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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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of this business uptake the restaurant. no bundle dash before he is the the . ready the . ready ringback the
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. ringback the . ready ready ready the . ready the . ready the so hello,
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i'm so rob and then you are watching the i'll just say it renews our line from the hall. you'd be listening to 76 seconds of the sound of sirens across the occupied west spike marking 76 years since the neck or catastrophe. its way more than 750000 palestinians. many of them were forcibly evicted from the homes today by suffering and even greater catastrophe with mold and 35000 men and women and children killed by israel's war. on garza sort of hybrid begins on coverage. the last good by case on the cheek of a child's. now, life left the, the home of the bush find many was destroyed, find his radio strike, killing, find system. this is what generational trauma looks night is
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relatives of different ages. java in shock. they cool out heavy, the arabic, my love. last moment together, the full various the garage trim is in. oh boy i as in the sense of the goal is a strip. it's a refugee camp created in 1949 during the knock by one of the aides that still exist today, including hon. unison dated by lockwood. thousands of people have been killed in the last few days. also in moore's ready bombardment, installed to doctors, tents to house palestinians falls from their homes by design is forced is across historic palestine. some ended up in garza and on now complete the trunk. i'm not, well there was a lot of our lives through the not gone just one. we would display several times and try to send you an exile. in 2014,
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we were displaced in 2008. we were display. so now i'm 2022 and the display was a child in 1967 as well. this is circumstances were very difficult almost as he said to the grandchildren who should mostly be at school right now. instead they've been moving from one place to another, trying to shelter from israel's devastating bombardment that started in october last year. absolutely nothing, nothing nothing. there's no catastrophe. worse than this one. i've been here for 8 years and nothing compares to this. no house, neighbor, donkey or human being is less than this life. everything is gone. these children already trots in. a cycle of violence is israel's rule goes on, barely hear you from the ground parents. the last isn't ok, but generation about some life free from occupation. a distant dreams of policy, minions now or permanent refugees in their own homeland. sort of height of
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algae 0. so obvious, standing by for us in ramallah in the occupied westbank. but 1st let's go to target capitalism in there. about in central garza with the book show that the last 7 months. tyrique, i suppose today is about events briefly to reflect well, so 7 see 6 years ago palestinian family as we seem to have lost our exam. obviously, communications company like this project that under the circumstances we'll try and get back to him in a little while that's close eva. designed to solve your correspondence. he's joining us from ramallah in the occupied westbank zane. i was just saying, you know, a chance certainly for people because the strip to reflect on what's happened in the last 70 is, i'm sure that's a sort of mood where you are as well. that's
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right. is the sirens begin to go? everyone's still silence and raised fingers. everyone in the crowd started for raise their hands. uh in the air. a very clear sign does. it can only be decent victory. and it's the only victim of rent. that is really what people are trying to signal. it is a festival, but this is a somber, this march. the moment that the dispossession of the palestinians truly began in earnest displacements of so many violence perpetrated by a country whose birth israel's verse was based on the violence being perpetrated against these people. how listings that experience massacres, mass rate, that property be forced out of their legs. and the parallels to what happened in 1948. and what is happening now are on mistake of the policy and say, the main difference now is the level of violence, the escalation,
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the genocide that they say is happening in gaza. the intensification of the military occupation, the specialist settlements, the military raising the west bank. they've never seen it has that as it is now, and it still continues to be what is real, does with the near impunity on the international stage. and on the ground here in the occupied territories. how difficult is it for people by then to actually you might say, look towards the future because the future is so very unset right now. as well . the one reoccurring thing, whenever you think your house to me and is the same, they are hopeful, even facing insurmountable. they are very attuned to what the reality is. things are not looking good in the short term. they are expecting the circumstances, the worse, and the one thing that keeps saying is they feel incredibly, i say, 76 years ago. the not about was an error of tragedy. it was an error. this error, i mean to some extent is more involved in resisting the wars which is real. but now
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they say there's normalization between israel in terms like you do. a shelby radio continues to keep normalization. the best rule on the table, despite the war in gaza, egypt coordinator these middle one security, with regards to the border and gaza and jordan action laws fighters to help is real combat tv, ronnie, and air strikes last month, even troubleshooting president obama said that is really security was his duty was a college student, judy, something that people here certainly cannot stomach. so the one thing that we didn't use with care of neighbors in the region with the broader international communities on quenching support for it is real. they feel isolated and on their own, and they know that their struggles are only going to get more difficult for say, but some of you that's always in ramallah. thank you. and so those images of tell us to these gathering for the anniversary of and that costs 76 years ago. let's crossover back to, to recover zoom, who's and data by law in
