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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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to none the less for accomplished families, it's a risk they are willing to take full lines in box on this and for giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on up just the the on. so um and you want to know cuz it renews online when i had quotes here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes vandalism. trespass breaking window, shutting down, campuses forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. none of this is a peaceful protests. us present dr. barton defends police, breaking up protests on university campuses across the country. it's a street has continued to show solidarity with palestinians
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that's after more than a 130 protest as well. the rest of the university of california in los angeles, the students continued to valley, in spite of the crackdown and cold universities to divest from is riley companies. it doesn't use a search for floods, victims in kenya, at least a 198 people are being killed. on the death toll is expected to rise sundays for the football same hussein. so as to go on how to lose that song, sing a place in the wrong league final chevy loan size, bottle of cheese inside type is faulty. 6 game and beats and records into a semi final tale. weighs around the book and does, how can we begin in the united states? well, us present joy by this cold compass solidarity protests taking place across the
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country, cliffs and said, oh, the must prevail. speaking from the white house, the stress of the free speech is protected in america, but accuse the demonstrations of turning violent. while its comments came just now is after one of the largest police crackdowns on a solidarity incumbent since nationwide demonstrations began. more than a 100, besides the protest as well rested in you see a wednesday night into thursday morning last you the images and they put the test to 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to 1st page and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence. people are squash to send. american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential
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issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country. meanwhile, approach as continue across the country in spite of police crackdowns, then these are live pictures from portland state university. but hundreds of people have gathered in front of a line of police and some places banned from campus, the demonstrations and moved elsewhere on the city streets. but we have a team of correspondents covering the protests across the u. s. customs name is standing by phys cuz the university in new jersey. she have a tendency is at george washington university and america's capital. but we begin with kimberly, how get to standing by the white house and can be it has to be said, the present bible did speak. he spoke very strongly forthrightly, but it seemed the speech was targeted to his, of his political opponents as well as to those who are standing in solidarity with the palestinians. that's right. and it wasn't exactly what the
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students wanted this year, given the fact that well, and he did in fact defend their right to assemble and the right to the said. he did not change his policy in any way, which is what the protesters have been looking for. he reaffirmed his iron clad commitment for israel's war and gaza and said he would not be changing his policies while he did say that he would not be calling in the national guard. to break up these protests. what he did as you point out mentioned is that he did believe that this was a be right of the american way if you will, to peacefully. 2 attest the president biden did underscore though that he believes this is not an example of peaceful protest. so he really didn't try to pay the contrast. however, with his rival in the upcoming presidential election for president donald trump, who has also been speaking out about these demonstrations that have been sweeping
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college and university campuses. and the reproach that the former president has been taking has been somewhat different. he's taking to name calling many of the student protesters and ridiculing their political movement. take a listen. i guess this is the radical that this is a move is on the left of the right. the right is not the problem despite what like law enforcement, like say, the f b i, director said that you worried about the right. the don't worry about the right. the right spot. worried about the left is remove it from the left. these are radical left lunatics. and they've got to be stuff now is it's got to go on and on and it's getting worse and worse. and you know, they take over temperatures. ok, and we're not letting us say we're not letting the radical left moron take over this country. well, depending where you are on the political spectrum,
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right now is still appears by most polls that the impact of these a protest so far seem to be benefiting, at least by the latest polls. still it is donald trump, that is in the lead, at least when it comes to some of these key swing states. but that might have more to do with other factors like economic and inflationary numbers, etc. but what we do know is when it comes to the use of that could be really critical in november. and for many students watch it. and when they listen to the president speak earlier today, they didn't like what they heard. and the problem is, is that joe, by the needs that use vote in a tight election race to win re election and so far, gives us the fact that he says he will not be changing his support for israel. and it's, we're in gaza. this could be a problem for him come voting day in november. can we help good for us? the white house correspondent. thank you. let's go say the to she i'm pretend say,
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who's at george, washington university and america's capital. she have, i wanted students make all present bite and speech where you are, that we still have that are on the we think of responsible nice to meet you them. and buttons argument was basically long violence civil disobedience that breaks the law, or as has no place in the us, even the community that was the core of mazda the king's campaigns of civil rights in a few decades back. which normally by drapes themselves and, and actually we've seen the another example of civil disobedience here on the campus. just read off that he spoke by mistake. but the stream service raises or, nor was the type of standing flag on campus. we got one of the suit organizes with us as selena, selena very tough. the symbolism of this of police did try and take you down, but you got it back up again. i mean, it just goes to show that regardless of how hard the university tries to a process, how hard they try to stifle our freedom of speech and our freedom of assembly,
