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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the upfront on out the sirens sound for 76 seconds, one for every year since the neck above one palestinians were forcibly displaced from their phone lines. the and even bigger catastrophes unfolding and gauze of fierce fighting rages on from the north to the south of the strip. and some of the most intense is really a task. and when you're watching l to 0, my for my headquarters in delphi and getting navigates are also coming up nato and the use a georgia has made the wrong choice. officer its problem is voted through so called
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for an agent spill and 2 decades in a 2nd night, a protest in new caledonia after paris blocks. that's controversial loading reforms in the french overseas territory. the hello. it's been 76 years since what palestinians called the the 76 seconds of the sound of sirens round out across the occupied westbank marking each year since the catastrophe. it's one more than 750000 palestinians were forcibly evicted from their homes. and today their suffering and even greater catastrophe with more than 35000 men,
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women and children killed by israel's war on gaza and his palestinians, and they occupied westbank marks today. israel has been expanding its military operation across garza showing in this or by the refugee camp in the north. several high russ begins, are coverage, the last good by case on the cheek of a child's now lifeless. the. the home of the bush family was destroyed by his radio strike doing fine system. this is what generational trauma looks nice, is relatives of different ages, java in shock. they cool out heavy, the arabic, my love. last moment together, the full very of the garage room is no, but i as in the sense of the goal is
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a strip. it's a refugee camp created in 1949 during the knock by one of the 8th still exist today including hon. eunice and data by law with dozens of people have been killed in the last few days. also in more is ready. bombardment installed to doctors, tents to house palestinians falls from their homes by design is forces across historic palestine. some ended up in garza and on now complete the trunk. i'm not well there was a lot of our, the ellipse through the not fun. just one. we will display several times. i try to send you an exile in 2014. we were displaced in 2008. we were display, so now i'm 2020 to the display. i was a child in 1967 as well. this is the circumstances were very difficult. on this side, the sit to the grandchildren who should mostly be at school right now. instead, they've been moving from one place to another, trying to shelter from israel's devastating bombardment that started in october
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last year. that's the thing that there's no catastrophe worse than this one. i've been here for 8 years and nothing compares to this. no house, neighbor, donkey or human beings less than this life. everything has gone. these children already trapped in a cycle of violence as israel's rule goes on, barely hear you from the ground parents. the last isn't ok, but generation about some life free from occupation. a distant dream for palestinians now permanent refugees in their own homeland. sort of height of algae 0 symbols for ivy. joining us not from the occupied westbank zane 76 seconds of the sound of sirens ringing out across the occupied westbank and marking each year since the next about how else is the state being marked in the lower your well, there are rallies and demonstrations on going across the x by westbank to say to an
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hour or so ago, there was thousands of people in the square, and there's those bells began ringing as the siren began ringing. they all raised their fingers in a signal that clearly demonstrated that they want peace and victory, and that can only be victory in peace. but those demonstrations and carried on in various areas. in fact, underscore disrupted, remains on a daily basis for palestinians of a student demonstration of students from present university at illegal check points in front of an illegal settlement. of they feel which you can see from ramallah in his really so it was a shot and killed a 20 year old young man. he was shot in the neck and injured critically, and he died of his wounds. and i can say with, sadly, with all confidence that it is unlikely that what happened to him will have any consequences. there will be no consequences for his coming. and usually the kinds of incidents that play out in the oxide westbank. and we know what's happening in garza, on a daily basis, violence against palestinians that goes on checked. and this is large,
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the wife house thing is that we speak to say that they feel they have been left to deal with is really virus all alone. a cemetery near the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank to the final resting place for dozens of their rocky soldiers. christians and muslims, sundays and ships errands. encouraged people from all walks of life, fought and died for palestine. in 1948. it was the 1st erebus really war to defend against the force displacement of palestinians from the land came to be known as the knuckle or catastrophe being then they'll talk about that they what positions in the old, of gross in this month. and they started shooting and pushed was all, you know, all the way back. ready iraqis were the only ones that fault your side by side with the palestinians nowadays are of armies have no say everyone is on their own. everyone wants to present their own interests. historians say is real subjective
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has always been the ethnic cleansing of palestine. but what is happening now is much more violent during the not by 13000 palestinians died over the span of 3 years since october, more than 35000 published indians have been killed in gaza. and just 7 months like getting is from one side civilian population. 10 with the most sophisticated american women's they and nights, minute by minute. geo, politically, the region is also different. 76 years ago with enough but was a catastrophe for all their up countries. the displace or document decades of what has been a violent conflict. civilian suffering, the assassination of political leaders massacres, defeats on the battlefield. and after negotiating table, what becomes clear is that with every year that is going on, posting is, are found themselves more and more alone with their stuff, the descendants of the displaced and occupied se,