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a central garza split. we lost communication with you before. luckily we've got you back again, patrick and as i was saying, a chance really to reflect and remember the events of what happened 76 years ago and how it seems to be repeated right now. so that's exactly. so how 76 years ago, a palestinian families were forced to leave from the towns and villages homes of the attacks of the east valley militias and gardens on now palestinians in 2024. where the thing i repeat of the painful history i'm the, the is very concerning the military campaign that was launched in october, the 7th, not people who as we have been speaking to them. so he'll be happy and confirming. that's what palestinians have been witnessing during the last uh 7 months could not be even compact to what, oh and sisters being experiencing in 1948 does. they have been describing the
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situation here to be moved dangerous, a moot threat to cool and in light of the, of the ongoing military attacks, which made palestinians completely feeling desperate as they have been forced to leave the houses that towns and right now when things up with living and make shift tents. that luck all kinds of basic supplies on with a very deep shortage of old basic mississippi's including series which i'm with sitting out, any kind of pain getting into the territories. within the past couple of days, people say that the we have been a target to, with sophisticated with an arsenal in the world that completely is showing off with the principles of justice and peace alongside with human rights. palestinians are being killed and on a daily basis as more than 35 pounds of the house, then you speak. you says out of brick of this well, of the school on the church. we, as people here said that we most of our trust with international community as
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there's new, any calling defense for this up to our city in the 1st day of a few to the cold, suddenly back to the hearing now as well to have it because we know that it's right, the full series of pushing into gaza on various friends, that meeting face resistance. just bring us up to speed on what we know about these most recent of clashes. the, the way more video is imagine sucks from palestinian troops showing how difficult the vessels that are ongoing of the north of that regardless of stripping jamalia refuge account military. think of how much just a couple of minutes ago have announce service possibilities for carrying out a complex military operation in which they managed to attack these very build those that military time kind of house that they use the military. we're taking a, it's as a cover at the same time, they have been confirming that at least 12 is very so just what killed induct operation has to stop being described to be completely violent. despite the fact
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that these, where the military had operated him, devalue refuge account before in the initial days of military, encouraging for the another cost of the gaza stripe by swimming. but also in the south. new attacks be launched by the palestinian fighters in order to force the is what he meant to bring your troops to where they drove from the eastern portion of the city includes english, nina, and salon neighborhood where the have the military and how much also has a now it's the responsibility for small it being a disparity. so alongside with new attacks being carried out from the east valley side. regarding the residential buildings de, depends on using excess of fire power on the ground just to eliminate the old potential threats could be imposed by palestinian groups. but yet, the capital destruction being, of course, from the ongoing military attacks from the city, the us casualties continue to a really to of to way to hospital in a rough well, which had before. so one from the east,
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very military. typically i'm to no longer remain in roughly because they might be 5 expansion of the fighting to reach to the middle. areas of that very desperate populated area will continue to monitor events with you uh, throughout the day time it covers the net force in there about in central gaza, of the for $75.00. yes. do you and relief and work saying, just evolve, published, and you recognize as being a life line for millions of palestinians living. and exxon became synonymous with the right to return. but in recent months over, well, i think facing an unprecedented funding crisis. my name is international data suspended funding of to is well a large sum of its workers were involved in the october 7th attacked by him. us. those occupations have still not been verified. nearly all of gauze relies on the agencies, the basic necessities. it's also active outside of the strip, working in the occupied westbank, unoccupied, east jerusalem as well as syria lab and on jordan underway was created by the un general assembly of 1949. the after the catastrophe,
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israel has argued the agency perpetuates the issue of palestinian refugees by allowing them to transfer the refugee status across generations. israel has refused to accept the right over to sunrise, as the director of planning at the united nations agency full pallets and the refugees. he's in rough on joys. it's not like good to have you with this, mr. raise on the program. i'll see your in ross of the how do you plan for you might see the policies and goals and even the west bank to a certain extent. with an okey pie that will give you full access to those your trying to help a yes, i'm still having the let's actually on this not the day which causes others instead is it's final thoughts. i some the reflection is it gets actually difficult right now. it's all right and goes, i don't know what a spine given the the restrictions are that we face on our operation was incredibly difficult times. we've seen the incidents and easters let massages that have been
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a facts of loss in the west finally said, finds, he says he has an active life in colorado as well. but in full sized couple by when we're kind of run out of this, i'm going on the bottom and send you a previous correspondence. thoughts about the sound of sirens to commemorate the but not by today or we haven't the dollars or off a 60 is and it comes to the buzzing of drones as overhead as people remember. but they also have continued to live in pharaohs of that liars and some of this much more on the media on, on the, on the era. now it's actually around hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people are backing up on or on. but yeah, let's talk about the here right now, because i mean, you and official after you and officials, the morning of the timing is being conserved in certain areas. i believe up because the strip and doctors are told to say, well, i'll just say about that. some cases i don't, some children have died all the time in related calls this. i mean, how is this subject being dealt with in terms of preparation as to when you can get