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that the people united are never going to be defeated. and when students come together, when students come together to fight against injustice, when students come together to fight for humanity, i mean, that's a fight that they cannot defeat us in the bible speech said that's a to break any kind of rules that's goes against the tradition of america and, and civil rights. and so this would, this would seem to fall into that category. what's your results? did you listen to this page? what was your reaction? yeah, i mean, what goes against civil rights is committed genocide and funding of genocide at the hands of bite, and that's what goes against civil rights. so in my opinion, biden is an extreme hypocrite. and his cry for, you know, caring about humanity and caring about palestinians. but now suddenly this is a violation when he himself is committed to genocide. and that doesn't seem to be a violation for him. very interesting moment this morning, bug and have a favorite breakfast. jacob, boning jerry on the road. your eyes are ready to be his favorite report of as a book. don't you see these cub as present? we're the ones for the stop fashions and we're trying to stop the truck. and you
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guys are too stupid to realize that that's what you're going to end the campus purchase. you've got the sense that's kind of what bite feels as well. i mean, i think it's really ironic because biden is, again putting us in a situation of choose which when the 2 evils, when in reality a lot of the students feel about biden and trump are equivalent in the evil. i mean biden just will slap some liberalism and use some liberal words and then call himself, oh, i'm a, i'm a, i'm a huge liberal. what in reality is actions are exactly donald trump, sanctions. serena, thank you. thank you very, very much. and i know the more we're thinking about what buttons that actually may be, it is in keeping with, with, with job i've, even there, he's always, he's always trying to quote black plates in this house and said, i'm now i'm under grades, man foot for for black very to is because he was actually against the vietnam war protests. he was with segregationist and the 74 against school integration actually . and so it maybe there's just keeping maybe it is just by being honest about what
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he feels about protest and that how is the united states works? oh, interesting times that new keeping on what's going on with you. well, thanks so much she ever time. see that? well area on thursday, please remain students protesters from portland state university library. the students had been occupying the front of the price of middle library and some of our t with palestinians and jobs since monday. please use lots speakers to repeatedly oldest students to leave will face charges of trespassing. the campus remains closed. this even item into the, as i'll says, the los angeles place this month delay student incumbent in the, in support of how to sign on. they use a campus with hundreds of offices, descended on the account, but it was just more than a 100 students fill it out. was the colors of police in riot to advance information. most students try to hold the line using plywood to fortify the cab pods and the brothers to protect themselves. hundreds
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of students pushed back against the police, correct out for hours. but at the end, they what so much for the police who had more resources well, but power out a brief to get the students of the property as swiftly as possible has told broke the loss of the students would be taken away. sub high black bullets heavily what the police gave them was lost, the child's hundreds were arrested. is this the end of the protest? no, for a week now students at u. c. l i have comes here. it's on it's our and see with palestinians. formerly the valley and cold have at least 30 universities across the us. they was that ad. so the world garza and for the school to divest from israel. 2 where does the law enforcement supported students and the professors who support the to this found the peaceful protest all face the rest. so we can try to communicate with administration as best we can. but we're getting many of the same
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patronize in lines that students are getting, which is that, you know, militarized invasion is in the name of the student safety. and i think like this is like presentation just at certain before to the office is closed it a voice, whole clarity. the courtyard arresting, old who refused to leave after a 5 hour stabbed gulf. this is what is left of the solidarity count. it's not going to be the end of the genocide ends in the funding aside. now students of other campuses are left. what drink is they all next? and so as these protests is leveled to the bus, they continue to shop for free policy type for that the next destination will be to be booked by the los angeles county sheriff's department. there are several rates of these posts is waiting to take them away. but is the protest over maybe on this site? yes. but in general, absolutely not. these process, the site, they will continue to go as long as they have to for them. this is about
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a much wider course. fill of out how to say right at the u. c. l, a campus in los angeles. let's take you to the campus now are these all life pictures coming in? these are real shots, obviously able to show you now the clear up of the location where the time site was full, the pro palestinian solidarity campbell days as a cool se. taking the rubbish away and the clean up on going well, that's what it's looking like. and let's close eva to christine salumi, who's a, because university, on the other side of the country in new jersey, on the east coast. uh well can tell us about way you all question because you've been popping around with the protests. have been, they've gone the way people are being arrested and now you seem to be at one again of the yes, so this and cabinet has only been here since monday, although there have been
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a number of demonstrations and protests on this campus records university in new jersey just an hour or so outside of new york city. and we have some news here. actually the university has just given the students here a 4 pm deadline that's in less than 2 hours from now to clear this in cabinet. they say they will send in police to clear it if they don't do it themselves voluntarily . this, after a morning press conference was held by students here which prompted the university to cancel final exams this morning and postpone them. they were said they were worried that things could escalate that things might get dangerous more as campus security was sent to the area when we arrived just a short time ago, things were very calm. people milling on the lawn, sitting and tens, sharing food and painting signs and things of that nature. but the university
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says that it is concerned that this is going to have an impact on finals in the final week of school here. and that because of that, it cannot be allowed to continue in response to that, we heard the students does a short time ago, reading the e mail from the university administration out loud. and the students responded with the students. united will never be defeated. so it sounds like they are standing strong at this moment and not planning to leave a, just the latest example of an encampment, a setup and facing an imminent, an eviction. indeed, i mean, you've seen what does happen though, close to that. and chris a at 1st hand viewing really when you're at columbia, you know, students do get arrested, they own and then they are detained in terms of the experiences of those that we do know about over new york. doing that, what's happened to those students now?