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palestinians have hoping there are people, but not air of leaders. in the west bank, we've seen multiple grades and killings. there's an active genocide in augusta previously out of armies shared blood with palestinians. the because of the highlight. garza is it well without any one by its side. it's fighting by itself. it's being slow. so by itself, you're asking me about the arrow bombing shame on the they are used against their own people. others, they don't mean to find another country. these dates, fight riots, but to fight another army known must have posted you and say they remain hopeful that they will win their freedom from israeli occupation someday. despite seemingly insurmountable odds. and despite knowing they will have to do with themselves the same bus route. the old to 0, the occupied westbank palestine. earlier today i spoke with the human rights lawyer of how soon human rights lawyer who said one of the largest most cancer,
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multiple challenges for palestinians at the moment is, is really impunity on the ground here in the occupied territories on the international stage after you, when no one is holding is real accountable, the largest weapons manufacturers, the strongest governments in europe, in the united states. we continue to support israel in an honest wincing way, even error neighbors. saudi arabia continues to have normalization with his real remaining on the table just by josh or to you a is normalize. ties with israel. jordan, last fighter jets to help is real deal with in the wrong, in their strike. last month. egypt coordinates was real one security at the guys the border. we also had hosting for the boss in riyadh last month say that is really security was his duty. so as long as these dynamics remain is real continues to be able to perpetuate violence against policy and people and to humanize them. and it is normalized by international governments and their struggles will continue to get worse. not better. all right,
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thank you so much. and as for avi reporting from but i'm on the well, the us is moving forward on a new arms package to israel, but if 1st must be approved by congress. and this comes after president joe biden delayed a shipment of bombs earlier this month. over concerns about the raising civilian ductile. ben garza, i'm the son coach osborne. the binding administration is to send a shipment of weapons to israel worth more than $1000000000.00 the 1st to the country since us president joe biden put a consignment of $3500.00 bombs, like these on hold. that was halted due to the high number of civilian casualties in israel's war on dogs and fears. it would launch a ground offensive and drop off civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which a crafter populations are made. it clear that if they go into rough or i haven't
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gone on roughly yet, they go on or off or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rough. but the us move, drew fierce criticism from israel, who has a game. we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. i have said that if necessary, we will fight without thinking dials. the new shipment will be comprised of tank ammunition, tactical vehicles and mortar rounds, but there's still no indication of when to weapons would be sent. congress still needs to vote on the measure to, but it's likely to pass in the republican controlled house. the united states has both privately and publicly voice. it's opposition to israel,
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expanding its military actions in itself. as more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge in the southern most city in gonzo. but this latest weapon shipment will be used against palestinians, and israel's war on gonzo come to central jersey. oh, okay. well not bringing. i've done a lot of yon, who's an associate professor of history and georgetown university cuts are welcome back to alta 0 on this, and new is coming out of the u. s. i mean, how do you explain this new weapons shipments after president biden said that he would be stalling at some bonds earlier this month? is this a uterine or is it in line with us policy? i think it's completely in line. i mean, this is exactly consistent with everything we've seen with this uh, administration. the united states has been a full partner in the genocide. that's been a least on palestinians going back to last year and has never really wavered from that position. in fact, all of these kinds of, you know,
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gestures that we've seen the statements here and they're saying, you know, we oppose as the us uh, entry. and so it also has never really actually materialize in terms of actual policy on the ground. and so i think people saw through that early adjuster, and now we're seeing kind of the real intention of this administration. but you also have comments made by the us deputy secretary of state earlier this week for gamble, saying that a total of victory and gaza is unlikely. but there is really is just seem to be committed to, to keep going on. i mean, the more nathaniel who pushes on with his offensive and gaza, is he trying to gain leverage and the ceasefire negotiations? well, i think, i mean, this is at this point going beyond even the kind of the political sphere. you know, it's fitting that we're seeing this announcement on the eve of neck by day seeing as, as the extent to which the united states has been, you know, fully supportive of israel going back to its very foundations as the 1st country to recognize that in 1948 at the very height of an original original neck by itself. but also this particular president of the united states is someone who is this kind of declared his ideological belief in the support of zionism and his side of israel
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didn't exist. we would have to create it. i mean, there is no kind of political gain to be made here here in, in a certain sense. what we're seeing, in fact, is that he's jeopardizing even his re election in the united states later this year, based on the fact that this, this policy so huge the unpopular and there's, as you said, no real political gains to be made. and of course, it is neck by day. we've been marketing it here a at alpha 0 earlier during the war and the 1st few months of the war. the is really agriculture minister said that this has been asked about because of 2023. what's happening over in gaza to what extent is that really in line with this government's policy? well, you know, we saw it's then we've seen it just in the last couple of days. we're now there is really minister has, has basically promised that next as well. and has kind of pledged that this is exactly what's, what's unfolding now, and including potentially the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of palestinians. let's not forget that 70 percent of the population of casa are either the direct descendants or the actual survivors of the neck by themselves. right?