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extra age into goals? because at the moment you college and people are dying the best, right? i mean we have have some successes in recent days in bringing in to northern gossip, which is why the situation was most at hughes. but we are completely able to seeing that we can see not games for this completely and southern guns which was already facing the situation of catastrophic food and security in terms of numbers. and so i was at the pace of decline of the situation that asking carlos anywhere in my, my history and the situation became much more difficult where the, uh, the, the onset of, of the, the occupation interact about a week and a half ago. and there are really 2 main reasons for that. one is that the shifting of the main pressing point, it becomes increasingly out the difficult,
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almost impossible to bring in a, in some impossible and volumes we were seeing before the operation of the scale. it would fly and the frequency required, but the 2nd element of this is the food aid alone will not stave off simon simon. release, access require was. are they written via some signage? are you shipping from infrastructure, health care, etc. we have a 1000000 people on the move in, in rockford, is simply impossible to provide those services to people in these conditions. the notion of the miss rose just very briefly. it's a really good time. it to a certain extent, because when you talk about the a, the aide is being halted in store, sees and attacked as it nears those calls across things. by his way, the protest is always waiting settlers. so i want to from your perspective, how do you protest to the is radio forward to use about this? and is anyone listening the we've addressed the highest levels as they,
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the united nations. we also have full on demand of the status of the united nations to use that interest and the advocacy and that alone being said. and so they, so yes, we do everything that we can. but unfortunately, right now we have yet to see those f, as you know, we have very, very nice ones. either this is increasingly urgent situation, unless we do something about that in the coming days and already desperate situations, how us will leave with us. and i really appreciate you joining us. we know that it's difficult to have that connection to wrap up with you right now. so summarize from the united nations agency, full palestinian refugees, thank you for joining us. so the us is that to send as well. i knew weapons package worth a $1000000000.00 if it's approved by congress. it comes up to preston. dr. barton delayed a shipment a thumbs out of this month. if it concerns about the rising civilian death. told him, garza, i'm the silly cuz the latest the bind and administration is to send
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a shipment of weapons to israel worth more than $1000000000.00 the 1st to the country since us president joe biden put a consignment of 3500 bombs like these on hold that was halted due to the high number of civilian casualties in israel's war on dogs and fears. it would launch a ground offensive and drop off. civilians have been killed in gaza. consequences of those bombs and other ways in which they go after populations are made it clear that if they go into rough or they haven't gone, and ralph is yet to go on or off, or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to do with profit, but the us move drew for years, criticism from israel, who has a game. we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. i have said that if necessary,
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we will fight without thinking dials. the new shipment will be comprised of tank ammunition, tactical vehicles and mortar rounds. but there's still no indication of when the weapons would be sent. congress still needs to vote on the measure, but it's likely to pass in the republican controlled house. the united states has voted privately and publicly voice. it's opposition to israel, expanding its military actions in delphi. as more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge in the southern most city in gainesville. but this latest weapon shipment will be used against palestinians. and israel's war on gonzo hands of central jersey to the
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present level. that cool has called an emergency meeting following rising and protests that are left to people that in new caledonia, the civil unrest in the funds territory was treated by controversial changes due to the may to its voting system. they with a lot of freedom citizens who have lived in the territory for more than 10 years to those in local elections. but the leaders of the indigenous population known as the catholic people say that maybe we can, that representation will speaking to a national radio station, the interior minister defended the decision was well, good, it's regrettable visit not parliamentary debates from some about and other parties didn't say a word about law enforcement, they were only in showing the new caledonia democratic folks is respected. they've voted 3 times to remain french. and to respect the parliament to vote, we need to understand what we're doing here. this is so that somebody is bone and you kind of don't have to. caledonian parents can vote in local elections. it's not
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revolutionary. is after butler joins us from the french capital power. so good morning, natasha. what reaction has that being ready from the french government besides one that we've just had from now? you know, we fired from the french presence of mind and my call certainly calling for calm and condemning the violence in the, in rest. it's been seen in new caledonia is the last couple of nights, the french and terry minister. you heard that i will say, backing this constitutional reform. we also heard from the interior administer a little bit more about the situation on the ground during these protests that have wrapped it across the island to a cause and buildings have been told, she said a 130 people have been arrested short 5 by some very nice offices and we know that at least 2 people has been killed. the circumstances of that that's we don't i much more about and that's the last little paints a picture or