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as they are now facing legal action, they were processed by the police department and many were given summons to appear before a judge at a later date. and they are facing charges. we've asked for a breakdown of the charges and who was charged with wide. how many of the people who are arrested in new york there? it's now over 300 just in the last few days. and actually 400. if you include the week before that the breakdown of how many our students, how many were not affiliated with the university, we haven't received that yet. the mirror has said publicly that 40 percent of the 300 the rest of this week. we're not actually students. we've spoken to teachers and students on columbia university question those numbers and say that they're waiting for more details to dive in because they were limited. but i should also
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point out that at columbia university today, just a short time ago, the union representing that represents professors at columbia, held a vote of no confidence or passed. it took a vote of no confidence against the university president for calling in the n y p d. they say they on a critically call that this person or their unequivocally condemned that act and say it was a violation of established procedures and they have no confidence in her leadership on campus. okay. will continue to monitor events with you that cuz for the event to christian, thanks very much. christmas leave me that for us. so students protesting across the country have multiple mountains, homecoming calls, depending schools stop doing business with israel, a temporary
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launch about because many of those universities are in command of a multi $1000000000.00 endowments. investment students have demanded that these universities withdrawal, their investments from companies that do business with israel. vote for testers at the ivy league brown university of this uh, stats and the lead schools to reach an agreement with the school. the end date, an anti war and katlyn by convincing the administration to hold a vote on whether to divest from companies that do business with israel. the last week the student body, a bottle of university voted in favor of a divestment referendum. 90 percent of those who vote did so in favor, but basically universities of refuse to act in spite of student bytes. and furthermore, about society. us states have adopted laws that effectively punish companies. the boy called israel, a more bug duty is founding member of the palestinian campaigns of the academic and cultural boy calls of israel. he's also the co sign of the,
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of the boy called divestment and sanctions move until said i as b d. s. and joins us now from group. i like to help you with this on the program. so students that colleges around the country in the us have for some time voted to divest from israel and the very to columbia. you might say pass stuff to, to previous failed attempts. why do you think that mood is changing? and i think that history does that applies to genocide, seconds to pine street, 1000000 palestinians, and occupied memphis. each because this trend has been the most important factor behind those uprising on us. a new case, french australian and canadian, a public access. basically, this is the 1st time in history. the state is live streaming, it's genocide, starving people to death, getting children destroying hospitals, universities, schools come meetings, class to sign and so on. and the 2nd point is that some of the movements entered
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and i could states have been planting the seeds, building grass roots power to effect policy change. somebody else has not been able to us. we've been calling for a boycott. we succeeded when someone got campaigns divestment has been around for quite a few years. and when, despite the stream genocide, student leaders with their fear less creative tactics, i'm not saying enough is enough. our institutions must and their complicity in trying to sign and takes the shape of the night vestment academic board. let me, let me just jump in that because pictures and the story of occupation is right in the military shootings, settler violence. they being that the is of the pictures of being broadcast globally. what is this specific that you think about the narrative? now that's a way, couldn't you might say students globally, a yes. which to this really made a tree occupation forces shooting palestinian. so that's been going on for decades
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and fat, 76 years, also to colonialism on the part time. but we've never seen the vice genocide before . no history, the forces dared to commit to life street genocide before the international court of justice has through its plausible genocide and tends a few experts, hundreds of international experts are saying it's a textbook case of genocide that is very different. and is it not just a genocide that's completed by separated states is a very important point. they not that states is part of their inject a site. so those students are recognizing that the government and their institutions are compressed. so you have a scenario where students not want divestment from israel, they want to clear they want it transparent. in one particular case, as we've just mentioned, it's going to happen. is it going to be hard to police and oversee, in your opinion? and it's always hard to make sure that universities actually
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implemented what they come into. but the 1st step is to get them to come in. we can, you know, jump from a to z if it's a gradual process. it's a longer process takes. patients takes perseverance, but most importantly takes power, building cross woods, power to make that ministrations do no harm and their complicity industry i was trying to. so i spent under my system a part time which is not just about the assessment now. so government, it's also academic board called ending projects with complete it. these are universities. you will say things that big business is going to hate back. currently, you might be able to take money away from universities that are degree with is right, the policy, but then you get the statements as we're hearing in the last few hours by the likes of a presidential candidate. donald trump calling these students here lunatic left. these other they have to be got rid of. i mean, these are the next generation of thing, cuz educational is doctors even politicians perhaps in the us
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a yeah, it's a batch of butter for 10, for a student activist. and some of the other 2 is kind of stuck today when you have fascist politicians in the us calling them with such smears. i wouldn't take that as a, as a badge of honor it's. it's a testament to their effectiveness. they're shaking this document, blunt stuck meant to punch, sorry, of us politics that has been sol complicit for decades, and israel's set the amount of hard to find out genocide. i missed a bucket you just briefly and just finally i spoke to our senior political analyst . mom the shower on wednesday evening and he said really that the american a politicians, i'm european politicians just don't know how to deal with generation z. they were done done quantity. yet they are a mixture of all of the experiences of post war world war 2 on woods, that grand parents. the uncles that was holding, telling them stories about what it was like to work through the novel or the civil