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so this is a place that was created and constructed out of the atrocities of 1948 in part to house, all of the people who were becoming a homeless overnight to as a result of the original crimes of the neck. but also the, that's your atrocities that we're seeing now is the result of 76 years of total. impunity. and so i think the scale of, of the violence that's been perpetrated against palestinians. and these last 7 months is certainly a result of the fact that there's never really been any accounting for any of the displacement, any of the ethnic cleansing, that's occurrence of the many, many massacres over decades. do you think that the is really, is, are worried at all over how much support palestinians have worldwide as a result of what's being described right now as the 2nd? well, certainly, i think this is unprecedented era in terms of the global awareness, right? that the neck by which it, at a certain point was actually be actively denied, not just by of is really leadership, but even by many states and countries around the world. but now is getting slower
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recognition. i think it was significant that even edits i c j. case. the government of south africa actually began by discussing the historical crimes against palestinians to put into context what's currently unfolding. and i think now we're seeing mass support with millions upon millions of people, not just across the world, but even in, in centers of the global north. we're beginning to kind of speak in terms of a, a broader a reckoning with historical crimes that have been suffered. and as a result, i think the reaction coming out of these really camp has been more or less to search for increasing violence as a result. knowing that in some ways it floss the argument and no longer has the same kinds of claims that it's been making historically. okay, i've done that already on. thank you so much. i the still ahead on alta 0, russian forces claim further advances in the car, key region as the us sector, a state antony blinking visits the country, the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of scouts and people has to be displaced. i think 2 times frank assessments, this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages october 2nd return. and i want to start inside story on al jazeera, the,
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on counting the cost, israel's installation defends as tech, a whole trade for the nation to $1.00 of the economic costs of buying on palestinian watkins. and as well as pending laborers, livelihoods, and can popular new weight loss trucks, we shape the industry counting the cost. on alex's era, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, the top stories on al jazeera, this, our 76 seconds of the sounds of sirens rained out across the occupied west bank marking each year since the next above, known as the catastrophe. it's worth more than 750000 palestinians were forcibly evicted from their phones in palestine on this policy and they occupied westbank
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mark today is room is when expanding its military operation across tasa showing in this a bad the a refugee comes in northern garza the united states is the sent israel, a new shipment of weapons worth more than a $1000000000.00 if it's approved by congress. it comes after president joe biden delayed a shipment of bonds earlier this month, over concerns about the rising civilian industrial in garza. so the us secretary state antony blinking is continuing his diplomatic mission in ukraine. he's addressing a joint press conference right now with the ukranian for administer ends on choose . day he met president, followed him as a lensky and confirmed installments of a new us weapons package has begun arriving in the country. congress recently
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passed $61000000000.00 for military aid. meanwhile, russian forces have suddenly advanced into the car key regions during recent days. on may the 10 moscow side, its forces had seized the ukrainian village near the west of the border. by may, the 13th, more forces had advanced across the border in the east. on the 14th russian troops made further incursions along over the border to the west. on the same day, they also launched in advance to the east of that position. john humans been tracking the evacuation efforts in parking and there's been about 8000 faithful sides of hot, safely from north east of north of hockey. no faced in ukraine where russian forces came across and this offensive that started on friday. so a lot of them have been processed through this sense of as a limited space for people to sleep. um, but most people are going on from here to stay with friends, relatives,
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whoever will type them in. you can see that being given a sort of a meal from volunteers here before they go on says water. there's a lot of different organizations and g o. well, food program, the red cross at lots of different organizations here trying to help out. and you can see behind us as well that some boxes. and a lot of these, we've been talking to people and they contain belongings or things that they've been given us like on the way through just talking to an elderly couple. nicole, i see 72 and his wife there, he's 64, and they had to flee from the tons. that's the biggest settlement and not go to a region. and they said, we knew we had to go in the house just started jumping up and down basically because of the explosions. they would have been some of the last people until a boss. and if they lived there with their lives, and they had done an awesome as well, what they had and where they were going to, what are the clothes that i had with just in
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a couple books. it's about the size of one of the ones you have here. so that's a life basically bump dude up into that. nato says georgia is heading in the wrong direction and the european union is urging the government to withdraw a bill known as the foreign agents law. so the says that with negatively impact the countries progress towards joining the block. the new legislation was passed despite weeks of major protests. to meet through most of the 10 co reports in the capital, typically see it was a battle they had little of, of when the demonstrators gathered up upon demand for the final vote on the so called for an agents bill, police push them back from the entering students