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a certain amount of calles intention in new kind of data. and that is something that the french government certainly do not want to see. they want to try and quilt on the rest. and that is why the french presence is conceding to meeting with ministers a special defense. i'm in a meeting to try and look at ways to break the situation, break the violence, and find a way out of this impulse. if there's no doubt that we see these kind of situations in new caledonia before this kind of unrest, spring up the way it's a place where there is a feeling of from some positive population. that particular department dependents movement that they feel like. so i can call citizens that they feel that like that just simply not being heard by the french government here on the mainland to actually have you might say that it's going to be seen and experienced what's going on. so many thousands of miles away will alarm them because it's not the only french calling me in, in the region. and indeed, you know, one that is not becoming more or more vocal as you've said, of the way something we certainly see. not
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a new caledonia, but all the french overseas territory. as i touched upon before this feeling amongst the people to live in some of these places the indigenous population, you call it a need to kind of come in and see. for example, feel that they're not treated in the same way as the account's parts or may not faults, even though they all french citizens. they live in phones. and they feel often that the system simply doesn't respond to understands they understand the needs. and what has happened best time to trigger this violence and you kind of don't, is what the french government is trying to push through and reform it suddenly being pushed 3 by a piece here at the national assembly. and that reform would expand the vote in new caledonia and local elections to include all french citizens who have lived in new caledonia in the last 10 years. now that wasn't the case before what the indigenous kind of community saying,
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and you kind of dania is that he's going to dine loot that voice that is going to dilute the share if you like. being able to take part in their representation in new colors or any of that concerned about that. they say it's another example of the french government trying to marginalize them. and that is why we've seen these recent protests, flat rock, but it's not being the 1st time that we've seen communities like this in french overseas territories. protest or raise their voice and say that they don't feel that they are seen by the french government or treated in the same way. it's actually the force empower thanks very much for the updates. will staying in funds, protest is all running in front of several prisons in from since all of our t with the families of to present jobs killed on choose day, thousands of prison employees gathered in the main co yonce of prisons, the rewan bordeaux. and kinda where the victims were based. gunman killed the goals that injured 3 of those drug and ambush on the prism coming. boy, my med amada, escaped during the incident today from what hunts the him. cont, news into
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a 2nd day. still as hey, on the out of the news. uh why nato is wanting to do its heading in the wrong direction. and nigeria awaits his latest infections. that goes as it pulls deeper into hunger, poverty and malnutrition. the 2 of us didn't even customs with their families smuggling undocumented workers across the next festive, occupied westberg to witness their incredible stories from over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to the
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the book about 2 hours that we use uh with visa, whole rom, and in the hall, remind to of all top new stories wednesday mark $76.00. yeah. since the founding of this riley wont palestinians cold. the not club for the catastrophe folded 750000 were forcibly evicted from the homes. 5 zine is full, sits. now palestinians are facing a new catastrophe. is there any forces or pushing the point to causes north and south? some of the most intense fighting weeks is raging, is false mold in 450000 palestinians to flee from the south in just over a week. the united states has to send this way, like new shipments of weapons with mold and a $1000000000.00. if it's approved by congress that comes up to present j 5 and delayed a shipment of problems earlier this month. i have a concerns about the rising civilian death toll in garza.
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the oh yes actually it stays on. c. blanket is continuing his diplomatic mission in ukraine. payment present the automated selected skilled cheese di, unconfirmed installments of a new us weapon system. unpackaged them together, arriving in the country. congress recently passed $61000000000.00 worth of military ed for the country. now, russian, a tax on ukraine's coffee region are intensifying in the latest. a 20 story building in the city center was had at least 20 people interest, but no tests have been reported to hold as our correspondent force enjoys us now live in hockey. jones, you owe us a sense, i believe, for displaced people who fled from those both the villages mean was it like what you are, what they saying to you of the that has been about 8000
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faithful. sorry. that of hot, chiefly from north east of north of hawk cave, no faced in ukraine where russian forces came across and this offensive that started on friday. so a lot of them have been processed through this sense. so there's a limited space for people to sleep. um, but most people are going on from here to stay with friends, relatives, whoever will type them in. you can see that being given a sort of a meal from volunteers here before they go on says water. there's a lot of different organizations, n g r as well through program, the red cross, a, lots of different organizations here trying to help out. and you can see behind us as well that some boxes. and a lot of these, we've been talking to people and they contain belongings or things that they've been given us like on the way through just talking to an elderly couple. nicole, i see 72 and his watch era, he 64 and they had to flee from the tons. that's the biggest settlement and not go
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to the region. and they said, we knew we had to go when the house just started jumping up and down basically because of the explosions. they would have been some of the last people until a boss. and if they lived there with their lives, and they had done an awesome as well, what they had and where they would go into who did the clothes i had with just in a couple books. it's about the size of one of the ones you have here. so it's a life basically bump dude up into that. an awesome where they would go and they said wherever they could do and how to keep. and then they were hoping at some point to get back both chimes at the moment. ukraine said it says russian troops on the outskirts main street flights going on in it, but they all still managing to hang onto it. they've said that they've tried to stabilize that russian bonds into the northeast of the country. so they'll have to say if they can push back or no or as russia managers to keep hold of that