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rights movement. there was a known quantity when, when i was at columbia in 1995, i was the time that it was parked in the bluff, paid off hamilton, who to call for divestment from the heart of south africa. it was the same story. again, repression, horseback police forces, hedge and cut demonstrators peaceful protesters. but 56 months after the immense blockade left by black students columbia, they diagnosed, it will take longer with us, right? we understand the lovely troops, whether christians, i am a sure sign as the minister industry or in this. yes, we understand that, but it sounds impossible to them. it is possible we make it's possible without principles on strategic plans. and i think those student leaders are strategic, they know what they're doing and they're very creative. i think i will see what does happen then. so the bible about gay t, thanks so much for joining us from bts. thank you. of
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the testing to the situation on the ground and goals and at least one drive that has been killed when he's ready for us is they've been fine on a truck. so the coil around about 10 gallons of city. so i don't see intersection on the major ro blinking north and south garza so it's close over 200 by made to join us from rafa in the southern gauze. and finally we keep talking about a trying to get into the region. and yes, we're here and give you more problems, a trucks and the drivers yes, that, that is correct. and the more we see in the talk about or talks about increasing the amount of the getting to people in the northern part and gauze is the weather here. coming all the way from the southern part of this trip to from rough crossing or karma was done with crossing or now the newly off in the crossing in the northern part was the more restrictions, more deliberate attacks,
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more conditions are created on the ground to prevent these ada trucks of from region due to the population in the northern part on ga, the city. very desperate right now in need of these food supplies of flowers, water and other survival items, just to combat the conditions that created by the spirit of family that has already claimed the life of more than 30 people of the ongoing because of the ongoing in for the hydrogen as far vision, this is a group of a to track or try approaching that. a good way to traffic circle. that's an area that is connecting the northern part with the southern part of the gaza strip right along the road where there's really military has been effectively controlling the area. there is no way you would see other than these really military in the area. and in the past, since it was the indeed is really monetary by either through the time shows or the crowd caught there. those are just talking draws or don't tell or should i could be
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more aggressive with the air strikes. targeting gauge seekers, aid workers, humanitarian aid, law enforcement, trying to secure a to try to get into the northern part of this trip. the incident today is in an indication another proof that is really military doing everything on the ground to prevent the delivery of a people in the northern parts and java city driver of one of the trucks carrying slower water, others survive, the light was shot and killed when the often buyers and several others were injured of old, transferred after a couple hours to the lo, how the baptist hospital that's at the centre part of the city. this is just incident. does that remind a reminder that the aid mechanism is still largely broken. there is still conditions under ground are very difficult and not preventing a to, from reaching to a very desperate population right now in the northern parts and guys of the city. i
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knew i made the 4th in reference to having sound that you had above honey was a and these rating surveillance trying. they continue to monitor the gaza strip day and night. the senior policy adults have from garza has died after mold and full months and is ready custody. how's? according to palestinian prisoner groups. and another bush was head of old edicts that i'll ship a hospital in gaza city. he was detained by his very forces all working at another facility in northern casa, in a joint statement, the palestinian prisoner associations called his staff at assassination and say, his body is still and is ready. custody full of us says it studying the latest proposal for a c sign in a positive manner. delegation is attending to egypt to discuss the deal with mediators. israel was the result of captives held in garza in return for a temporary trees. but the mouse has repeatedly insisted all the time and, and the will is getting all of this stuff. the death row correspondence. he's standing by 1st occupied east jerusalem,
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stephanie to see that we sort of in the holding positive a name and of the yes, we are waiting to hear from him us about their reaction to the deal you did mention . there is man honeywell, but we are expecting what we've been waiting for. it was supposed to come wednesday night that it was supposed to come by this evening and now we're hearing from is ready to meet you that it could be another 2 days. and to finish a definitive answer to the proposal on the table by hand mass, of course i mouse is position has been threw out that there needs to be an end to the war. and this is not something that is on the table then, particularly also coming out of by these really prime minister. his mouth very strongly in the last couple of days is that there's not going to be an enter the war. they're going to go into the fall deal or no deals, and that's his public position. at least the americans don't want need off or offensive and want a deal. they're pushing very hard for that along with the egyptian. so very,
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very complicated. at the same time, you have 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu, under incredible pressure from inside his own government by the men who really are key to his political survival. saying if there is going to be a deal, we will pull out because they insist on going into the alpha and finishing all come out. so a lot of challenges facing these really prime minister, but at the moment we don't know which way it's going to vote. these really work cabinet is meeting. we're also going to have a meeting of the physical security cabinet this evening and they'll be discussing the hostage deal and possible scenarios. but yes until we officially hear from her mouse as to their response to the proposal. we don't know what's going to happen. what is clear is that there isn't this if there isn't a ceasefire that these rays have made it very clear that they will go into the hall . so he took a that's always the by the through said, thank you. still, keith has ceased all impulse next bulls with as well, mocking