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from colleges and universities skipped classes to be here. you have these hello is accepted we. we can't even use the certification. so why, why the hell we need it because of the election that's had all of the very close. i see the things that without these kinds of measures, so it isn't possible for them to read and the remaining power while protest is john said outside the ruling, georgia, dream poverty was always likely to wind about as with the allies, they have more than half the seats in pond the marks they said the bill was important, full transparency of n g goes and the media. now all those groups and companies receiving 20 percent on more of their funding from abroad. we'll have to register as agents of 4 and into it. after several fights among and peas, the law was passed. anger built up outside as the results were now. for fee on both of the parliament protest is reading out the names of the m
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p. 's who voted for the law process of uh, who have been standing here all day. well, quite angry, obviously have the result of this, the boat and they, uh, came out here in front of the front of the building. they will gather at the back and most of the day. and then they started buzzing through the battery periods which were locating the front gate off solomons until a riot police broke through those guys. they wrapped up those closest to the gates, threatening things to you guys and cleared the st in, in our method within an hour crowds with back with them europe and politicians. that's despite the you wanting to lose adoption food and george's ambitions to join the book. and the united states also announced that could be consequences. the
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us has about $390000000.00 in assistance. all that has to be under review. if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a party. as night fell, protest estate, determined to keep coming back to meet them at the danco alger 0 spinning. see, well members of francis of parliament have passed a bill to give more people the right to vote in new caledonia. the pacific island chain is a french territory, and there has been violent protest against the constitutional amendments by pro independence groups. wayne, hey, reports from new zealand. the fires continued to boone across the new caledonian capital new, ma'am. the us and a text came and made pro, chased by a pro independence group, fighting against a move it believes is designed to marginalize its voice. clearly, things often keep one more account. can we hope that the state listens to us,
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that they realize that we do not agree with this? we do not agree with that. little on tuesday, the french parliament to ignore those calls, adopting a constitutional reform bill that would allow french residents who have lived in new caledonia for 10 years to vote and provincial elections. it still needs to be ratified in congress, but the indigenous cannot believe the change will dilute the vote. and the push for independence. the government says it wants to solve the crisis through face to face . torques is obviously, i'm inviting. you call it don't use a political lead, is to take front is out stretch time and come to paris, the discussions in the coming weeks. the important thing is dialogue. the important thing is reconciliations. the important thing is to build the common political and global solution. 3 referendums have been held since 1998. all of them chose to remain a french territory. but the independence movement boy called with the last one in 2021. as the violence continues,
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francis sent in more security personnel to try to bring the situation under control . but history would suggest that even if they do, it won't be the last we see of those who want new caledonia to be free of french control. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand for testers, are rallying in front of several prisons in france and solidarity with the families of 2 prison guards killed on tuesday. so dozens of prison employees gathered in the main court cards off a few prisons where the victims were based. gunman killed the guards and injured 3 others during an ambush on a prison convoy. and how much i'm wrong, escaped during that incident. and a nationwide hunt for him has now entered its 2nd day to you can read more about that story as well as the days other top stories by heading
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to our website. it's all just the result from the weather is next and inside story we'll examine the rise of the far right in europe ahead of june's parliamentary elections by the the that there's some heavy rain recently that just caught the edge of home shooting, but just catch hogs you again, but just have a look at this thing is a code from the commendable guy earlier. it has been running across china, giving some re where it meets the warmer waters. it starts to split up into a proper storm system which will get when the wet weather, i think to 100 you might just catch our car there as well. but it's left behind after wet day, a dry looking picture in the korean peninsula. and mostly china is not dry, it is admittedly light to be fairly within united that's being will bring cheryl from stones into one grungy, which is still probably went on to foot,
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was much dr. picks and that light and is warmer to beijing is 34 as above where it should be the average about 27 buffer records. but it is a warm smell for the next 3 or 4 days. still halting some parts of india but was probably more nights for boost, a heavy rain recently install that. okay. and then the full cost in time will not are not running out through the southern deck in plastic. so we've gone from hot dry to shumate and current shower and somebody sends homes have proved to be pretty pipe. yep. and boom by so it could be anywhere. so i said it's still how the way you haven't gotten that cloud coming year. so from good you're at north was up to new delhi, 43 here to buff know by 3 degrees, and unfortunately unhealthy equity of the 2 other spinning cousins smuggling
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undocumented workers across from the occupied west barn to his range. witness that incredible story from over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to a predicted shop, a right turn from italy to france, germany and the netherlands, the right wing and far right parties have made significant gains across europe. had of jews parliamentary elections, so what's at stake and what are the consequences for the continent and the wells. this is inside story, the


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