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territory and continue advancing townhome and that for us and car keys in ukraine. thanks very much. pull that up. thanks. russian bulls is that suddenly advanced into the khaki beach enjoying recent days. on may, the 10 most go said it's full, said caesar, ukrainian village, the west of the border. by may, the 13 small forces advanced across the border in the east. on the 14th russian troops may further incursions along the border to the west, and on the same day, they also launch in advance to the east of that position. unit shop of oliver can join us now live from moscow. it's good to have you with us. uh, usually a rush also really ready for the account for the tech from ukraine. well as being hate and why exactly. uh, the russian ministry of defense has confirmed that crime meal was at times by 10 american top comes missiles, russian ad defense fools as shocked on several of those missiles over the block c
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and also explosions in the area of the bell back as failed was russian infrastructure and to other districts of crimea have been reported, and according to centralized images, i find broke house of the at field in bel back at the runway and cropped parking areas. now, injuries were full for that. and in a different case, the russian boarder regence of battle gold, brianne skinned corps corps, a talked buying ukrainian trains, and even targets as far as in tom sauce. don whitehead, and it is interesting. but we see reports that vitale bonds delegation heading to the form of russia is lumnick wild and be tough capital cuz on wasn't able to fly to come out on time due to the drug attacks that have to stay most for longer. but as long as the ad photos, cuz on temporarily suspended, it was the time about it, which was bonds in russian by the way, it's still maintains contacts of rational sorts. he's a while of foreign ministry spokeswoman. maria is
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a har. why has said that these continue, that's hot and spine ukraine on civilians in rushes, boat regions in the rushes battle gold region in particular, which borders ukraine, a word demonstration of the criminality of kids and the western powers behind it. and she threatens kids with punishment, and also in a different case to grow as a tax appeal. power and russian southern russ stole region to explosions, took place that, but no font has been reported. so since the beginning of 2024, ukraine has repeatedly touched russia's fuel and energy facilities. and almost all major fundraising. the your pin part of russia have been huge. you little shop of oliver with an update that for some most good. thank you. know you to it says george was high being in the wrong direction. the european union is doing the government with doraville known as the forward agent. so the uses, it would negatively impact the countries probably, westwood joining the blog. the new legislation was passed despite weeks of major
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protests to be treatment. we think it has been covering the protest. enjoy this now from the georgia and capital tbilisi. it does seem that the was now waiting and all these demonstrations a morning, george and also our to use that that could be long term consequences for that new laws. yes, but they are reiterating, previous warnings. we've heard from you officials that adult thing. this law would negatively impact george's bid to join the european union before. and now basically, we pod from says that burrell who's the foreign policy chief, saying that this is a negative impacts. we've heard from the nato spokes person. she says it's a step of the wrong direction, step away from european and euro, atlantic integration. she's also called for the powers that be in georgia to respect the rights for a peaceful protests. and protests have been mostly peaceful last night yesterday
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when the law was voted in. except for one incident, one released the 1000 and cleared the st. very quickly. some people ended up in the hospital. there were threats of tear gas. it was a bit of pepper spray and the we will experience that here with the team in lisa. this is the report that we provide. it was a battle they had little of, of when the demonstrators gathered up upon demand for the final vote on the so called for an agents bill, police push them back from the entering students from colleges and universities skipped classes to be here. you have these hello is accepted we, we can't even use this education. so why, why the hell we need it because of the elections that had all of the very close. i
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see the things that without these kinds of measures. so it is impossible for them to read and remain in power while protest, as john said outside the ruling, georgia, dream policy was always likely to wind about as with the allies, they have of more than half the seats and pond boxes. and they said the bill was important for transparency of n g goes and the media. now all those groups and companies receiving 20 percent on more of their funding from abroad, we'll have to register as agents of 4 and into it. after several fights among and peas, the law was passed. anger built up outside as the results were now, receipt to you on both of the parliament protest is reading out the names of the m p 's who voted for the law process of uh, who have been standing here all day. 2 quite angry, obviously have the result of this, the boat and they, uh,
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came out here in front of the front of the building. they will gather at the back and most of the day. and then they started buzzing through the barricades, which were locating the front gate off solomon until a riot police broke through those guys. they roughed up those closest to the gates, threatened things to a guess and cleared the street in minutes. within an hour, crowds went back with them. europe and politicians. that's despite the you wanting to lose adoption, put, and george's ambitions to join the block to. and the united states also announced that could be consequences. the us has about $390000000.00 in assistance. all that has to be under review. if we are now regarded as an adversary