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a significant escalation intentions between the 2 countries. israel's foreign minister says that the tech is present at one is violating mutual trade agreements . in a statement, caps denounced the move, saying this is how it dictated hays. he said that israel will proceed. alternatives to trade with other countries. are still as hey, on out as a international goals for georgia to drop his phone in for his fellows, protest has returned to the capital for another night of demonstrations. uninstalled tennis will live along is closing in on the title victory. and they will be here with the action from lima today, from the high level they will look to the middle east where unsettled weather has been a story across the gulf states. we've got some very wet weather for saudi arabia,
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katasha as well, stormy conditions. now that weather does work his way for the south of the next few days. by friday it's just going to be touching into places like oman and human, but we could still see some flooding here. we could also see the legacy of some showers across the gulf, but the west of the wet weather will cling onto places like a rock as well as it run. and as rain intensifies, we could see some flooding across the some areas there. but behind that for the event, we may see some blustering windy conditions, but lots in the way of sunshine and dry skies and its logic dry. now across the north of africa, we could see some showers developing, however, close to libya on saturday, but the heat is still the story for places like chad, record breaking sheet to continuing its way across east africa. we've already seen devastating flooding across across pots of kenya in places like the mass. i'm all right and national reserve and there's more rain to come here across the weston area and we'll see more wet weather work its way into townsend. yeah,
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and mozambique, thanks to developing tropical cycling, moving towards a choice by the weekend. the. this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, their own patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them and these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official se last, that are already in the billions of dollars. although the contract is still large,
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when contained in confined to the, for the region, has been lost, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because isabel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the the, [000:00:00;00] the book about kill watching the, i'll just have a new song with me. so romney, doha. remind to of all the top stories he was present to abide and said that the right to protest is protected, but the violence at demonstrations will not be tolerated. he also condense sentiments of anti semitism and is not necessary to be on campuses across the country. please if
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a student in confidence at the university of california at los angeles, the rest of these 200 people who are demonstrating in solidarity with thomasville deluxe and is a professor of israel studies on political size that you see a la you join us online from los angeles, mr. w. mr. marksman, uh good to have you with the product on thanks for your time. um, can i just get your overall impression of the events that you witness as they unfold it as well, and there's been a lot happening on on we see a nice campus over the last few days. we've had this large protesting cameron, which was created by the police in the early hours of this morning. and many other students rallying around the purchase didn't happen in support of the protest is particularly following a binding to tap that took place the night before by a account of protestors who really laid siege to the protest encampment to tax the
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tax. the students inside that while the priest and the campus security seemingly looked on and get back to intervene. and i think that really for no faculty and students in support of the protest in athens. now that being happens, that i think of the students themselves are still talking about re establishing your remaining students. i'd be interested in that i'm quite large about that, that safety and their welfare. so many students now arrested. some of them gave themselves up a while, some resisted you might say, but they all being vilified now. it seems by politicians while those that you might say attacked a peaceful demonstration. a still not mentioned by the politicians. i know, you know, it's a politician yourself, but it is bad. now the scenario where it's very difficult to agree with the authorities about the way forward when they're not willing to even handedly treat both sides. and yes, i mean,
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i think the that the situation is really escalated on many campuses because on the one hand you have an external pressure on the university administrations to dismantle using cabinets and even to get they have to shoot and protest is arrested on the other hand there is the strong sentiment have been committed. campuses are widely shared by students and faculty that these protests should be allowed to continue as long as they piece for their dislike the business of the university. i went ahead and get a very, very different directions on the side. there's on the white couch wise indeed, protest sometimes violent disorder, even add just to music. and on the average julie peaceful, adam adam john has had a lot of problems in terms of what's happening on campus. i think the truth, as always got to somewhere between the protests, the students themselves, for the most part, all outraged about what they see happening in the golf and strip and they want to add them. i think that essential. and i said to me, share that, and many people on college campuses across america shed that sentiment that internally,
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that has to be if he's coming on the other side of this universe is also happening . show that students who are going these both tests can, can attend carl. they can go about the business. and it's very difficult because in some cases these in cabins have lost access to parts of the campus or create an environment where some students don't feel safe. and started university administrators are really comb between these kind of conflicting sessions to allow protests, but at the same time to ensure that they don't just walk the business of the universe. so i know that you left the location before you might see the security service is actually came in to dismantle it was getting on at u. c. l, a. but from your experience and from your knowledge of the students that have been involved in, in the pro test. um, are you concerned about what they are now going to face if they have been arrested and how they will be treated by the college authority?
