also heading towards polls, where they need the nation support that they are on the right track of the whole new exist finance the policy, you know, it's a new kind of daniel was tricky because the french government wants to pulse
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a constitutional reform, which would expand the eligibility for food to is a new kind of dania to those who voice a resided in new college, i guess the last 10 years. so that includes many new arrivals. many your food come from the french mainland, multi prior independence, and the indigenous kind of community, new kind of diggers saying is it, this is a move they feel by power is to try much and lies them as a community. they say, look, if more people come in and photos and many of these become a french mainland, that's going to dilute our indigenous favorites. and dots of them, of course, they say is absolutely unacceptable. they say they weren't consulted properly about this. the french governments now talking about inviting a indigenous community lead as representatives to power is to talk about this. but i think these tools should have happened before this bill was a push through. now this bill has gone through the national assembly here from since paul limits is still needs to go to the senate in order to be rectified. but
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it's certainly on its way. and all of us has inflamed tensions amongst the population in new caledonia, monks the kind of community who feels that they are treated so often and that always as 2nd cost citizens by powers. it's actually about to that force in the french capital. thanks very much for that update. thank you for this type of support. now his job. thank. he's a how football. so welcome. anybody phase that has moved towards allowing domestic leaves to play games and other countries had of this week's fee. so congress in bangkok the organization has ordered a review of its traditional policy, which is a was blocks, attempts to hold regular, sees of matches of rules. while some funds may objects to home games being moved, thousands of kilometers the way it has become a regular thing and us sports as teams look to build the brands globally, to just wait to congress little survey to confirm the highest of the 2027 women's world cup and president johnny in frontier now has also been speaking about the 1st of the women's club woke up propose for january 2026. the 16 team tournament would then take place every 4 years, allowing top european and
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u. s. teams to compete against pods from countries where the women's game is less developed. it's crucial last of the huge, huge success in australia, new zealand. the last 3 months was caught by what we had 2000000 viewers in the stadiums to median around the world. that we built on that success to create new global competitions because the national team football is obviously based on cloud as well. is definitely going to boost women scott football all over the world to an unprecedented level. because the best players from whatever they told me that was played this competition and control case. they have talent stuff. i don't take it was the unlikely henry from manchester city as they maintained their advantage in the race for the primary title. the standing goalkeeper made a career shall save against talking to ensure they replaced also at the top with just one game remaining. david states for votes the,
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the removing the audio. let's put city and throw it all the way. but thanks to a substitute goalkeeper, the total rights is still very much in the hands or take a city needed to win that game in hand. taught them to go back top of the table and then the hall and put them on track early in the 2nd half. the but then things ton twin cities, goalkeeper edison. so for the head injury, the team don't to forced him to come off, even though he didn't want to don't came. stefano tega is his replacement, and he was called upon almost straight to white. it's truly serves the 31 year old jim and then go into way again to book another shot from who does that ski before? what could be the most defining moment that the season with 5 minutes left the
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bodies? jeremy duck, who didn't win a penalty for city, which gave holland the chance to put the game beyond that. i know the doubles of the needs, top score to take is 20 to 27, but this noise belonged to his teammates, the other end of the pin last day. how is this team a team? because ortega say the actions and the ways are so it is temping can be used for the wind against the town, but that is a reality mother. football in the mountains are so so, so tight. so cities still in control heading into the final round of games on sunday, on trying to win the full straight premier league type 2 and 6 and 7 seasons. that stokes out you there. yeah. who i think we ought to say about you are the prime minister robot fee goes, be injured in the shooting and taking the hospital. these all the latest pictures
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coming from the scene with a man who we believe show the prime minister as being detained by on look as and security. it happened in the town of hundreds of knolls of protest lava, 5 minutes if he could wish shots after a government meeting. sorry about president has expressed shocked over the incident and you can see that these are just was coming from the onlookers. uh, the security detail shop the prime minister into a car in to a local hospital. let's get the very latest from elena cook's co vice president of policy and programming a loop. second security policy, same type, joins us now from brought to slab. elena kentucky with this on the program have shopped to you at this attack. this is an absolutely shocking development for the past for a decade. slope like society has been working hard to make sure that they leave in a democracy, which means that nobody resorts to why wants to settle and political disputes of disagreements. so this is an absolutely shocking development,
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but nobody has expected the documents. it doesn't happen such monthly, and it comes as a surprise as a shock. so ever but they both citizens but also political representative. is that any indication of see the police will stop that the investigation right now. but have there been any threats, any arguments with either society or politicians or political groups or dissident groups, that would give us any suspicion as to why the prime minister would be targeted right now. us as a country is full arise, there has been the round of elections parliamentary elections, presidential elections over the course of the past 6 months. and of course, not ever, but they put the we somewhere in this farm and somewhere this last and there is there any disagreements about forces and politics and the direction which the country is to think, but nothing indicates at the level of political violence. nothing indicated that
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there can be serious real violence attacks on political leaders or on anybody in the country. so all the printers, disagreements that way express were channels by political meals means as to political discourse. again, this attack was not something anybody expected and not something that anybody has called for. and just briefly, in terms of security details around the prime minister's office around the prime minister, it would have been tight. i mean, he is a politician, he's had it states. absolutely. what's the, what happens exactly, and how this happens. she definitely because security details. it's on clear holiday outside of developed and what went wrong. something obviously went strong yet. but again, probably because that's not something that happens very frequently in slovakia that also came as a surprise as something totally unexpected, even for his secure to the same. okay. a lot of will leave at the end of cool. so i will continue to talk to you as the day progresses. you have been watching the, i'll just every news i will have more on the topic on the so the back in 5 minutes
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to on the other side of the break. until then, thanks very much for your time and your company. and i'll see you in a few minutes to the hey, liz seems in the gaza strip as is there as long last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes is really is and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best hod he came in to be used as the i r c suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, please. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say,
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no double stand to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era, hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel for them guys for almost 2 weeks. they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say profit from a swales war. some of the students try to prevent the police from entering the university, one by one, they were arrested. the police then rated hamilton hall and their objective to detain. the students who had fabricated themselves inside. they broke a window and entered view of the 1st floor. candles broke out on the capital. the students were evicted from the whole. dozens were arrested. even the students that were the teens, nobody is resting, and we will not stop until columbia and it's our demand. columbia university, it's
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a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world. got her. many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the, the, the prime minister, old so evacuate is hospitalized. ok to being schultz, following a meeting with supposed to the spelling. so robin watching all of their life. but headquarters here in the also coming up the sign sign, feet 76 seconds, one for every year. since the knock about all catastrophe when palestinians were
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forced from the homeland


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