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and not a part. as night fell, protest estate determined to keep coming back to meet him at didn't go out to 0 spinning. see why jerry is due to an easy it's inflation that goes to april $3060.00, to show a 40 percent rise in food prices. africa's most populous nation has suffered violent and rest of the food price increases in recent months, including a tax on grain warehouses and the address of pulls from legals. trading advocate to food market has taken a hit. like many other markets across nigeria, few customers come to buy these days when they do the amount they purchase, it's significantly lower than before. we use the formulas a day. oh, i know it's hard to be twice a day as food has become so expensive. in march and april for the inflation ro, street the highest level in nearly 3 decades at the look across the team under intense pressure. but neither depreciated by 280 percent. the loss of the
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local currency has value, has met for stuff more expensive for not getting by the countries. neighbors have seized the opportunity to re look and market why they can buy grains fortune. this has prompted government to intervene. security personnel top rated way. how is this across the country? traders are suspected to be holding food items, something we should say, to help ease prices. we will not allow anybody to one don't mind the google decision. i'm gonna say the high cost of seats for the laser, and i would go to the missionary, also responsible for low production and higher prices in security cost by criminal gangs. and also book on the northern region has also driven many people from their homes and problems due to us government says it's military operations is now turning the tide. a lot of communities of getting back to their lives
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is a very impressive program of what a timing issue, jews, and those who have no end escape, but to down domains. the government is also coming down to what fiscal illegal unregulated crypt trade and congress has picked the latest. but not everyone agrees with its purpose. and some analyst you are subsidizing corporate culture and ending insecurity would be the best way to address foot shortages and inflation. africa's most populous country degrees. obviously the lagos nigeria, but at least 13 people that 18 others injured on for best role for bands. this road, and se them through both ortiz, on the same, say, 40 people in the truck when the accident happened. bad weather conditions of hampton recovery efforts of the remaining bodies on the scene not peruse. traffic department says that such accidents all frequent you to drive is going to fast. i'm pulling maintained roads to donald trump's full. malloy. michael cohen has been
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back in cold, giving evidence in the full met us presidents hush for the trial co until the cold . the trump voted him to pay adult film star act was stormy daniels, more than $100000.00. he says it was that exchange the silence on the alleged sexual encounter with the former president. trump is the keys of falsifying business records to cover up that payment. he denies all the charges christa to lead me has moved from new york. well, 2 days on the sand, from michael cohen, 2 days of testimony today started with the prosecution, getting into the details of the case, attempting to show that not only to donald trump know about the payments made to an adult film star to buy her silence about an alleged affair, trump knew that michael cohen was being reimbursed for those states those payments and improperly documenting them as legal fees. cohen testified that trump had ordered him to quote, take care of it when stormy daniels,
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that address threatened to come forward with the story of the alleged affair. and that he was also told by trump to talk to his chief financial officer alan white, silver, to get reimbursed for the payments that he himself made to stormy daniels in the prosecute and presented a series of emails and invoices even check signed by trump, allegedly, to reimburse cohen for those payments. the defense will continue the process in the nation of michael cohen when the trial is on thursday, and they've left open. the possibility that donald trump himself could be called to the stand, to testify as well. he was supposed enjoyed by the sharply increasing tight solid impulse from china. now the move comes months ahead. all the us selection, bite and size that will help the american businesses compete to on the low level playing field. the towers will cover electric vehicles, batteries and semi conduct doesn't apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese
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products. katrina using beijing with more on china, is respondents to the terrace. china is furious about this move. it's urging the us to receive the increase in terrace. we've had tons of ministry of homeless release, a statement saying this not only violates w t r is that this is also the button administration violating its own pledge not to suppress and contain china is developments in that statement. it says that this will seriously affect the atmosphere of biological corporation, so we can expect tensions to rise in the us and trying to at a time when they were starting to really stabilize now, according to the aging, this is really about domestic us politics and not really about substantial criticism of china is industrial policy. we've also had several st. media articles tried men with a similar message accusing us of photographs. i think the issue of the capacity in china is it can be thing really the us to simply fail to keep up when it comes to the development of these crucial industries of the future. and that this is short
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sighted in long term. this is going to damage the global green energy industry. now these to increase interest is going to apply to a range of products including steel and aluminum. this is particularly bad news for the ex causes of battery electric batteries, electric vehicles, and chinese solar panels. the chinese government has been pushing the sectors to be the new 3. be pillars of trade to replace the old 3 pillars of trade that were cheap, exclusive, clothing, furniture and home appliances or losing access to the us market. or having that access radically decrease is going to put a serious dent in those plants. beijing says it will retaliate against this move and we're just waiting see what that retaliation. katrina you, i'll to 0. they just will screen say television has released images of the to kim jones and noticing production of a new tactical weapon system. feeling young has been promoting the system,