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should they want to complete the studies or not to yes, absolutely. i mean, i'm festival concerned about that. the physical safety given the the balance that i've, i've enjoyed another in the last night when june, the priest late. but the night before, when these kinds of protest is attacked, i'd actually, i got one student shot wally about students having criminal levels or wally about students who are fall and possibly facing the risk of deportation and mobility. just students being degree, traumatized, distressed by the events of the past week. i think also often in the kind of personalized political involvement, the focus isn't on the students themselves. don't know that welfare and that's my concern or whatever that political is or whatever their backgrounds. i think we have to testable product which has the welfare and the safety of all students and that it can be lost in these conversations. what we'll see, what does happen in the works, but it's been good to speak to professor of israel studies on political science, the e c l, a in l. a. thank you. demonstrations and solidarity with
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palestine are also taking place at schools around the world, including mentions the university in the united kingdom. so the last our report, so from manchester this is a campus of the universe, the old mattress, around what you can see behind me is a pro palestine pro many, all the people here for testing for that are students. so they diversity of manchester and some other universe, many of the out of school teacher, sol, as well as kinetic from an admin call. you can also see amongst them some parents who came here. instilled with that or to, with the policy is suppose an incident that with you, with their demonstrating some of those. now this is called the daily protest according to the organizers, because they have both to stay here every day. and they have actually just tablets and, and compliments of more than $0.40. and they are saying that the out of here on to the universities,
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thoughts listening to their demands. these demands are mainly cutting financial research cards, which is really institutes and with the company is applying as well with arms and weapons being used against civilians. now in does, according to the are going to is there's in this building, the organizer. so this and compliment have actually occupied one room. this has triggered a rather angry reaction from the university management saying that this thing complement is not authorized and it's occupying the land of the university without permission. however, the professors are saying that they have only occupied one room in order to have some toilet facilities and some kitchen facilities or the people in competition until their demands are met. according to them. as of the last fall, we under the, you know, mattress as well. so you and your power says that science po, university is rejected. demands by protest is to review its relationship with its way to universities. dozens of students, so staging and sitting in response and at least one student has gone on hunger
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strike, students voting palestine, so it'd be institutions make no concessions. university faculty held a town whole in paris with students after days of onto 5 tests. students booked access to sizes pay university last week to monday. it condemns israel's actions coordinates you don't. the female student has started a hunger strike in solidarity with the palestinian victims, but mainly to oppose the way science is pro, as relentless. he crack down on the students who have showed support for palestine . the student will continue or hunger strike into the following. demand is met by science as the disclosing its agenda and holding a vote without on an image to investigate the ties with his reading universities who are contributing to the genocide. the tests are about to the hospital from sciences, pipe, and powers. well, the administrators of seals full university here in paris has had a meeting with some students, ms. fullers lodge protest last friday with some of the students states,
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assisting others and purchasing outside the university in show of solidarity with the problems, sending people for thousands of protests that was created by police effectuated some students saying that the police were too heavy handed. now the end of this meeting between the administrators and the students, we spoke some of the students and what they said was that they had gone in with a certain set of demo. and they all skiing the day university here in paris costs it's ties with and he is ready to universities that often they university to have more opening on this debate. they say about what is happening in golf. and they will say once and insurance from the university's administrator is that any students taking part in these protests will not be punished and will not be expelled. where the students say at the end of the meeting universities response is very disappointing. that the university hasn't promised or met any of the mones. and now we have a situation in which they say, at least one of the students has decided to go on a hunger. so i can protest until the demo and submit they say all the students by
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joining and they say that they are now planning all the protests in the future. latasha butler ultra 0 cars the that's based on today's entities of the us as joined the you and the you and in calling on the georgia and parliament to drop its foreign influence. bill people in georgia, he'll be protesting against the proposed new lo, every night for almost a month, the law would require organizations that get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to vibe. just as foreign agents demonstrates as all word that it could be used to clamp down on political of a sense and could stand in the way of the country's hopes to join the e. u. yearly shop of oliver can join us now live from to basic. uh yeah,
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uh another night it seems of demonstrations. absolutely right. it's raining now and that behind me is the common building and the bath, my face completely different compared to yesterday's, the day before because i know protests, no police presence, no tear gas. no, it was kind of so many people have taken to the streets again, this pies over the classes yesterday and the day before and the actually they're not so many of them here where i'm standing because a very big part of them have moved is moving actually from the parliament building down at the rooster betty adding you to he rose choir, which is the main junction transform junction. all the georgia and capital and a big group of people is moving right my direction. so basically i'm out as far as on the stand for people have already been detained, but mostly the process. uh,
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very peaceful right now today. so uh, so basically, uh, at the moment, at the moment we see that sir, i got there in uh, in tens fridays, but really see i have been shaken with really, really have reprocessed for at least 3 weeks. and the main demands that people have the say no to the russian. no, they cool. that's the way they co below on for an influence that the routing georgia dream policy is going to adopt. and yesterday they actually box boxes in the 2nd reading. and the final reading is going to take place on may the 17th, and these people say that they're not going to stop for testing because they're not going to get and back going say they say they won't to, to, when they say they want to. when and that full bad protesting, so most of the young people are protesting here in the streets of at b. c. and uh, i mean today it's, it's much,
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much quiet because yesterday we really kind of were witnessing very happy protests with tear gas. and we also kind of continued similar to what happens to be with you . you the top of all of a into place. the thank you the death toll from floods and sizes and kenya has not risen to at least a 188 government science. and other 90 people reported missing the racing phase of the death toll could rise. homes, rights, bridges, and other infrastructure have been damaged or washed away in the eastern and central regions. that the 200000 people are being forced to leave homes. all right and is expected in the weight. slow, still a head here on the east. we look at how the ancient jobs of baiting is being kept to live in the old city of jerusalem. and as far as the flying balance of the miss for this picture, they will have that story from major league baseball straight to the frank,
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the business like this. this wrote to you while the pegasus i live slowly on. one of your this makes modern plates. the business like just is free to you believe i guess is
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a nice guy on one of your just makes model inflates. the buy tons of the for the hands on the thank you so much side will the same who seem to have forgotten how to lose results on the thing. a place in the road for league funnel by let occasion taking on rome or in the 1st like of that set. the final kick off. just a few minutes away. chevy along side side on base. and now in full t 6 matches across all competitions. this season, they've already won the been this way again, love cues, and also in the german co, final they lost their wrong me at this stage of the road for league last year. last year we were really close. i think that this economic really satisfied please one
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go to to go to the extra time, but they didn't happen and it's, it's, it's late that influenced by many things have change in our sites and some of them as well for romano. so you're all respecting every, the mundane, semi final comment here to rome is always fantastic. got most viewed rather steady on most side, taking on f o n. certainly of the semi, the french side reached the last full thanks, the penalty she thought when it gets been fee to us on so meanwhile, by be little pulled in the quarter finals that will suck through to the culprit sally. a final level face events that's alonza of never won a european truck. now to a lot more games for chelsea, head coach and ritz airport scene, or he's currently managing the full 100 time in the premier league and it's against one of his former clubs, tottenham auctions and install it in the lake itself. thompson, back in 2013, saw him now managed by and post colored veterans keep the hopes of qualifying the
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next season's champions like a live. expose a 7 points, the drift of us through zillow or in the 4th and final qualifications. both ladies score a stump. the bridge it still chelsea new buzz no. so much as you know, it's not as ericsson hawk has this. mr. polls the company, one is a foot. most of the plans of the sale united have reached the f. i co funnel put that down in 6 in the premier league, and that would only be good enough for a place in the wife a conference leak. next time hawk says he's no surprise, but not impressed by all this transverse speculation as low as i looked at every summer. every window, i think 200 players getting an interest from assist you and i did. we did some research with untrue. and also every summer we sell all the plays and i was quite high. and so you making all the headlines with suspension
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across the united states and failed. that sandra tanai has been given a suspended 2 month fund by england's football association to the breaching best thing rules. he'll return in october after completing a separate 10 month bond that was imposed by the it's highly enough i. but it wouldn't be time for him to play at the upcoming, your ice to tennis at what level. and he just feels like has reached the madrid or can find for a 2nd straight. yeah, the power supply dropping just full games and this semi final wind over american madison case, the full time grand slam champions last down. so i reinstalled blanket and less choose talk to the side and some blank is playing elena river keena in the of that . so the prince kept because says he's only a matter of time before another live, so we'll go for wins. a major title, the reval series returns to single pull this week. also drag on about