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saying it's enables the country to be ready for any will state media. don't say how many weapons have been produced, but wesley does have a keys. knowles, career of exposing his weapon rates of countries, including around and russia. it's still a head, have all the, i'll just it renews. are a huge hold button from the biggest star in major league baseball. that's all coming up with china in school. so to stay with us, the business latest is sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the
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business like just to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the book about the type of the photo his chapter. thank. he's a how stuff on ortega was the unlikely here. right. so manchester city as they
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maintain their advantage and the race for the premier, the title, the standing go, keep i made a crucial safe against, taught them to ensure they replaced also out of itself with just one game remaining . david states for votes. the the for moment, claudio, let's put city a, throw it all the way. but thanks to his substitute, go, keep the total price is still very much in the hands or take a city needed to win that game in hand. it took them to go back top of the table and in the hall and put them on track early in the 2nd half. but then things ton twin cities, goalkeeper edison stuff with a head injury. the team don't to force them to come off, even though he didn't want to don't came. stefano tega is his replacement, and he was called upon almost straight away. as truly serves the 31 year old jim and then go into way again to block another shot for me to does
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that ski before? what could be the most defining moment of the season with 5 minutes left? the bodies jeremy dokey. them with a penalty for city, which gave holland the chance to put the game beyond that i know the doubles of the lakes top score to take is 20 to 27, but this noise belonged to his teammates the other end of the pin. last day, how is his team a team? because ortega say the actions and the ways are send the champion can be used as a wind against the town, but that is a reality mother. football in the mountains are so so, so tight. so cities still in control heading into the final round of games on
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sunday, on track to win the full straight premier league type 2 and 6 and 7 seasons that stokes out you 0. yeah. so here's how things stand off. so that result, manchester city, lead by 2 points from also and will be guaranteed to make history if they beat the west time on sunday. what also haste, edison knowing that they need to win no mass of wolf's a suit pending and was in contention to finish as loudly as top score of the 20 year old ingram. it filled a score again, so the champions as they rushed out of those 5 mills that take his tale to 19 in the late one short. as during this leda often don't break the lease with 2 games, remaining reading and also have to assist on the night to one to set up a great strikes. my city is on friday and another full can assist you now who scored twice. that is now 9 great leave when school madrid, you have already wrapped up the size of a face, presidio, and the champions. the final emptiness test. tyson ferry has lost off all exams
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that you 6 claims. he's lost weights because he's nervous about that fights on saturday. based on defeated fighters have arrived and react fold about which was suspend any of the shit when furious off a cots, the when that will be the 1st undisputed heavyweight champion since lennox lewis 24 years ago. some of those got to go when it's going to be came over there unfortunately for them as an alex on the roof exit. great flights are and then pick gold medalist cruise white. well champion heavy right well jump. good. so unfortunately i have a asked to come against the great tie some here or even if he had 20000000 people scream and he's named they come not fight for him on the night when there's too many in there on the night, it's going to be very daunted when he's got the undertaker and the ring with him is the raining and the i champions the denver nuggets are closing in on a place in the western conference, finals the full day and 5 with the ministry. so symbols, technically, all fits was presented with the leaves most valuable,
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flat rewards for the 1st time in full seasons. at the set of races, by top scoring with full 2 points, lead the nuggets, the 2 a 11297 with then announced 3 to us and will fill the series with one more sick. trey and your next. all one went away from this last trip to the eastern conference finals in 24 years. jaylen roberts installed with 40 full points the 5th time in this price season, and he scored at least $40.00 points of the most sensitive on james managed to achieve the seats in 8 games in 2018. the next re bounded from a heavy awesome game full to be the indiana pacers, $121.00 to $91.00 game 5. the 2nd the see did next. and when the series on friday, as i mentioned up on james that his son brought a is close to achieving his goals, finally, and be a nearly a year to going into cardiac arrest is during a walk out. you have surgery after that to treat a congenital heart dfcs. the 19 year old is now taking part in the league dropped
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combine this week. i taught college class have an opportunity to showcase the skills i had of next months. and the i dropped in new york, everything that's in the phones, my dad and people just trying to, you know, like me, with that and all the, all the greatness that he, that to you like i haven't done a so i feel like that needs to be the divide, ron, in the biggest name and women's basketball right now. kaitlin clock says that she was disappointed with w and b. i gave you the clock is the old time leading score, and men's and women's college bosco was chosen as number one, pick safe lives were on her. she took to the court, the indiana fever in front of a set out crowds. she was the top sports. so the feedback was a 20 points, but also i committed a 10 ton is the most and it w and da da b as to see if it would be seen by the connecticut sun. 92 points to 72157. and i'm