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a possible margin between the pga tool and saudi arabia's public investment fund. so the fund that backs live kept is the only live plants of one of my agents so far . and that was when he claimed his 5th. the 2023 peachy i. championship. it's going to happen over time. there's too many good players. you look at it consistently, you've got john price and dust and cam. i mean that's because you guys are going to win quite a few majors as long as randomize. i think there's a good chance that people over the next as you know, 4 or 5 years uh, will have to. i mean the mergers also between t i s and pga tour. i suggest the difference is not lift off. it's p a f and the pga tour. we have no idea pga tour has no idea our job is to go play golf and that's it. the dallas mavericks of push the like step is to the brink of illumination in the in the playoffs like its own kit share, recorded 35 points, tennessee, and 7 rebounds to lead the mavericks to
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a 123 to 93 victory over the cliff is us now lead the 1st round series, 3 games to, to the mavericks payment to win the championship for just the 2nd song game 6 of his best of 7 series that's coming up on friday in dallas gave 5 is over. we have to prepare for game 6, we then find a way to protect home understanding in this series. both teams have been able to win on the road and so we can't take anything for granted. okay, 6 is going to be tough. boston celtics of advanced to the eastern conference, the semi finals they did if i facing the mom and hate to gain 5. jen brown and dark white beach gardens when she finally points to face either cleveland or orlando or next boston for that 1st championship. since 2008 i'm gonna been for mike for the like, they'll just pitcher you'll, she not be a month. so who negotiated that mean?
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this is the 360 scores and he's against our zone and saw him in bucks to adult use when he the game 8. so i think i might continue to impress of to sony a 325000012 year deal during the sale. okay. but as i suppose looking for that, so let's say it was sunday. you know, they don't get bodies to reset because they're trying to keep a lot of an ancient bread recipe. goc is an oval, brad, synonymous with the whole city. which palestinians have eaten for centuries. stephanie deca went to meet those who make it and see how the war and garza has affected them. it's 4 am and the old city alleyways are deserted. we follow the same scent of an ancient recipe. one that we're told cannot be mustered anywhere else, but in this holy city, just below ground, a don't slike rhythm. the go goes into the 300 year old oven built into these ancient rules,
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and fired by olive would groan from this conflicted land wholesale to here we have a secret to the cock. it just doesn't work outside of the old city of jerusalem. many of tried to go to the flower all the right ingredients, even the sesame seeds and sugar, but it's never the same, not in ramallah, no way. it's an age old tradition, an ever changing times. it's comfort, food is continuity. it's identity for the hundreds of years. this ritual has taken place here and for all the conflict intentions that these old city rules have seen . everyone here tells us that these times are the worst of us during garza is on everyone's mind, but have masses attack on october. the 7th has had an impact here too many. tell us they don't dare travel through israel anymore. is there a reason? palestinians have never been more divided or suspicious of each other than now. it's going imagine with, alongside, you're walking in all the is what you lose around your arms. and they look at you as if you're a threat,
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any movement you make and give them an excuse to kill you. the business here is terrible to. there are far fewer palestinians and tourists have all but disappeared . i got a familiar, cool, familiar taste, a childhood memory. there is comfort in a tradition that hasn't changed in centuries, even if the world around the consent, we don't have 9, the actual one. we have the we, we make it with a hands, we make it ourselves using wood. in other places they use machines and electricity . they just press a button, the work we do here, we learn from our grandfathers and will continue to do it just like they did. is the commitment to keep a much loved tradition alive. one that is intertwined with this holy city, jerusalem cock, and it sits in motion from those we talk to no other version comes close. it apparently doesn't have that special agent. i'm totally blessing stephanie decker
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all g 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. and he is with me. so robin, tell mccrae will be here with more news on the other side of the right. but until then for me on the needs team here. thanks for your time and your company. the voters in kind of more preparing to election a new president on may 5th at the front runner warmer. neither of these kind of them have to. natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside the future stay without just us for the latest impediments, general elections in these with santa, when these one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box and try it, has different mice and foreign one on one asian investigates the 5 to capture india, sandlewood king one out 0 forgotten victims of the clean energy transition
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populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dreams in the usa of electric, s, u, v. 's for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo, and from the bodies of candle. is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the own age. now let me tell you about safari valley decor result. the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the, the used only elliptic, very close by common. he sits on to play with a large 3rd space. people look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in,
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gone to the colleges with the vandals trespass, breaking window, shutting down capital sports in the cancellation of classes in graduation. not of this is a peaceful protest. you're as president drew a bonded defense police breaking on protests on university campuses across the country. the hello. hi, this is l. just a line from dow how also coming up at least 200 protest is arrested at the


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