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disappointed and nobody likes to lose like that's how it is, but i don't think you can beat yourself up too much about, you know, one game. and i think i don't think that's going to help this team. i don't think if you know, no matter who it is on his team, nobody can do that. was how they played and just learned from it and move on, while the boston burns off hanging on and the n h l. playoffs. 31 down against the sort of pump says they needed to win game 5, and they did just, that's totally my complaint with the winning don't. and i see one victory which keeps it going to gain 6, which is in boston. on friday the edmonton oilers have squared things up in this series ago. so let me see if it's not they secured a 3. so i went in k for which makes it to, to heading into the next table because they remember, it is the 1st floor to in natural. she'll get the tennis and defending champion donald method would have has be knocks out of the autonomy of nathan. the russian 2nd said was beaten by american. tell me poland straight says 6461 to reach the cost of finals is the 1st time the full scope is fine,
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and mazda is 1012 minutes on clay will now face the person's table, who catch elsewhere sees alex sound. this is our went 3 to 5 tyler france golf is made into the semi finals of the women's role. she beat china is a king when jen in straight sets the rock up. how fast the top 10, what is the season in the 70s? this 1030 to stacy was number one. you this film taxi leads that has the had 91 tiger woods is not counting himself out, wouldn't this week us p j championship despises missing his game isn't to shop as he'd like. the 2nd major of the season gets on the right in kentucky on thursday. what's the last play that the mazda is while he finished last out, his eyes, who made the cons? i still feel that i can, i can win golf comments. i still feel i can hit the shots and so feel like i have my hands around the greens i can put i just need to do it for all 4 days. not like i did. i got so for all it to my body's okay, you know it,
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it is what it is. i wish my game was a little bit sharper. i don't have a lot of competitive reps so having to rely on my practice sessions and getting stuff done either at home or here on, on site. i taught, i forgot to remains the mounds of cats and the gerry to tell you at 2 minutes for his head and the general classification on stage 10 was one by frenchman. and on top part time job, it's his 1st professional victory and emulates his older brother, right. and you want to stage on last is to right. and we'll finish with a c h. i run by facebook biggest star show head connie, this one coming in the adult as n c, when ever the san francisco giants is his 12th of the season. and once a 136 meters, which is the longest time at san francisco. ok, talk in the sea. yes. that is what you'll support for me for now, but i will have another update later to see like if you have a thank you. and so when say it's a public holiday insightsquared to mark,
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but as best as the lead up to the annual event includes a controversial teacher who's attracting a growing following. mcbride explains he goes by this stage named d, j. new jeans, new and performing, and their traditional buddhist monks outfit certainly gets use on ho noticed. the modern dance music he plays, provides the packing lyrics that spread the traditional buddhist teachings. with a growing following in south korea, you and has won the support of the largest buddhist order here. but his reception abroad has been mixed with him all. he's just had a successful show in taiwan. he tells his host, but his subsequent visit to malaysia was criticized by some bodies there for being disrespectful. still d, jane eugene's name was the stop a full night at the annual festivities. and so the deductible does best day. it's months by an elaborate procession and display of lentils and floats with
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a difference. the meat. yeah. the focus this time was trying to connect with younger people. but uh, they have been reports that korea has the highest levels of stress among developed countries with young people, especially suffering from trauma and feeling hopeless about the future. so young people particularly struggling many of the events and attractions were aimed at spreading foot isms appeal, especially among the young. once per dominantly buddhist, the number of south korean faithful has been gradually declining over the years. with more a mobile this lead is not believing it's time for him. a cobra identity society, so dominated by k paul to electronic dance music using those dumping beats in the service of buddhism. the most people here except for mcbride, i'll just say are so you can for all the companies on the website dissolved as a don't comes updates as throughout the day, 3 navigator will have more news on the other side. all right. but until then,
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probates the whole run of the news i'd seem to have been. so thanks for your time and your company the the really nice midnight should be nice and warm but the but if this case give you a good impression of it being much. so big circulation it was to send driven low pressure. it hasn't moved away. it's also, it's fairly stormy. i t that which it shouldn't be. and then the, the founder varies. pushing ahead of it is slow moving in size, and particularly in france. so you go, when do you, whether it be interesting from whether in some of the fonts moving through the power valley of no, literally there's some snow and the time in and this without since old moving at least 30 east with a boulder, windy looking picture, particularly on wednesday doesn't improve somewhat, so it's day and friday, but it's still in the, in the high teams. and then as i say, the picture is the heaviest range is going to be the po,
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valley slovenia and possibly moving into the balkans as well. with a fair amount of wind, which means you're planning on visiting venice. wow. is going to be rather windy company sundry and quite often wet for least a couple of days. but ahead of all that it's still by some warm spring should be that will just been brought a long way know product to also by 25 degrees here. well above the average has very different wind to make you see then thing of the nice and we'll, it's still very hot in this. how old away from my times on the boulder between mauritania and send a go towards the chat, the showers, now i've gone the long way, know of into the seat. the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is the
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most important point and bushy hold unapologetic. i'm just asking awesome upfront on out the sirens sound for 76 seconds, one for every year since the neck above. when palestinians were forcibly displaced from their phone lines the an even bigger catastrophes unfolding and gaza. fierce fighting rages on from the north to the south of the district. and some of the most intense is really a task and we.


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